Aurora has aproved a short sale but offered the second $0.
After negotiating the second (STCU a small local crdit union) will take $5K.
The buyer is willing to pay the $5K.
There are additional closing costs that Aurora did not offer to cost, approx $570.
We are having issues as to wher this information appears on the HUD-1. I am thinking line 409 as a POC for the $5k and I am not sure where the additional closing costs fees fit.
Should the adendum to the purchase and sale agreement be made for the $5570 with the defiency being waived and then increase the purchase price?
If you have any HUD-1's you can e-mail me or fax me giving examples of what has worked I would really appreciate that. I'll take samples of any HUD-1's you're willing to offer. I am willing to share what I get minus the person's office and personal client information.
I have an attorney on board but we are having issues getting the answers from the banks as to what will work.
No cover letter necessary. I am a one person office.
I only have until Januaty 10th to close.
Teresa Simon
509 535 6500
Fax 509 532 8000