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Short Sales are BACK!


Bryant Tutas 
Co-founder of Working Short Sales every day all day.

Real Estate Broker and Owner of Tutas Towne Realty. A virtual Real Estate company specializing in listing and selling Short Sales and REO properties in the Central Florida Area.

Finding solutions that get your property “sold” is what I do.

Folks, if you need to sell your home then give me a call today and let’s talk! 407-873-2747 All calls are confidential. I can help……

….if you’re facing foreclosure. 
….if you need to sell a Holiday Home. 
….expose your property to over 500 web sites. 
….educate you on current market conditions.

Mike Linkenauger 

Main website

Short Sale Websites -
Mike got his start in Real Estate in 2005 at the young age of 26. He immediately established himself as a top producer in the Jacksonville, FL market, moving into the top 1% of agents his first year in the business. As the Florida housing market became depressed in 2007, Mike shifted his focus and immediately found a calling in assisting home owners with a short sale. In no time he amassed an inventory of over 100 short sale listings and quickly established himself as one of the top short sale agents in the State of Florida. As his online presence grew, homeowners from other parts of Florida began contacting him for guidance with a short sale and to be connected with a local short sale agent.

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Low home loan rates

What Kind of Mortgage Fits Your Needs?

No matter the state of the economy, each year the number of new mortgages underwritten reaches millions of homeowners.  Some are buying for the first time while others are downsizing or upsizing.  When rates drop, like they did over the past 2 years, many people seize the opportunity to refinance their home loan.  However, how do people decide on which mortgage to use for their specific need?  An online survey conducted by points to some of the factors that influence consumer decisions.

Most Important Factor

It should come as no shock that the most important factor is the interest rate.  Regardless of the type of loan, the size of the loan or the customers home state, everybody is trying to get the best rate for their home loan.  In the survey mentioned above over 45% stated that the rate was the top factor for choosing a loan.

Other items, such as the length of the term and the fees also ranked high in the survey, but none was as vital as the rate.

Deciding How Much to Use for Down Payment

The ability to make a down payment equal to 10%-20% of the home’s price will give the borrower a range of products to choose from.  A large down payment and a solid credit score will usually allow a borrower to qualify for a conventional loan which has the best interest rates.

For borrowers that have a smaller down payment, their options will be limited to FHA, USDA or VA for qualifying veterans.

Choosing the Right Term

With rates at an all-time low many borrowers are actually paying more attention to the term of the mortgage loan as part of the decision process.  While the traditional fixed rate of a 30 year loan remains quite dominant more and more people are looking at different adjustable rate products.  Those borrowers that have refinanced in the past 2 years have often chosen to go down to a 15 or 10 year term in order to drastically cut down on their total interest pay back while also paying off the home sooner.

Brokers Still the Top Choice

When looking for the right mortgage loan a number of people still prefer to use the services of a mortgage broker over a local bank or credit union.  In the survey mentioned earlier over 30% of respondents claimed that they sought the services of a broker rather than another type of lender.  Since brokers typically have access to multiple lenders they can offer any type of mortgage loan and get the best rate too.

Obviously, none of these factors discussed the two biggest items facing a borrower; are they happy with the home and can they afford the mortgage payment?  Beyond those two items, the guidelines mentioned above should help any new borrower pick a loan that is right for their situation.

Additional Mortgage Info:
Home Mortgage Loans

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Wisconsin Quitclaim Deeds

Wisconsin Quitclaim DeedA quitclaim deed allows property owners to transfer whatever interest they may have in a specific piece of real estate. The Wisconsin statutes do not contain a specific form for deeds, but they do define what the different conveyances mean, and the minimum information necessary in each (Wisc. Stat. 706.02, 706.10(4)). To be eligible for recording, a deed also must meet all the local rules for content and format as well as the statutory requirements set forth in Wisc. Stat. 706.05.

As opposed to a warranty deed, a quitclaim deed offers no guarantees that the owner has good title or even ownership at all; it simply conveys whatever interest exists at the time of the deed’s signing. Once buyers accept it, they are left with little to no recourse against the former owner. This lack of protection makes a quitclaim deed unsuitable for purchasing real estate from an unknown party.

Yet, a quitclaim deed is fully sufficient to convey property in other circumstances. Consider the following scenarios:

  • Familial transfers: Quitclaim deeds are often used to transfer property within families, for example, between parents and children, siblings and other closely related family members.
  • Adding or removing a spouse: Whether resulting from marriage or divorce, a real estate owner can use a quitclaim deed to add a spouse to the title or to remove him or her.
  • Transferring real estate to an LLC or corporation: Since corporate transfers often happen between closely related entities, they are usually done with this deed.
  • Transferring real estate to a trust: Estate planning for subsequent generations often involves an initial transfer from a family member into a trust.
  • Clearing the title for insurance purposes: In the process of researching the chain of title, title companies may find a "cloud" on it. Generally this means that someone who is not identified in the ownership history may have an interest in the property. This can be amended if the person in question executes a quitclaim deed.
  • Removal of a potential interest holder: Prior to funding a loan, lenders may require someone who is not going to be on the loan, such as a spouse, to record a quitclaim deed, thus formally foregoing any future interest in the property.

Many of the above transfers are exempt from Wisconsin’s real estate transfer tax pursuant to Wisc. Stat. 77.25 as long as only nominal or no consideration is paid in exchange. Even if the transfer or removal of an interest falls under one of these exemptions, the transfer tax return form should be submitted in order to identify and document the exemption.

Further information about quitclaim and other real estate deeds is available at

This article information was provided by This is not legal advice and you are encouraged to consult legal counsel with any questions.
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How to properly evaluate a potential investment property

photo credit: Håkan Dahlström via photopin cc
photo credit: Håkan Dahlström via photopin cc

Life is full of sayings that seem contradictory at first.  Expressions like “a chain is only as strong as its weakest link” and a “team is only as good as its worst player” seem to make no sense until they have been analyzed and understood.  In flipping homes, you make your money when you buy.  Quite simply, if you buy a home at the proper discount then you have a much better chance of selling at a profit.  Here is a general outline to help you evaluate a potential home for investment.

First, Take a Casual Drive

It is a good idea to only consider homes that you can actually inspect.  Being able to drive by the home gives you a firsthand perspective. On your way to the home pay attention to the little details such as

  • condition of the roads; are there large potholes, pavement patches, adequate street signs?
  • local area; are there any schools, shopping, offices, or factories nearby?
  • Appearance of the actual street; how do the other homes on the block look?
  • The prospective home; what is your first impression when you see the place?

Second, take a Casual Stroll

Now that you have had the time to look at the home and surrounding area from the road, it is time to actually look at the property up close.  When you are in the home ignore things like carpeting and paint.  Take time to look over the roof, the foundation, the electrical box, the HVAC unit and any plumbing pipe that is easy to access.   Walk outside and see if the septic tank or well has any problem.  These are the areas that can cost major money to fix.  If there are any noticeable problems with these primary parts of the home you can use that to negotiate with the seller.

Third, crunch some numbers

Now that you have looked over the home and determined that it is a possible investment, it is time to do the math.  You need to have an idea of what the total repairs will cost along with how much the home should be worth after the repairs are completed.  Once you have these numbers you can make an offer to the seller.

When putting together your repair estimates it is always better to over price.  Trying to cut corners and dream that the kitchen can be remodeled for $2,000, or some other wishful hope, will cause you tremendous grief later on.

After you have looked at a few homes and talked with the same contractor a number of times you can start to get a feel for how much repairs will cost.  This one skill takes some time to master for those that are new to real estate investment.   Once you are comfortable estimating repair costs you will be much better at spotting a deal when it pops up.

Search for: Madison, WI Foreclosures for Sale

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Rookie mistakes when flipping a home.

photo credit: Jeremy Levine Design via photopin cc
photo credit: Jeremy Levine Design via photopin cc

With mortgage rates still at all-time lows and lots of homes available at prices below market, many people are turning to real estate investment for the first time.  In order to be safe, new investors often start out with flipping homes instead of holding a property for its rental value.  Here are some of the top mistakes rookies make in home flipping and how to avoid them.

Not Allowing Enough for Repair Work

This is usually the biggest mistake made by new investors.  People who have never renovated a home often underprice the repairs needed to make the home attractive enough to sell.  This is why seasoned investors recommend that new investors talk to a contractor BEFORE placing a bid on a home.  Getting a good price upfront will help determine if the house is worth the purchase. It is also wise to add a bit of cushion for Murphy's Law for things that just go wrong for no reason.

Allowing Emotion to Let You Pay Too Much

Some investors find the “perfect” home and go full steam ahead with the purchase.  They find a home with a discount in a hot area and they just KNOW that they can sell it for a quick profit.  This is where cold, hard facts should take the lead, not emotion.

An investor should never, ever buy a home for anything more than 70% of the home's repaired value.  This is a rule of thumb that has been used by many investors for years and it has served them well.  Paying more than the 70% will lead to smaller profits or even a loss.

Trying to Do Too Much

Many new investors envision themselves remodeling the bathroom, adding new paint and then finishing up the front lawn in a few weeks and then, voila, the home will sell.  However, it is best to let the pro's handle the tough work.  Repairing or remodeling a home can require some or all of the basic contracting skills such as carpentry, plumbing, masonry, painting and electrical.  It is simply too much of a daunting task to try and do all of this on your own unless you have considerable experience in these areas.  Even if you can do it all, wouldn't it be better to hire someone to do this type of hourly work while you search for the next deal?

Taking Too Long for the Repairs

Each month that you own a property is another month of expenses for items like utility bills, insurance and property taxes.  This can eat in to your future profits and may even cause yourself a loss.  Before buying the property sit down with your contractor and discuss the estimated time needed to repair the home.  If necessary, ask the contractor to break the job down into rooms and develop a timeline.  This will help you and the contractor stay on pace to finish the work and get it back on the market.

Your goal as a home flipper is to find a home at the right price that you can turn around and sell for a profit.  Don't fall in to the trap of these mistakes and don't get too attached to any home.  Always be ready to simply walk away from a potential deal and look for a new one.

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A Guide To Home Mortgage Rates


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Simple Ways to Get Your Home Ready to Sell

photo credit: Neil Kremer via photopin cc
photo credit: Neil Kremer via photopin cc

For those homeowners that have waited to sell their home, heed the advice of Nike: “Just Do It.”  Interest rates are still really low and the upcoming changes in mortgage lending may disqualify some buyers.  Now is the time to sell your home.  In order to help your home sell quickly follow the timely advice offered below.

Spend a Little Now to Get More Later

With so many homes available many buyers are seeking out a property that is move-in ready.  This means that small repairs and maintenance items will possibly turn off some buyers.  Take a walk through the home and pick out the small things that need to be fixed.  Leaking faucets, a chipped tile, a flaky bit of paint and other similar items can negatively impact the appearance of your home.

You should also consider spending a little money to get the carpets thoroughly cleaned and ask a local heating/air conditioning company to service your unit.

Put Yourself in the Shoes of the Buyer

If you are looking for a new home, what items are important to you?  The majority of people want to live in a clean home that smells nice with lots of room in the closets, cabinets and other storage areas.  Therefore, you should put a lot of time in to making your home look clean, neat and organized. Start with the cabinets and closets.  Remove as much clutter as possible and even add some shelves if it helps improve the look.  Go through all the rooms and put everything away in a nice, orderly fashion.  Finally, get a few aroma dispensers and put them throughout the house.

Make People Interested in Coming Inside

So many homeowners spend time, money and a lot of effort improving the inside of the home that they ignore the outside appearance.  It is important to have an inviting appearance.  Homeowners should trim all the bushes, clean out the gutters, make sure the driveway and walkway are clear and clean the windows.  For people that have siding, consider power washing the siding as well.  It is really important that the front door and the surrounding entrance area look clean and homey.

Two Important Rooms: Bathrooms and Kitchens

The bathroom and kitchen will usually have more influence over selling a home than any other part of the house.  It is a good idea to go through these rooms and spend extra time, and even money, to make sure they look attractive and modern.

Many types of cabinets can be painted with a little bit of planning and work.  All bathroom plumbing should be in good working order.  Make sure there is plenty of light with good looking fixtures and that the ventilation to both the kitchen and bathroom is more than adequate.  Also, make sure the counters are clean and devoid of clutter.

It may seem like a crazy idea to spend money on a home that you are planning to sell.  However, spending money in the right areas can greatly improve your chances of selling the home faster and may yield a good return on the investment.

Why list your home with Rock Realty?? Rock Realty Marketing Outline

Recent Testimonials: Rock Realty Client Testimonials

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Estimating house repairs accurately for an investment/flip.

photo credit: Nebojsa Mladjenovic via photopin cc
photo credit: Nebojsa Mladjenovic via photopin cc

Very few people ever buy a car and then find out the amount of the monthly payments and insurance.  Most people sit down with pen and paper, or a computer, and crunch some numbers to make sure they can handle the purchase.   The same thing should be done before buying an investment property.  However, buying a home with the purpose of flipping takes a bit more knowledge and calculation in order to earn a profit when it comes time to sell.

Understand the Difference between Structural Problems and Cosmetic Needs

Even a brand new novice can recognize the need for some paint or fresh carpet.  People that have purchased a home before could possibly spot an older front door or some outdated windows.  However, being able to see and recognize a problem with the structure of a home takes a bit more knowledge and practice.  Pay close attention to these areas and possible problems:

  • Areas damaged by water; evidence could be water stains, rippled paint, musty odors or flaking of paint
  • Problems with water lines; water supplies that drip or don't run, leaks around toilets, pipes, and water valves
  • Presence of pests, especially termites
  • Dry and rotten wood

Beyond these trouble spots, it is also important to understand that a home 20+ years old will most likely need some kind of other normal repair such as an updated HVAC system, new roof, or new water heater.

The Right Compromise Makes Everyone Happy

Keep in mind that your goal is to FLIP the home.  That means that you can purchase the home well enough below the market value that you can quickly sell it to someone else for a profit.  If you try to repair too many things, then the price will need to be increased and you could scare off a few investors.

Here is a simple formula that will help you when looking at potential properties.

  1. Determine the value of the home after repairs have been made
  2. Deduct the money needed to make said repairs.
  3. Take this new amount and multiply it by 70%.  This figure is top dollar offer.

Here is a simple example.  You are looking at a home that should be worth $180,000 once it has been repaired.  The money needed to fix it up is $15,000.

Estimated new value of home after repairs$180,000.00
Necessary repairs-15000
Current value$165,000.00
Multiplied by 70%$115,500.00

In this particular example, if you could purchase the home for $109,000 and sell it for $114,000 you would make a quick $5,000 without lifting a finger.  To make this better, the investor that buys the home from you has enough room to buy the home, make the repairs and sell for a profit.

How to Get Better at Estimating Repair Costs

  • Habit of looking at homes – You will need to inspect quite a few homes in order to learn how to recognize particular problems. Seeing the same kind of problem multiple times will teach you what to search for in a home.
  • Get acquainted with a contractor – If you are not a contractor yourself then it is a good idea to strike up a friendship with a contractor.  They will be able to give you estimates on your potential properties.  You can also refer work to him to keep him busy.
  • Take good notes – When you are looking at a home with a contractor take notes about the problems that he points out and the price for the repair.
  • Study material prices – Get accustomed to visiting the local hardware stores to get prices on materials. Knowing when prices are going up, or going down, or certain items will help you make more accurate estimates.

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How to Buy Investment Properties with an IRA - Step by Step (Part 4 of 4)

Using a self-directed IRA to buy real estate is a sound investment strategy for many people. The ability to buy assets that can provide strong returns is appealing to a wide range of people. Listed below are the basic steps necessary to buy a property in compliance with the IRS rules governing the use of an IRA account.

photo credit: roberthuffstutter via photopin cc
photo credit: roberthuffstutter via photopin cc

1. Contact a financial firm that has experience with self-directed IRA’s. Working with a firm that is familiar with these accounts and the real estate transactions is the most important step.

2. Understand the IRS rules. A property bought via the IRA must be an investment home. Second homes, vacation homes and primary residences are strictly prohibited. Furthermore, distributions from the account are not allowed until the owner of the IRA is at least 59 ½

3. Deposit funds into the account. One of the important rules about buying property with an IRA is that all funds for the purchase as well as any other expenses has to come directly from the IRA. The owner cannot chip in extra money to help cover property tax or replacing the roof, in example.

4. All revenue received on the property must be deposited to the IRA account. The revenue cannot be given to the IRA owner or relatives.

5. Take time to preview multiple properties. It is wise to enlist the assistance of a real estate agent who has knowledge with these types of transactions. An agent can recommend properties in areas that have strong rental history. Furthermore, the agent can help calculate the return on investment based on average rent payments for the area.

6. Once you have picked out an investment property it is time to put down an offer. Contact the custodian for your IRA account and tell them you want to buy a property. The custodian will then fill out the necessary forms and sign all real estate documents on the behalf of your IRA account.

7. It is a wise idea to get a contract with a property manager to handle the finances of the property. This will prevent you from collecting the rent payments and making any necessary repairs yourself. A property manager can keep all the transactions clean and legal and free you from the headache of property management.

It is important to understand the rules concerning using an IRA to buy and manage real estate investments. Failing to follow the rules can lead to penalties and possibly loss of the tax advantages associated with an IRA account. When in doubt consult a tax professional before making any decision or transaction with the IRA funds.

This is Part 4 of a 4 Part Series.

Part 1: How a Realtor® can help you invest in your IRA

Part 2: Purchasing Investment Properties for your IRA

Part 3: How to invest in real estate using an IRA

Part 4: Step by Step Guide to Buying Homes with your IRA

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Purchasing Investment Property using an IRA (Part 2 of 4)
Using an IRA account to purchase real estate can be a great way to add to an existing retirement plan or simply diversify current holdings. Following the guidelines of the law for these types of investments can bring strong yields to the IRA owner.
Different Ways to Use IRA with Real Estate
photo credit: j l t via photopin cc
photo credit: j l t via photopin cc
There are actually several ways to use an IRA as an investment in real estate.
* Act as a bank – The money in the IRA account can be loaned out to individuals who offer up real estate as the primary collateral. In essence, the IRA account becomes a mortgage lender.
* Own property – Most people choose to use their IRA funds to outright purchase an investment property. The seller of a home enters into a contract with the IRA and the IRA becomes the owner of the property.
* Partner with others that own property – It is possible for an IRA to become a partner with investors such as other IRA’s, entities or individuals.
Property Value Requirements
Most IRA companies will require that the property has a report of market value in order to be accepted as an investment. Furthermore, some companies may require that a new value report be presented each year. This is to ensure that the correct property taxes are being paid. The report can come in the form of an appraisal or a market analysis completed by a real estate agent.
Basic Guidelines for IRA Real Estate Investment
* All transactions must be arm’s length – This means that the owner of the IRA cannot buy any property from the IRA. Conversely, the IRA cannot purchase one of your existing properties.
* The owner of the IRA cannot use the real estate – This means that you cannot live in the home nor can you use it as a second home or vacation property.
* The IRA account only invests for the account – The owner of the IRA cannot receive any type of immediate benefit from the investments.
* No sweat equity allowed – Any repairs or improvements made to a property must be completed by a third party.
How to Manage the Property
Once an IRA has bought real estate, the expenses for the property will need to be managed via the IRA account. The expenses can be controlled by a property manager or by the IRA owner. Once again, there are some rules to keep in mind.
* You are in control of decisions for the property – You have the say in which plumber to hire, who is allowed to rent the home and other similar decisions. However, you cannot do any physical work on the property.
* No personal funds used for the property – Your personal funds cannot be used to pay property taxes, secure insurance or anything else related to the property. For this reason it is always wise to open up an IRA account with a nice cash buffer to handle expenses.
This is Part 2 of a 4 Part Series.
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photo credit: ifmuth via photopin cc

It Takes a Good Plan to be Successful in Rental Property

(Investment Properties: Part 5 of 5)

For people considering a purchase of a rental home this is truly an opportune time. The tremendously low mortgage rates coupled with attractive home prices makes this a buyer’s market.

However, numerous reports indicate that home prices are rising consistently, although modestly. If you are considering buying a home it is time to take action. Here are a few guidelines to help you plan out your first purchase.

Look to Experts

If you are looking at your first investment property purchase it would be wise to work with a real estate agent that is experienced in these kinds of deals. An agent that intends to work with an investor over the long term will be meticulous about the property recommendations to insure the investor meets their financial goals and comes back to the agent for more homes.

It is also a good idea to speak with other investors. They can provide you some guidance about what to look for in homes, what areas to avoid and other general information that is generally not found in a textbook.

What Type of Investment Do You Wish to Pursue?

Some first investors choose to buy a home at a great price and rent it out on their own. Others use the service of a management firm. And then there are the individuals that buy a home, spend some money on repairs and put the home back on the market at a price to make a profit.

It is important to consider your options and tolerance for risk. Buying a home that you can easily afford while looking for a tenant may be a good opportunity to get your feet wet.

Develop Your Team before the Purchase

If you plan to manage the property on your own, there will be a few individuals you need to contact prior to purchase. First, you will need a lender that can handle investment loans. Second, you should consult with an accountant and attorney to make sure you are covered legally and that you minimize your tax liability. Third, you should speak to an insurance agent about the proper policies to cover your investment. Finally, you will need to talk to a general handyman or one each of plumbers, electricians, roofers, painters and HVAC repairmen. Having these people lined up and ready to work for you will make much of the process go by smoothly.

Choosing the Right Area

It is important to pick a home in an area that is accustomed to rental property. Places with a high population close to schools and shopping districts are usually safe bets. Rural areas can be difficult simply because the number of available applicants is typically small. Keep in mind that you may want to sell the property in a few years. If you buy the smallest, or the largest, home in a neighborhood it can be tough to unload later.

Buying an investment home should be approached as a strictly business transaction. Decide how much you can comfortably invest and how much you hope to make as a return and let those types of items help you with the decision.

Investment/Rental Properties (5 Part Series)

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It’s a sign of the times!

Most of us grew up thinking that if we planned well and played by the rules, we’d never have to stand by as our financial lives unraveled.

But upheaval on Wall Street, unacceptable rates of unemployment and plummeting real estate values have taken their toll.  Since 2007, 7.9 million homeowners have lost their homes to foreclosure. Current estimates are that one in four homeowners owe more on their mortgages than they could get from the sale of their home. Millions more homes will be lost to foreclosure before this real estate crisis runs its course.

The sad fact is that foreclosure is not an isolated event. For months leading up to the loss of a home, financially strapped homeowners live under a cloud of uncertainty.  And then for many years afterwards, the blow to credit gets in the way of buying another home or buying anything on credit. Foreclosure even complicates employment prospects.

The impact of foreclosure is huge and the sad fact is that it’s often avoidable.


As a real estate professional who has earned the Certified Distressed Property Expert (CDPE) designation, my mission is to provide financially strapped homeowners with options to foreclosure, ensure that they steer clear of scams, and help navigate them through the solution that best meets their needs.

Among the most important facts to keep in mind: the sooner help is sought, the better the options.

These are tough times, but more help is available than ever before. If you or someone you care about is ready to navigate away from the dark cloud of an unmanageable mortgage and realize that hope and blue skies are within reach, contact me today and let’s get started.

What are your 10 Options to Avoid Foreclosure?


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photo credit: reallyboring via photopin cc

Advice About Purchasing Your First Rental Home/Property
(Investment Properties: Part 1 of 5)

Before buying that first piece of rental property it is important that you answer a single question. This question has nothing to do with your credit score, your experience with real estate or how much money you can gather for the purchase. The question is quite simple: WHY are you buying an investment home?

The answer to this question will guide you towards the right kind of property and the right type of financing. Let’s look at some examples to get a better idea of reasons people use to start investing in homes.

Saving for College Tuition

This type of goal usually involves a term over a few years. Couples with young children will buy a home in an area that has shown signs of appreciating. A year or two before the child enters college the family will sell the home and use the profit to pay for tuition, books and other expenses.

In this particular scenario the couple is not concerned with making a large profit each month on the rent. They simply want to break even while keeping the home in tip-top shape to maximize the potential appreciation.

Using Cash Flow to Increase Monthly Income

Some individuals invest in rental homes because they want to earn a profit each month from the rent. In these cases it is extremely important to buy a home either for all cash or at a deep discount from the market price. Foreclosures and vacant homes are common for this example. Buying the home for cash or at a deep discount allows the landlord to charge a fair rent based on the current market conditions and pocket most of the money each month as profit.

Speculation about Future Values

Sometimes people simply buy a property at a slightly discounted price in hopes that the property value will escalate quickly due to a future event. For instance, a new shopping mall, new school or a new factory can greatly improve the value of homes in the immediate area. Buying a home in such a location and holding on to it for a few months to a year can yield a high profit.

Career Change

Some people want to begin their property investment as a means to escape their current full time job and start a new career. It is possible for people to invest in real estate as their main source of income. However, it is not a get rich quick scheme.

The most successful investors have clear goals and follow a proven formula. They buy homes in particular areas that exhibit desirable qualities. They only buy when the price is discounted heavily and they have favorable financing for the transaction. They also understand the rental rates for the area in comparison to the financing costs.

Buying a rental home can be lucrative and lead to good fortune. However, it must be approached with diligence and hard work, not pie-in-the-sky dreams.

Investment/Rental Properties (5 Part Series)

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Rock Realty is proud to announce: Michael Collins has received his Certified Distressed Property Expert designation (CDPE).


This is Michael's second such designation in the distressed property and pre-foreclosure field. He also holds the Short Sales & Foreclosure Resource (SFR) certification. If you are looking for a short sale specialist in the greater Madison & Janesville Wisconsin areas, Michael Collins is the Realtor® for you!

In fact, in 2012 Michael was involved in more short sale single family home & condo closings than any other real estate agent in the South Central Wisconsin MLS! He has represented both buyers and seller clients in Dane, Rock & Green Counties. In 2012 alone, he closed 8 Short Sale homes where he was the listing agent. Click the link below to see those sold listings!

Michael's 2012 Short Sale Closings



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our home is your safe haven and considered as the most important place for you and your family, that's why, as much as possible you want to keep your home.  But what if the time comes when foreclosure appears to be inevitable?  Perhaps, one of the most traumatic experiences a homeowner can ever encounter is leaving the house due to foreclosure.  You've been barely struggling with your mortgage payments and definitely when you reach the point wherein you already used your resources, you don't have any choice but to face the foreclosure.  That's pretty sad. :(

But of course, just like most of the things in this world, foreclosure has its own alternative too.  Short Sale.  Yes, short sale is absolutely the viable substitute if you are not qualified to refinance or amend your mortgage.  Another reason is if you are facing a long term adversity.  Moreover, short sale can also be an option if you are behind your mortgage payments and you are indebted more on your home than it's actual worth.

To learn more about this Short sale Solutions, read this full article here.

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By now you are probably telling yourself, having an investment property is not as easy as you thought. To make matters worse, your property is now underwater and it shifted from an Asset to a Liability. It is a liability because you may be dealing with negative cash flow, accruing repair costs, vacancy, and most importantly, it is underwater meaning you owe more on the home than it is worth. Let’s explore some options.

No Credit Ding Options

  • Option #1 – Ride It Out

If you have sufficient income to support your investment property, you can ride the market out in hopes of selling it at a higher price point.

  • Option #2 – Improve The Property

You can improve the property by getting a fresh coat of paint or getting landscaping work done. However, this is very risky and rarely works in these types of situations.

  • Option #3 – Lease Option Sale

This is an option where you can negotiate a lease option with your tenant/buyer. This way, the tenant can improve their credit, increase their savings, and eventually purchase the property.

  • Option #4 – Pay The Difference

You can sell the property and pay the difference in the amount owed and the amount you can sell it for. Some ways you can pay this difference are, out of pocket or if you have other investment properties, you can borrow the difference amount against your other rental property.

Credit Ding Options

  • Option #5 – Foreclosure

If your bank does not accept your hardship letter and short sale request, you can default on your payments and allow the bank to repossess your home. This last resort option will hurt your bank(s) and yourself. This option can leave you vulnerable to a deficiency judgment(s) depending on whether your state is a recourse or non-recourse state. For more information, read my previous article here.

In this situation, your credit score will receive an 85-160 (varies upon situation) point reduction and you will have a foreclosure stamped on your credit report. With a foreclosure, you will not be able to obtain another mortgage for at least a few years or typically, a 7 year period.

  • Option #6 – Short Sale

This has been the most popular option for investors. If you can show legitimate hardship or foreseeable hardship, your bank may allow you to short sale where you can sell your property for less than what is owed, avoid foreclosure and walk away from the property with little to no remaining debt. The key is to find a pro negotiator in your area who is well connected with banks and can negotiate the deficient amount despite having other assets.

This is preferable by banks and the short sale is translated on your credit report as “paid for less than original amount.” You will be able to obtain another mortgage in some cases immediately or on average, 24 months.

Tax implications

One of the most important factors when walking away from your investment property whether it is via short sale or foreclosure, are the subsequent tax implications. The IRS deems the forgiven amount (deficiency) as “taxable income” unless it is your primary residence in which you would be able to exclude the income through the mortgage forgiveness debt relief act.

If however you are able to show insolvency where your total liabilities exceed your total assets or if the debt was discharged in a Title 11 bankruptcy, you can exclude the forgiven amount regardless of it being a second home.

Short selling your rental property with little liability is difficult to do if you do not have an experienced agent who is well connected with banks. Our agents have been VERY successful in getting our investors out of their bad investment situations. If you are in Washington State, connect with our experts today to discuss your best option for your situation.

Hope this helps


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Are you in the market to purchase a home this year? Homebuyers and investors are now presented with prices at unprecedented lows and interest rates that have never been so desirable. For those who are now “looking,” the big questions to ask would be, did our housing market really hit rock bottom and should I look into these cream of the crop deals AKA short sales, reo’s & foreclosures?

So, have we hit rock bottom? 

The housing market showed signs of improvement this 2012 year. Non-distressed properties show on average a 1.7% increase in prices according to a recent HousingPulse survey and experts are optimistic for the latter half of 2012.

Does this mean the only direction house prices can go is up from here on out? Not necessarily. One of the key factors that result in house prices increasing is the decrease of supply in the market (less supply, more demand). Although it may seem our nations shadow inventory is decreasing as investors are rapidly buying homes at all-time low prices, a new wave of foreclosures are set to flood the market again as a result of the robo-signing scandal. This incident caused many lenders to lag behind in listing their foreclosure properties and ultimately pushing them through. One could reasonably presume prices to halt its gain again or drop even lower.

However, this does not mean that now is not a good time to purchase a home.  If your financial status suffices to buy, looking into short sales and REO properties can win you an outstanding deal in today’s market. Mortgage rates recently hit another all-time low. According to Freddie Mac’s Primary Mortgage Market Survey released on July 5th, 30-year fixed-rate mortgages sunk down to 3.62 percent which is a considerable decrease from a 4.6 percent just one year ago. Concurrently, rent prices have gone up on an average of 5.4 percent over the last 12 months according to real estate website, Trulia.

Washington State (Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue, WA), is in the top 20 nationwide for rising short sale discounts. The average sales price is $224,294 with an average discount of 31.35 percent.

*Before you begin putting offers on properties, I highly recommend following Dave Ramsey’s guide prior to purchasing a home.

Our team of agents specialize in short sale and reo properties and have been extremely successful in helping clients purchase discounted homes in the Washington State area. If you are looking into purchasing a home this year, contact our team of local agents to find the best deals in your desired location(s).


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Many homeowners are now capable of purchasing a home with the all-time low home prices and interest rates. Short sales and Foreclosure/REO properties offer cream of the crop deals that are difficult to simply pass by. If you are looking into the housing market, it is wise to adequately educate yourself especially when looking into distressed properties.

The big question we’ve been getting is, is a short sale or a foreclosed property the better deal? Below is a large pros and cons list for both short sales and REO properties.

*Information derived from Foxbusiness, ABC ActionNews, RealtyStore, WhisselRealty

REO Properties: Real Estate Owned – An REO is a property that the bank foreclosed on and is now for sale.


  • The seller of the property is a bank that has no emotional attachment to the property…they are all about the numbers.
  • They are often priced aggressively as the bank wants to sell the property as quick as possible.  They want to stop the business of managing and selling property, and get back to the business of lending money.
  • These homes are typically vacant and are very easy to show.
  • The banks will usually respond to your offer in 3-5 business days.
  • If the home is owned by Fannie Mae, it may qualify for HomePath financing which only requires 3% down and does not require an appraisal or mortgage insurance (MI).


  • Because these homes are aggressively priced, they often received multiple offers.  This is where it becomes important to work with an agent that has a strong understanding of how to write your offer to make it stand out from the competition.
  • These homes are sold as-is and the bank will often make no repairs.  As you have probably seen in the news, many of these homes have been stripped by the previous owner and/or vandalized by criminals.  Because of this, they may not qualify for FHA or VA financing.
  • You will also have no disclosure forms from the previous owner with REO properties, nor will you be able to get good answers about the neighborhood with repossessed homes as simply as you would through the normal process with a realtor and private seller.
  • In these post-bubble days, a bank may also not own the repossessed homes as cheaply as was the norm in previous economies. They may also try to recoup some of their expenses from the foreclosure process as well as the monthly costs of owning and carrying REO properties.

Short Sale Properties: Homeowner sells for less than what is owed.


  • Many agents will not show short sales due to the long response time which opens up opportunities for those buyers that are not in a hurry to buy.
  • These homes are typically in better condition than bank owned homes because the homeowner is usually still occupying them and taking care of the home.
  • The banks will often accept less than market value because they do not want to foreclose on the home and take on the task of managing and selling the home.


  • The process of negotiating a short sale with the mortgage bank typically takes 1-6 months.
  • The bank is under no obligation to approve a short sale offer.  Less than 50% of short sales that are submitted to banks are approved.
  • Often times the banks will not pay off all of the liens against the property (HOA dues, property taxes, ….) and the buyer may be asked to pay for these items.

In conclusion, one of the main discrepancies between a short sale vs an REO property can be described by the scenario of buying a used car either from a dealer or from a private owner. If you get it from an owner (REO), you may get the vehicle at a more discounted price but the quality of the asset is a gamble. You may end up spending a lot in repairs because the vehicle’s engine hasn’t been maintained.

In many cases, an REO property is vandalized and/or the previous owner out of spite, trashes the property prior whereas in a short sale, the property is significantly less likely to be vandalized or mistreated prior to transferring the home.

What do you think? Which would be the better deal? Short sale vs Foreclosure

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Avoiding Problems with Your Escrow Account

If you are using a mortgage to purchase your first home it is highly likely that the lender will request that you use escrow in order to handle the annual homeowner's insurance and taxes on the property. This is reflected by an additional payment on top of the interest and principal payment that you make on the home loan. Ideally, the lender will review this account every year to see if there are overpayments or underpayments and change the escrow accordingly.

Unfortunately, we don't live in a perfect world and companies do make mistakes. Here are some important facts to help you understand the basics of an escrow account.


Property taxes are usually reviewed one year after a home has been purchased. At this time the property will likely get a new assessment, which can drastically increase the tax amount. For people that are buying a previously owned home this will usually not be an issue, although you should look at what the current assessment value is. If you are buying a brand new home, or if you have just built a home, then the previous tax amount was based on an empty lot. The existence of a new home will greatly improve the lot's value and subsequently change the tax amount.


Before finalizing the loan you will be asked to provide proof of insurance from a licensed insurance agent. The location of your home may dictate a few extras that might not be prevalent in other areas.

For instance, if you are considering the purchase of a home that is close to a river or lake then you may be in a flood zone and subject to flood insurance. Homes that are located in extremely rural areas may be subject to higher premiums if there are no fire fighting stations in close proximity to the home. It is vital that you speak to your Realtor® before buying a home to see if there are any conditions about the home that would result in a higher insurance policy.

Reviewing the Escrow

Every year your lender should mail you a letter that goes over the escrow account for the previous year. It should list all of the payments you made to the escrow account as well as any amounts disbursed from the account to cover your expenses. You should also contact your homeowner's insurance agent and the local tax assessor's office to see if there are any upcoming changes for your tax bill or your insurance bill.

How to Handle Property Tax Increases

Going back to the early example of someone buying a new home or building a home, there is the expectation that the property tax amount will increase tremendously. If the increase is more than $1,000 then the lender will possibly add $2,000 to the escrow account in case the taxes increase again the following year. This presents you with three choices:

  • Accept the new escrow amount and pay the additional $167 monthly amount
  • Ask your lender if they will spread the extra amount over the next two years to make the monthly amount lower
  • If you have the funds, offer to pay the increased tax amount yourself so that your escrow payment does not change.


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Homeowners-Insurance-300x183.jpg?width=300Understanding your Home Owners Insurance Policy

There is no doubt that an insurance policy on a home can be tough to understand. However, going over the policy and making sure you are comfortable with the important parts can payoff down the road. Here is an overview to make sure you have the basics covered.

The Home

It is important to know that in the event you lose your home to some sort of accident or force of nature that the insurance plan will provide enough funds to rebuild the home. This goes beyond the selling price of the home when you bought it. You need to know that the home can be replaced at today's costs. Construction costs and materials tend to rise over time. It is important to have replacement cost as part of your insurance policy.

Replacement of Belongings

Besides the actual structure of the home you should also consider your belongings. This can really mean anything such as furniture, dishes, picture frames, electronics, clothes, jewelry and a host of other items.

Try to stay away from the “current market” clause. This means that your 5 year old couch would be replaced at a price that assumed 5 years of use. The same concept would apply to any item that you have owned for a considerable amount of time. Also, ask the insurance company about their process for allowing you to replace items. For instance, if your home burned down and you are staying in a small apartment, do you really want to replace your giant screen TV right now? If the insurance company only gives you 60 days to replace an item, where will you store the products? Does the company demand that you buy an item, provide a receipt and then get reimbursed? All of these items should be covered prior to getting a policy.


The deductible for a home insurance policy works in the same manner as an automobile insurance plan. Higher deductibles will result in a lower monthly premium. However, a high deductible assumes that you have the funds to pay the amount in the event of an emergency. A smart financial move would be to save up a good amount, such as $2000, and then change your plan to a deductible of $2,000.


It is always a good idea to have a strong liability plan in place. For instance, if you have guests for a backyard barbecue and someone falls at the party, your liability policy should cover the expenses for the fall. This could be the cost for the ambulance, any stay at the hospital and possible rehabilitative therapy that is necessary after the injury.

Day to Day Expenses

Some insurance companies will reimburse you for your expenses while you are awaiting for your home to be rebuilt. Make sure you understand the circumstances surrounding this type of expense and how the insurance company will reimburse you.

A lot of the terminology used in the insurance plan is unique to the insurance world and may take a conversation with an agent to understand it properly. Understanding the policy before purchase will help you to feel confident that you are covered in the event of a major crisis.

Understanding Home Owners Insurance 

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