december (2)

A ray of good news shined through the ominous clouds of the fiscal cliff this past week stating that the Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Act has officially been extended. Through this act, homeowners who are involved in a short sale, foreclosure, or mortgage restructuring are able evade a significant tax bill.

However, the storm is not anywhere near from over. The recent fiscal cliff deal was a small step of progress but the federal deficit still needs to be resolved which calls for more budget battles ahead. Could we be seeing our last Mortgage Forgiveness Tax Relief Act extension in 2013?

Only hours before the end of year 2012, congress was able to strike a deal to avert the fiscal cliff. Fortunately, this included the extension of the debt relief act which is now set to the new expiration date: December 31, 2013. It is official and the proof can be found in the IRS Website or in the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 Bill.

Homeowners are very fortunate to get one extra year of opportunity to short sell their homes. Congress realizes that without this extension, numerous homeowners would be devastated with critical financial conditions. Although, the extension of the various tax cuts alleviated our impending tax increases momentarily, our government is also in a bad financial position in that it has a debt ceiling issue to deal with and the $1.3 billion dollars in taxes that they lost through the extension of the act may be a provision that our government may not be able to continue in our future budgets.

We may get a better forecast in a couple of months as a debt ceiling battle in Congress may occur and more budgets will be established.

What are your thoughts on this? Do you believe we will get an extension beyond Jan 1, 2014?

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It happens every year. Agents tell their sellers that they should wait until after the holidays to put their homes on the market. They say no one is looking during December so don't bother. Translation: Agent wants much needed and deserved time off during the holidays, or seller has a lot of family coming and does not want people traipsing through their home with all of the activity going on.

Other side of the equation: Very busy professional gets some down time the last two weeks of the year. Or, out of town relocation buyers are coming to the area to look for a place to live in the new year.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see the problem. The only inventory left on the market at this time of year tends to be overpriced or weird which does not help the buyers who finally have time to look. 

I was with one of these too busy for the last 3 months buyers today. You would not believe some of the weird stuff we saw in San Carlos today. A house with a kitchen with gorgeous newer cherry cabinets, and a tiled blue stone counter that would hold bacteria in its many ridges forever. Why someone spent the money to tile a kitchen counter with these impossible to keep clean tiles when they could have put a slab of granite on for the same price is beyond my comprehension. this same home had replaced the asbestos wrapped heating ducts in the entire house, except for about 5 feet under the house. Why? If you are going to spend the money to remove asbestos on yards and yards of ducting why leave a few feet undone? Another home had 7 different kinds of flooring, on a 1400 square foot home.  A third home had removed the bathtub from the main hall bathroom and installed a double vanity. They then added a full bath with tub in the family room completely on the opposite side of the house from the bedrooms.

I was with a pre-approved buyer who can afford a million dollars with time on his hands to buy a home, and there is nothing for him to consider. 

I know I am not the only one frustrated by this disconnect between buyers and sellers.

So I am putting my money where my mouth is and putting a short sale condo in downtown San Jose on the market on Dec 26th. It is not overpriced or weird.

So sellers, next year put your home on the market in December if you want to attract hard working qualified buyers who have time to look.

If you have any questions about buying or selling a home in Santa Clara or San Mateo County please feel free to contact me.

Marcy Moyer

Keller Williams Realty


Marcy Moyer Keller Williams Realty Palo Alto, Ca. Specialist in Short Sales and Trust and Probate Sales

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