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Real Estate Marketing "The Podcast" How do I get listings or deals? #Investor #Realtor

David Bartels LIVE from Anaheim CA presentation


Banks grant short sales for two reasons: the seller has a hardship, and the seller owes more on the mortgage than the home is worth.

The seller will need to prepare a financial package for submission to the short sale bank. Each bank has its own guidelines, but the basic procedure is similar from bank to bank.

A few examples of a hardship are:
Unemployment / reduced income
Medical emergency
Job transfer out of town

The seller’s short sale package will most likely consist of:
Letter of authorization, which lets your agent speak to the bank.
HUD-1 or preliminary net sheet
Completed financial statement
Seller’s hardship letter
2 years of tax returns
2 years of W-2s
Recent payroll stubs
Last 2 months of bank statements
Comparative market analysis or list of recent comparable sales

Writing the Short Sale Offer and Submitting to the Bank

Before a buyer writes a short sale offer, a buyer should ask his or her agent for a list of comparable sales.

Banks are not in the business of giving away a home at rock-bottom pricing. The bank will want to receive somewhat close to market value.

The short sale price may have little bearing on market value and may, in fact, be priced below the comparable sales to encourage multiple offers.

After the seller accepts the offer, the listing agent will send the following items to the bank:
Listing agreement
Executed purchase offer
Buyer’s pre-approval or proof of funds letter and copy of earnest money check
Seller’s short sale package.

The Short Sale Process at the Bank

Buyers may wait a very long time to get a response from the bank. It is imperative for the listing agent to regularly call the bank and keep careful notes of the short sale process.

Buyers may get so tired of waiting for short sale approval that they may feel the need to threaten to cancel if they don’t get an answer within a specified time period.

That type of attitude is self-defeating and will not speed up the short sale process. If buyers are the type with little patience, perhaps a short sale is not for them.

Following is a typical short sale process at the bank:
Bank acknowledges receipt of the file.
A negotiator is assigned.
The bank orders a valuation of the property.
The file is sent for review or to the investor.
The bank may then request that all parties sign an Arms-Length Affidavit.
The bank issues a short sale approval letter.

Some short sales get approval in 3 weeks. Others can take as long as 12 months. A typical Short Sale transaction takes 4-6 months to complete.

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What is the Purpose of an Appraisal?


A mortgage has many specific pieces involved in it. Obviously there is the money supplied by the lender to pay the seller for their asking price. There are also many other items such as the title report and title insurance, a survey (sometimes), proof of homeowner insurance policy and an appraisal. An appraisal is actually one of the more important pieces and yet it still brings questions from buyers and sellers alike.

Required by the Lender

First and foremost, if a home is being purchased through the use of a mortgage then the lender will require a formal appraisal. A licensed appraiser works independently of the real estate agent and the lender to ensure that there is no undue influence on the process. The appraiser’s report will indicate if the home is worth the asking price.

Appraisal ordered after a Selling Price has been negotiated

The appraiser is contacted after the real estate agent(s) and all associated parties have worked out a price for the home. The appraiser will look at the contract along with a host of other items such as

* Square footage of the home

* Local property taxes for the home

* When the home was built

* General shape and condition of the property

* Average sales price of similar homes in the area

The price for the appraisal depends on the area of the country. Sometimes the appraisal fee is paid by the borrower up front and other times it may be paid as part of the closing costs.

Wise to Inspect First and Appraise Second

In an ideal world the buyer of a home would hire a home inspector to review a property before the home is appraised. The job of an inspector is to seek out any potential problems with the property. This can be as simple as finding a loose door knob to as complicated as finding out the entire heating and ventilation system needs replacing. Once the inspector has looked at the home the appraiser can approach the property with some idea of any possible short comings of the home and assign the correct value to the home. In a worst case scenario an inspection could lead a buyer to cancel a contract and look for a different home.

The Journey of the Appraisal

Once the appraiser has finished the report a copy will be sent to the mortgage lender and possibly the real estate agents. If the buyer paid for the appraisal up front then they too will get a copy when it is complete. Otherwise, the buyer will receive a copy at closing.

The lender, whether it is a bank or local mortgage company, will have their own process to review the appraisal and ensure the numbers look accurate. If the value of the home is much lower than expected then the lender may cancel the loan. On the flip side, if the home is determined to be worth more than the asking price then the buyer will have instant equity.

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Inexpensive Ways to Boost Your Home’s Value

Although mortgage rates are still at an all-time low, there are lots of homes on the market for potential buyers to choose. This makes competition tougher for sellers. If you are in the market to sell a property, it might be wise to take some time and spend a few dollars on simple things that will yield great results.

Choose the Right Agent

Sometimes the most important thing for a home seller is the most overlooked. Get a real estate agent that is good for you. There are numerous agents available, all with various personalities, strengths and weaknesses. Here are some tips for finding an agent that you are comfortable with and can help move your property.

* Visit a few open houses: This will give you a chance to see the agent interact with other interested buyers. You can gauge their professionalism, demeanor and overall knowledge of the market.

* Ask your friends and family members for a referral: This can be an easy way to find a Realtor®, but use a bit of caution. An agent that has lots of experience selling country homes with acreage may not be the best choice to sell your suburban 3 bedroom home. Make sure to check out their other sold listings and see how many are comparable to your place.

* Do an online search: Check out agents online. Look for their website and do a little research. Is their site professional looking? Is it updated with current listings? How well do they explain the homes they are trying to sell now? Are there lots of pictures? Once you have found someone you like, give them a call and do a brief interview over the phone.


One of the quickest and cheapest ways to alter a room's appearance is by simply adding a fresh coat of paint. Most any able bodied person can work a roller and a brush. Choose a color that is a bit neutral but also bright so that it will make the room livelier.

Clean up and Streamline

Obviously, you want the home as clean as possible. Take extra care to clean the bathrooms and kitchen. Also spend some time organizing and getting rid of clutter. Remove any excess wall hangings. This will make the room feel more open and larger. Making a home inviting and spacious will attract more buyers.

Landscaping-300x225.jpg?width=300Improve the Curb Appeal

Like painting, this will likely involve more sweat than money. If you have shrubs make sure they are trimmed and neat. Give the lawn a fresh cut. Put a new welcome pad by the front door. Also, include some type of attractive plant near the front door. Since this area will likely be prominent in pictures that are trying to sell the home you want it to look inviting.

Bridging Outdoor Areas with Inside Areas

Use decorative plants around the patio and deck as well as inside the home. Use comfortable furniture outside that has soft cushions. This makes the home feel bigger with more usable space outside that can be used in a number of situations.

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Buying a Wisconsin Short Sale


Tips for Buying Your First Short Sale

A short sale is a fairly simple procedure, at least in theory. A homeowner sells their home for a price below the current mortgage balance. The bank agrees to take this lesser amount as payment in full of the mortgage in order to avoid the heavy cost of a foreclosure. Here are some tips for buying your first short sale.


Short Sale prices are determined by the Market

Banks determine which offers to accept by reviewing the current market conditions. They will look at the prices of homes that have recently sold in the nearby area. This information will provide the lender with solid data for the average price of a home in that vicinity. How low will they go? This depends on how quickly they would like to sell the home. If they determine that they would prefer to sell the home now, and not proceed to foreclosure, they may agree to sell the home at below market value.

Ask your Realtor® for their Price Opinion

Before you submit a low-ball offer to the seller, ask your Realtor® for their price opinion. This is a good way for a prospective buyer to find an appropriate price range for an offer. Your agent can look at recently sold comparable homes and give an opinion on what they feel the home should sell for. This is similar to a Comparative Market Analysis, or CMA.

Multiple Mortgages Can Cause Problems

When a home has a 1st mortgage and 2nd mortgage that are held by separate lenders then a short sale could take a very long time, if it gets approved at all. Unfortunately, this type of scenario is out of the hands of the real estate agent and the seller. Whether or not the two lenders agree to the short sale offer is totally up to them.

Approved Prices are Usually Processed Faster

If a lender has already determined a price that they will accept, this can speed up the process. Usually, this is an indication that the seller has been in contact with the bank to discuss the possibility of selling the home. If an offer within that price range is submitted to the bank, the short sale is far more likely to be approved quickly.

Prepare for the Bank to say No

While short sales can help buyers get a home at a discounted price, the process can stretch out over time. The sale can get turned down by the bank for a number of reasons. This is why people looking to buy a short sale should be prepared to move on to a different property in the event that the bank denies the short sale. Keep an eye open at available homes during the short sale process. If the bank does say no, you will then have a list of potential houses that may also be an option.

While a short sale transaction may span a few months, it is a good way to buy a home at a friendly price. Talking to an experienced Realtor® about the available short sales in your area could put you in line to get a good home at a great price.

Buying a Short Sale - Original Post

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Just Escalate! Escalate to the right person!!

I am new to ShortSaleSuperstars. I have used it as a reference a few times and known about the site for over 6 months, but just decided last week that I need to get involved more with internet blogging for my real estate business. Since I specialize in negotiatiing short sales, I thought it important that I join networks online that pertain to short sales. It looks like this is the best there is, so I am diving in :) - I will do my best to comment on as many questions and forum posts as I can, and I would hope that people would reach out to me with their short sale issues. I love helping other agents get their deals approved, at great terms, and with full commissions. Lately, I have been getting 8% on most of my short sales. While most agents would probably tell you that this cannot be done, or isn't legal, it simply requires some knowledge and information. Anyways, on to the topic of my first post....


While attending a short sale seminar in Las Vegas last week(shoutout to ShortSaleGenius and Trent Chapman), I observed that many agent's/negotiator's questions all sounded very similar:


"I have this weird short sale...."


"I know but the bank told me....."



The solution to almost every single question is the same, ESCALATE! More specifically, get the RIGHT message to the RIGHT person at the bank.


It is always about the numbers. Getting the right message to the right person will mean you are going to very "high-up management." When you get to this level at any bank, the mind-set of the person who are communicating with is solely about the numbers. They want to know what the value is and what is their net. If you have run the comps and you know that your value is in line, then you simply need to get the message to the right person, and explain to them that they will lose a lot more money if they foreclose on the property instead of accepting your short sale offer.


Remember, it's not personal, and it's not emotional. The bank wants as much money as they can, that is the name of the game. Your job as a Realtor/Negotiator is to make sure the numbers get communicated to someone at the bank who has the authority to make the right decision.





Joshua Gayman

Scottsdale, AZ

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Banks holding on to unrealistic values....

We have run into problems with lenders being unrealistic with property values. No matter what we provide or try to explain, the banks reply with a number too high for us to get any sort of activity. They have denied requests for re-evaluation and our Sellers are forced to wait it out until they foreclose. Providing very current comp sales, explanation of the market, along with numerous offers at current market value doesn’t seem to make any difference. Their BPO was done and even if it was 90 days ago they are sticking with it.

Any help with trying to get the banks to a more realistic value would be appreciated. -Thanks

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