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How to properly evaluate a potential investment property

photo credit: Håkan Dahlström via photopin cc
photo credit: Håkan Dahlström via photopin cc

Life is full of sayings that seem contradictory at first.  Expressions like “a chain is only as strong as its weakest link” and a “team is only as good as its worst player” seem to make no sense until they have been analyzed and understood.  In flipping homes, you make your money when you buy.  Quite simply, if you buy a home at the proper discount then you have a much better chance of selling at a profit.  Here is a general outline to help you evaluate a potential home for investment.

First, Take a Casual Drive

It is a good idea to only consider homes that you can actually inspect.  Being able to drive by the home gives you a firsthand perspective. On your way to the home pay attention to the little details such as

  • condition of the roads; are there large potholes, pavement patches, adequate street signs?
  • local area; are there any schools, shopping, offices, or factories nearby?
  • Appearance of the actual street; how do the other homes on the block look?
  • The prospective home; what is your first impression when you see the place?

Second, take a Casual Stroll

Now that you have had the time to look at the home and surrounding area from the road, it is time to actually look at the property up close.  When you are in the home ignore things like carpeting and paint.  Take time to look over the roof, the foundation, the electrical box, the HVAC unit and any plumbing pipe that is easy to access.   Walk outside and see if the septic tank or well has any problem.  These are the areas that can cost major money to fix.  If there are any noticeable problems with these primary parts of the home you can use that to negotiate with the seller.

Third, crunch some numbers

Now that you have looked over the home and determined that it is a possible investment, it is time to do the math.  You need to have an idea of what the total repairs will cost along with how much the home should be worth after the repairs are completed.  Once you have these numbers you can make an offer to the seller.

When putting together your repair estimates it is always better to over price.  Trying to cut corners and dream that the kitchen can be remodeled for $2,000, or some other wishful hope, will cause you tremendous grief later on.

After you have looked at a few homes and talked with the same contractor a number of times you can start to get a feel for how much repairs will cost.  This one skill takes some time to master for those that are new to real estate investment.   Once you are comfortable estimating repair costs you will be much better at spotting a deal when it pops up.

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photo credit: JMS2 via photopin cc

Financial Gurus Still Believe Rental Property Is a Safe Investment

(Investment Properties: Part 3 of 5)

The record low interest rates for mortgages have helped the real estate market to slowly improve month by month for the last several quarters. Thanks to these low rates real estate has continued to be a sound investment for people who wish to diversify their portfolio. For those people that are considering buying their first investment property here are some considerations to keep in mind.

Neighborhood History

It is wise to pick areas that are accustomed to rental homes. One of the most obvious choices would be neighborhoods close to a major university or college. If there are no colleges or universities in your area then look for certain neighborhoods close to quality schools. Schools often attract stable, hardworking tenants that will likely pay on time.

Understanding the Role of Landlord

There are two major ways to prosper from owning rental property. The first is to buy the home at a significant discount and then sell the place at a profit after the home has appreciated. The second way is to have positive cash flow. The second method takes considerable planning. Just because the tenant is willing to pay more per month than the actual mortgage payment, it does not mean that the home is profitable. There are other items to consider such as regular maintenance and repairs.

Determining What to Charge in Rent

Appraisers and real estate agents can provide information about rental rates for a certain area. This gives the investor some idea of what can be charged per month. The monthly mortgage amount and allotted figures for maintenance should be subtracted from the rent. There should be at least 15% left over after subtracting the payments and expenses. Otherwise, you run the risk of losing money.

Choosing Tenants

Once you have some interested parties and they seem capable of paying the rent it is time to begin the screening process. Experienced landlords hold fast to the rule of checking out prior landlord references as well as the tenant’s credit file and even a criminal check. The criminal check could spare you from inadvertently leasing to a felon and finding major damage to your home due to a police raid.

Research the Possibility of Using a Rental Management Firm

Some companies specialize in managing properties for investors. These firms will review applications from potential tenants, handle collecting rent payments and, most importantly, take care of the maintenance issues that pop up at the most inopportune times.

For instance, if you get a call in the middle of the day that a toilet is leaking, can you leave work and fix it? If you get a call at 2 am on Saturday morning notifying you of a sudden hole in the roof, are you capable of fixing that problem? Some people have the skills and time to manage these issues, but most people do not. In these instances it is a good idea to use the service of a reputable management firm.

Investment/Rental Properties (5 Part Series)

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In 2007 the Sunnyvale market was very competitive for buyers, especially for homes in the Cupertino School District. Many homes were getting multiple offers (like today) and nerves were often frayed (like today). I was working with a very nice couple who were looking for a single family home with Cupertino schools. They made several offers before one of their offers was finally accepted. 

One house came on the market in the Birdland neighborhood and the agent said we could submit an offer right away and she would present it to the seller. So my buyers wrote a very good offer which was submitted on a Friday evening, but the agent said she could not get a hold of her clients and would get back to me. There was an open house on Saturday and my clients went to the open house but did not tell the listing agent who they were. They stood there as the listing agent told the visitors to the open house that she had an offer, exactly how much it was, and what they would have to do to make a better offer.

I was shocked, and my clients not happy, escpecially when they did not get the home. But they said at the time, they felt the agent was trying to get the best deal for the seller. 

When my clients finally got an offer accepted and closed escrow on a great home I helped them find some contractors to update the kitchen and baths. When this was done, they were ready to put their town home on the market. Much to my amazement they asked the agent who told other potential buyers what their offer was to list their home. Their reasoning was they felt that agent was going to get them a better offer even if it was not done fairly to the buyers.

Wait, it gets better. Right before the home went on the market the client called me to tell me the home was listed and please feel free to bring in a buyer. I said, while trying very hard not to laugh, "After what this agent did to you, I would never subject another buyer to their unethical treatment. It would be totally unfair to my buyer." Their town home did eventually sell, but for 5% less and in 6 times as long a time period as most other homes at that time. The old client was shocked. 

So the point to all this is that a Sunnyvale Short Sale Agent must have an impeccable reputation with other agents. It is not enough to have a well priced home to sell. If you hire an agent who does not play well with other children (or other Sunnyvale short sale realtors) you will make a complicated transaction even more complicated. Short sales, even more than traditional sales, need everyone to work together, sort of like a synchronized swim team. If one of the team members is trying to drown the other team members no one wins.

So do your self a favor, when looking for a realtor for your Sunnyvale Short Sale find someone who is experienced, well educated in the process, and has a great reputation with other agents.

If you have any questions about buying or selling a short sale in San Mateo or Santa Clara County please feel free to contact me.

Marcy Moyer

Keller Williams Realty


D.R.E.  01191194


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