improving (3)

Inexpensive Ways to Boost Your Home’s Value

Although mortgage rates are still at an all-time low, there are lots of homes on the market for potential buyers to choose. This makes competition tougher for sellers. If you are in the market to sell a property, it might be wise to take some time and spend a few dollars on simple things that will yield great results.

Choose the Right Agent

Sometimes the most important thing for a home seller is the most overlooked. Get a real estate agent that is good for you. There are numerous agents available, all with various personalities, strengths and weaknesses. Here are some tips for finding an agent that you are comfortable with and can help move your property.

* Visit a few open houses: This will give you a chance to see the agent interact with other interested buyers. You can gauge their professionalism, demeanor and overall knowledge of the market.

* Ask your friends and family members for a referral: This can be an easy way to find a Realtor®, but use a bit of caution. An agent that has lots of experience selling country homes with acreage may not be the best choice to sell your suburban 3 bedroom home. Make sure to check out their other sold listings and see how many are comparable to your place.

* Do an online search: Check out agents online. Look for their website and do a little research. Is their site professional looking? Is it updated with current listings? How well do they explain the homes they are trying to sell now? Are there lots of pictures? Once you have found someone you like, give them a call and do a brief interview over the phone.


One of the quickest and cheapest ways to alter a room's appearance is by simply adding a fresh coat of paint. Most any able bodied person can work a roller and a brush. Choose a color that is a bit neutral but also bright so that it will make the room livelier.

Clean up and Streamline

Obviously, you want the home as clean as possible. Take extra care to clean the bathrooms and kitchen. Also spend some time organizing and getting rid of clutter. Remove any excess wall hangings. This will make the room feel more open and larger. Making a home inviting and spacious will attract more buyers.

Landscaping-300x225.jpg?width=300Improve the Curb Appeal

Like painting, this will likely involve more sweat than money. If you have shrubs make sure they are trimmed and neat. Give the lawn a fresh cut. Put a new welcome pad by the front door. Also, include some type of attractive plant near the front door. Since this area will likely be prominent in pictures that are trying to sell the home you want it to look inviting.

Bridging Outdoor Areas with Inside Areas

Use decorative plants around the patio and deck as well as inside the home. Use comfortable furniture outside that has soft cushions. This makes the home feel bigger with more usable space outside that can be used in a number of situations.

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Communities in Beaumont CA

According to a real estate study conducted by USC, the Southern California commercial real estate market is on the rise, which could include the Banning CA commercial real estate market as well.

According to the article:

"The office and industrial real estate sectors continue to improve for Southern California landlords, a report said, but high office vacancy will remain common for the foreseeable future as businesses put more workers into less space.
The regional economy has strengthened the past year and enabled some businesses to hire more workers, according to USC’s annual Casden office and industrial property forecast.

That has resulted in higher occupancy and rising rent for industrial buildings, while office landlords are seeing rising occupancy and smaller declines in the amount of rent they can charge.

“We predict office market rents to stabilize in as little as six months, but a sustained recovery could be many years off,” said Casden report author Tracey Seslen.

Office occupancy probably won’t return to pre-financial crisis levels until some of the region’s office buildings are taken out of commission or converted to other uses.

“A paradigm shift in the way tenant firms use office space will force landlords and developers to rethink their investment strategies even as the economy improves,” she said.


If you're interested in buying, selling, renting or leasing Banning CA commercial real estate,

call us and let's talk: (951) 490-3698.

Or visit our website: Banning CA Commercial Real Estate

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I have heard it said that FEAR is the great motivator.

My experience has been that fear can cause homeowners to become professional AVOIDERS. Dodge the phone, leave the mail unopened, don't answer the door. And, I totally understand that fear and motivation to stick your head in the sand. I have been in financial trouble, and even faced foreclosure. When my daughter was born and needed a lengthy ICU stay, I thought it would bankrupt my family. We had massive medical debt and no income while we cared for her. I was terrified. For a while, I even avoided.

What I learned through that experience is that knowledge is power. Taking some control and using the tools available to you in a crises can change the course of your fate. It can also help you fight the demons of depression and guilt. I believe it down to my core. I've seen it work.

Since that time, I have helped people avoid foreclosure.


There are several options available to homeowners when you have faced the 4 D'S (as I call them):

Disability (medical or otherwise)
Dumb Boss (loss of job)

If you are behind on your mortgage, or can see that you will be, there are tools and laws in your favor. Don't face foreclosure on your own. Don't bury your head in the sand. I can show you at least two options that are better than being evicted. My services are paid for by the bank, and it's my job to help you eliminate some of the debt that can rob you of your joy for life. In fact, 1/2 of Kansas City homeowners can even sell AFTER foreclosure, frequently taking some equity with them, since Kansas is a Redemption state.

How can Short Sales be made easier?

(1) Each lender should have a team whose job it is to review the Short Sale packages as they arrive, and send ONE fax which shows any missing items within 72 hours of receipt. The homeowner would then have 48 hours to rectify the missing item(s). If you doddle, you have to resubmit.
(2) Acceptance into a short sale program should HALT THE FORECLOSURE PROCESS for 90 days, minimum, while the home is aggressively marketed.
(3) An appraisal (or series of interior BPO's) should be ordered at the outset, establishing fair market value upfront, and allowing the marketing to be done at a price which will actually get accepted by the bank.
(4) Time from accepted contract to closing should be no more than 45 days. This allows normal retail buyers to be included in the sales--rather than going on to the next house--and giving investors an upper hand.
(5) Banks must commit to paying a fair and reasonable commission. Otherwise, agents have very little motivation to invest 80--200 hours in a single transaction.
(6) Banks and agents should SHARE a weekly e-mail update, showing what progress has been made and any changes in the status.
(7) Agents should receive intensive training in Short Sales before attempting to take on the system.
(8) Homeowners and agents involved in Short Sales should invest in Yoga, Bible Study or Hypnosis for relaxation and patience. Even a Smash Room!


Some banks have already initiated programs like this, knowing that Short Sales are going to be around for awhile. Contact me if you have questions.

Don't give up or avoid. Fight!
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