Selling (17)

What do Real Estate Agents do to Sell a Home?

Outside of the legal and medical professions, most industries are filled with people that work their tails off without the general public understanding their line of work. This is quite common for people that work in the real estate industry. Here are some of the many things that an agent does to sell a home for a new listing.

Extensive Photos

realtor-pin-1As the old saying goes “a picture is worth a thousand words.” Real estate agents will take lots of pictures to show off the best aspects of the home. When prospective buyers have an opportunity to see multiple pictures of a place before they view the property it helps to get the buyers more familiar with the property. It also reduces the number of people who are certain they will not buy a home based on the presence, or lack of, certain features.

Social Media Announcement

With multiple pictures of the property in hand, an agent can post to the various social media sites and alert all their friends and connections that the home is now available. With the multiple interactions found on most of the social media sites this is a great way to spread the word and let potential buyers know about the home's availability and best selling points. Good agents post to multiple sites like Facebook, Google +, Twitter and even Pinterest.


Many real estate agents connect with their past clients and prospects by sending out a monthly or quarterly newsletter. The newsletter can be sent via email or the old fashioned way of postal mail. This gives the agent a chance to pass along helpful information, such as home maintenance tips, energy saving advice as well as all of their new home listings. This is an easy way to reach people that may not be active on social media and still give them a chance to see the home in pictures.


Some agents aggressively market their listings by sending out emails to their prospective buyer base. These email lists are built over time from a multitude of different sources like, previous clients, internet leads and people that have signed up via their website. Since some home buyers can spend many years searching for a home, this large database of previous contacts can be a key component to selling your home.

On top of that, most agents will present any new listings to their own personal buyer clients who might be interested. Since they have in-depth knowledge of the home, it's much easier to explain the benefits. They will also share the new listing with other agents in their office/company in hopes they promote it to their buyer clients.

MLS Listing

One of the most important things an agent can do is list a home with the MLS (Multiple Listing Service). This service is accessible by local real estate agents and to Realtors® across the country via certain home search websites. When a buyer comes to an agent and asks for a list of potential homes, the agent will use the MLS service to find all available homes in the area. Agents pay yearly to have access to this database in order to be ready when either a buyer or seller is in need.


When a potential buyer wishes to see a home the real estate agent is the one that meets them at the home and gives them a tour. This is where the real estate agent can show off the home and brag about the top features of the property. Agents often make themselves available day or night for showing to accommodate the schedules of both the buyers and the sellers.

Open Houses

Agents often hold open houses on the property. These typically occur on the weekends, most commonly on Sunday. Occasionally, open houses are held on weeknights as well. An open house provides a 'no pressure' forum for people to tour the home. Many times the attendees are not actively looking to purchase at that moment and many visitors will actually be neighbors. Either way, getting your home in front of the largest audience is key. Any open house visitor could know someone 'in the market' for a home who they may tell.

An experienced real estate agent will put together a complete marketing plan for any new listing to give their client the best chance of selling the property at the anticipated price. Click the following link to see how Rock Realty can successfully market and sell your house: Rock Realty Home Marketing Plan

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The Power of a Comparative Market Analysis When Selling Your Home

Most of the general public has access to various price lists when trying to sell an object. Online automobile databases offer average prices for used cars, auction sites can list recent sale of various electronics and even boats have a value listing guide. However, when selling a home it is better to get a comparative market analysis (CMA) from a local real estate agent or Realtor®. Here are some of the ways a CMA can help you.

photo credit: nikcname via photopin cc

Price Trends

The most obvious benefit is the ability to see current price trends. The CMA report will list out homes that have sold in the past 12 months in your immediate area. By organizing the transactions by date it is possible to see if home prices are on the rise or falling.

Value Placed on Square Footage

Since the homes will be listed with the square footage of each home sold, potential sellers can find out how much their home is worth based on the usable square feet in the property. In addition, if any of the sold properties had a basement or attic that was finished then sellers can also determine how the market values additional square footage. While it is common for basements to have a slightly lower price per square foot some areas may place it higher than others due to demand.

Value of Accessory Items

Most people usually feel that particular features of their home will bring more value to their home than the market will warrant. For example, expensive hardwood floors, custom paint finishes and high end bathroom fixtures may be quite expensive when purchased but their overall impact on the price of a home is not as high. Instead, things that improve usable square footage, more lighting or outdoor items like pools and decks will do more to bring up the price of a home.

Expected Time of Sale

A comparative market analysis will also show when a home was listed for sale and when an offer was made on the property. This gives prospective sellers a realistic expectation for how long it will take before receiving an offer and how long it takes for the home to actually sell once the offer is accepted.

Avoiding Unrealistic Prices

Along with homes that have sold your real estate agent can also provide a list of homes that either withdrew from the market or the listing simply expired. If the home did not sell within a time period that multiple other properties sold then there are a couple of explanations. Obviously, the most common issue is the price was too high for that particular market. Another common problem is the presence of a major repair issue with the home that the seller is unwilling to fix prior to sale. Having this information should help you do a better job of picking a price for your home.

Getting a detailed CMA report from your real estate agent will provide you with the best source of realistic information to help you decide if your can sell your home for your anticipated price and if it might sell in the amount of time you had hoped for.

Original Blog Post: What's a CMA? Comparative Market Analysis

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Real Estate Marketing (The Podcast)

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Short Sales are BACK!


Bryant Tutas 
Co-founder of Working Short Sales every day all day.

Real Estate Broker and Owner of Tutas Towne Realty. A virtual Real Estate company specializing in listing and selling Short Sales and REO properties in the Central Florida Area.

Finding solutions that get your property “sold” is what I do.

Folks, if you need to sell your home then give me a call today and let’s talk! 407-873-2747 All calls are confidential. I can help……

….if you’re facing foreclosure. 
….if you need to sell a Holiday Home. 
….expose your property to over 500 web sites. 
….educate you on current market conditions.

Mike Linkenauger 

Main website

Short Sale Websites -
Mike got his start in Real Estate in 2005 at the young age of 26. He immediately established himself as a top producer in the Jacksonville, FL market, moving into the top 1% of agents his first year in the business. As the Florida housing market became depressed in 2007, Mike shifted his focus and immediately found a calling in assisting home owners with a short sale. In no time he amassed an inventory of over 100 short sale listings and quickly established himself as one of the top short sale agents in the State of Florida. As his online presence grew, homeowners from other parts of Florida began contacting him for guidance with a short sale and to be connected with a local short sale agent.

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Signs That You are Ready to Be a Home Seller

Selling your HomeMost people easily recognize when the time is right to buy their very first home. They are tired of their current situation and the appeal of getting their own place is too enticing to resist. However, the signs are not quite so easy to notice when it is time to sell the home. Some home owners have a long, drawn out inner debate before coming to the conclusion that they need to sell and move to another place. Here are some ways that you can know the time has come for you to sell your current home.

The Attachment to the Home is Gone

Many people hang on to a home for far too long because they are emotionally connected to the home. The nursery where they brought home their first born, the hallway where a baby took its first steps and other sentimental memories make it tough to part ways with a home. However, if the idea of selling the home brings about a feeling more of relief and not sadness then you are emotionally ready to move on.

A New Plan Has Developed

If you have already picked out another home, or decided what the next home should look like and what features are necessary, then you are ready to move on. Knowing where you wish to live and what the house should look like is a huge step in getting ready to sell your current home and move to a new place. This type of preparation is typically very motivating for most people and helps them to get everything in order for the move.

Your Finances are In Order

Getting ready to purchase that first home is quite an experience for most people. Monitoring credit scores, reducing debt and keeping all payments up to date while saving up a nest egg takes time and discipline. However, once those habits are in place it is easier to maintain a solid credit score. Also, if you have been in the home for any length of time it is likely that there is built up equity which can be used as a down payment on the next home. All of these factors make it simpler to sell a home and be in the right financial position to purchase another home.

It is Time to Move On

Lots of people have come to the realization that they need to change jobs, end a personal relationship or sell some of their long held items. When the thought occurs to you that you would be OK with the idea of getting rid of your house, then the time has come to move on to a new place.

Sell your home for top dollar, by putting it in front of the largest online pool of buyers! Check out the Rock Realty Marketing Plan.

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What is the Purpose of an Appraisal?


A mortgage has many specific pieces involved in it. Obviously there is the money supplied by the lender to pay the seller for their asking price. There are also many other items such as the title report and title insurance, a survey (sometimes), proof of homeowner insurance policy and an appraisal. An appraisal is actually one of the more important pieces and yet it still brings questions from buyers and sellers alike.

Required by the Lender

First and foremost, if a home is being purchased through the use of a mortgage then the lender will require a formal appraisal. A licensed appraiser works independently of the real estate agent and the lender to ensure that there is no undue influence on the process. The appraiser’s report will indicate if the home is worth the asking price.

Appraisal ordered after a Selling Price has been negotiated

The appraiser is contacted after the real estate agent(s) and all associated parties have worked out a price for the home. The appraiser will look at the contract along with a host of other items such as

* Square footage of the home

* Local property taxes for the home

* When the home was built

* General shape and condition of the property

* Average sales price of similar homes in the area

The price for the appraisal depends on the area of the country. Sometimes the appraisal fee is paid by the borrower up front and other times it may be paid as part of the closing costs.

Wise to Inspect First and Appraise Second

In an ideal world the buyer of a home would hire a home inspector to review a property before the home is appraised. The job of an inspector is to seek out any potential problems with the property. This can be as simple as finding a loose door knob to as complicated as finding out the entire heating and ventilation system needs replacing. Once the inspector has looked at the home the appraiser can approach the property with some idea of any possible short comings of the home and assign the correct value to the home. In a worst case scenario an inspection could lead a buyer to cancel a contract and look for a different home.

The Journey of the Appraisal

Once the appraiser has finished the report a copy will be sent to the mortgage lender and possibly the real estate agents. If the buyer paid for the appraisal up front then they too will get a copy when it is complete. Otherwise, the buyer will receive a copy at closing.

The lender, whether it is a bank or local mortgage company, will have their own process to review the appraisal and ensure the numbers look accurate. If the value of the home is much lower than expected then the lender may cancel the loan. On the flip side, if the home is determined to be worth more than the asking price then the buyer will have instant equity.

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Simple Ways to Get Your Home Ready to Sell

photo credit: Neil Kremer via photopin cc
photo credit: Neil Kremer via photopin cc

For those homeowners that have waited to sell their home, heed the advice of Nike: “Just Do It.”  Interest rates are still really low and the upcoming changes in mortgage lending may disqualify some buyers.  Now is the time to sell your home.  In order to help your home sell quickly follow the timely advice offered below.

Spend a Little Now to Get More Later

With so many homes available many buyers are seeking out a property that is move-in ready.  This means that small repairs and maintenance items will possibly turn off some buyers.  Take a walk through the home and pick out the small things that need to be fixed.  Leaking faucets, a chipped tile, a flaky bit of paint and other similar items can negatively impact the appearance of your home.

You should also consider spending a little money to get the carpets thoroughly cleaned and ask a local heating/air conditioning company to service your unit.

Put Yourself in the Shoes of the Buyer

If you are looking for a new home, what items are important to you?  The majority of people want to live in a clean home that smells nice with lots of room in the closets, cabinets and other storage areas.  Therefore, you should put a lot of time in to making your home look clean, neat and organized. Start with the cabinets and closets.  Remove as much clutter as possible and even add some shelves if it helps improve the look.  Go through all the rooms and put everything away in a nice, orderly fashion.  Finally, get a few aroma dispensers and put them throughout the house.

Make People Interested in Coming Inside

So many homeowners spend time, money and a lot of effort improving the inside of the home that they ignore the outside appearance.  It is important to have an inviting appearance.  Homeowners should trim all the bushes, clean out the gutters, make sure the driveway and walkway are clear and clean the windows.  For people that have siding, consider power washing the siding as well.  It is really important that the front door and the surrounding entrance area look clean and homey.

Two Important Rooms: Bathrooms and Kitchens

The bathroom and kitchen will usually have more influence over selling a home than any other part of the house.  It is a good idea to go through these rooms and spend extra time, and even money, to make sure they look attractive and modern.

Many types of cabinets can be painted with a little bit of planning and work.  All bathroom plumbing should be in good working order.  Make sure there is plenty of light with good looking fixtures and that the ventilation to both the kitchen and bathroom is more than adequate.  Also, make sure the counters are clean and devoid of clutter.

It may seem like a crazy idea to spend money on a home that you are planning to sell.  However, spending money in the right areas can greatly improve your chances of selling the home faster and may yield a good return on the investment.

Why list your home with Rock Realty?? Rock Realty Marketing Outline

Recent Testimonials: Rock Realty Client Testimonials

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Rock Realty Client Testimonials

"Mike Collins was easy to talk to and very good at explaining in detail all aspects of the short sale of the property. With a lot of patience, he walked me through the process of a short sale. He was understanding of my plight and very sympathetic.
Mike was a pleasure to work with and he is a man of his word.
Thank you, Mike, and best of luck to you."

Tom D. (Oxford, WI)
Rock Realty Seller Client

Rock Realty Client Testimonials

Thanks for the compliments, and Congratulations on your closing Tom!

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January 2013 – HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Greetings!  I want to quickly update everybody on some new Real Estate news that everybody needs to know:

  1. The Attorney General of Nevada launched a “new” program called Home Again.  It makes it easier for distressed homeowners in Nevada facing foreclosure to determine what state or federal assistance may be available to them with a single “one-stop”, free resource – long over do! It is a single source for all distressed homeowners in Nevada to contact. It is specifically aimed to:
  • Homeowners seeking loan      modification
  • Borrowers current but      underwater
  • Those who lost homes to      foreclosure
  • Households working towards      homeownership

Friends, family, neighbors just need to call 1-855-457-4638

For more information, go to or to the Attorney General’s website.

Upon calling the toll free number (I waited for about 15 minutes on hold,) then spoke to a very knowledgeable person that explained the process. Upon reaching someone at the Home Again program, they will give you some information on the phone and then you will be transferred to a HUD approved counselor to make an appointment.

  1. Short Sales remain a staple in our market and for the foreseeable future.  Congress has extended the certain provisions of the Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Act, HR 3648, until December 31, 2013. This gives debt relief on your income taxes for just one more year!  This act benefits qualified homeowners who may have otherwise owed taxes on forgiven debt after going through a short sale.  If anybody is thinking about doing a short sale this is the time to act.  Who knows, with prices going up a short sale may not be necessary!  Call me – Kevin Bown!

If your friends, family and/or neighbors are facing possible foreclosure, have them give me a call 775.813.2387. There are alternatives. There is help out there with the HAFA, HEMP, and other Federal programs.  The state’s Hardest Hit Fund Program (they still have funds available!) is another great resource.  My advice is free.  Your referrals are appreciated! 

It is a great a time to buy and to sell!

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Buying again After a Short Sale

Rock Realty Client Testimonials

"Approx 4 years ago.. I was having some financial strain. I wasn't able to keep up with a first and second mortgage alone as a single mom.

Through friends and family, I was introduced to Mike and Matt.

I didn't want to have to go through the foreclosure process, because I knew that I would be able to pull through the mess I was in within a few years and I didn't want to have that looming over me.

Matt and Mike were able to take over and help me with a short sale. They worked with me directly. They both came to my home, sat down, helped me understand this delicate process (which remains total Greek to me), and they were extremely efficient. My bank worked with me and these gentlemen, and withing approx 3 months, my home was sold in a short sale.

I remain amazed at their abilities and their continued efforts to help me.

Now, 3 years later, I'm looking to purchase... I have looked them up again... and they are helping me find a home that I'm looking for within my specifications and they also have resources to assist with lending.

Couldn't ask for more!!

Thanks so much my friends!! you do an awesome job... Keep up the great work!"

Kari B.(Cross Plains, WI)
Rock Realty Seller & Buyer Client

Rock Realty Client Testimonials

Thanks for the kind words Kari! We look forward to finding you the home perfect for you!

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Atlantic Coast Title Group is South Florida's Premier Title & Short Sale Processing Company, Located in Jupiter Florida. 

Why choose ACTG for getting your short sale approved? 

Most short sale processing companies have 100-150 files per processor and many companies have multiple personnel working in each file. This leads to in efficiencies, miss communications, and delay's in getting short sales approved. 

At ACTG we have one highly experienced individual handle the file from start to finish. This allows for greater efficiency and faster approvals. 

The negotiators tend to react better when you respond quickly to their request. Waiting days or weeks to upload documents or answer questions is a sure way to place the negotiator into a complacent attitude which slows down the desired result of a approval. 

At ACTG we have the ability to review each file daily! This allows us to keep the negotiator on task and moving forward without having to stop and start and the end result of our system is faster approval!

Considering buyers walk from short sales due to a lack of activity and by allowing us to get approval faster the likelihood of a successful close is greater with our proven system

Learn More Here

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How do I qualify for a short sale?

 While lenders have become more lenient in recent times, there are typically three qualifications required for a short sale.

  1. Financial Insolvency (no other major assets),
  2. The proceeds from the sale of the property, after all closing costs are paid, are less than the amount currently owed on the property, and
  3. Financial hardship. Acceptable hardships may vary, but some common ones are; loss of income or employment, divorce or separation, relocation or job transfer, property in need of repairs without recourses to make repairs, major illness and medical expenses, death of a family member, vacant rental properties, etc. In most cases, a short sale is not for those who want to sell, but only for those that have to sell.
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Why It is a Good Idea to Choose a Realtor®

While there are a lot of licensed real estate agents in most locations, the industry is quite tough.  A large number of people who apply for their license end up leaving the industry in a short time.  This means that there is a small number of Realtors® with licenses who have the experience and knowledge to truly help a person buy a home.
Realtor%C2%AE.jpg?width=206The NAR (National Association of Realtors®) shows that sales people with the Realtor® designation are sworn to uphold a set of Ethics.  They also participate in various training sessions each year and have access to information about the local community and other houses for sale.  Members of the NAR are normally visible participants of their community.  They usually have a membership in PTA, volunteer for neighborhood organizations and/or participate in local government boards.  This type of involvement helps Realtors® stay in touch with the area and keep tabs on improvements and changes.

Realtors® Help Clear up the Confusion

It could seem that browsing through a few internet sites aimed at real estate listings could be enough to help a person find their next home.  However, every home is unique.  Homes are like snowflakes in that way.  Even homes that seem similar on the outside and were built by the same contractor will have different features.

In addition to the differences in the home, each transaction is unique.
 Home purchase contracts,
 closing costs, mortgage loans and inspection requirements will vary from home to home.  This complex assortment of loans, contracts, legal forms, pricing, negotiations and inspections can be quite overwhelming.  That is why so many people seek out the advice of a professional Realtor® who is established in the community and has a track record of helping people buy homes.

Picking a Realtor®

Since the real estate market normally has a large numbers of Realtors® there is quite a bit of competition among agents. That is why it is a good idea to speak to other people that have used a Realtor® and get recommendations.  Using an experienced Realtor® with a successful track record of finding homes that meet the buyer’s needs and makes the buyer happy should ensure that you are using a Realtor® that can do the same for you.

What the
 Realtor® Can Do for You

After you have asked around to some friends and read over testimonies from happy clients, it is a good idea to set up a meeting with the Realtor® for a first consultation.  Establishing the right relationship with the Realtor® is important to help your home purchase, or sale, go smoothly.

The Realtor® will explain to you their method for marketing homes and finding homes for buyers and also disclose the agency’s rules.  This basically establishes the contract between you and the Realtor®.

Once you have established your contract with the agent the Realtor® can begin to inform you of the current conditions of the market as well as prevalent lending options that are currently available.


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It happens every year. Agents tell their sellers that they should wait until after the holidays to put their homes on the market. They say no one is looking during December so don't bother. Translation: Agent wants much needed and deserved time off during the holidays, or seller has a lot of family coming and does not want people traipsing through their home with all of the activity going on.

Other side of the equation: Very busy professional gets some down time the last two weeks of the year. Or, out of town relocation buyers are coming to the area to look for a place to live in the new year.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see the problem. The only inventory left on the market at this time of year tends to be overpriced or weird which does not help the buyers who finally have time to look. 

I was with one of these too busy for the last 3 months buyers today. You would not believe some of the weird stuff we saw in San Carlos today. A house with a kitchen with gorgeous newer cherry cabinets, and a tiled blue stone counter that would hold bacteria in its many ridges forever. Why someone spent the money to tile a kitchen counter with these impossible to keep clean tiles when they could have put a slab of granite on for the same price is beyond my comprehension. this same home had replaced the asbestos wrapped heating ducts in the entire house, except for about 5 feet under the house. Why? If you are going to spend the money to remove asbestos on yards and yards of ducting why leave a few feet undone? Another home had 7 different kinds of flooring, on a 1400 square foot home.  A third home had removed the bathtub from the main hall bathroom and installed a double vanity. They then added a full bath with tub in the family room completely on the opposite side of the house from the bedrooms.

I was with a pre-approved buyer who can afford a million dollars with time on his hands to buy a home, and there is nothing for him to consider. 

I know I am not the only one frustrated by this disconnect between buyers and sellers.

So I am putting my money where my mouth is and putting a short sale condo in downtown San Jose on the market on Dec 26th. It is not overpriced or weird.

So sellers, next year put your home on the market in December if you want to attract hard working qualified buyers who have time to look.

If you have any questions about buying or selling a home in Santa Clara or San Mateo County please feel free to contact me.

Marcy Moyer

Keller Williams Realty


Marcy Moyer Keller Williams Realty Palo Alto, Ca. Specialist in Short Sales and Trust and Probate Sales

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I am currently assisting some Kansas homeowners with a request to Wells Fargo of an approval of a short sale of their home.  Their existing loan is FHA and we have requested a pre approval to participate in the short sale program.  While meeting to discuss the various possible options available, I learned that the homeowner that lived in the home was responsible for making the monthly mortgage payments.  Therefore, according to her, she would be the one to request the short sale approval from Wells Fargo.

BUT, what she did not realize is that because her parents had co-signed for the loan at the time of the initial FHA loan was taken out, they too would be included in the request for the short sale and a possible foreclosure.  Just because her cosigners did not live in the home and that she had agreed with her “parents” to make the monthly payment, does not mean that they are immune  to having to provide the required  information and meet the guidelines of the lender from whom a short sale is being requested.  They are also on the note to repay the lender back.

If you have a cosigner on your note, remember make sure that all parties on the note understand what their obligations and requirements are when applying for a short sale approval.


If you don’t know what to do if  you are falling behind on your mortgage payments or you are currently facing foreclosure of your Kansas City home, Kansas or Missouri, please continue to read the upcoming posts and Request a Free Confidential, no obligation, analysis of your home and options that may be available to you to help reduce the burden you may have.

(There are potential tax consequences that should be discussed with a tax professional.  Please do not interpret this information as providing legal, tax or other professional advice which you should seek independently.)
(Image courtesy photostock /

About the Author:

Suzanne Hinton
Hinton Group-Affiliated with ReMax Premier Realty
Voted 5 Star Best in Customer Satisfaction Real Estate Agent
Phone: 816-520-0917

©2011 Suzanne Hinton-Hinton Homes-Kansas City Short Sale Realtor
Kansas City Short Sales

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If you own an FHA or HUD insured home and you are desiring to request a short sale of your home, there are specific requirements that must be met.  I have worked with a number of homeowner's in selling their FHA insured home and before listing their home for sale, we discuss the guidelines that I know FHA is going to require be met by my homeowner Sellers.  

I am going to provide some of the FHA and/or HUD insured guidelines for a short sale over the course of several posts and try to give examples of facts that might fit the requirements.  The first that I want to discuss is the requirement that the home must be owner-occupied with exceptions in certain cases for job transfer, death and divorce for example.

I recently sold a home for a homeowner that had a FHA insured loan.  He had previously vacated the home and had moved out of State.  At the time we requested to be approved for a short sale, the Seller provided evidence that his reason for vacating the property and therefore, the home being vacant, was due to the need to have to move out of State in order to be able to obtain another job in his field of employment.  We documented this through not only with his current income statements, but through a letter explaining the history and reason for his move.  We were able to obtain an exception to the requirement of the home being owner occupied. 

Each situation will be specific to the individual homeowner.  But, overall, it is important to be aware that one of the requirements for a FHA and/or HUD insured short sale, is that your home be owner occupied. 



If you don't know what to do if  you are falling behind on your mortgage payments or you are currently facing foreclosure of your Kansas City home, Kansas or Missouri, please continue to read the upcoming posts and Request a Free Confidential, no obligation, analysis of your home and options that may be available to you to help reduce the burden you may have.

(There are potential tax consequences that should be discussed with a tax professional.  Please do not interpret this information as providing legal, tax or other professional advice which you should seek independently.)

(Image courtesy jscreationz/

About the Author:

Suzanne Hinton
Hinton Group-Affiliated with ReMax Premier Realty
Voted 5 Star Best in Customer Satisfaction Real Estate Agent
Phone: 816-520-0917



©2011 Suzanne Hinton-Hinton Homes-Kansas City Short Sale Realtor
Kansas City Short Sales

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Short Sale Heaven

Short Sale , Deed in Lieu, Loan Modification, Foreclosure, HAMP, HAFA in California and what they mean to you.

Under the HAFA program you have the option of doing a Short Sale or Deed in Lieu. According to current FHA guidelines you can buy another home 2 years after the short sale. The lenders are required to give you at least 120 days to market the home and obtain an offer. The lender does not have to give you more time and you are required to follow the guidelines set forth by the lenders. Many lenders are closing short sales sooner than 120 days so be prepared to move. The only thing I have seen that has been extending the short sale timelines is Mortgage Insurance.

A Deed in Lieu is when you sign the deed over to the lender and walk away from the house. The lender has to give you permission to do so and it has to be a clean marketable title. That means no other liens on the property, second mortgage, mechanics lien, taxes are paid, etc.

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5 Tips to Get Your Short Sale Buyer to Walk

Today I was talking with a title agent in my Destin Florida market who handles short sale negotiations for agents. He lamented that he had two contracts recently fall apart, with buyers walking.“Why?” I asked.“ Well, the agents don’t have the seller sign the contract, so it is just an offer. There is nothing to hold them.”“Stop doing that!” I told him, “I would never send an ‘offer’ in to a short sale lender.”Which brings me to my point- " How can you increase the chances of your buyer “walking” from a short sale?" Just follow these tips:1. Don’t have the seller sign the contract. Then it is not a contract, just an offer, and the buyer can bail without repercussion.2. Never ask for an earnest money deposit. Why ask the buyer to put anything on the line to show his investment in the contract? Then he can walk free, usually, with nothing to “lose”.3. Use a 60 day closing and 30 day short sale approval time line. Sure, that will be enough time to get a typical short sale approved- Not! Oh well, if the time frame passes after hours and days of work invested, and the buyer doesn’t “stay”, you can always start all over on a new transaction.4. Write in the contract that the buyer can “Withdraw at any time”. That should simplify things.5. Finally, let the contract be submitted to the lender with others, just like an auction , because the short sale lender will abide by contract provisions and honor the "primary" offer first, right? That tactic will make your buyer stick like glue.Follow these tips, and you’ll be sure to decrease your chances of closing on a short sale.Or, get a buyer with realistic expectations, a good deposit, one strong offer, and an "executed" contract, and be on your way to a successful short sale closing.It's Wendy!Wendy Rulnick, Broker, CRP, CRS, GRI, ABR Rulnick Realty, Inc.
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