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David Bartels LIVE from Anaheim CA presentation


Banks grant short sales for two reasons: the seller has a hardship, and the seller owes more on the mortgage than the home is worth.

The seller will need to prepare a financial package for submission to the short sale bank. Each bank has its own guidelines, but the basic procedure is similar from bank to bank.

A few examples of a hardship are:
Unemployment / reduced income
Medical emergency
Job transfer out of town

The seller’s short sale package will most likely consist of:
Letter of authorization, which lets your agent speak to the bank.
HUD-1 or preliminary net sheet
Completed financial statement
Seller’s hardship letter
2 years of tax returns
2 years of W-2s
Recent payroll stubs
Last 2 months of bank statements
Comparative market analysis or list of recent comparable sales

Writing the Short Sale Offer and Submitting to the Bank

Before a buyer writes a short sale offer, a buyer should ask his or her agent for a list of comparable sales.

Banks are not in the business of giving away a home at rock-bottom pricing. The bank will want to receive somewhat close to market value.

The short sale price may have little bearing on market value and may, in fact, be priced below the comparable sales to encourage multiple offers.

After the seller accepts the offer, the listing agent will send the following items to the bank:
Listing agreement
Executed purchase offer
Buyer’s pre-approval or proof of funds letter and copy of earnest money check
Seller’s short sale package.

The Short Sale Process at the Bank

Buyers may wait a very long time to get a response from the bank. It is imperative for the listing agent to regularly call the bank and keep careful notes of the short sale process.

Buyers may get so tired of waiting for short sale approval that they may feel the need to threaten to cancel if they don’t get an answer within a specified time period.

That type of attitude is self-defeating and will not speed up the short sale process. If buyers are the type with little patience, perhaps a short sale is not for them.

Following is a typical short sale process at the bank:
Bank acknowledges receipt of the file.
A negotiator is assigned.
The bank orders a valuation of the property.
The file is sent for review or to the investor.
The bank may then request that all parties sign an Arms-Length Affidavit.
The bank issues a short sale approval letter.

Some short sales get approval in 3 weeks. Others can take as long as 12 months. A typical Short Sale transaction takes 4-6 months to complete.

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Buying a Home with Cash

Pros and Cons of Cash Buying

All-cash home purchases hit a record in the first quarter of 2014, reaching 43 percent, according to RealtyTrac, which has been tracking cash-buying trends since 2011. Home-Cash-PurchasesThis latest figure represents a 19 percent rise from last year—a number industry watchers attribute to stricter mortgage qualification standards coupled with high buyer demand and competition. If you're thinking about buying your next home with cash, you might be wondering how this option stacks up against a mortgage—not to mention, how you'll come up with the money.

Why Cash? Pros & Cons

On the pro side, using cash lets you sidestep mortgage loan qualifications and much of the paperwork and administrative fees. This accelerates the buying process and makes you more attractive to sellers who are eager to close. You have better odds of out-competing other buyers and better leverage to negotiate a lower price. Finally, the prospect of not having to pay monthly mortgage obligations and interest is appealing.

On the other hand, the cash you tie up in your house won't be as readily available for emergency spending. This could place you in a position of needing to sell or mortgage your home in the event of an emergency, and convincing lenders to extend a mortgage or equity loan could be difficult if you lack a steady income, a situation many retirees face. One way to address this issue is opening a home-equity line of credit after you buy your home to make sure you have emergency funds available. A reverse mortgage can also help in a pinch.

Another issue is whether the amount you save on mortgage interest might be better invested. Buying a house with cash amounts to investing in a bond with an interest rate equivalent to what you would pay with a mortgage. Compare this interest rate with other investment options to evaluate how buying your home with cash affects your long-term savings.

Finding Funds

If you want to pay for your home with cash but don't have a lump sum handy, how do you find the money? Options include:

  • Realtor suggests a few strategies, including investing in a long-term CD, a method that can be combined with CD laddering if you don't want to lock up all your cash.
  • For current home owners, another option is refinancing your existing mortgage into a larger one, known as "cash-out refinancing." Zillow recommends weighing this option against others, such as home equity loans and lines of credit.
  • If you're receiving regular payments from an annuity or structured settlement, you may be able to sell all or a portion of your future payments to a financial services firm and put the money toward your home purchase.

What About Taxes?

Paying for your home in cash precludes the tax breaks you would get from your mortgage interest payments. Use the calculator at Mortgage101 to estimate the potential tax benefits of a mortgage so you can weigh this against buying with cash.

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Rock Realty Client Testimonials

"Mike & Matt,

Thank you so much for helping us find our dream home! We love it! Thank you for the many hours spent in research, travel, phone calls, and emails. Thank you for being open & honest with us every step of the way! We felt we could trust you 100%. We really enjoyed working with you and highly recommend you to others.


Kevin & Abby G. (Madison, WI)
Rock Realty Home Buyer Client

Rock Realty Client Testimonials

Thanks for the compliments, and Congratulations on your new home Kevin & Abby!

Looking to purchase a home in Wisconsin?? Contact Rock Realty! We would love to help!!

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Today's market (5/13/13) favors sellers as we have rapidly shifted from a buyers market to a strong sellers market. This means, short sellers are typically in multiple offer situations and now have choices on offers to choose from. So which offer should the seller choose? Let's explore two important aspects of a short sale purchase and sale agreement that should sway your decision.

What type of financing is the buyer obtaining?

Financing is a key factor in determining which offer is stronger. Let's lay it out from best to worst in order:

1. Cash 2. Conventional 3. FHA 4. VA

The problem with the latter financing options (FHA, VA, and others) is that they are very stringent on their inspections/appraisals and often doesn't pass their standard because they are federally insured or guaranteed. Cash and conventional is ALWAYS better even if the offer amounts are higher with FHA or VA.

How strong is their 22ss Form?

What is a 22ss form? The form 22ss is the short sale addendum to the purchase and sale agreement.

There are two lines our team at Seattle short sale blog don't compromise and that is,

4. Termination by buyer - Must check the "may not" box. Meaning, the buyer may not terminate the agreement at anytime prior to notice of lender consent (unless after the time period expires). This is VERY IMPORTANT. A couple of years ago, buyers would freely jump from one property to the next. In today's market, they need to be committed to the short sale especially because short sales take 90-120 days to close and many of them lose that emotional high when purchasing homes.

5. Computation of time - Important to check "Deposit of earnest money," "Inspection addendum," "Financing addendum," and "Title contingency addendum."
Let's take the inspection addendum for example. You can either have the inspection done soon after mutual acceptance (preferred) or you can have it done after submitting the short sale package and obtaining lenders approval. After all of that waiting and submitting, what if the buyer loses interest and/or doesn't like the inspection report and walks away from the deal? Get it done early and solidify that commitment prior to moving forward so you don't waste time, money, and energy.

Not all offers are created equal. Agent's and short sellers must understand the importance of picking the offer that contains a committed buyer over the buyer with the higher offer amount.

Hope this helps


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How to Buy Investment Properties with an IRA - Step by Step (Part 4 of 4)

Using a self-directed IRA to buy real estate is a sound investment strategy for many people. The ability to buy assets that can provide strong returns is appealing to a wide range of people. Listed below are the basic steps necessary to buy a property in compliance with the IRS rules governing the use of an IRA account.

photo credit: roberthuffstutter via photopin cc
photo credit: roberthuffstutter via photopin cc

1. Contact a financial firm that has experience with self-directed IRA’s. Working with a firm that is familiar with these accounts and the real estate transactions is the most important step.

2. Understand the IRS rules. A property bought via the IRA must be an investment home. Second homes, vacation homes and primary residences are strictly prohibited. Furthermore, distributions from the account are not allowed until the owner of the IRA is at least 59 ½

3. Deposit funds into the account. One of the important rules about buying property with an IRA is that all funds for the purchase as well as any other expenses has to come directly from the IRA. The owner cannot chip in extra money to help cover property tax or replacing the roof, in example.

4. All revenue received on the property must be deposited to the IRA account. The revenue cannot be given to the IRA owner or relatives.

5. Take time to preview multiple properties. It is wise to enlist the assistance of a real estate agent who has knowledge with these types of transactions. An agent can recommend properties in areas that have strong rental history. Furthermore, the agent can help calculate the return on investment based on average rent payments for the area.

6. Once you have picked out an investment property it is time to put down an offer. Contact the custodian for your IRA account and tell them you want to buy a property. The custodian will then fill out the necessary forms and sign all real estate documents on the behalf of your IRA account.

7. It is a wise idea to get a contract with a property manager to handle the finances of the property. This will prevent you from collecting the rent payments and making any necessary repairs yourself. A property manager can keep all the transactions clean and legal and free you from the headache of property management.

It is important to understand the rules concerning using an IRA to buy and manage real estate investments. Failing to follow the rules can lead to penalties and possibly loss of the tax advantages associated with an IRA account. When in doubt consult a tax professional before making any decision or transaction with the IRA funds.

This is Part 4 of a 4 Part Series.

Part 1: How a Realtor® can help you invest in your IRA

Part 2: Purchasing Investment Properties for your IRA

Part 3: How to invest in real estate using an IRA

Part 4: Step by Step Guide to Buying Homes with your IRA

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How to Purchase a Home in 2013

How to Purchase a Home in 2013

As this new year begins many people are setting goals, making resolutions and generally planning for a better year. If you are one of the people considering a home purchase in the upcoming year there is some sound advice to follow in order to make the process smoother and ensure that you get in to a home that truly makes you happy.

Be Realistic About Your Finances

Buying-in-2013.jpg?width=300If you are currently renting a nice place for $650 a month then it would seem unreasonable to think that you could afford a home with a loan payment of $1,000. WHY, you may ask? Because the expense of owning a home goes well beyond the monthly payment. There are other things like mowing the lawn, keeping the furnace and air conditioner maintained, repainting every few years, updating the bathroom, replacing an appliance or two, and the list goes on. Understanding the expense for these items will help you set your budget accordingly and hopefully prevent you from getting in to a home that you cannot afford.

Talk to an Experienced Mortgage Broker

After determining how much you can comfortably afford for a home, it is time to chat with a mortgage broker. The broker can look over your finances, your credit history, employment history and the length of time you have lived at your current address and determine the best loan for your needs. A broker can also get offer from multiple lenders in order to get the best rate for your mortgage.

It is wise to let the broker know how much you are comfortable paying each month so that they can use this information to establish a price range for your home. Most people can financially afford more than they are willing to pay. Having the right budget amount will help when you begin looking at homes.

Talk to an Experienced Real Estate Agent

Now that you are firm in the amount you can afford monthly for a payment and you have an approval from a mortgage lender it is time to talk to an experienced real estate agent. A good agent will sit down with you and listen to your wishes in order to decide which homes could meet your needs. Using the price range provided by the mortgage lender, the agent can focus on homes that fall in your budget and prevent wasting time on homes that are too expensive. An agent can also focus on other parameters such as a specific school zone, homes with particular features, size of the home and other things that are important to you.

Don’t put it off any longer. Sit down with a calculator and decide how much you can afford. Then make the decision to make 2013 the year that you become a homeowner!

Related posts:

  1. Getting Pre-Approved for a Mortgage Before Looking for a WI Home 

  2. Using FHA 203K Loan to Purchase a Fixer-Upper

  3. 4 Tips to Determine How Much Mortgage You Can Afford

  4. Keep Your Home Purchase on Track

  5. Tips on Buying Your First Wisconsin Home
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I have been negotiating a short sale on a Florida condo with Konduar Capital and they have been pretty wonderful through the whole process - UNTIL..... we got down to the second lien holder who won't play ball - even though the foreclosure sale is coming up next week. The negotiator who is handling everything at Kondaur has advised that the buyer should go down to the court and just purchase at our agreed price in the contract. We have been informed what has and has not been paid and what fees will be covered by Kondaur & what the buyers will have to pay....

Now of course, from the title search we know there are HOA fees due (I am told the MAX they can get is 6 months worth? is that true??) and there may also an outstanding assessment for $3000. The buyer wants to lower their offer by that amount and is then willing to buy at the sale.

Now here's the trick - We have an email from Kondaur that they are willing to pay commissions - but not anything signed by them..... Now I'm just wondering if they will try to subtract out what the buyer doesn't pay from the realtors??... or if there is any guarantee they will pay us at all.... The other agent and I are kinda' thinking it would be a whole lot easier if we take a risk that no one else will buy it at the sale (I would say it would be a remote chance - but the price they want doesn't make this condo a super deal so we doubt it) If we take the risk & no one else buys it - Kondaur will get it back and we can resume negotiations with them and our buyer.... I just don't know how to advise every one - I don't really want to be in a "come to find out" position! Any advice???

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