silicon (26)

I was reading about short sales, as I do every Sunday morning on a great site for short sale information Short Sale Superstars. There was a discussion about a Bank of America Short Sale that had been approved, and then denied after the approval, a few days before closing. The reason:

The seller was a real estate broker and the listing agent works for the seller. The buyer used the listing agent to represent her.

Surprise Surprise, B of A said this is not an Arm's Length Transaction and rescinded the approval.

Blossom Valley Short Sale


There are multiple things wrong with transaction so let me see if I can organize the problems coherently.

1. All short sales must be an Arm's Length Transaction and an affidavit needs to be signed by all parties saying they are not related to each other in any way. The listing agent works for the seller so that is not arms length.

2. The seller may be offered a closing incentive by the bank, but is not allowed to receive any money from the buyer. Since the buyer is using the the listing agent who works for the seller and would have received commission for the sale, a portion of which would go to the broker, then the seller is getting money from the buyer.

3. Again, since the listing agent works for the seller and would get commission from the sale, a portion of which would go to the broker, the seller would be receiving money from the sale outside of the closing incentive.

4. The buyer has agreed to a dual agency and is entitled to the information that the listing agent works for the seller and that this can cause potential problems with The Arm's Length Transaction.

I do not know if the seller was trying to pull something over on the bank, or if he was just not familiar with short sales but this was totally avoidable.

Buyers: get your own agent to represent you.

Sellers: If you are a broker, get a different company to represent you. If you are an agent, get another agent to represent you, not your broker, and ask the bank if it is ok to be represented by someone else in your campany first, not after you are about to close.

If you have any questions about buying or selling a short sale in Santa Clara or San Mateo County please feel free to contact me.

Marcy Moyer

Keller Williams Realty


D.R.E. 01191194

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I am so excited about this news! I know, it doesn't take much for me to get excited, but this is really big news in my opinion.

Up until now if you were involved in a Silicon Valley Bank of America Short Sale they did not take electronic signatures. This would have been ok if the bank could sit with you in your conference room and look at the offers. We all know this does not happen and the paperwork will often be faxed several times before B of A gets to see a document. Since they cannot accept illegible documents it made things harder for the participants.

Also, despite the sometime lengthy process of a short sale, Bank of America will often say they need a document now, and not being able to get electronic signatures is sometimes tough.

Now, for any new short sales, you can send all documents with electronic signatures. This makes me very happy. As a Silicon Valley Short Sale Specialist anything that can make a short sale more efficient is ok with me.

So if you have any questions about short sales in San Mateo or Santa Clara Counties please feel free to contact me.

Marcy Moyer

Keller Williams Realty


D.R.E. 01191194

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Silicon Valley Home Prices are on the rise. Inventory is low, and there are plenty of buyers out there making multiple offers the norm, not the exception. Investors have been a big factor in the market since the crash, but now it may be time for a change if you are an investor.

For the last few years investors were gobbling up foreclosed homes, short sales, and other bargain priced properties. These were often rehabbed and resold quickly. While there was often competition from other investors, it was manageable for many investors.

The landscape has changed. The inventory is so low, and the interest rates are not only low, but loans are a little easier to get than right after the crash. This along with a very high employment rate, and skyrocketing rents, has sent first time home buyers flocking back into the market.

As a result, the chance to buy a home for a low enough price to rehab and resell while making a 30% profit is not working in the investor's favor. It may happen occasionally, but not often.

However, there is still plenty of money to be made investing in real estate. Maybe it is time to look into a buy and hold strategy. It will not make you money overnight, but in the long run will bring in more money than being able to snare the occasional flip.

So if you have $500,000 to spend, why not look for 2-3 homes you can purchase, get a positive cash flow, and sell in 5 years for a great profit if the market has appreciated, or keep holding until your profits are at an acceptable level. With a buy and hold strategy the investor should be looking more at appreciation potential than getting the best price or not buying. It is still number crunching, but the set of numbers being crunched is different.

If you have any questions about buyer or selling investment properties in San Mateo or Santa Clara counties please feel free to contact me.

Marcy Moyer

Keller Williams Realty


DRE 01191194

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The landscape for short sales is changing. As the inventory of homes for sale stays at historically low levels all over Silicon Valley, short sales are gaining in popularity for buyers. Added to that is the fact that short sales, while not a sure thing, are getting approved at increasingly higher rates.

Short sales can still be time consuming and frustrating, but when there are so few choices for buyers they begin to look better. So if you are thinking of selling your home as a short sale here are some tips to make things smoother.


2. Price your home realistically, not at a rock bottom price. The market is already hot and and appreciating. Banks are not stupid. If the home is worth $600,000 and you list it for $400,000 and get an offer for $500,000 it is unlikely to get approved.

3. Have the buyer put the deposit in escrow upon acceptance by you, not at acceptance by the bank. 

4. If possible get inspections before you put the home on the market. It will make the transaction go much smoother.

5. Talk to your lender before putting the house on the market. find out what they need for the short sale and get it ready to send as soon as you get the accepted offer.

6. Enjoy your short burst of popularity. In this market everyone loves a seller, even a seller of a short sale, so enjoy.

7. Hopefully in 2-4 months you will hear the words from your agent, "Congratulations, you are off the hook."

If you have any questions about buying or selling a short sale in San Mateo or Santa Clara county please feel free to contact me.

Marcy Moyer

Keller Williams Realty


D.R.E. 01191194


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Just got approval on another short sale in San Jose with Chase. They are getting to be one of my favorites!

This was not straight forward. Client lost his job and was not able to make payments. He tried a loan mod but did not qualify due to having too much in retirement account. Client is close to retiring.

Put condo on market and got 13 offers. The San Jose inventory for small affordable condos is quite low. Accepted an offer 30% over asking price, cash, with no appraisal contingency. Asking price was market value at the time of the listing. Last 2 sales in the complex were within 5K of listing price.

6 weeks later get approval from Chase but buyer, who was an investor, dropped out.

I start to worry because none of the other 12 offers were over 10% over list price and I am afraid Chase (or actually Freddie) will want more since first offer was so high.

Submit a back up offer for 10% over list price, cash with no contingencies. 4 weeks later get approval.

Everyone is happy!!!

So fortunately the first offer which was so high did not taint the the process, and since there was no foreclosure date set there was not a danger of losing the condo to a foreclosure. But this is a risk in short sales in the Silicon Valley. The inventory is low. There are many investors and first time buyers in the market competing with each other. Sometimes people make ridiculous offers which they later regret.

How do you know what is the best offer? Is it the highest, is it the owner who wants this home more than anything, is it the person who puts the most money in escrow, has the least contingencies?

This is a complicated question that deserves its own blog. But my best advice to sellers of short sales is start by picking an experienced agent who knows how to analyze offers from a short sale perspective. This is not the same as a traditonal sale perspective. And understand that sometimes things go south, so be prepared for some bumps in the road to finally get to the magic words:

Congratulations: You are off the hook!

If you have any questions about short sales in San Mateo or Santa Clara County please feel free to contact me.

Marcy Moyer

Keller Williams Realty


D.R.E. 01191194

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Cambrian Distressed Property Watch 2011

It's the beginning of the year so time for the round-up of last year's distressed property sales in the Cambrian Neighborhood of San Jose. So here's what happened:


Single family and condo townhomes :

Total sales:  656

Short Sales: 130

REO:            89

Distressed sales as a percentage of total sales: 33.45

Compare to 2010

Total sales:   750

Short Sales:   114

REO:            104

Distressed sales as a percentage of total sales:  29%


My conclusion:

The percentage of distressed properties in Cambrian is higher in 2011 over 2010. Also a 34% distressed property sale percentage is absolutely probably not enough to affect values. What is interesting is the the number of short sales in 2011 went up as the number of REOs went down from 2010 as banks have been more wiiling to approve short sales. This is being seen all over the bay area.

If you have any questions about short sales or bank owned homes please feel free to contact me.

Marcy Moyer

Keller Williams Realty


D.R.E.  01191194

Marcy Moyer Keller Williams Realty Palo Alto, Ca. Specialist in Short Sales and Trust and Probate Sales

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Los Gatos Distressed Property Watch 2011

It's the beginning of the year so time for the round-up of last year's distressed property sales in Los Gatos. So here's what happened:


Single family and condo townhomes :

Total sales:  421

Short Sales: 42

REO:            24

Distressed sales as a percentage of total sales: 15.7%

Compare to 2010

Total sales:   489

Short Sales:   36

REO:            38

Distressed sales as a percentage of total sales:  15.1%


My conclusion:

The percentage of distressed properties in Los Gatos is virtually the same  between 2011 and 2010. Also a 15% distressed property sale percentage is absolutely probably not enough to affect values. What is interesting is the the number of short sales in 2011 went up as the number of REOs went down from 2010 as banks have been more wiiling to approve short sales.

If you have any questions about short sales or bank owned homes please feel free to contact me.

Marcy Moyer

Keller Williams Realty


D.R.E.  01191194

Marcy Moyer Keller Williams Realty Palo Alto, Ca. Specialist in Short Sales and Trust and Probate Sales

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Milpitas Distressed Property Watch 2011

It's the beginning of the year so time for the round-up of last year's distressed property sales in Milpitas. So here's what happened:


Single family and condo townhomes :

Total sales:  513

Short Sales: 150

REO:            112

Distressed sales as a percentage of total sales: 51.1%

Compare to 2010

Total sales:   535

Short Sales:   131

REO:            140

Distressed sales as a percentage of total sales:  50.1%


My conclusion:

The percentage of distressed properties in Milpitas is virtually the same  between 2011 and 2010. Also a 50% distressed property sale percentage is absolutely large enough to affect values. What is interesting is the the number of short sales in 2011 went up as the number of REOs went down from 2010 as banks have been more wiiling to approve short sales.

If you have any questions about short sales or bank owned homes please feel free to contact me.

Marcy Moyer

Keller Williams Realty


D.R.E.  01191194

Marcy Moyer Keller Williams Realty Palo Alto, Ca. Specialist in Short Sales and Trust and Probate Sales

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It is no secret that the market in Silicon Valley is crazy. The inventory has never been lower so the competition for homes is  fierce. For example, Taylor Morrison is opening up a new town home development in Sunnyvale in May and they already have 300 people on the waiting list. Homes in Palo Alto are sometimes getting over 10 offers. 

If you are a seller you may be trying to acomplish a short sale, and life becomes complicated with all of the details of supplying documents, giving the bank what they want, when they want it, and living by their timelines.

Maybe you are trying to buy an reo and you have to sign documents that make you do everything short of giving up your first born.

So the big question is "Do you want to buy a sell a house right now?" If then answer is yes then you need to listen to the person saying "because I said so." Whether that person is the listing agent for a home you want to buy, the bank who needs to approve your short sale, or the bank who owns the foreclosed property you want.

Follow directions, exactly. If the directions say fill out the disclosure package completely, fill it out. If Bank of America says they want the first 5 numbers of your social if you are trying to buy a short sale then give it.

This is not an environment for everyone, and it will not last forever, nothing does. But if you want to buy right now it is best not to have issues with authority, just do what is asked of you. This is not to say that you should go into this blindly or give up your inspection rights, but it does mean you need to follow directions and do what is asked of you.

If you are selling short, do what the bank wants. You have the right to accept or reject their their conditions but you do not get to tell them what they need to do.

If you are selling in a hot market and it is a sale with equity, don't be a bully. Give clear directions and be grateful for the people who want to buy your home.

If you have any questions about buying or selling a home in Silicon Valley please feel free to contact me.

Marcy Moyer

Keller Williams Realty


D.R.E. 01191194

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Sunnyvale Distressed Property Watch 2011

It's the beginning of the year so time for the round-up of last year's distressed property sales in Sunnyvale. So here's what happened:


Single family and condo townhomes :

Total sales:  835

Short Sales: 111

REO:            73

Distressed sales as a percentage of total sales: 22%

Compare to 2010

Total sales:   849

Short Sales:   106

REO:            89

Distressed sales as a percentage of total sales:  23%


My conclusion:

The percentage of distressed properties in Sunnyvale is virtually the same in Sunnyvale between 2011 and 2010. This percentage is starting to have an effect on prices, east of El Camino. However in the 94087 zip code there were 11 short sales and 3 REOs in 2011 compared with 4 short sales and 2 REOs in 2010 out of 295 sales in 2011 and 307 sales in 2010. While short sales almost trippled in 2011 the percentages are still very low compared to the other zip codes in Sunnyvale. 

If you have any questions about short sales or bank owned homes please feel free to contact me.

Marcy Moyer

Keller Williams Realty


D.R.E.  01191194

Marcy Moyer Keller Williams Realty Palo Alto, Ca. Specialist in Short Sales and Trust and Probate Sales

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Mountain View Distressed Property Watch 2011

It's the end of the year so time for the round-up of distressed property sales in Mountain View. So here's what happened:


Single family and condo townhomes :

Total sales:  563

Short Sales: 62

REO:           34

Distressed sales as a percentage of total sales: 17%

Compare to 2010

Total sales:   572

Short Sales:   50

REO:            34

Distressed sales as a percentage of total sales:  15.5%


My conclusion:

The percentage of distressed properties in Mountain View is a higher in 2011, 17% as compared to 2010, 15.5% but the majority of these distressed properties are in the lower price range of Mountain View sales so are being purchased by investors and first time home buyers. West of El Camino is not seeing much distressed property activity.

If you have any questions about short sales or bank owned homes please feel free to contact me.

Marcy Moyer

Keller Williams Realty


D.R.E.  01191194

Marcy Moyer Keller Williams Realty Palo Alto, Ca. Specialist in Short Sales and Trust and Probate Sales

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Why Does Bank of America Keep Rejecting Me?

I was starting to feel like the last player picked in dodge ball. The rejections were really hurting, especially since there was never any reason given. Just messages saying your supporting documents were rejected. Oh the pain!

I finally got a really nice B of A negotiator on the phone today who gave me a simple explanation, the buyer's proof of funds were downloaded as a web page instead of being a PDF of the originals, and the current policy is only original statements are accepted, no web page screen shots.

I guess I should not be surprised. Just yesterday I got an e-mail from PNC saying the same thing. They needed the original October bank statement, not the one that was downloaded from the internet. At least PNC did not tell me I was rejected.

So if you want to keep your ego in tact while doing a short sale with Bank of America or PNC, be sure and give your Santa Clara County short sale agent original bank statements (which you may need to order from your bank if you are paperless), or see if you can download something that does not say web page on the screen. And be sure and ask your agent to get original bank statements for the buyer's proof of funds. There may be other banks requiring that now as well, but these are my two latest encounters.

If you have any questions about buying or selling short sales in San Mateo or Santa Clara County please feel free to contact me.

Marcy Moyer

Keller Williams Realty


D.R.E. 01191194

Marcy Moyer Keller Williams Realty Palo Alto, Ca. Specialist in Short Sales and Trust and Probate Sales

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Los Altos Hills Distressed Property Watch 2011

It's the beginning of the year so time for the round-up of last year's distressed property sales in Los Altos Hills. So here's what happened:


Single family and condo townhomes :

Total sales:  97

Short Sales: 4

REO:            6

Distressed sales as a percentage of total sales: 10.3%

Compare to 2010

Total sales:   81

Short Sales:   5

REO:            1

Distressed sales as a percentage of total sales:  7.4%


My conclusion:

The percentage of distressed properties in Los Altos is higher  2011 over 2010. 7-10% distressed property sale percentage is just beginning to affect values but I think there are other reason Los Altos Hills values are decreasing that are more important than short sales and foreclosures. The area is just not as popular these days as Atherton and Palo Alto are for the high end buyer.

If you have any questions about short sales or bank owned homes please feel free to contact me.

Marcy Moyer

Keller Williams Realty


D.R.E.  01191194


Marcy Moyer Keller Williams Realty Palo Alto, Ca. Specialist in Short Sales and Trust and Probate Sales

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Los Altos Distressed Property Update 2011

It's the beginning of the year so time for the round-up of last year's distressed property sales in Los Altos. So here's what happened:


Single family and condo townhomes :

Total sales:  353

Short Sales: 4

REO:            3

Distressed sales as a percentage of total sales: 2%

Compare to 2010

Total sales:   354

Short Sales:   6

REO:            3

Distressed sales as a percentage of total sales:  2.5%


My conclusion:

The percentage of distressed properties in Los Altos is virtually the same  between 2011 and 2010. Also a 2-2.5% % distressed property sale percentage is not large enough to affect values. I think that while there may be a few more short sales this year Los Altos is so desireable and the employement rate is so high that the market should continue its strength.

If you have any questions about short sales or bank owned homes please feel free to contact me.

Marcy Moyer

Keller Williams Realty


D.R.E.  01191194

Marcy Moyer Keller Williams Realty Palo Alto, Ca. Specialist in Short Sales and Trust and Probate Sales

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I just closed a Wells Fargo Short Sale that is not typical. It was a nice 3 bedroom townhome in North San Jose, close to Santa Clara. The owners were divorcing and neither could afford to buy the other one out or afford the property alone. This constitutes a hardship in most lender's minds. I have closed other Wells Fargo short sales with similar circumstances. The current owners had been able to pay the mortgage but they will not be able to in the near future because of an impending change of circumstance. These owners were current on their payments, and were hoping to sell short and then finalize their divorce.

So last fall I put the town home on the market, got a good offer, and submitted it to Wells Fargo. It was promptly denied. I was told that while this was not Wells Fargo policy, the particular investor on the loan (the person on entity who purchased the loan from Wells Fargo, and hired Wells to keep servicing the loan) had a policy of not allowing short sales unless the borrower was behind in their payments.

So, my clients stopped making payments for a few months and we put the home back on the market. We got another offer for the same price and 2 months later got an approval and closed escrow in 30 days. 

So here is what happened to the investor: They lost 5 months of payments of about $4000 a month, so $20,000 of missed payments for the same price of the home. Call me crazy, but that make no sense to me. Let me re-iterate:


So, if someone owed me money and I had the chance of recovering 70% of it, or 70% minus $20,000 I would go for the straight 70%. But maybe I am greedier than that investor.

If you have any questions about short sales in Santa Clara or San Mateo Counties please feel free to contact me.

Marcy Moyer

Keller Williams Realty


D.R.E.  01191194

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It happens every year. Agents tell their sellers that they should wait until after the holidays to put their homes on the market. They say no one is looking during December so don't bother. Translation: Agent wants much needed and deserved time off during the holidays, or seller has a lot of family coming and does not want people traipsing through their home with all of the activity going on.

Other side of the equation: Very busy professional gets some down time the last two weeks of the year. Or, out of town relocation buyers are coming to the area to look for a place to live in the new year.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see the problem. The only inventory left on the market at this time of year tends to be overpriced or weird which does not help the buyers who finally have time to look. 

I was with one of these too busy for the last 3 months buyers today. You would not believe some of the weird stuff we saw in San Carlos today. A house with a kitchen with gorgeous newer cherry cabinets, and a tiled blue stone counter that would hold bacteria in its many ridges forever. Why someone spent the money to tile a kitchen counter with these impossible to keep clean tiles when they could have put a slab of granite on for the same price is beyond my comprehension. this same home had replaced the asbestos wrapped heating ducts in the entire house, except for about 5 feet under the house. Why? If you are going to spend the money to remove asbestos on yards and yards of ducting why leave a few feet undone? Another home had 7 different kinds of flooring, on a 1400 square foot home.  A third home had removed the bathtub from the main hall bathroom and installed a double vanity. They then added a full bath with tub in the family room completely on the opposite side of the house from the bedrooms.

I was with a pre-approved buyer who can afford a million dollars with time on his hands to buy a home, and there is nothing for him to consider. 

I know I am not the only one frustrated by this disconnect between buyers and sellers.

So I am putting my money where my mouth is and putting a short sale condo in downtown San Jose on the market on Dec 26th. It is not overpriced or weird.

So sellers, next year put your home on the market in December if you want to attract hard working qualified buyers who have time to look.

If you have any questions about buying or selling a home in Santa Clara or San Mateo County please feel free to contact me.

Marcy Moyer

Keller Williams Realty


Marcy Moyer Keller Williams Realty Palo Alto, Ca. Specialist in Short Sales and Trust and Probate Sales

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One of the best things that has happened to short sales in the last couple of years is the on line platform for processing a short sale. There are several platforms in use, but Equator is one of the more popular ones, and is the one used for Bank of America and Wells Fargo Short Sales. So, instead of your agent having to fax all the documents, usually several times, the short sale documents are uploaded as PDFs onto the Equator web site. In order to keep the process moving forward Equator will assign a task to be fulfilled by the agent, like uploading an offer or financial documents onto the website. Once the task is assigned they will give you a fixed number of days to upload the requested documents. This number of days is the same, no matter when the task is assigned. So if it isa 2 day task and it is assigned on a Friday, it is due Sunday, period.

So my latest Bank of America short sale assigned me the task of uploading the signed offer on Friday, with a due date of Sunday, which happens to be Christamas.

And that is why this Palo Alto short sale agent is cheerfully working Christmas Eve. 

Enjoy your holidays!

If you have any questions about buying or selling short sales in Santa Clara or San Mateo County please feel free to contact me!

Marcy Moyer

Keller Williams Realty


D.R.E. 01191194

Marcy Moyer Keller Williams Realty Palo Alto, Ca. Specialist in Short Sales and Trust and Probate Sales

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Blossom Valley Distressed Property Watch 2011

It's the beginning of the year so time for the round-up of last year's distressed property sales in the Blossom Valley Neighborhood of San Jose. So here's what happened:


Single family and condo townhomes :

Total sales:  1141

Short Sales: 412

REO:            271

Distressed sales as a percentage of total sales: 59.8%

Compare to 2010

Total sales:   1125

Short Sales:   366

REO:            271

Distressed sales as a percentage of total sales:  56.6%


My conclusion:

The percentage of distressed properties in Blossom Valley is a little higher in 2011 over 2010. A   59% distressed property sale percentage is enough to affect values significantly.  This may be one of the reasons home prices in San Jose are predicted to fall a little in 2012 while other parts of the Silicon Valley are appreciating.

If you have any questions about short sales or bank owned homes please feel free to contact me.

Marcy Moyer

Keller Williams Realty


D.R.E.  01191194


Marcy Moyer Keller Williams Realty Palo Alto, Ca. Specialist in Short Sales and Trust and Probate Sales

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Almaden Distressed Property Watch 2011

It's the beginning of the year so time for the round-up of last year's distressed property sales in the Almaden Neighborhood of San Jose. So here's what happened:


Single family and condo townhomes :

Total sales:  355

Short Sales: 39

REO:            20

Distressed sales as a percentage of total sales: 16.6%

Compare to 2010

Total sales:   384

Short Sales:   28

REO:            14

Distressed sales as a percentage of total sales:  10.9%


My conclusion:

The percentage of distressed properties in Almaden is higher in 2011 over 2010. While a 16.6% distressed property sale percentage is probably not enough to affect values, i think the increase may be indicative of a nationwide trend of higher priced homes being the fastest growing distressed segment. Many of these higher priced homes were purchased with no down payment and interest only loans. When the interest only loan period is up the payments can double. With no equity refinancing is not possible, and some of these home owners are in trouble.

If you have any questions about short sales or bank owned homes please feel free to contact me.

Marcy Moyer

Keller Williams Realty


D.R.E.  01191194

Marcy Moyer Keller Williams Realty Palo Alto, Ca. Specialist in Short Sales and Trust and Probate Sales

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