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What do Real Estate Agents do to Sell a Home?

Outside of the legal and medical professions, most industries are filled with people that work their tails off without the general public understanding their line of work. This is quite common for people that work in the real estate industry. Here are some of the many things that an agent does to sell a home for a new listing.

Extensive Photos

realtor-pin-1As the old saying goes “a picture is worth a thousand words.” Real estate agents will take lots of pictures to show off the best aspects of the home. When prospective buyers have an opportunity to see multiple pictures of a place before they view the property it helps to get the buyers more familiar with the property. It also reduces the number of people who are certain they will not buy a home based on the presence, or lack of, certain features.

Social Media Announcement

With multiple pictures of the property in hand, an agent can post to the various social media sites and alert all their friends and connections that the home is now available. With the multiple interactions found on most of the social media sites this is a great way to spread the word and let potential buyers know about the home's availability and best selling points. Good agents post to multiple sites like Facebook, Google +, Twitter and even Pinterest.


Many real estate agents connect with their past clients and prospects by sending out a monthly or quarterly newsletter. The newsletter can be sent via email or the old fashioned way of postal mail. This gives the agent a chance to pass along helpful information, such as home maintenance tips, energy saving advice as well as all of their new home listings. This is an easy way to reach people that may not be active on social media and still give them a chance to see the home in pictures.


Some agents aggressively market their listings by sending out emails to their prospective buyer base. These email lists are built over time from a multitude of different sources like, previous clients, internet leads and people that have signed up via their website. Since some home buyers can spend many years searching for a home, this large database of previous contacts can be a key component to selling your home.

On top of that, most agents will present any new listings to their own personal buyer clients who might be interested. Since they have in-depth knowledge of the home, it's much easier to explain the benefits. They will also share the new listing with other agents in their office/company in hopes they promote it to their buyer clients.

MLS Listing

One of the most important things an agent can do is list a home with the MLS (Multiple Listing Service). This service is accessible by local real estate agents and to Realtors® across the country via certain home search websites. When a buyer comes to an agent and asks for a list of potential homes, the agent will use the MLS service to find all available homes in the area. Agents pay yearly to have access to this database in order to be ready when either a buyer or seller is in need.


When a potential buyer wishes to see a home the real estate agent is the one that meets them at the home and gives them a tour. This is where the real estate agent can show off the home and brag about the top features of the property. Agents often make themselves available day or night for showing to accommodate the schedules of both the buyers and the sellers.

Open Houses

Agents often hold open houses on the property. These typically occur on the weekends, most commonly on Sunday. Occasionally, open houses are held on weeknights as well. An open house provides a 'no pressure' forum for people to tour the home. Many times the attendees are not actively looking to purchase at that moment and many visitors will actually be neighbors. Either way, getting your home in front of the largest audience is key. Any open house visitor could know someone 'in the market' for a home who they may tell.

An experienced real estate agent will put together a complete marketing plan for any new listing to give their client the best chance of selling the property at the anticipated price. Click the following link to see how Rock Realty can successfully market and sell your house: Rock Realty Home Marketing Plan

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The Power of a Comparative Market Analysis When Selling Your Home

Most of the general public has access to various price lists when trying to sell an object. Online automobile databases offer average prices for used cars, auction sites can list recent sale of various electronics and even boats have a value listing guide. However, when selling a home it is better to get a comparative market analysis (CMA) from a local real estate agent or Realtor®. Here are some of the ways a CMA can help you.

photo credit: nikcname via photopin cc

Price Trends

The most obvious benefit is the ability to see current price trends. The CMA report will list out homes that have sold in the past 12 months in your immediate area. By organizing the transactions by date it is possible to see if home prices are on the rise or falling.

Value Placed on Square Footage

Since the homes will be listed with the square footage of each home sold, potential sellers can find out how much their home is worth based on the usable square feet in the property. In addition, if any of the sold properties had a basement or attic that was finished then sellers can also determine how the market values additional square footage. While it is common for basements to have a slightly lower price per square foot some areas may place it higher than others due to demand.

Value of Accessory Items

Most people usually feel that particular features of their home will bring more value to their home than the market will warrant. For example, expensive hardwood floors, custom paint finishes and high end bathroom fixtures may be quite expensive when purchased but their overall impact on the price of a home is not as high. Instead, things that improve usable square footage, more lighting or outdoor items like pools and decks will do more to bring up the price of a home.

Expected Time of Sale

A comparative market analysis will also show when a home was listed for sale and when an offer was made on the property. This gives prospective sellers a realistic expectation for how long it will take before receiving an offer and how long it takes for the home to actually sell once the offer is accepted.

Avoiding Unrealistic Prices

Along with homes that have sold your real estate agent can also provide a list of homes that either withdrew from the market or the listing simply expired. If the home did not sell within a time period that multiple other properties sold then there are a couple of explanations. Obviously, the most common issue is the price was too high for that particular market. Another common problem is the presence of a major repair issue with the home that the seller is unwilling to fix prior to sale. Having this information should help you do a better job of picking a price for your home.

Getting a detailed CMA report from your real estate agent will provide you with the best source of realistic information to help you decide if your can sell your home for your anticipated price and if it might sell in the amount of time you had hoped for.

Original Blog Post: What's a CMA? Comparative Market Analysis

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Real Estate Marketing "The Podcast" How do I get listings or deals? #Investor #Realtor

David Bartels LIVE from Anaheim CA presentation


Banks grant short sales for two reasons: the seller has a hardship, and the seller owes more on the mortgage than the home is worth.

The seller will need to prepare a financial package for submission to the short sale bank. Each bank has its own guidelines, but the basic procedure is similar from bank to bank.

A few examples of a hardship are:
Unemployment / reduced income
Medical emergency
Job transfer out of town

The seller’s short sale package will most likely consist of:
Letter of authorization, which lets your agent speak to the bank.
HUD-1 or preliminary net sheet
Completed financial statement
Seller’s hardship letter
2 years of tax returns
2 years of W-2s
Recent payroll stubs
Last 2 months of bank statements
Comparative market analysis or list of recent comparable sales

Writing the Short Sale Offer and Submitting to the Bank

Before a buyer writes a short sale offer, a buyer should ask his or her agent for a list of comparable sales.

Banks are not in the business of giving away a home at rock-bottom pricing. The bank will want to receive somewhat close to market value.

The short sale price may have little bearing on market value and may, in fact, be priced below the comparable sales to encourage multiple offers.

After the seller accepts the offer, the listing agent will send the following items to the bank:
Listing agreement
Executed purchase offer
Buyer’s pre-approval or proof of funds letter and copy of earnest money check
Seller’s short sale package.

The Short Sale Process at the Bank

Buyers may wait a very long time to get a response from the bank. It is imperative for the listing agent to regularly call the bank and keep careful notes of the short sale process.

Buyers may get so tired of waiting for short sale approval that they may feel the need to threaten to cancel if they don’t get an answer within a specified time period.

That type of attitude is self-defeating and will not speed up the short sale process. If buyers are the type with little patience, perhaps a short sale is not for them.

Following is a typical short sale process at the bank:
Bank acknowledges receipt of the file.
A negotiator is assigned.
The bank orders a valuation of the property.
The file is sent for review or to the investor.
The bank may then request that all parties sign an Arms-Length Affidavit.
The bank issues a short sale approval letter.

Some short sales get approval in 3 weeks. Others can take as long as 12 months. A typical Short Sale transaction takes 4-6 months to complete.

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CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO THE PODCAST: http://tinyurl.com/qa62n6h

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Real Estate Marketing (The Podcast)

How do I get a listing or deal? #Investor #Realtor

Short Sales are BACK!

CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO THE PODCAST: http://tinyurl.com/qa62n6h

Bryant Tutas 
Co-founder of www.ShortSaleSuperstars.com. Working Short Sales every day all day.

Real Estate Broker and Owner of Tutas Towne Realty. A virtual Real Estate company specializing in listing and selling Short Sales and REO properties in the Central Florida Area.

Finding solutions that get your property “sold” is what I do.

Folks, if you need to sell your home then give me a call today and let’s talk! 407-873-2747 All calls are confidential. I can help……

….if you’re facing foreclosure. www.CentralFloridaShortSales.com 
….if you need to sell a Holiday Home. www.BuyProperty.ning.com 
….expose your property to over 500 web sites. www.TutasTowneRealty.com 
….educate you on current market conditions. www.BrokerBryant.com

Mike Linkenauger 

Main website http://www.short-sale-specialists.com

Short Sale Websites - www.ShortSaleHosting.com
Mike got his start in Real Estate in 2005 at the young age of 26. He immediately established himself as a top producer in the Jacksonville, FL market, moving into the top 1% of agents his first year in the business. As the Florida housing market became depressed in 2007, Mike shifted his focus and immediately found a calling in assisting home owners with a short sale. In no time he amassed an inventory of over 100 short sale listings and quickly established himself as one of the top short sale agents in the State of Florida. As his online presence grew, homeowners from other parts of Florida began contacting him for guidance with a short sale and to be connected with a local short sale agent.

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Signs That You are Ready to Be a Home Seller

Selling your HomeMost people easily recognize when the time is right to buy their very first home. They are tired of their current situation and the appeal of getting their own place is too enticing to resist. However, the signs are not quite so easy to notice when it is time to sell the home. Some home owners have a long, drawn out inner debate before coming to the conclusion that they need to sell and move to another place. Here are some ways that you can know the time has come for you to sell your current home.

The Attachment to the Home is Gone

Many people hang on to a home for far too long because they are emotionally connected to the home. The nursery where they brought home their first born, the hallway where a baby took its first steps and other sentimental memories make it tough to part ways with a home. However, if the idea of selling the home brings about a feeling more of relief and not sadness then you are emotionally ready to move on.

A New Plan Has Developed

If you have already picked out another home, or decided what the next home should look like and what features are necessary, then you are ready to move on. Knowing where you wish to live and what the house should look like is a huge step in getting ready to sell your current home and move to a new place. This type of preparation is typically very motivating for most people and helps them to get everything in order for the move.

Your Finances are In Order

Getting ready to purchase that first home is quite an experience for most people. Monitoring credit scores, reducing debt and keeping all payments up to date while saving up a nest egg takes time and discipline. However, once those habits are in place it is easier to maintain a solid credit score. Also, if you have been in the home for any length of time it is likely that there is built up equity which can be used as a down payment on the next home. All of these factors make it simpler to sell a home and be in the right financial position to purchase another home.

It is Time to Move On

Lots of people have come to the realization that they need to change jobs, end a personal relationship or sell some of their long held items. When the thought occurs to you that you would be OK with the idea of getting rid of your house, then the time has come to move on to a new place.

Sell your home for top dollar, by putting it in front of the largest online pool of buyers! Check out the Rock Realty Marketing Plan.

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Buying a Home with Cash

Pros and Cons of Cash Buying

All-cash home purchases hit a record in the first quarter of 2014, reaching 43 percent, according to RealtyTrac, which has been tracking cash-buying trends since 2011. Home-Cash-PurchasesThis latest figure represents a 19 percent rise from last year—a number industry watchers attribute to stricter mortgage qualification standards coupled with high buyer demand and competition. If you're thinking about buying your next home with cash, you might be wondering how this option stacks up against a mortgage—not to mention, how you'll come up with the money.

Why Cash? Pros & Cons

On the pro side, using cash lets you sidestep mortgage loan qualifications and much of the paperwork and administrative fees. This accelerates the buying process and makes you more attractive to sellers who are eager to close. You have better odds of out-competing other buyers and better leverage to negotiate a lower price. Finally, the prospect of not having to pay monthly mortgage obligations and interest is appealing.

On the other hand, the cash you tie up in your house won't be as readily available for emergency spending. This could place you in a position of needing to sell or mortgage your home in the event of an emergency, and convincing lenders to extend a mortgage or equity loan could be difficult if you lack a steady income, a situation many retirees face. One way to address this issue is opening a home-equity line of credit after you buy your home to make sure you have emergency funds available. A reverse mortgage can also help in a pinch.

Another issue is whether the amount you save on mortgage interest might be better invested. Buying a house with cash amounts to investing in a bond with an interest rate equivalent to what you would pay with a mortgage. Compare this interest rate with other investment options to evaluate how buying your home with cash affects your long-term savings.

Finding Funds

If you want to pay for your home with cash but don't have a lump sum handy, how do you find the money? Options include:

  • Realtor suggests a few strategies, including investing in a long-term CD, a method that can be combined with CD laddering if you don't want to lock up all your cash.
  • For current home owners, another option is refinancing your existing mortgage into a larger one, known as "cash-out refinancing." Zillow recommends weighing this option against others, such as home equity loans and lines of credit.
  • If you're receiving regular payments from an annuity or structured settlement, you may be able to sell all or a portion of your future payments to a financial services firm and put the money toward your home purchase.

What About Taxes?

Paying for your home in cash precludes the tax breaks you would get from your mortgage interest payments. Use the calculator at Mortgage101 to estimate the potential tax benefits of a mortgage so you can weigh this against buying with cash.

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Low home loan rates

What Kind of Mortgage Fits Your Needs?

No matter the state of the economy, each year the number of new mortgages underwritten reaches millions of homeowners.  Some are buying for the first time while others are downsizing or upsizing.  When rates drop, like they did over the past 2 years, many people seize the opportunity to refinance their home loan.  However, how do people decide on which mortgage to use for their specific need?  An online survey conducted by HSH.com points to some of the factors that influence consumer decisions.

Most Important Factor

It should come as no shock that the most important factor is the interest rate.  Regardless of the type of loan, the size of the loan or the customers home state, everybody is trying to get the best rate for their home loan.  In the survey mentioned above over 45% stated that the rate was the top factor for choosing a loan.

Other items, such as the length of the term and the fees also ranked high in the survey, but none was as vital as the rate.

Deciding How Much to Use for Down Payment

The ability to make a down payment equal to 10%-20% of the home’s price will give the borrower a range of products to choose from.  A large down payment and a solid credit score will usually allow a borrower to qualify for a conventional loan which has the best interest rates.

For borrowers that have a smaller down payment, their options will be limited to FHA, USDA or VA for qualifying veterans.

Choosing the Right Term

With rates at an all-time low many borrowers are actually paying more attention to the term of the mortgage loan as part of the decision process.  While the traditional fixed rate of a 30 year loan remains quite dominant more and more people are looking at different adjustable rate products.  Those borrowers that have refinanced in the past 2 years have often chosen to go down to a 15 or 10 year term in order to drastically cut down on their total interest pay back while also paying off the home sooner.

Brokers Still the Top Choice

When looking for the right mortgage loan a number of people still prefer to use the services of a mortgage broker over a local bank or credit union.  In the survey mentioned earlier over 30% of respondents claimed that they sought the services of a broker rather than another type of lender.  Since brokers typically have access to multiple lenders they can offer any type of mortgage loan and get the best rate too.

Obviously, none of these factors discussed the two biggest items facing a borrower; are they happy with the home and can they afford the mortgage payment?  Beyond those two items, the guidelines mentioned above should help any new borrower pick a loan that is right for their situation.

Additional Mortgage Info:
Home Mortgage Loans

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A Guide To Home Mortgage Rates


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Estimating house repairs accurately for an investment/flip.

photo credit: Nebojsa Mladjenovic via photopin cc
photo credit: Nebojsa Mladjenovic via photopin cc

Very few people ever buy a car and then find out the amount of the monthly payments and insurance.  Most people sit down with pen and paper, or a computer, and crunch some numbers to make sure they can handle the purchase.   The same thing should be done before buying an investment property.  However, buying a home with the purpose of flipping takes a bit more knowledge and calculation in order to earn a profit when it comes time to sell.

Understand the Difference between Structural Problems and Cosmetic Needs

Even a brand new novice can recognize the need for some paint or fresh carpet.  People that have purchased a home before could possibly spot an older front door or some outdated windows.  However, being able to see and recognize a problem with the structure of a home takes a bit more knowledge and practice.  Pay close attention to these areas and possible problems:

  • Areas damaged by water; evidence could be water stains, rippled paint, musty odors or flaking of paint
  • Problems with water lines; water supplies that drip or don't run, leaks around toilets, pipes, and water valves
  • Presence of pests, especially termites
  • Dry and rotten wood

Beyond these trouble spots, it is also important to understand that a home 20+ years old will most likely need some kind of other normal repair such as an updated HVAC system, new roof, or new water heater.

The Right Compromise Makes Everyone Happy

Keep in mind that your goal is to FLIP the home.  That means that you can purchase the home well enough below the market value that you can quickly sell it to someone else for a profit.  If you try to repair too many things, then the price will need to be increased and you could scare off a few investors.

Here is a simple formula that will help you when looking at potential properties.

  1. Determine the value of the home after repairs have been made
  2. Deduct the money needed to make said repairs.
  3. Take this new amount and multiply it by 70%.  This figure is top dollar offer.

Here is a simple example.  You are looking at a home that should be worth $180,000 once it has been repaired.  The money needed to fix it up is $15,000.

Estimated new value of home after repairs$180,000.00
Necessary repairs-15000
Current value$165,000.00
Multiplied by 70%$115,500.00

In this particular example, if you could purchase the home for $109,000 and sell it for $114,000 you would make a quick $5,000 without lifting a finger.  To make this better, the investor that buys the home from you has enough room to buy the home, make the repairs and sell for a profit.

How to Get Better at Estimating Repair Costs

  • Habit of looking at homes – You will need to inspect quite a few homes in order to learn how to recognize particular problems. Seeing the same kind of problem multiple times will teach you what to search for in a home.
  • Get acquainted with a contractor – If you are not a contractor yourself then it is a good idea to strike up a friendship with a contractor.  They will be able to give you estimates on your potential properties.  You can also refer work to him to keep him busy.
  • Take good notes – When you are looking at a home with a contractor take notes about the problems that he points out and the price for the repair.
  • Study material prices – Get accustomed to visiting the local hardware stores to get prices on materials. Knowing when prices are going up, or going down, or certain items will help you make more accurate estimates.

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To improve the customer experience, Bank of America has enhanced it's home retention application and document collection process in an effort to help customers explore all opportunities to resolve their mortgage delinquency. Changes to their home retention evaluation process have been implemented to support that commitment.

What has changed?

Application & document collection process:
A streamlined application process means that customers will now be evaluated for all availableforeclosure avoidance options and programs for which they are eligible, including loan modificationsshort sales and deed in lieu, at the same time from one loss mitigation application. This approach will give customers more complete information about the range of options available and reassurance that Bank of America is working with them toward an acceptable delinquency resolution.

The short sale process will begin automatically if it is determined that it is the best option for the customer. Customers interested in proceeding with the short sale process can advise the short sale specialist to add the real estate professional of their choice to the file. The same customer documents collected during the home retention evaluation (modification) will be used for the short sale transaction. Eligibility criteria has not changed; however:

  • We will continue to provide our customers with a comprehensive list of all the required documents, which are to be collected at the beginning of the process.  
  • Notification will be provided advising of all options and programs for which the customer was evaluated along with the approval or denial resulting from the evaluation.

Helping customers understand this approach is critical to setting expectations and successfully partnering with them.

Bank of America Short Sale Initiation Process:
The customer may choose to proceed directly to a short sale evaluation and not be evaluated for home retention options first. Ensure the customer contacts their assign Customer Relationship Manager (CRM) to discuss options that are available to them. For this type of direct initiation a Borrower Election Form will be required before an approval can be provided.

  • Customer Initiation: The customer calls Customer Care 1.866.880.1232 to request a short sale without previously being evaluated for home retention options. The Customer or Authorized Third-Party will work with the assigned short sale specialist to upload the required documentation
  • Agent Initiation: The customer's agent or Authorized Third-Party opens the short sale record in Equator ® and assists the customer to upload the required documentation

For both Agent initiated and Customer initiated files, a letter will be sent advising of any missing borrower required documents. In addition, for this type of direct initiation an Advisement letter containing the Borrower Election Form will be sent. The fully executed Borrower Election Form will be required before an approval can be provided.

To save time and avoid delays with the short sale process, borrowers should first explore all available home retention options prior to beginning the short sale or has chosen to pursue a short sale instead.

If you’re facing foreclosure you’re facing some very important decisions. We want you know you’re not alone and we are here to help with any questions you may have to assist you in making the best decisions for your situation. There is no charge for this service and we are happy to help! We offer confidential and professional real estate advice.

The Opland Group  Specializes in  Real Estate Sales, Luxury Home Sales, Short Sales  in;    Bexley    Columbus    Delaware    Downtown    Dublin    Gahanna    Grandview Heights    Granville    Grove City    Groveport    Hilliard   Lewis Center    New Albany    Pickerington    Polaris    Powell      Upper Arlington    Westerville    Worthington

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Bank of America - Escalating Short Sales

Bank of America's team of short sale specialists are dedicated to assisting you and your client through the short sale process. Occasionally, an issue arises that demands immediate attention or an escalation. The best way to resolve escalated issues is to follow the steps below:

  1. Notify Your Short Sale Specialist. Your short sale specialist can resolve most issues that occur during the short sale process. Simply send a message from Equator to your short sale specialist by selecting "negotiator" (or "closing officer") from the drop-down menu in the "To" field and provide the details of the issue.  Within two business days, you should receive a response. You can also contact your short sale specialist at the phone number previously provided to you and your client. If you have not received a response after two business days, or if the short sale specialist cannot resolve your issue, then go to step two.
  2. Notify The Short Sale Team Lead. In those cases where your short sale specialist has not responded, you can contact the Short Sale Team Lead by sending a message from Equator. Select "Team Lead" from the drop-down menu in the "To" field and provide the details of the issue. Within two business days, you should receive a response from the Short Sale Team Lead. In those rare cases where you have not received an answer from the Short Sale Team Lead, or the team lead cannot resolve your issue, then go to step three.
  3. Contact Short Sale Customer/Agent Care. To escalate the unresolved issue, call 1.866.880.1232 Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. and Saturday, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Eastern and provide the details to the short sale representative. Customer/Agent Care monitors the response rates for Equator messaging and will provide the best escalation option for your issue. They will ensure the escalation process is followed and tracked.

Most issues in the short sale process can be prevented by following the tips below:

  1. Ensure Documents are Error-Free. Document errors are the main reason an issue occurs in the short sale process.  To avoid document errors, make sure you are:
    1. Using the correct form.
    2. Including all signatures, printed names, and initials in every applicable space on each page of your documents.
    3. Checking that signatures are in the proper format. Most issues arise if a document does not allow electronic signatures. If it does not, handwritten signatures and dates will be needed before the documents can be submitted.
    4. Providing complete, consistent buyer and seller information. Names, addresses, zip codes, and other information must be consistent on each document and on the HUD-1 or the seller's tax forms.
    5. Submitting clear and legible documents and a complete short sale package including a signed and dated hardship letter. Enter as much information electronically before you print the document.
    6. Including all agent information. Be sure to provide the names and license numbers for both buyer's and seller's agents.
    7. Submitting all requested documents on the same day. Each time documents are requested by your short sale specialist or Equator task, be sure to collect and submit them right away to expedite the process.
    8. Keeping the original title of each document. For faster processing, keep the original name of the document you download from the Agent Resource Center to refer to when discussing with your short sale specialist.
  2. Be Aware of Deadlines. Many steps in the short sale process are time-sensitive. Check for Equator tasks daily and make note of deadlines provided by your short sale specialist. By using Equator for all communications, you can keep track of all communications and responses.
  3. Understand the Equator Processing System. Equator is the best way to communicate with your short sale specialist and track the progress of the short sale. If you are not familiar with the Equator Processing System, education guides are available in the Agent Resource Center to assist you with the steps to complete a short sale.

Your short sale specialist is available to assist you and your client through the short sale process. For more information, please visit bankofamerica.com/shortsaleagent or call 1.866.880.1232.

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                          For more information, please contact:

Michael Collins, CDPE, SFR, BPOR

Local Agent Provides Alternatives for Homeowners Facing Foreclosure

Online report outlines alternatives to foreclosure for distressed homeowners in Dane & Rock County Wisconsin, including Janesville, Madison, Milton, Stoughton, Oregon, Monona, Edgerton, McFarland, Evansville, Verona, Fitchburg, Brooklyn & .

CDPEReflectionLogoJanesville, WI – (3/19/2013) – Local CDPE-designated agent, Michael Collins of Rock Realty, has developed a website providing information describing several opportunities for homeowners to avoid the negative financial impact of foreclosure.

This community resource is available at www.WIShortSaleHomes.com and defines foreclosure alternatives including short sales, loan modifications, and forbearance.

“It’s a concern to me that so few in our community know their options when they start to fall behind on mortgage payments,” Collins said.  “If they act quickly and get informed, they can make informed decisions to find financial stability.”

Foreclosure alternatives such as short sales—which now make up over one-third of real estate closings across the nation—are an increasingly popular way for both homeowners and lenders to minimize their losses in this tough economy.

“More lenders are realizing that they can save money in a short sale versus a foreclosure, and are more likely than they were three years ago to approve a short sale offer.” Collins said.  “This is good news for homeowners because they now have more options than ever.”

The CDPE designation Michael Collins has acquired provides real estate professionals with specific understanding of the complex issues confronting distressed homeowners.  Through comprehensive training and experience, CDPE-designated agents are able to provide solutions for homeowners facing financial hardship in today’s market.

For more information about the CDPE Designation, visit www. CDPE.com

IMPORTANT GOVERNMENT DISCLOSURE: You may stop doing business with us at any time. You may accept or reject the offer of mortgage assistance we obtain from your lender (or servicer). If you reject the offer, you will not have to pay us for our services. The above brokerage is not associated with the government, and our service is not approved by the government or your lender. Even if you accept this offer and use our service, your lender may not agree to change your loan.
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Purchasing Investment Property using an IRA (Part 2 of 4)
Using an IRA account to purchase real estate can be a great way to add to an existing retirement plan or simply diversify current holdings. Following the guidelines of the law for these types of investments can bring strong yields to the IRA owner.
Different Ways to Use IRA with Real Estate
photo credit: j l t via photopin cc
photo credit: j l t via photopin cc
There are actually several ways to use an IRA as an investment in real estate.
* Act as a bank – The money in the IRA account can be loaned out to individuals who offer up real estate as the primary collateral. In essence, the IRA account becomes a mortgage lender.
* Own property – Most people choose to use their IRA funds to outright purchase an investment property. The seller of a home enters into a contract with the IRA and the IRA becomes the owner of the property.
* Partner with others that own property – It is possible for an IRA to become a partner with investors such as other IRA’s, entities or individuals.
Property Value Requirements
Most IRA companies will require that the property has a report of market value in order to be accepted as an investment. Furthermore, some companies may require that a new value report be presented each year. This is to ensure that the correct property taxes are being paid. The report can come in the form of an appraisal or a market analysis completed by a real estate agent.
Basic Guidelines for IRA Real Estate Investment
* All transactions must be arm’s length – This means that the owner of the IRA cannot buy any property from the IRA. Conversely, the IRA cannot purchase one of your existing properties.
* The owner of the IRA cannot use the real estate – This means that you cannot live in the home nor can you use it as a second home or vacation property.
* The IRA account only invests for the account – The owner of the IRA cannot receive any type of immediate benefit from the investments.
* No sweat equity allowed – Any repairs or improvements made to a property must be completed by a third party.
How to Manage the Property
Once an IRA has bought real estate, the expenses for the property will need to be managed via the IRA account. The expenses can be controlled by a property manager or by the IRA owner. Once again, there are some rules to keep in mind.
* You are in control of decisions for the property – You have the say in which plumber to hire, who is allowed to rent the home and other similar decisions. However, you cannot do any physical work on the property.
* No personal funds used for the property – Your personal funds cannot be used to pay property taxes, secure insurance or anything else related to the property. For this reason it is always wise to open up an IRA account with a nice cash buffer to handle expenses.
This is Part 2 of a 4 Part Series.
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How to Purchase a Home in 2013

How to Purchase a Home in 2013

As this new year begins many people are setting goals, making resolutions and generally planning for a better year. If you are one of the people considering a home purchase in the upcoming year there is some sound advice to follow in order to make the process smoother and ensure that you get in to a home that truly makes you happy.

Be Realistic About Your Finances

Buying-in-2013.jpg?width=300If you are currently renting a nice place for $650 a month then it would seem unreasonable to think that you could afford a home with a loan payment of $1,000. WHY, you may ask? Because the expense of owning a home goes well beyond the monthly payment. There are other things like mowing the lawn, keeping the furnace and air conditioner maintained, repainting every few years, updating the bathroom, replacing an appliance or two, and the list goes on. Understanding the expense for these items will help you set your budget accordingly and hopefully prevent you from getting in to a home that you cannot afford.

Talk to an Experienced Mortgage Broker

After determining how much you can comfortably afford for a home, it is time to chat with a mortgage broker. The broker can look over your finances, your credit history, employment history and the length of time you have lived at your current address and determine the best loan for your needs. A broker can also get offer from multiple lenders in order to get the best rate for your mortgage.

It is wise to let the broker know how much you are comfortable paying each month so that they can use this information to establish a price range for your home. Most people can financially afford more than they are willing to pay. Having the right budget amount will help when you begin looking at homes.

Talk to an Experienced Real Estate Agent

Now that you are firm in the amount you can afford monthly for a payment and you have an approval from a mortgage lender it is time to talk to an experienced real estate agent. A good agent will sit down with you and listen to your wishes in order to decide which homes could meet your needs. Using the price range provided by the mortgage lender, the agent can focus on homes that fall in your budget and prevent wasting time on homes that are too expensive. An agent can also focus on other parameters such as a specific school zone, homes with particular features, size of the home and other things that are important to you.

Don’t put it off any longer. Sit down with a calculator and decide how much you can afford. Then make the decision to make 2013 the year that you become a homeowner!

Related posts:

  1. Getting Pre-Approved for a Mortgage Before Looking for a WI Home 

  2. Using FHA 203K Loan to Purchase a Fixer-Upper

  3. 4 Tips to Determine How Much Mortgage You Can Afford

  4. Keep Your Home Purchase on Track

  5. Tips on Buying Your First Wisconsin Home
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The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is finalizing the “Ability-to-Repay” rule which requires lenders to obtain and verify information to determine whether a consumer can afford to repay the mortgage. Our belief is the 2013 ATR final rule will dramatically alter the residential mortgage market making it more difficult to obtain another mortgage.

"It should be emphasized that a mortgage loan that is not a "qualified mortgage" and that does not meet the ability-to-repay requirement would subject the creditor and subsequent assignees to, among other things, civil liability under TILA and provide the borrower with a defense to foreclosure. In addition to actual damages, statutory damages in an individual or class action, and court costs and attorneys fees, the Dodd-Frank Act also amended TILA to include special statutory damages for a violation of the ability-to-repay requirement equal to the sum of all finance charges and fees paid by the consumer, unless the failure to comply was not material.2"

Based off this information, we can infer that lending practices will be tighter and obtaining another mortgage will be more difficult for most to-be homeowners. If creditors now have penalties in the event that they do not fully qualify the borrower, then we can reasonably assume they will shift their lending to only those who they deem are “low risk.”

"A creditor shall not make a loan that is a covered transaction unless the creditor makes a reasonable and good faith determination at or before consummation that the consumer will have a reasonable ability to repay the loan according to its terms."4

To be clear, we are not criticizing or opposing this new rule as we don’t want to see another subprime mortgage crisis on our hands. However, current homeowners need to understand that their actions with their current home will determine their ability to obtain another mortgage in the future.

Rather than going through the whole foreclosure vs short sale debate, we’ll make this simple. Put yourself in the underwriters shoes and the new ATR rule now passed. You have two applicants with one credit report showing a Foreclosure and another showing “Paid for less than original amount.” According to Experian, most lenders typically report a short sale as a “settled” account.

Who do you think will obtain the loan and get to live in their new house?

Feel free to comment on what you think about the new Ability to repay rule. Thanks!


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This is common question asked by our clients here in Texas. In this article, I want to give you some things to think about if your client is asking this question..  In deciding whether you should or should not recommend that your client stop making your mortgage payments, these are things we have learned from experience and face every day with our clients.

To begin, you should never recommend that someone stop making a mortgage payment. Its not ethical and lenders would not be happy.  However, you can tell you client what happens if they stop making the payments during a short sale.
What happens when a client stops making the mortgage payment:
When you are trying to do a short sale  the bank is looking for a hardship, and this can be a number of things. A hardship can be a job loss, Income reduction, forced relocation, Illness or a divorce. If a client continues to make the mortgage payments the bank is less likely to accept the short sale. A lot of investors are rejecting short sales if the mortgage is current. We have had lenders who will tell us just by looking at the file that our clients do not “qualify” because their loan is current.
A lot of our clients struggle with this fact because they do not want the missed payments to affect their credit. Most likely if they are in the situation of a hardship their credit has already been affected in some way. If they continue to make the payments the bank may assume they can afford the mortgage and will not consider the “hardship”. The bank will not make the file a priority as they are not in “default”. This is a hard concept to understand as you would think the bank would want to continue to receive payments and still work with struggling homeowners. Unfortunately that is not the case, in order to be considered for most short sales, banks will only review if they are in default. Some banks are now requiring the homeowners to be at least 30-60 days behind on their mortgage. Although this goes for the majority of the banks, there are still a small few that will work with homeowners without being behind.
If your client stops the mortgage payment, they need to understand it maybe impossible to "catch back up".  I've had a couple of clients say they plan on stopping the mortgage payments to get the bank to do a short sale and if the short sale is not approved they will get the payments caught back up. 

After a client has missed several payments, the late fees and penalties can be overwhelming. This can make it outside the clients financial ability to actually catch back up.

Bottom line:  Missing payments maybe necessary to get a short sale approved; however, it will impact their credit report and it make cause a foreclosure if the short sale is not approved.

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Buying again After a Short Sale

Rock Realty Client Testimonials

"Approx 4 years ago.. I was having some financial strain. I wasn't able to keep up with a first and second mortgage alone as a single mom.

Through friends and family, I was introduced to Mike and Matt.

I didn't want to have to go through the foreclosure process, because I knew that I would be able to pull through the mess I was in within a few years and I didn't want to have that looming over me.

Matt and Mike were able to take over and help me with a short sale. They worked with me directly. They both came to my home, sat down, helped me understand this delicate process (which remains total Greek to me), and they were extremely efficient. My bank worked with me and these gentlemen, and withing approx 3 months, my home was sold in a short sale.

I remain amazed at their abilities and their continued efforts to help me.

Now, 3 years later, I'm looking to purchase... I have looked them up again... and they are helping me find a home that I'm looking for within my specifications and they also have resources to assist with lending.

Couldn't ask for more!!

Thanks so much my friends!! you do an awesome job... Keep up the great work!"

Kari B.(Cross Plains, WI)
Rock Realty Seller & Buyer Client

Rock Realty Client Testimonials

Thanks for the kind words Kari! We look forward to finding you the home perfect for you!

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Inexpensive Ways to Boost Your Home’s Value

Although mortgage rates are still at an all-time low, there are lots of homes on the market for potential buyers to choose. This makes competition tougher for sellers. If you are in the market to sell a property, it might be wise to take some time and spend a few dollars on simple things that will yield great results.

Choose the Right Agent

Sometimes the most important thing for a home seller is the most overlooked. Get a real estate agent that is good for you. There are numerous agents available, all with various personalities, strengths and weaknesses. Here are some tips for finding an agent that you are comfortable with and can help move your property.

* Visit a few open houses: This will give you a chance to see the agent interact with other interested buyers. You can gauge their professionalism, demeanor and overall knowledge of the market.

* Ask your friends and family members for a referral: This can be an easy way to find a Realtor®, but use a bit of caution. An agent that has lots of experience selling country homes with acreage may not be the best choice to sell your suburban 3 bedroom home. Make sure to check out their other sold listings and see how many are comparable to your place.

* Do an online search: Check out agents online. Look for their website and do a little research. Is their site professional looking? Is it updated with current listings? How well do they explain the homes they are trying to sell now? Are there lots of pictures? Once you have found someone you like, give them a call and do a brief interview over the phone.


One of the quickest and cheapest ways to alter a room's appearance is by simply adding a fresh coat of paint. Most any able bodied person can work a roller and a brush. Choose a color that is a bit neutral but also bright so that it will make the room livelier.

Clean up and Streamline

Obviously, you want the home as clean as possible. Take extra care to clean the bathrooms and kitchen. Also spend some time organizing and getting rid of clutter. Remove any excess wall hangings. This will make the room feel more open and larger. Making a home inviting and spacious will attract more buyers.

Landscaping-300x225.jpg?width=300Improve the Curb Appeal

Like painting, this will likely involve more sweat than money. If you have shrubs make sure they are trimmed and neat. Give the lawn a fresh cut. Put a new welcome pad by the front door. Also, include some type of attractive plant near the front door. Since this area will likely be prominent in pictures that are trying to sell the home you want it to look inviting.

Bridging Outdoor Areas with Inside Areas

Use decorative plants around the patio and deck as well as inside the home. Use comfortable furniture outside that has soft cushions. This makes the home feel bigger with more usable space outside that can be used in a number of situations.

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Changes in Popularity of Features in New Homes

The national economy runs through cycles similar to the fashion industry. Things that seem irresistible and trendy this year may be old news by the time next year rolls around. As a result of the economic down turn from the past few years most home builders are turning their attention to items that are practical instead of luxurious.


Sunroom-300x225.jpg?width=300As a whole, sunrooms are declining in popularity. According to Rose Quint, a representative of the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) “Builders are focusing on features that add immediate value and make a home more practical.” For example, most builders are choosing to add linen closets and walk-in closets in place of a sunroom.

Separate Living Room

Most builders feel that a formal living room will not be very prevalent in new construction for the upcoming year. Families would prefer to have one giant open area that encompasses the living room, dining room and kitchen.

Media Room

Along with the living room, the media room will also likely disappear. The extra cost of the equipment, along with heating and cooling another room that is used sparingly, is just not appealing at this time. What is more likely to appear in new homes is a hidden away station that holds all of the DVD players, cable controls and charging stations for cell phones, tablets, and other media devices.

Two Story Family Room and Foyer

Since builders are approaching new homes with more practicality, it makes sense to cut down on unused space. While a family room may be bigger in new homes to include the dining and kitchen areas, it is unlikely to be two stories tall. The same goes for the elegant foyers that stretch toward the sky with large windows. Both of these features of a home may be lovely in appearance, but they each have a lot of space that is not used by a family of four or more.

Whirlpool Bathtubs

A large tub designed for relaxation and luxury is less likely to part of a new construction in the upcoming year. A separate tub laid out in a classic style is more useful and can be used to make a fashion statement while also having an everyday use.

Luxury Bathroom

Large bathrooms that include walk-in showers and multiple shower heads, as well as lots of floor space, will be harder to find in a new house. Instead, the shower will be smaller, with a single head, and the kitchen will likely include a double sink.

Outdoor Kitchen

Outdoor-Kitchen-300x199.jpg?width=300The outdoor kitchen will probably disappear from lots of new homes. While it can be a nice place to gather with friends or family for a birthday party or to watch a football game, it also requires having an extra appliance or two. Most families would rather prepare the food inside and simply transport it to the patio and save on the cost of the additional appliances.

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The SMART Way to Buy Your First Short Sale

Buying a short sale in Madison Wisconsin is quite common right now. The impact of the financial recession has resulted in numerous foreclosures and has left some people with no option but to sell their home for less than the mortgage balance. Buying a Madison area Wisconsin short sale will require a bit of patience and a smart plan.

Understanding the Short Sale


Obviously, the best reason to buy a short sale is for the savings. Most of these properties are discounted as much as 20% off the market price. Buyers can save a considerable amount of money by negotiating the right deal with a motivated seller. However, a good price should only be one consideration. There are other things for the buyer to be aware of such as:

* In order to get a contract on a short sale, it is best to be the first person to contact the seller or selling agent. Being first puts you in more control of the transaction.

* Just because a property is being offered as a short sale does not make it a great deal. Some properties may need extensive work before they can be deemed a safe living environment.

* Banks typically frown on ridiculous low offers. A successful short sale will require you to offer a reasonable amount. This is where an agent can really come in handy.

* Based on the current number of short sales, banks are swamped with these requests. The process for moving the offer through the chain of command does not always progress in an orderly fashion. This requires the buyer to be flexible about a closing date.

All of this means that buying a short sale requires a solid plan; a plan that will get you in front of the right seller, with the right offer.

Putting Together a Good Plan

Follow this outline to help you develop a plan for buying your first short sale.


1. First and foremost, you need to meet with a real estate agent that has experience in short sale transactions. This will save you lots of time and trouble throughout the process. The agent can have a conversation with you to determine the type of house you need and look for possible short sale targets.

2. Determine a plan for responding when a short sale becomes available. Decide with your agent how the information will be communicated to you and how soon you can look over the home.

3. Set up a meeting with a local mortgage lender. Getting the financing secured ahead of time will help get your offer approved. A lender that is familiar with short sale transactions would also be beneficial since the closing may happen at any time and the lender will need to be prepared.

Understand that a short sale which seems like a good deal will likely draw attention from several buyers. The person that responds the quickest, with the best offer and the best plan in place, will likely win the bidding war.

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