Fannie (11)

I just received an email from our Seterus negotiator asking for the seller to sign a promissory note for $27,000 and make payments of $450 for the next 60 months.  Is there any body who has received a fannie mae counter and been able to counter back at a lower amount and get approved?? 



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Fannie overpricing +/-125% of market value.

I began noticing about nine months ago; confirmed with several other short  sale Realtors and a law firm that does a lot of foreclosure defense and  short sale negotiations.  Have you also noticed Fannie has been countering  offers at +/-125% of fair market value?  I recently had one Fannie short  sale were they countered at $215K and three weeks later changed their mind,  reneged and recountered at $230K.  The buyer met both counter offers and  the FHA appraisal was ordered which came in at a fair market value of  $210K.  FANNIE REJECTED THE FHA APPRAISAL!  One of their managers told  me an FHA appraisal is only an opinion. I asked him, "than why do all the banks  and investors require an appraisal"?  Of course, he couldn't answer that  questions.  He also gave me his "BPO" comps and not a single one of them  was a comp!  What seems to be happening is Fannie is taking homes back and  putting them in their Homepath program for +/-125% of market  value.  With Homepath properties there are no appraisals and from what  I can determine Fannie arranges the financing.  So, now we have some poor  schnook who doesn't know any better buying an overpriced home, unappraised  home that will take many years before having any equity. Last  week, I had a conversation with a short sale supervisor at one of the major  lenders I work with who has a friend that paid $460K for  a Homepath home.  He had it appraised on his own and it  came in at about $400K.   Please note Fannie reported profits of $17.2  billion in 2012.  While their practices may be legal I would question their  ethics.  You can Google what I am saying and verify for yourselves, and I  would like to hear if you have had  similar experiences.
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I was researching the latest bulletins from both Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and the keys to both are 90 days delinquent and less than 620 credit score.  What happens when a borrower is more than 90 days delinquent and has a credit score of less than 620? 


  • Borrowers are NOT REQUIRED (my emphasis) to make a cash contribution/promissory note
  • Servicer is NOT REQUIRED (again my emphasis) to obtain or review the Borrower Response Package (aka short sale package)

Good news for folks looking to short sale their home.  Any distressed borrowers who need help in Broward county or surrounding areas in Florida please contact me!

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     If you are a Realtor or short sale negotiator who has done a short sale with Fannie Mae as the investor during the last few months, this blog post will likely raise a question or two.  For Fannie Mae Real Estate Price Fixingeveryone else, it will definitely also raise an eyebrow or two. Government conspiracy theorists are certainly not a rarity in this day and age. Depending on who you speak to, many of our fellow citizens can come off as paranoid and irrational when speaking about all the secret plans they seem so sure our government and those in power are plotting and planning. While the theory I'm proposing on here is certainly not up to par with the New World Order, Illuminati, One World Government folks, it is certainly some concerning and valid food for thought, especially for those of us in the Real Estate and Mortgage industry.  Take a few minutes to read this blog post, and you'll likely agree and come to find that this really isn't about a conspiracy theory, but a very real and disturbing trend that is happening in our housing market right now.

     Lets take a step back here and set the stage.  Over the last five to six years, we have seen real estate prices plummet in virtually every market across the country. This reality of the depressed housing market is certainly no secret. In many areas, prices have declined to as low as thirty cents on the dollar. Several years ago, As things became more and more depressed, our government stepped in.  Both Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, who back the majority of our residential mortgage loans, were completely bailed out by the US government.  This forced overtaking was something that our government had to do, as the imminent collapse of Fannie and Freddie would have meant the complete collapse of the housing and finance industry, likely permanently.  This was extremely important, as instead of giving bailout loans to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, like the auto industry or the banks,Government Real Estate Price Fixing they actually took complete control of these organizations.  Our government then established the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) to "oversee" these organizations which are now referred to as Government Sponsored Enterprises, or GSE's.  Since then, the FHFA consistently dictates policy to these Government Sponsored Enterprises that still back most residential mortgage loans and completely control the secondary mortgage market.

     Now back to the present.  Fantasic news headlines in much of the country that in many of the markets that were hardest hit, prices now seem to get going up almost as quickly as they were once declining. Inventories are low, demand is high, properties are getting multiple offers from buyers paying over list prices the minute they come on the market.  But for those in the industry such as myself who are active in the short sale and distressed property niche, an interesting and disturbing practice that has been taking place.

Fannie Mae inflated BPO     In very recent times, just in the past few months, short sale agents across the country have been having difficulties with Fannie Mae short sales.  To be more specific, the difficulty has been with wildly inflated appraised property values that Fannie Mae has been insisting on for short sale properties. For those who may not know, we are not talking about regular appraisals, traditionally ordered by a buyers lender in order to justify a purchase price.  In this case, we are talking about appraised values that Fannie Mae places on properties, ordered by them and completed by their own appraisers, utilizing their own appraising and property valuation methods.  Utilizing these over inflated appraised values, Fannie Mae then demands more money for these short sale properties from patient buyers.  Anyone starting to smell the stink yet? Does this stink smell a little similar to the stink we all experienced several years ago with inflated buyer appraisals from before the housing market collapse?

Fannie Mae Inflated appraisal     For the most active short sale agents across the country, the past few months have produced quiet a few headaches with Fannie Mae.  It seems virtually every property valuation and appraisal done by Fannie Mae for a short sale is at least 10% or more above current market value.  Values so inflated, that there are typically no comparable sales at all to come remotely close to justifying their prices.  Prices so high, that it most cases it would be virtually impossible for a buyer to find a loan and get an appraisal that would match the property values and prices that Fannie Mae is demanding.  The ironic part, is that these same buyers' loans who are purchasing these properties would of course eventually be sold off to... You guessed it, Fannie Mae! Because of the massive number of loans backed by Fannie Mae, this is widespread and is effecting a very high percentage of current sales.  And when it comes to disputing these inflated values, it can be quiet a challenge for real estate agents and short sale processors to convince Fannie Mae to change their mind and sell the properties for actual market value.

     Put two and two together, read between the lines, and it makes perfect sense that this is just Fannie Mae's and our policy dictating governments' valiant and likely effective attempt at mass, government controlled real estate price fixing.  Control the supply (market inventory), control the demand (interest rates ect), and then control prices and force up property values by demanding more money.  Fannie Mae and Government controlled real estate price fixing.  The tail wags the dog, and the dog has no clue what is going on.  A perfect example of the reality that housing has become completely socialized, but with the illusion that its just all part of the market cycle.  Just my two cents, for what its worth.
Click Here for my original article on Government Real Estate Price Fixing

Short Sale Specialist Network

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Great news for our military members!!

June 21, 2012

Washington, DC – Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) Acting Director Edward J. DeMarco today announced changes to short sale policies that will make it easier for military homeowners with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac loans to honor their financial commitments when they are required to move as part of their duty.

Under the new policy Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will not pursue a deficiency judgment or any cash contribution or promissory note from members of the military with a change in duty station for any property purchased on or before June 30, 2012. Service members must have a Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac loan to be eligible.


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Improvements and more improvements have been the recurring case for the government sponsored enterprises Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. Although these GSE’s (Government Sponsored Enterprise) had a slow start in finding the right solutions for the housing crisis we are facing, the momentum for improvements via federal guidelines have picked up speed. The Goal: Get through distressed properties quickly to catalyze the housing recovery. How? Streamline their short sales. Let’s explore new and improved federal guidelines these GSE’s will implement on November 1st.

Click the links below to see if your mortgages are backed by Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae:
Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae

Please read this concise document from FHFA.GOV HERE for the new Fannie and Freddie Guidelines and eligibility requirements.

Notes on new FHFH Guidelines:

  • A significant change for starters is homeowners being eligible for a short sale without being in default or at risk of imminent default. If the homeowner is able to show hardship and back it up with proper documents, a short sale is now possible. Note that it is not only for those who are relocating due to current or new employment (this may be confusing).
  • The right to pursue deficiency waiver for monetary exchange or promissory note applies to those who have sufficient income or assets. Even then, if you have a solid negotiator and/or short sale team, you can walk away from the property with little liability.
  • For those who are in serious financial distress (missed several payments and have low credit scores), a short sale will be more streamlined as documents required to show hardship has been reduced or eliminated.

In the past, the GSE’s guideline alterations were not received well by many professionals in the real estate community. However, these new changes presented by the FHFA were well received by U.S. Realtors and an international credit rating agency. This includes the National Association of Realtors who said, “Making the short sale process go more smoothly will help avoid foreclosure and keep homes occupied.”


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Washington, DC - The FHFA is seeking financial recovery from recently filed lawsuits according to its press release today.  It went on to say, "at this time, it would be premature and potentially misleading to estimate the size of any potential recoveries" and that "press reports that FHFA is seeking nearly $200 billion in damage are excessive." 

Full Press Release


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Feds Sue 17 Banks

Washington, DC
 -- The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), as conservator for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (the GSEs), today filed lawsuits against 17 financial institutions, certain of their officers and various unaffiliated lead underwriters.  The suits allege violations of federal securities laws and common law in the sale of residential private-label mortgage-backed securities (PLS) to the Enterprises.  


There are 17 separate suits all relating to mortgage origination and mortgage-backed securitization. Being separate actions the allegations vary from case to case.  Here's a sampling of allegations:

  • Loan-to-Value Data Was Materially False
  • Owner Occupancy Data Was Materially False
  • The Originators of the Underlying Mortgage Loans Systematically Disregarded Their Underwriting Guidelines
  • Failure To Conduct Proper Due Diligence
  • Defendants Incentivized to Fund Risky Residential Mortgage Loans
  • Material Misrepresentations and Omissions in the Offering Materials
  • Fraud

Read more - including List of Lead Defendants.

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Bailouts? Voice Your Opinion!

So you've probably heard that Freddie Mac is once again asking for federal aid. They showed a $4.1 billion loss in the third quarter and are now requesting another $100 million in aid. All told, it's estimated that the bailouts will cost taxpayers $259 billion.

As an agent that focuses largely on short sales, I continually see the ways that Freddie Mac gets in their own way. They are asking for this aid, but they have put themselves into the situation that requires aid. I have had several files where we sent in a short sale offer that was rejected because Freddie Mac felt it was too low. I felt it was a very good offer, but Freddie's rejection sent the file into foreclosure. Don't they understand that foreclosing on a home is exponentially more expensive than a short sale? They are putting themselves in a situation that results in an even greater loss, therefore resulting in their need for a bailout. Their own greed is their downfall, and that of us the taxpayers. These bailouts need to stop because they are only hurting the people paying the bills.

I sent a letter to both my local representative and Barney Frank, who is a member of the House Committee of Financial Services, asking them to deny Freddie's bailout. They've had enough chances and are only in their situation because of their own making. Send letters to your representatives as well and voice your opinion!

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Are you feeling overwhelmed in your home and mortgage? You are not alone. Many are feeling the same problem and it is growing in numbers.

Both the Military and Fannie Mae have set up web pages to help you through the maze and give you the options that may be available to you to either save your home or complete a short sale.

The short sale does allow you to sell your home for less than what you owe so that the home is not foreclosed. While this is a good option for many, it does have it drawbacks and you need to understand what it entails. Therefore you need to discuss this with an attorney, a CPA, and most important of all a SHORT SALE Specialist such as the SHORT SALE SUPERSTARS.

We have even managed to help our clients save their homes, avoid foreclosure and sale with a small amount of cash out of pocket avoiding a short sale and another actually walk away with cash on a sale that the bank wanted as a short sale.

Please get advice from a TRAINED SHORT SALE SPECIALIST in your area. If you decide to complete a SHORT SALE, your success is determined by how well the listing agent can present to the bank. The banks are overwhelmed and need to have a good trained expert present the packet.


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