CA (18)

Beaumont California Real Estate Short Sales - Beaumont Short Sale Agents Can Sell Your Upside-Down Home - Call Us Now: 1 (888) 9-LIST-IT 

Are you like many homeowners in Beaumont having trouble paying your mortgage every month? You may be behind in your mortgage payments, or not behind yet. Don't let foreclosure happen to you. Hire the best Short Sales Experts to help you with your difficult situation at NO CHARGE TO YOU!

We are Short Sale Specialists and we have extensive experience with short sale negotiations with dozens of the nation's mortgage lenders and banks. Whether you have one, two or more Beaumont mortgage loans, we are able to offer you options. Our Short Sale Agent team assists homeowners throughout Southern California, including Beaumont.

Here are a few things to consider when contemplating a Beaumont CA Short Sale:

  • How many loans do you have on the property?
  • Do you or the property have any liens attached, for example: Tax liens, child support liens or HOA liens, etc.?
  • Have you or your family experienced a loss in income, loss of a job or had to relocate for a job?
  • Have you or your family experienced an unexpected medical expense, or any other major financial set-back?
  • Are you behind on any payments, or are you still current?
  • Are you still paying the HOA dues, if any?
  • Are you still paying utilities like water, sewer, trash and disposal? If not, are there any delinquent payments?
  • Are you still occupying the property?
  • If not, is the property vacant, or is/are there tenant(s) occupying the residence?
  • Have you attempted a loan modification, or previously attempted a short sale?
  • Has your bank issued a Notice of Default, and if so, have they scheduled a Trustee Sale Date?


Beaumont Short SalesThese are just a few questions that will pertain to the listing, sale and success of your Beaumont Short Sale.

If you have questions about a Beaumont short sale, how they work and the myriad of opportunities AND pitfalls a short sale can provide you, feel free to call us anytime at (888) 9-LIST-IT. That's (888) 954-7848.

We can answer your questions and provide you with an in-depth look at the short sale process. We are not salesmen. We will tell you like it is, and if a short sale is the right choice for your particular situation (and many times a short sale is not our recommendation). We will give you honest answers with your best interests in mind. Having the right California Short Sale Experts assisting you can mean the difference between a foreclosure, or a fresh start without complete devastation to your credit due to foreclosure.



So if you'd like more information on a Beaumont Short Sale, Call us now:

(888) 9-LIST-IT. That's (888) 954-7848.

Other Real Estate Blogs:

New Foreclosure Fund May Change Mod. Loans, Short Sales and Foreclosure Processes

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Do I Qualify for a Real Estate Short Sale in Lake Elsinore CA?

So you're considering a real estate short sale for your Lake Elsinore, California Home…..

Either you are near default or have already missed mortgage payments, and you are undoubtedly under-water on what you owe on the Lake Elsinore home compared to what it is currently worth.

We see this every day from people of all aspects of life and economic backgrounds. We know it's a difficult and daunting position to be in. We know there is so much information out there that its difficult to decipher what is correct, and what isn't.... and who to trust.

We also know its embarrassing. We've been in similar situations ourselves, and we'd like to discreetly help you avoid foreclosure and get out from that upside-down Lake Elsinore CA house now, at no charge to you. In fact, if your circumstances are right, we may be able to get you up to $30,000 in the process.

Who Are We and Are We For Real?

We ARE for real, and we are licensed, legal and ligitimate. Our real estate license numbers are 01844441, and 01844442. Take these numbers and go to the California Department of Real Estate's website here, click on Verify a License, and check our license numbers for validity. We work for Coldwell Banker Kivett-Teeters, a highly respected real estate brokerage that's been in business for decades. We handle 20 to 30 Short Sale Listings and Sales per month, and yes we successfully close 95% plus of our short sales! We are for real, and we work hard for our clients... Let us work hard for you...

So let's talk...

Call Us Now: (888) 9-List-It.

That's (888) 954-7848.

Or Check out our website here ---> California Short Sale Agents


How to Qualify For a Real Estate Short Sale - Lake Elsinore CA

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Q: What goes into a successful home or property sale in Highland, California?HIGHLAND CA REAL ESTATE

A home sale can be simple, difficult or unsuccessful depending on the property, seller or agent. Careful consideration must be given when venturing into the competitive Highland CA real estate market.

A successful sale consists of a compelling listing, effective exposure and competent negotiations and completion.

When a Highland home is listed, it should first be analyzed and objectively compared to recent comparable sales and other competitive listings in the area, also known as a CMA (Comparative Market Analysis).

Then the seller, under the advice of their savvy Realtor, should carefully digest and consider the CMA. Every detail must be exhausted. Does the seller’s Highland California property have the same features and amenities? Is the property worth more, less or equal to other comparable sales? Is the location, lot position or structure more, or less appealing? A seller must also consider the terms, conditions, inclusions and exclusions of the sale.

But a potent market value and list price is just the beginning. When the Highland CA property listing is ready to go public, exposure is everything.


Q: What is effective exposure for a Highland real estate listing?

How can anyone buy your Highland California house if no one knows it’s for sale?

A home will only realize it full market value in a sale if multiple potential buyers have been reached.

How is that accomplished? Real estate marketing has changed dramatically with the advent of the Internet. Gone are the days of yard signs, newspaper listings and open houses. Today more than 85% of homebuyers begin their property search online.

But where online are they looking? The short answer is ‘Everywhere’. From major sites like Zillow, Trulia and Redfin, website search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing, email listing sources from agents, brokers and other real estate services, to Craigslist and even direct online MLS (Multiple Listing Services).

So where is the best place to list your Highland CA property online? Again, the only right answer is ‘Everywhere’.

But does online marketing mean traditional marketing should be ignored? Of course not. But the evolution of real estate marketing should dictate the appropriate allocation of time and resources.


Q: Then What?

Once your Highland home has been effectively marketed, buyers will view the property and determine, along with their agents, what their best offer is. Choosing the right buyer is key: Have they offered a fair price and reasonable conditions? Are they capable of executing the purchase and do they have the means, money and/or credit? Are they truly interested in the property? These and other questions must be asked and answered.

After all of this, the sale of your Highland California property is still not complete. Escrow must be opened. Disclosures must be addressed and signed. Contingencies must be met and waived. And finally, funds must be deposited and dispersed.


Q: So what is the first step to a successful sale of your home or Highland CA property?

Choose the right Highland real estate agent.


So call us now and let’s talk.

Call Now: (888) 9 LIST-IT. Or just dial 888-954-7848.

You can also email us at:



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Communities in Beaumont CA

According to a real estate study conducted by USC, the Southern California commercial real estate market is on the rise, which could include the Banning CA commercial real estate market as well.

According to the article:

"The office and industrial real estate sectors continue to improve for Southern California landlords, a report said, but high office vacancy will remain common for the foreseeable future as businesses put more workers into less space.
The regional economy has strengthened the past year and enabled some businesses to hire more workers, according to USC’s annual Casden office and industrial property forecast.

That has resulted in higher occupancy and rising rent for industrial buildings, while office landlords are seeing rising occupancy and smaller declines in the amount of rent they can charge.

“We predict office market rents to stabilize in as little as six months, but a sustained recovery could be many years off,” said Casden report author Tracey Seslen.

Office occupancy probably won’t return to pre-financial crisis levels until some of the region’s office buildings are taken out of commission or converted to other uses.

“A paradigm shift in the way tenant firms use office space will force landlords and developers to rethink their investment strategies even as the economy improves,” she said.


If you're interested in buying, selling, renting or leasing Banning CA commercial real estate,

call us and let's talk: (951) 490-3698.

Or visit our website: Banning CA Commercial Real Estate

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(Read this article first, then click on the link above)

Do I Qualify for a Real Estate Short Sale in Moreno Valley CA?

So you're considering a real estate short sale for your Moreno Valley, California Home…..

Either you are near default or have already missed mortgage payments, and you are undoubtedly under-water on what you owe on the Moreno Valley home compared to what it is currently worth.

We see this every day from people of all aspects of life and economic backgrounds. We know it's a difficult and daunting position to be in. We know there is so much information out there that its difficult to decipher what is correct, and what isn't.... and who to trust.

We also know its embarrassing. We've been in similar situations ourselves, and we'd like to discreetly help you avoid foreclosure and get out from that upside-down Moreno Valley CA house now, at no charge to you. In fact, if your circumstances are right, we may be able to get you up to $30,000 in the process.

Who Are We and Are We For Real?

We ARE for real, and we are licensed, legal and ligitimate. Our real estate license numbers are 01844441, and 01844442. Take these numbers and go to the California Department of Real Estate's website here, click on Verify a License, and check our license numbers for validity. We work for Coldwell Banker Kivett-Teeters, a highly respected real estate brokerage that's been in business for decades. We handle 20 to 30 Short Sale Listings and Sales per month, and yes we successfully close 95% plus of our short sales! We are for real, and we work hard for our clients... Let us work hard for you...

So let's talk...

Call Us Now: (888) 9-List-It.

That's (888) 954-7848.

Or Check out our website here ---> California Short Sale Agents


How to Qualify For a Real Estate Short Sale - Moreno Valley CA

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(Read this article first, then click on the link above)

Do I Qualify for a Real Estate Short Sale in Beaumont CA?

So you're considering a real estate short sale for your Beaumont, California Home…..

Either you are near default or have already missed mortgage payments, and you are undoubtedly under-water on what you owe on the Beaumont home compared to what it is currently worth.

We see this every day from people of all aspects of life and economic backgrounds. We know it's a difficult and daunting position to be in. We know there is so much information out there that its difficult to decipher what is correct, and what isn't.... and who to trust.

We also know its embarrassing. We've been in similar situations ourselves, and we'd like to discreetly help you avoid foreclosure and get out from that upside-down Beaumont CA house now, at no charge to you. In fact, if your circumstances are right, we may be able to get you up to $30,000 in the process.

Who Are We and Are We For Real?

We ARE for real, and we are licensed, legal and ligitimate. Our real estate license numbers are 01844441, and 01844442. Take these numbers and go to the California Department of Real Estate's website here, click on Verify a License, and check our license numbers for validity. We work for Coldwell Banker Kivett-Teeters, a highly respected real estate brokerage that's been in business for decades. We handle 20 to 30 Short Sale Listings and Sales per month, and yes we successfully close 95% plus of our short sales! We are for real, and we work hard for our clients... Let us work hard for you...

So let's talk...

Call Us Now: (888) 9-List-It.

That's (888) 954-7848.

Or Check out our website here ---> California Short Sale Agents


How to Qualify For a Real Estate Short Sale - Beaumont CA

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Don't make the biggest mistake ever... Do not let the bank foreclose on your Upland home!

Loan modification is a temporary fix and can still leave you with negative equity.






  • A short sale can let your deficiency be forgiven
  • In most cases a short sale can leave you with no tax liability
  • Our short sale real estate services are at no cost to you
  • And we can help you get out of your bad situation


Don't be fooled! The bank will come after you and foreclose your Upland house. They may even be able to get a judgment against you AFTER the foreclosure for the negative deficiency, which could be tens of thousands of dollars! But what is the difference between a foreclosure and a short sale? Here are your options of foreclosure vs. short sale:


  • A foreclosure will slash your credit score as much as 250 points or more, and can affect your credit for a minimum of 5 years or more!!!
  • But a short sale only affects your credit score with the late or missed mortgage payments. The credit bureaus will report PAID or NEGOTIATED if you short sale.Your credit score will not be lowered as much with a short sale.


  • A foreclosure will remain as public recorded on your credit report for 10 years or more.
  • A short sale is not reported on a person's credit history. There is no specific SHORT SALE term and is most cases is reported as PAID, SETTLED or NEGOTIATED.


  • If your credit report contains a foreclosure, most home mortgage lending institutions will consider you ineligible to purchase for 5 years or more.
  • If you successfully negotiate a short sale of your Upland property you may be eligible for a mortgage loan and purchase a new home in as little as 2 years.


  • Banks have the right to pursue a deficiency balance if your foreclosed loan was not a purchase money loan (If you received any money for anything other than the purchase of your house, also called a hard money loan).
  • In a successful short sale it may be possible to negotiate with the bank to release you of any deficiency balance and avoid any future judgments against you.


Need more information?


1 (888) 9 LIST-IT

or (951) 490-3683

or click here: Listing Agents in Upland CA

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If you are facing foreclosure and you can no longer afford your home, you may qualify for a Pomona CA Short Sale, even if you don't think you can or don't think your home can be sold in today's market.


What is a Pomona CA Short Sale?


A Pomona CA Short Sale, also known as a pre-foreclosure sale, is when you sell your Pomona home for less than the balance remaining on your mortgage. If your mortgage company agrees to a short sale, you can sell your Pomona CA home and pay off all (or a portion of) your mortgage balance with the proceeds. You may also be eligible for the government's Home Affordable Foreclosure Alternatives Program (HAFA) which offers incentives for sellers to complete a short sale.


A Pomona CA Short Sale is an alternative to foreclosure and may be an option if:


  • You are ineligible to refinance or modify your mortgage
  • You are facing a financial hardship, including loss of job, death, divorce or medical expenses
  • You are behind on your mortgage payments
  • You owe more on your Pomona home than it’s worth
  • You have not been able to sell your home at a price that covers what you still owe on your mortgage
  • You can no longer afford your Pomona CA home and are ready or need to leave


What are the benefits of a Pomona CA Short Sale?


  • Eliminate or reduce your mortgage debt
  • Avoid the negative impact of a foreclosure
  • Start repairing your credit sooner than if you went through a foreclosure
  • May be able to get a Fannie Mae mortgage to purchase a home sooner (in as little as 2 years) than if you went through foreclosure (at least 7 years)
  • No out of pocket costs! Your lender covers your closing fees including realtors' commissions



So Call us Now: (888) 9-List-It.

That's (888) 954-7848.

Or click here to access our Real Estate Short Sale Formula to evaluate your particular situation.

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We have created the Real Estate Short Sale Formula for under-water and distressed homeowners in Rialto, California.

Rialto has many homes and families facing foreclosure, but they don't know if they would qualify for a short sale of their Rialto CA home to avoid complete financial devastation.

What Does a Real Estate Short Sale Mean for Rialto CA Homeowners?

The definition of a real estate short sale means that the Rialto CA house is about to be in foreclosure due to the default in payments of the mortgage. The owner of the Rialto home sells it for less than what they owe for the property. It is far better for their credit to sell it short than to lose the house to foreclosure.

But Do I Qualify For a Rialto CA Short Sale?

Everyone's situation is unique, and only the bank or banks that hold the mortgage can approve a short sale, but over years of short sale experience, we have developed the Real Estate Short Sale Formula to accurately predict a homeowner's chances of a successful short sale.

The Real Estate Short Sale Formula is a multiple question form that will take about 5 to 10 minutes to fill out, but once that's done we handle the rest!

The evaluation is free and is non-intrusive. So find out now if you qualify for a Rialto CA Short Sale, just click here to access the ---> Real Estate Short Sale Formula.

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Short Sale Agents in Norco

Short Sale Agents in Norco CA arrange with mortgage lenders to agree to accept a mortgage payoff that falls short of the balance that is owed by a borrower. In other words, a bank agrees to accept less than what is owed on a borrower's mortgage. Foreclosure is avoided through the Norco CA short sale process, which is the primary goal so that the borrower's credit is not severely damaged as it would be through a foreclosure. If a foreclosure is imminent, a Norco CA short sale can help soften the blow.

A foreclosure can seriously affect an individual's credit and financial future. As a result, and because of the stress that the foreclosure process can cause, most Norco homeowners are willing to consider just about any alternative. When facing foreclosure, the worst thing that a Norco CA homeowner can do is nothing at all. By being proactive, a borrower can often find viable alternatives to foreclosure and a Norco CA short sale is one of the most popular and realistic options. For those who are facing the prospect of a foreclosure, a short sale might be the right option.

Norco California Real estate short sales can be complicated for everyone involved whether you're a seller, buyer, investor, agent or even a bank. Our Free Short Sale Help was designed to clear up the complicated world of Norco CA real estate short sales and make it possible for anyone who owes more on their mortgage than their Norco CA home is worth to find their way.

So call us now to find out more about Norco Short Sale Help:

Call Now: (888) 9-List-It.

That's (888) 954-7848.



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We have created the Real Estate Short Sale Formula for under-water and distressed homeowners in Norco, California.

Norco has many homes and families facing foreclosure, but they don't know if they would qualify for a short sale of their Norco CA home to avoid complete financial devastation.

What Does a Real Estate Short Sale Mean for Norco CA Homeowners?

The definition of a real estate short sale means that the Norco CA house is about to be in foreclosure due to the default in payments of the mortgage. The owner of the Norco home sells it for less than what they owe for the property. It is far better for their credit to sell it short than to lose the house to foreclosure.

But Do I Qualify For a Norco CA Short Sale?

Everyone's situation is unique, and only the bank or banks that hold the mortgage can approve a short sale, but over years of short sale experience, we have developed the Real Estate Short Sale Formula to accurately predict a homeowner's chances of a successful short sale.

The Real Estate Short Sale Formula is a multiple question form that will take about 5 to 10 minutes to fill out, but once that's done we handle the rest!

The evaluation is free and is non-intrusive. So find out now if you qualify for a Norco CA Short Sale, just click here to access the ---> Real Estate Short Sale Formula.

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If you are facing foreclosure and you can no longer afford your home, you may qualify for a Fontana CA Short Sale, even if you don't think you can or don't think your home can be sold in today's market.


What is a Fontana CA Short Sale?


A Fontana CA Short Sale, also known as a pre-foreclosure sale, is when you sell your Fontana home for less than the balance remaining on your mortgage. If your mortgage company agrees to a short sale, you can sell your Fontana CA home and pay off all (or a portion of) your mortgage balance with the proceeds. You may also be eligible for the government's Home Affordable Foreclosure Alternatives Program (HAFA) which offers incentives for sellers to complete a short sale.


A Fontana CA Short Sale is an alternative to foreclosure and may be an option if:


  • You are ineligible to refinance or modify your mortgage
  • You are facing a financial hardship, including loss of job, death, divorce or medical expenses
  • You are behind on your mortgage payments
  • You owe more on your Fontana home than it’s worth
  • You have not been able to sell your home at a price that covers what you still owe on your mortgage
  • You can no longer afford your Fontana CA home and are ready or need to leave


What are the benefits of a Fontana CA Short Sale?


  • Eliminate or reduce your mortgage debt
  • Avoid the negative impact of a foreclosure
  • Start repairing your credit sooner than if you went through a foreclosure
  • May be able to get a Fannie Mae mortgage to purchase a home sooner (in as little as 2 years) than if you went through foreclosure (at least 7 years)
  • No out of pocket costs! Your lender covers your closing fees including realtors' commissions



So Call us Now: (888) 9-List-It.

That's (888) 954-7848.

Or click here to access our Real Estate Short Sale Formula to evaluate your particular situation.

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If you are facing foreclosure and you can no longer afford your home, you may qualify for a Upland CA Short Sale, even if you don't think you can or don't think your home can be sold in today's market.


What is a Upland CA Short Sale?


A Upland CA Short Sale, also known as a pre-foreclosure sale, is when you sell your Upland home for less than the balance remaining on your mortgage. If your mortgage company agrees to a short sale, you can sell your Upland CA home and pay off all (or a portion of) your mortgage balance with the proceeds. You may also be eligible for the government's Home Affordable Foreclosure Alternatives Program (HAFA) which offers incentives for sellers to complete a short sale.


A Upland CA Short Sale is an alternative to foreclosure and may be an option if:


  • You are ineligible to refinance or modify your mortgage
  • You are facing a financial hardship, including loss of job, death, divorce or medical expenses
  • You are behind on your mortgage payments
  • You owe more on your Upland home than it’s worth
  • You have not been able to sell your home at a price that covers what you still owe on your mortgage
  • You can no longer afford your Upland CA home and are ready or need to leave


What are the benefits of a Upland CA Short Sale?


  • Eliminate or reduce your mortgage debt
  • Avoid the negative impact of a foreclosure
  • Start repairing your credit sooner than if you went through a foreclosure
  • May be able to get a Fannie Mae mortgage to purchase a home sooner (in as little as 2 years) than if you went through foreclosure (at least 7 years)
  • No out of pocket costs! Your lender covers your closing fees including realtors' commissions



So Call us Now: (888) 9-List-It.

That's (888) 954-7848.

Or click here to access our Real Estate Short Sale Formula to evaluate your particular situation.

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(Read this article first, then click on the link above)

Do I Qualify for a Real Estate Short Sale in Rancho Cucamonga CA?

So you're considering a real estate short sale for your Rancho Cucamonga, California Home…..

Either you are near default or have already missed mortgage payments, and you are undoubtedly under-water on what you owe on the Rancho Cucamonga home compared to what it is currently worth.

We see this every day from people of all aspects of life and economic backgrounds. We know it's a difficult and daunting position to be in. We know there is so much information out there that its difficult to decipher what is correct, and what isn't.... and who to trust.

We also know its embarrassing. We've been in similar situations ourselves, and we'd like to discreetly help you avoid foreclosure and get out from that upside-down Rancho Cucamonga CA house now, at no charge to you. In fact, if your circumstances are right, we may be able to get you up to $30,000 in the process.

Who Are We and Are We For Real?

We ARE for real, and we are licensed, legal and ligitimate. Our real estate license numbers are 01844441, and 01844442. Take these numbers and go to the California Department of Real Estate's website here, click on Verify a License, and check our license numbers for validity. We work for Coldwell Banker Kivett-Teeters, a highly respected real estate brokerage that's been in business for decades. We handle 20 to 30 Short Sale Listings and Sales per month, and yes we successfully close 95% plus of our short sales! We are for real, and we work hard for our clients... Let us work hard for you...

So let's talk...

Call Us Now: (888) 9-List-It.

That's (888) 954-7848.

Or Check out our website here ---> California Short Sale Agents


How to Qualify For a Real Estate Short Sale - Rancho Cucamonga CA

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(Read this article first, then click on the link above)

Do I Qualify for a Real Estate Short Sale in Montclair CA?

So you're considering a real estate short sale for your Montclair, California Home…..

Either you are near default or have already missed mortgage payments, and you are undoubtedly under-water on what you owe on the Montclair home compared to what it is currently worth.

We see this every day from people of all aspects of life and economic backgrounds. We know it's a difficult and daunting position to be in. We know there is so much information out there that its difficult to decipher what is correct, and what isn't.... and who to trust.

We also know its embarrassing. We've been in similar situations ourselves, and we'd like to discreetly help you avoid foreclosure and get out from that upside-down Montclair CA house now, at no charge to you. In fact, if your circumstances are right, we may be able to get you up to $30,000 in the process.

Who Are We and Are We For Real?

We ARE for real, and we are licensed, legal and ligitimate. Our real estate license numbers are 01844441, and 01844442. Take these numbers and go to the California Department of Real Estate's website here, click on Verify a License, and check our license numbers for validity. We work for Coldwell Banker Kivett-Teeters, a highly respected real estate brokerage that's been in business for decades. We handle 20 to 30 Short Sale Listings and Sales per month, and yes we successfully close 95% plus of our short sales! We are for real, and we work hard for our clients... Let us work hard for you...

So let's talk...

Call Us Now: (888) 9-List-It.

That's (888) 954-7848.

Or Check out our website here ---> California Short Sale Agents


How to Qualify For a Real Estate Short Sale - Montclair CA

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I listed a short sale with 2 loans serviced by Chase. CLTV is LESS that 50% of market value. Submitted a CASH buyer and assigned a negotiator in less than 3 weeks. Today, he is submitting my package to the investor. 

We'll see...NOD in May 2012 but nothing posted in public record. Negotiating to include payoff to release an abstract of judgement from a deceased husband over a year ago. 

Scheduled to close AUGUST 30. 

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It would be a great idea for the administrators of ShortSaleSuperstars to modify the site to allow the location of the agent (blogger) to be easily seen on the individual blog posts.  This way, we can be aware of the other agents in our area.  Reason: I like to keep away from competing real estate agents' blog posts as a courtesy so they don't think I have any intention of attracting their potential clients/visitors.




Corona Real Estate Agents
Corona, California

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Can My Sister Buy My Orcutt CA Short Sale?

I am asked this question or a variation of this question all the time.  Strictly speaking, the answer is no.  Banks and investors generally will only approve a short sale if it is an arm’s length transaction.  What does arm’s length mean?   According to the Wells Fargo Banks’ Arm’s Length Affidavit that they ask the buyer, seller, and real estate agents involved to sign, it means:


No party to this contract is a family member, business associate, or share a business interest with the mortgagor. […] The Buyers and Sellers nor their Agents have any agreements written or implied that will allow the Seller to remain in the property as renters or regain ownership of said property at anytime after the execution of this short sale transaction.


12433921864?profile=originalBasically, if they are taking a loss they don’t want to see the defaulting homeowner gaining.  So, they want to make sure that there is no agreement to sell the house for less than what it is worth.  After all, you might cut your sister a deal, right?  And, they want to make sure there is no arrangement to allow you to rent the home and then buy it back at a later date.  And, your sister might agree to let you do that.  Now, I know what you’re thinking.  “What about my 3rd cousin by marriage?  Can he buy it?  I don’t even like him.”  No, not even your cousin could get by this Affidavit.  And, Chase Bank’s affidavit is even more detailed.


Of course, you could make a disclosure to the bank and see if they will allow you sister or cousin to buy the house.  If there is any kind of conflict with the short sale buyer and the seller, I advise my seller to disclose it right up front to the bank.  And, they could allow it to go through – it is within their discretion.  However, as a practical matter, we may not get an answer as to whether they will waive the conflict until you are so far into the process that your options may become limited.  If the lender rejects your sister or your cousin as the buyer at the 11th hour, and you haven’t been making payments, and you cannot get another acceptable offer to them quickly -- as a practical matter you may end up in foreclosure because you tried to sell your sister the house.  That is a gamble that most homeowners in distress do not want to take.


If you are considering a short sale of your Orcutt, Nipomo or Arroyo Grande CA home, you should seek out an experienced short sale agent to guide you through this process.  There are many pitfalls that can be avoided with the right upfront advice.  If you would like a short sale consultation, please call my office today to schedule one at (805) 938-9950. 


Tni LeBlanc is an independent Real Estate Broker, Attorney, Short Sale Agent and Certified Distressed Property Expert (CDPE) serving the Santa Maria, Orcutt and Five Cities area of the Central Coast of California. 

*Nothing in this article is intended to solicit listings currently under contract with another broker.  This article is not legal advice – it is for informational purposes only.  Those considering a short sale are advised to consult with their own attorney for legal advice, and their tax professional for tax advice prior to entering into a short sale listing agreement.  Not affiliated with the government.  A lender may refuse to change a loan.

Copyright © 2011 Tni LeBlanc *Can My Sister Buy My Orcutt CA Short Sale?*

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