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Rock Realty Client Testimonials

"Mike is simply the best Real Estate agent I have ever dealt with!!!He sold my house in such a short time which is what I needed to move quickly..I would recommend him to anyone who is looking to buy or sell a home..very honest and caring person..Explained everything to me so that I could understand exactly what I would need..He went above and beyond in my Real Estate closing.....always got back to me immediately with any questions I was asking...super person!! He takes care of his PEOPLE! Which is hard to find today!! Thanks again Mike...I really appreciate all your hard work!! Definitely referring you to all I know!"

Cindy J. (Janesville, WI 53545)
Rock Realty Home Seller Client

Rock Realty Client Testimonials

Thanks for the compliments, and Congratulations Cindy on the sale of your home! Congrats to Michael Collins on another successful Rock Realty closing!

Are you considering purchasing property in the Janesville Wisconsin area? Click below to start your home search!

Janesville, WI Real Estate

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Rock Realty Client Testimonials

"Michael Collins did the impossible he SOLD my house! When I put my house for sale everything that could go wrong did but Michael never gave up and did everything he could to sell my house. I recommend Michael Collins if your looking for a real estate agent! He is hard working and trustworthy!"

Michelle M. (Madison, WI 53704)
Rock Realty Seller Client

Rock Realty Client Testimonials

Thanks for the compliments, and Congratulations to Michelle on the short sale of your home! Congrats to Michael Collins on another successful closing!

Are you considering purchasing property in the Madison Wisconsin area? Click below to start your home search!

Madison, WI Real Estate

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Rock Realty Client Testimonials

"Mike was great. He worked very hard for us and truly cared about us finding the right home. We were house searching exclusively on weekends, as we moved to a different state and were only available then, and he gave up many weekends to help us (often on short notice!). He was always positive yet never pushy, as many Realtors® are. We would definitely recommend him and enjoyed working with him."

Joe K. (Cambridge, WI 53523)
Rock Realty Home Buyer Client

Rock Realty Client Testimonials

Thanks for the compliments, and Congratulations to Joe & Sarah on a beautiful home purchase! Congrats to Michael Collins on another successful closing!

Are you considering purchasing property in the Madison Wisconsin area? Click below to start your home search!

Madison, WI Real Estate

Cambridge, WI Real Estate

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Rock Realty Client Testimonials

"Mike was wonderful to work with. He was always there to answer questions but never pushed me to make a decision. My entire home buying process went smoothly thanks to Mike. I would gladly recommend him and would be happy to use him again the next time I move!"

Laura S. (Middleton, WI 53562)
Rock Realty Buyer Client

Rock Realty Client Testimonials

Thanks for the compliments, and Congratulations on your closing Laura!

Are you considering purchasing property in Dane or Rock County Wisconsin? Click below to start your home search!

Dane County Properties

Rock County Properties

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List Now Or Wait Until Spring?

The mountain tops are white again. Temperatures are also predicted to drop making it seem like autumn is giving way to winter in the region. Is the myth that the real estate market goes dormant like our lawns until Spring true?

Just as the mountains can be more of a psychological than physical barrier to travel in adverse conditions of snow or heavy tourist traffic, so can the changes of the seasons be a psychological barrier to Seller's perception of Buyer activity. The old days of moving your family in the summer when school is out are long gone. Life moves too fast for that. If you have a job transfer opportunity it is usually available immediately, not next summer. You may choose to move your family later to finish a school year, but we see families renting, or moving in with friends or families rather than forestall the sale of their home and move of the primary income provider.

If you are thinking of selling start by assessing your situation: Why do you want to sell? Do you have to sell? Do you have to move? How soon do you want to be sold and closed? Do you have to be somewhere? Are you looking to move up in the market? Move down? Are you behind in payments or struggling to make your payments? Whatever your reason, if you want to sell there is no reason not to be offered for sale right now.  We are in a seller’s market.

Many business successes are achieved by going in the opposite direction of the majority. If most people are waiting until Spring to list their home and Buyers continue to want to buy houses, you are much better off being available when the Buyer wants to buy rather than when Sellers think Buyers want to buy. Another big advantage to being on the market in the "off season" is to achieve separation in the market. When the glut of Spring inventory hits there is a lot of competition. Achieve separation in the market by being on the market.

 If you don't want showings during the inclement weather to protect your floor covering consider having shoe covers available. If you don't want to move in the winter consider a lease back situation that will give you time to experience a break in the weather. There are many more circumstantial situations you can create, but be sure you are true to yourself in evaluating their relative importance to you. Do you want to be sold and moved with a little moving stress, or waiting for the perfect situation and not have a Buyer to help you affect it?

 My Advice: Just as extreme heat in the summer slows the impulse looker, so do snow flurries in the winter. It doesn't stop the serious Buyer, however, and many homes are sold through the course of a winter. I love showing property in the snow because I know the Buyer is serious. Casual Buyers don't usually forego their creature comforts to look at property in challenging weather circumstances. Buyers in Northern Nevada are active year round. We may have more "bodies" through in the summer months, but there are more true Buyers per prospect in the winter. Be available and let them in and be sold before your neighbor is even listed.

There is no perfect timing in our industry other than what happens when a Buyer and Seller come together, whenever that may be. Control your circumstances and make sure that you are correctly priced, looking good, and ready for that Buyer that is looking to buy your home. You can't catch a fish with your hook in the boat. You can't catch a Buyer if you aren't on the market.    When it comes to choosing professionals to assist you with your real estate needs... Experience is Priceless!   I offer a multi-media marketing plan with Television, Newspaper, and Internet.  Your referrals are appreciated!   

Kevin 775.813.2387

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January 2013 – HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Greetings!  I want to quickly update everybody on some new Real Estate news that everybody needs to know:

  1. The Attorney General of Nevada launched a “new” program called Home Again.  It makes it easier for distressed homeowners in Nevada facing foreclosure to determine what state or federal assistance may be available to them with a single “one-stop”, free resource – long over do! It is a single source for all distressed homeowners in Nevada to contact. It is specifically aimed to:
  • Homeowners seeking loan      modification
  • Borrowers current but      underwater
  • Those who lost homes to      foreclosure
  • Households working towards      homeownership

Friends, family, neighbors just need to call 1-855-457-4638

For more information, go to or to the Attorney General’s website.

Upon calling the toll free number (I waited for about 15 minutes on hold,) then spoke to a very knowledgeable person that explained the process. Upon reaching someone at the Home Again program, they will give you some information on the phone and then you will be transferred to a HUD approved counselor to make an appointment.

  1. Short Sales remain a staple in our market and for the foreseeable future.  Congress has extended the certain provisions of the Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Act, HR 3648, until December 31, 2013. This gives debt relief on your income taxes for just one more year!  This act benefits qualified homeowners who may have otherwise owed taxes on forgiven debt after going through a short sale.  If anybody is thinking about doing a short sale this is the time to act.  Who knows, with prices going up a short sale may not be necessary!  Call me – Kevin Bown!

If your friends, family and/or neighbors are facing possible foreclosure, have them give me a call 775.813.2387. There are alternatives. There is help out there with the HAFA, HEMP, and other Federal programs.  The state’s Hardest Hit Fund Program (they still have funds available!) is another great resource.  My advice is free.  Your referrals are appreciated! 

It is a great a time to buy and to sell!

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What Are Raleigh Short Sales?

Completing short sales in Raleigh NC is one of the most difficult transactions in all of Raleigh real estate. It is important to know that the company and team you hire to complete this process for you have expertise in this area.

We find it beneficial to make sure our clients know what is going to happen throughout the process.

Below are the most common questions that have been asked by our clients. If you are speaking with others and they can't answer the questions below, we recommend seeking another opinion.

What are Raleigh Short Sales?

A short sale in Raleigh is selling a property for less than is owned on the property. For example:

Loan Amount: $250,000
Market Value of Real Estate: $200,000

In the above example, the property is upside down a minimum of $50,000. In order to get the bank to accept an offer at $200,000, a team of experts who specialize in negotiations with banks and marketing short sale properties to the real estate community are needed.

Common Questions

How long does it take to complete short sales in Raleigh NC?
Banks can take up to 60 days to give an official approval of an offer once it is received. This process can be improved by communication with the bank by your representation. Open and consistent communication is what improves the process.
Ensuring that the required paperwork by the bank is correctly filled out increases acceptance by over 45%. Some banks will destroy an application that is even off by one item. Our team ensures that your paperwork is completely filled out the first time so you have the greatest chance at acceptance.

How long do I have until I have to move out?
The bank is required to let you know when they have filed the notice of default with the county recorders office for the county you are in. The majority of banks do this after you have become 90 days late on your mortgage or 3 consecutive mortgage payments. From this time the earliest a sale date can be set is 90 days from that date. So you may not have to move out until days after you have missed your third payment.

What are the consequences of doing short sales in Raleigh NC?
Completing successful short sales in Raleigh NC will mean that you will not have a foreclosure reported on your credit. This will also mean that on lending applications where it asks if you have had a property foreclosed upon you will be able to answer, 'no'. This is one of the single best consequences of doing a short sale. By requesting a short sale with your lender or having a team such as us do this work for you, the number of calls you receive will be reduced by over 50%.

What happens if it doesn't work?
If your property does not sell as a short sale, it may end up being foreclosed upon by the bank.
It is of the utmost importance to get the bank an offer to review so that they can decide how they can best help you and to accept the offer you have received. It is for this reason that you need to have a real estate team who specializes in short sales present to the bank on your behalf.

What kind of information will the bank ask for?
Each bank has their own separate set of forms that they can ask to be filled out. In fact, if you have two loans, the amount of information can be different between both banks. The types of information that can be asked for as follows:

  • Signed and dated hardship letter
  • Copies of last 60 days pay stubs
  • Copies of P&L statements (if you are self-employed)
  • Completed financial worksheet - signed and dated
  • Copies of last two years tax returns
  • Copies of last 60 days bank statements
  • Copy of investment account statements
  • Copy of Listing Agreement
  • Estimated net sheet (Preliminary HUD-1)
  • Identification of liens on the property

We will guide you through all of the requirements regardless of which bank and which form that is required.

What is a hardship letter?
A hardship letter is a statement of how you and your family got behind on your payments. Banks are people, too, and they need to know what happened in order to help you out in the best possible manner. Events that should be included in a hardship letter are as follows:

  • Loss of Job
  • Loss of overtime or income from a job
  • Family issues: pending divorce, medical bills, other family issues

This is one of the main pieces of information that the bank uses in order to make its decisions from. It is important that it is truthful and explains what happened to the fullest extent possible.

What if I have declared bankruptcy?
Bankruptcy can delay a sale of your home at a trust sale. Your bankruptcy attorney may have additional advice for you. Our short sale specialists are proficient at communicating with your legal representation.
If you have declared bankruptcy, please let your Raleigh short sale specialist know, and please give them your attorney's information so we may be in contact with them.

What about bankruptcy?
Bankruptcy can delay the sale of your home. Please refer to your legal representative for detailed questions on bankruptcy.

What do I do with the letters I receive from the bank?
Read, review and get a copy of them to your Raleigh short sale specialist. These letters contain different pieces of information and it is critical to review all of them as they may have legal consequences to them. Banks can send you letters in regards to the following:

  • Loan Modification: They can modify your loan so that the payment is more affordable for you and your family.
  • Loan Forbearance: This is a temporary adjustment by the bank of the requirement to pay your mortgage. They can do this for reasons such as health, job or family issues. The amount that you do not pay is generally added to your loan balance or spread out over multiple payments.

What do I do about people offering to buy my house if I just sign the deed over to them?
Unfortunately, there are many individuals out there who do not care about helping homeowners in a time of need. They in fact only care about being able to profit from your situation. Our recommendation is that you make sure to have a real estate professional look at anything prior to signing any offer from one of these individuals. If the person has a legitimate offer, they will not care who reviews the offer. This being said, there are several investors out there that are good, as well. They are in it to help people, and make a few dollars for themselves while doing that (in which there is nothing wrong with that)

How do I choose someone to represent me in this transaction? Shouldn't I just call my local Raleigh Realtors who market in the area?
Unfortunately, 99% of real estate professionals are not trained on how to handle a property where more is owed that the property is worth. They are not trained in negotiation and not trained on how to deal with the banks and their representatives.
Raleigh real estate agents need to have specialized training in order to complete this process so as to prevent further action by the bank against you. In addition, agents need to have a deep understanding of the process and be able to explain the value to the bank of working with the home owner.

Are all short sales in Raleigh the same?
No. It would be great if they were, as it would make things easier for home owners. Any Raleigh short sale specialist who has helped both buyers and sellers on short sale properties will tell you that not all short sales are created equal. Success on short sales depends on a variety of reasons:

  • Uncooperative banks
  • Inadequate disclosure by the seller
  • Poorly prepared buyer
  • Bank delays
  • Poor communication by listing agent with the bank
  • Buyers back out
  • Seller fails to cooperate.

Will I get a 1099 for the difference between the sale price and what I owe?
It is possible. Each bank is different and the vast majority of banks will 1099 you for the difference. This is considered debt relief by the IRS and we recommend all clients speak to their tax advisor for assistance.

Why shouldn't I just let the home go to foreclosure?
Your credit! Foreclosure is one of the biggest damages to your credit that can be done. You will have to disclose the fact that you had a foreclosure every time you try and purchase a new property in the future no matter how long it has been since you had the foreclosure.
You will still be 1099 for the difference in the foreclosure sales price and the amount owed. In some cases, this can increase 50% by the time the property goes to foreclosure.

What does it cost to have you work with us on a Raleigh short sale?
We will not charge you any fees, whatsoever!

Is it better or worse if I have two loans?
It depends. Having two different lenders is one of the hardest short sales that can be done. It depends on how each bank has viewed the transaction and how they have both been communicated with during the entire process.

Is communication important and do I still have to keep calling the bank?
Yes, communication is extremely important. The number one reason for foreclosure is a lack of communication. We prevent this from happening because we do the communication for you. You have a job, but this is OUR job. We get authorization to speak with the lender on your behalf, and make sure you stay informed of what is happening.

How do I know what is going on?
Your Raleigh short sale specialist will communicate with you regularly throughout the process.

Why should I use You?
We choose you. We choose to work with clients we believe that we can help. Our experience and success in short sales and negotiations allows us to identify the clients we can help. If we don't believe we can help you, we will tell you right away.

What if I have a pre-payment penalty?
Let us worry about that for you so you can get back to your life.

Can the bank come after me or do they just get my property?
We specialize in negotiating with the bank and making sure they understand that working with us and you is in everyone's best interest. The bank can ask for more information or seek other means to get payment if you have lied on your mortgage application and may or may not do this depending on the situation. If you believe you may have lied on your mortgage application, please tell one o four short sale specialists. Our goal is to make sure the bank works with us and you to resolve this stressful situation.

Why would a bank agree to do this? Don't they just want my home, anyway?
The bank doesn't want to own your home. The foreclosure process is a very expensive process for the bank to carry out. There are legal fees, property fees, court fees, and additional staff required by the bank to handle foreclosures for a bank. Their goal is to prevent properties from going into foreclosure.

Can't I just do all this myself?
You could, but would you go to court without a lawyer if the side that was facing you had 15 lawyers? The fact is that this is a complicated real estate transaction with a large lending organization. This process can take 100's of hours for a trained professional to complete. Most people do not have the time to specialize in completing this kind of transaction. Our team is here to take the worry out of the transaction for you.

Who is Champion Realty?
We are a team of Raleigh real estate brokers, Raleigh real estate agents and other real estate personnel, who specialize in helping people get out of their Raleigh homes that they can no longer afford or no longer wish to own. Regardless of your situation, condition of your property, or how many you own, we can help you. Everyone runs into difficulties now and then. Our goal is to make your stressful situation go away so you can get back to your life.

Rodney McNabb is a Raleigh Short Sale Specialist with Champion Realty. He is currently offering his services in the Greater Raleigh, Durham and Chapel Hill areas. You may contact him for a confidential interview at

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As my readers (and anyone who knows me) know, I am a Short Sale Specialist.  I aggressively fight for the right of home owners to get them out of their unaffordable mortgages all the while with the intent of removing them from future liability.

Please read an email I sent to the Massachusetts Attorney General:

I have a question as to the state’s laws on allowing a lender to proceed with collection activity after issuing a 1099C to a consumer.  A 1099C by its very name says a debt was cancelled by the lender and the amount reported on a persons taxes.  How can it be legal for a mortgage lender to issue the 1099C and then proceed to start collection activity? Any dime the consumer pays back after appropriately filing the 1099C and paying taxes on the “gift of equity” or the “phantom income” invalidates that 1099C as the money at that point was wrongly reported and is actually an ongoing debt.

What is the Commonwealth’s stance on this?  What laws are in place to protect the consumer and prevent this double dipping?

If there are no laws in place at this point, it seems to be a big loophole in the law that allows a mortgage lender to “have his cake and eat it too”.

Thank you in advance for your prompt response.

Here is the response I received:

Dear. Mr. Files:

Thank you for contacting the Office of Attorney General Martha Coakley.  Your message has been forwarded to me for response.

The Massachusetts Consumer Protection Act, G.L. c. 93A, section 2, prohibits unfair and deceptive acts in commerce.  Were any creditor to take action to collect a debt that was previously written off, it is possible that such conduct might constitute a violation of said statute.

Such conduct also might possibly constitute a violation of 940 CMR 7.07(2), which says

It shall constitute a deceptive act or practice to engage in any of the following       practices:

(2) Any knowingly false or misleading representation in any communication as to the     character, extent or amount of the debt, or as to its status in any legal       proceeding, provided, however, that an incorrect or estimated bill submitted by a       gas or electric utility company regulated by M.G.L. c. 164, and the Department of       Public Utilities shall not be prohibited by 940 CMR 7.07;

I hope this information will be useful, and thank you again for contacting the Office of Attorney General Martha Coakley.


Nicholas Downing
Constituent Services Coordinator
Public Inquiry & Assistance Center
Office of the Attorney General Martha Coakley


Please print this out and keep it for your records to have handy in case needed! Also, please forward this to any Massachusetts home owner who is currently OR has completed a short sale.

Bobbie Files, C.D.P.E.
Certified Distressed Property Expert
Your Bristol and Plymouth County Realtor
508-238-5000 x.296 Office
508-521-9480 Direct / SMS
888-570-9907 Toll Free Direct Fax Email

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Certified Distressed Property Expert

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This conversation was a classic!!

A couple of months ago I closed on a short sale with BofA as the 1st and Citizens as the 2nd.  Typical process and timelines.  Citizens got all the client's documentation, had a complete package and submitted the file to a negotiator. GREAT!!!


About a week after, I was told they would be assigning a negotiator.  I received a call on my way to the office.  The negotiator called me to introduce himself and let me know that he was overlooking the file and he needed some updated documents.  Well, like I said I was on my way to the office....driving.  I am not a great multi-tasker when it comes to driving, talking, writing and , uhm, well ...smoking.  Yes, I am a comments about the smoking necessary I know it is bad!


In order to lessen the chances of killing myself or others, I pulled over so I could write down what he needed (afterwards I realized I could have just recorded the call on my phone, but I can be a little slow at times).  Here I am thinking I am being a good, responsible adult, I pulled off into the break down lane. I now understand that is a no-no.  


Moments after pulling over, whaddya know, blue lights are flashing behind me!!! I don't know if you call it being pulled over since I was already pulled over, but for a lack of a better name for it, I was pulled over.  


I was on the phone with Chris (the negotiator) and looked in my rearview and exclaimed loudly and in a panic "Shoot (and that was not the word), bluelights!!!!!!"  By Chris' response I am guessing that "Bluelights" is a local thing, because he said "Bluelights?? What do you mean?"

"I am being pulled over!!!!!!! And I was already pulled over!! What the (explative)!?!?!?!?!" 


As politely as could be, Chris started to laugh!! "How about you call me later?" he says.


"Are you nuts!!!! You're a witness!!!!!!' You are staying on this phone!!! Here comes the cop, I am going to put the phone on speaker phone and put you down."


Well, in typical me fashion, I do things without thinking.  The cop approaches my car and asks me if everything is okay, and I responded with "Yes, I pulled over because I needed to write something down."  The cop looks at me rather puzzled and says "What was so urgent that you had to stop?"


"Oh, I was on the phone (and I grab the phone for effect) and I was told that the person I was speaking with needed something so I pulled over to write it down."


The cop looks and says "Well this isn't the correct area to be pulling over, it is dangerous and you shouldn't do it, and also buckle up."


Well.....this is me being me, instead of putting down the phone to free a hand, I decide to free the other hand by flicking my cigarette out the window and at the cop!!!!!!!


Not my smartest move!!! The look I got could have froze water. "And you should really quit smoking to." Then the cop turns to walk back to his car.  Before he could even reach his car I was outta there!!  I grabbed the phone and Chris was in tears he was laughing so hard.  I could not believe that happened!! That short sale got approved and closed a couple of weeks later.


Now here we are in April and I have Citizens mortgage on another short sale.  Driving to my office on Wednesday and my cell rings.....Chris again!!!!  The first question he asked me "Do you remember me?"  Like I could forget him.  Second question "Are you driving?"  LOL!!!


Bobbie Files, C.D.P.E.
Certified Distressed Property Expert
Your Bristol and Plymouth County Realtor
508-238-5000  x.296 Office
508-521-9480                Direct / SMS
888-570-9907               Toll Free Direct Fax Email

Visit my website at

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Search for Berkley Ma Homes at:

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For those struggling to pay your mortgage payments please visit:

Certified Distressed Property Expert


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Sometimes I really wonder if people, no matter how hard I stress the importance of submitting supplemental documentation in a timely manner, really see the urgency in the situation.


Day 1 of request:  Hi, Mr. Seller The bank is requesting this form to be filled out and they need it back in 4 days.

Day 2, Hi Mr. Seller Have you filled out that form for your lender? Could you send it back to me ASAP

Day 3, Mr. Seller it is imperative to get that form back to your lender tomorrow. They need it to process the short sale.

Day 4, Mr. Seller If you do not fill out that form and return it to me today, the lender is reserving its right to proceed with a deficiency judgement.  


Let's just see if the Day 4 conversation does anything!!!!


Bobbie Files, C.D.P.E.
Certified Distressed Property Expert
Your Bristol and Plymouth County Realtor
508-238-5000  x.296 Office
508-521-9480                Direct / SMS
888-570-9907               Toll Free Direct Fax Email

Visit my website at

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Search for Berkley Ma Homes at:

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For those struggling to pay your mortgage payments please visit:

Certified Distressed Property Expert


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12317-wedd-street.jpgBank of America Short Sale Listing Sold in Overland Park.

We are proud to say that another of our Metro Kansas City realty listings has sold via a short sale.

The loan was with Bank of America with a second lien to People's Bank. This Kansas City realty Seller was not required to sign a promissory note and no funds required from Seller at closing.

Certainly short sales are not easy and can take some time, but they are certainly a possible option to consider as to foreclosure and worth becoming familiar with what is a short sale.

If you are considering whether a short sale is a possibility for your Kansas City realty, make sure that you contact an agent that is experienced with having sold several short sales and understands the options for what is a short sale.
  • Request a FREE Confidential, no-obligation, short sale analysis of your Metro Kansas City realty. Serving both home sellers and buyers in Kansas and Missouri
As short sales continue to increase, it is important to work with a Realtor that is familiar with the short sale process from the beginning to the end. Remember, there are significant differences in being able to stand a good chance of selling a home as a short sale that some Realtors are not familiar with. Knowing what is a short sale and the in's and out's of selling a short sale could make or break your success in selling your home in time to avoid foreclosure or other potential issues. It may not be as easy as picking a Realtor that you know or have done business with in the past.

We are proud to have helped several Kansas City realty homeowners successfully complete their short sales.

Related Articles:

About the Author:

Homes for sale in Kansas City Metro What’s My Home Worth In this Market

Suzanne Hinton Hinton Homes-Affiliated with ReMax Premier Realty
Voted 5 Star Best in Customer Satisfaction Real Estate Agent
Phone: 816-520-0917





© 2010-2011 Suzanne Hinton-Hinton Homes-Short Sale Realtor

Kansas City Realty

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The First Step To Consider Taking To Avoid A Foreclosure of Your Kansas City Realty.  My first post of "What To Do Right Now If You Are Facing Foreclosure of Your Kansas City Home" outlined that there are possible options to foreclosure of your Kansas City realty. This is the second post in a series of posts that I want to share.

Before deciding that there is nothing that you can do to avoid foreclosure of your home, STOP and consider all options available. The first being to "talk to your lender" about the alternatives available to avoid foreclosure of your Kansas City realty. You may be very surprised to learn that there are several newer programs being offered that are more realistic than those that were previously offered. The Home Affordable Modification Program is one example. Other programs that I will be blogging about require following certain guidelines be met prior to making application.

The bottom line is DON"T believe that there is nothing that you can do. There are possible options to avoid a foreclosure of your Kansas City realty. But, you have to take the first step. Contact your lender and if that does not offer an answer, then there are other possible options.

I really want to help educate the public and those in need of gathering as much information as possible to better understand what you may be able to do to either avoid a foreclosure of your Kansas City realty, Kansas or Missouri. I have really learned, while working with foreclosures of Kansas and Missouri homes and while assisting home sellers with their Kansas short sale and Missouri short sale that knowledge can be power in your making the right decisions for your current and future well-being.

I will continue to provide updates to this subject over a short period of time. If you are facing foreclosure of your Kansas City home, Kansas or Missouri, please continue to read the upcoming posts.

Request a Free Confidential, no obligation, short sale or pre foreclosure analysis of your home and options that may be available to you.

It has been my pleasure to help a number of Sellers with their Kansas short sale or Missouri short sale. Consider me an available resource to help you determine what the best direction is for you to attempt to avoid foreclosure of your Kansas City realty.


Related Articles:

About the Author:

Homes for sale in Kansas City MetroWhat’s My Home Worth In this Market

Suzanne Hinton
Hinton Homes-Affiliated with ReMax Premier Realty
Voted 5 Star Best in Customer Satisfaction Real Estate Agent
Phone: 816-520-0917





©2011 Suzanne Hinton-Hinton Homes-Kansas City Short Sale Realtor
Kansas City Short Sales

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