interest (2)

Wisconsin Quitclaim Deeds

Wisconsin Quitclaim DeedA quitclaim deed allows property owners to transfer whatever interest they may have in a specific piece of real estate. The Wisconsin statutes do not contain a specific form for deeds, but they do define what the different conveyances mean, and the minimum information necessary in each (Wisc. Stat. 706.02, 706.10(4)). To be eligible for recording, a deed also must meet all the local rules for content and format as well as the statutory requirements set forth in Wisc. Stat. 706.05.

As opposed to a warranty deed, a quitclaim deed offers no guarantees that the owner has good title or even ownership at all; it simply conveys whatever interest exists at the time of the deed’s signing. Once buyers accept it, they are left with little to no recourse against the former owner. This lack of protection makes a quitclaim deed unsuitable for purchasing real estate from an unknown party.

Yet, a quitclaim deed is fully sufficient to convey property in other circumstances. Consider the following scenarios:

  • Familial transfers: Quitclaim deeds are often used to transfer property within families, for example, between parents and children, siblings and other closely related family members.
  • Adding or removing a spouse: Whether resulting from marriage or divorce, a real estate owner can use a quitclaim deed to add a spouse to the title or to remove him or her.
  • Transferring real estate to an LLC or corporation: Since corporate transfers often happen between closely related entities, they are usually done with this deed.
  • Transferring real estate to a trust: Estate planning for subsequent generations often involves an initial transfer from a family member into a trust.
  • Clearing the title for insurance purposes: In the process of researching the chain of title, title companies may find a "cloud" on it. Generally this means that someone who is not identified in the ownership history may have an interest in the property. This can be amended if the person in question executes a quitclaim deed.
  • Removal of a potential interest holder: Prior to funding a loan, lenders may require someone who is not going to be on the loan, such as a spouse, to record a quitclaim deed, thus formally foregoing any future interest in the property.

Many of the above transfers are exempt from Wisconsin’s real estate transfer tax pursuant to Wisc. Stat. 77.25 as long as only nominal or no consideration is paid in exchange. Even if the transfer or removal of an interest falls under one of these exemptions, the transfer tax return form should be submitted in order to identify and document the exemption.

Further information about quitclaim and other real estate deeds is available at

This article information was provided by This is not legal advice and you are encouraged to consult legal counsel with any questions.
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The Short sale and the Sole ProprietorI have been working on a short sale for several months, and the seller is truly in a hardship position…stuck between a rock and a hard place.He is paying an interest only note on land at 8%; he was able to arrange a 90% loan when the property was purchased directly from a developer (not from a Realtor) for $400,000 three years ago.The current market value is approximately half the purchase price, or $160,000 less than the existing mortgage. I advised the seller to list at $200,000 subject to acceptance of his lender allowing the short sale. We have an offer pending and have been through the financials …the seller is currently underwater with his income to expense ratio (making less than his obligations).The seller owns a business and needs his credit to run it.Yesterday after two months of paperwork being compiled and completed, the seller suddenly says I can’t go forward with the deal. If the short sale closed his credit rating would take a big hit, and it would affect his ability to continue in his retail business. He knows the interest only loan is not reducing the principal, he knows there is no way to predict if he’ll ever be able to sell for an amount that will clear the note, and he knows that every month that his cost exceeds his income puts him closer to a total melt down.I have advised him to seek a loan modification, but with the value of the property and his current income it will be nearly impossible to work out better terms. His bank has suggested he do a short sale, but if he does his business will be affected, if he doesn’t he’ll go broke rather quickly...but still own his business. He is stuck with a loan he can’t afford, but must keep making payments (in his mind) to remain in business.The seller has asked me to put the property back on the market for 10% more than he owes…but no one will buy it for that amount. I didn’t sell him the property but feel as though I must make every attempt to find a solution for my client. Any thoughts?
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