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The panel will explore the successes and challenges of the nascent real estate crowdfunding movement. Newbery will also discuss AHP’s experience empowering accredited investors to crowdfund the purchase of distressed mortgages from banks.


American Homeowner Preservation (“AHP”) Founder and CEO Jorge Newbery will moderate the Crowd Funding Real Estate Investments panel at the Midwest Crowdfunding Conference on November 15 at One Financial Place, Chicago, Illinois. Joining William Skelley of iFunding and Brian Fritton of Patch of Land. The panel will explore the successes and challenges of the nascent real estate crowdfunding movement. Newbery will share AHP’s experience empowering accredited investors to crowdfund the purchase of distressed mortgages from banks. AHP then offers viable solutions for families to stay in their homes with reduced payments and discounted principal options. If homes are vacant or families do not want to stay, AHP offers incentives to borrowers to sign deeds in lieu of foreclosure in order to promptly put homes back in service.

“We have a social mission, but also offer investors financial returns of 9 – 12%,” said Newbery, describing the AHP’s impact investing goals. AHP began in 2008 as a 501(c)3 nonprofit and has evolved into a for-profit socially-responsible hedge fund, and has now added the crowdfunding component. “By acquiring distressed mortgages at big discounts from banks, we are able to offer transformative solutions to families to keep their homes, plus exceptional returns to our investors,” said Newbery.

“Crowdfunding is an extraordinary vehicle for investors to connect with opportunities, and largely bypass the fee-generating bureaucracies of Wall Street. Additionally, for pursuits such as American Homeowner Preservation, a great deal of social good can be achieved,” Newbery said. Crowdfunding platforms have sprung up recently offering investments in all sorts of ventures. These are pioneering times for companies and investors alike, according to Newbery.

American Homeowner Preservation to be included in Midwest Crowdfunding Conference

American Homeowner Preservation to be included in Midwest Crowdfunding Conference

Crowdfunding is an extraordinary vehicle for investors to connect with opportunities, and largely bypass the fee-generating bureaucracies of Wall Street- Jorge Newbery

AHP is currently accepting investors for their 2013C opportunity, which features 249 assets. 90% of the assets are First Mortgages and 10% are REOs. The total investment of $5,660,000 is 38% of the $14,772,615 value of the homes securing the mortgages. Investors can earn 9% for a one year investments, 10.2% for two years and 12% for five years. Revenue is distributed to investors monthly, and the minimum investment is $10,000.

Other participants in the Midwest Crowdfunding Conference include author Daryl Montgomery, Jon Goldberg of VCapital and Brian Korn of Pepper Hamilton. To learn more about the Midwest Crowdfunding Conference, please visit

About American Homeowner Preservation:
American Homeowner Preservation started in 2008 in Cincinnati, OH as a 501(c)3 non-profit. Today operating as a for profit in Chicago Il, AHP aims to empower accredited investors to crowdfund, buy pools of distressed mortgages, and generate impactful social returns and compelling financial returns. Our goal is to help secure your future by securing someone else’s. For further information or inquiries please visit or call 800-555-1055.

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Hello All. I would really like to hear from anyone who is having trouble with  I would like to try to make a change with their policies that are being forced on us.  It is not a win win.  I understand the lender does not have to do a short sale, however, when they send out letter asking people to do short sales and saying the will help then they should be honest about it.  Please provide any feed back.  There is power in numbers and I need your help.

thank you in advance

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American Homeowner Preservation buys pools of distressed mortgages at large discounts from banks. After acquisition, AHP works to find a solution to keep homeowners in their homes. Sometimes homes are already vacant and abandoned. In cases like this, our asset managers work to get vacant homes back into service to help revitalize blighted communities.

A recent AHP acquisition in Kansas has made one community very happy. A vacant property in Kansas City was purchased as part of a distressed mortgage/REO pool for less than $2,000. Then, AHP was able to sell the neglected home to a new owner in order  to return the home to serviced. AHP finance the sale for a $1,000 down payment and a loan for $7,900. The homeowner purchased the home in order to rent and bring a new family into the neighborhood.

AHP, community, rental property

AHP sold this property to a new home owner who is fixing it up and turning it into a rental property

Because the house was vacant and needed a lot of work done to get it back to working condition, the owner began the remodel with a new coat of paint to the outside of the house and landscaping. Meetings with city officials revealed that the property had some code violations that the new owner would have to fix.  Even with the code violations, the city official was glad to hear that the property was placed into the hands of someone who really cared about the property and wanted to get it back into service as soon as possible. The city official revealed that prior to AHP and the new homeowner; the city would receive calls weekly from neighbors complaining about the property and how it was affecting the character of the community.

The new owner has ample experience renovating homes and brought his own construction crew from California to begin the remodel. He is currently 3/4 done with the remodeling process and hopes to rent the property to a family in the coming months. Neighbors are excited and happy to see the home being taken care of and be putting back into service.

3/4 done with the remodel, this property is almost ready for a family to rent.

3/4 done with the remodel, this property is almost ready for a family to rent. The community is glad the home is being cared for.

Click here to learn more about American Homeowner Preservation’s social impact.

Read more… most common scams

Please help


I need an attorney to fight this.

I am a buyer on a shortsale property that was transfered from BOA to NationStar/

I was told by that since I wrote an offer on this property I should wait until Auction is finalized.

Once they know the final bid they will offer it to me and if I was not interested they will sell it to the bidder.

Yeasteday the property gone through online auction with and I watched it and the final bid was 200K

My offer was 180K

I contacted to let them know that I will buy the property with 200K price and the customer service told me that I lost my chance of purchasing this property since I did not bid on it. I was tols to wait and now I am told I should have bid on it.

The shortsale department is closed today.

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American Homeowner Preservation (“AHP”)  announced today the acquisition of 128 non-performing mortgage and REO assets on October 31, 2013. The assets are located nationwide in over 20 states, from California to Florida.AHP utilizes private investors to fund acquisitions of distressed assets from both banks and hedge funds. By taking control of the mortgages or  REOs, AHP can craft viable solutions to keep families in their homes with reduced payments and discounted principal options.  Thus far, AHP has cut monthly payments by an average of almost 40% and provided discounted settlement options to families at amounts averaging less than their half of prior mortgage balances.”We buy these assets at significant discounts. By passing on a good chunk of these discounts to the homeowners, we are able to provide transformative solutions,” said AHP’s Founder and CEO Jorge Newbery. Alternately, if the home is vacant or the family does not want to stay, AHP offers incentives to homeowners to cooperate with deeds in lieu of foreclosure or short sales in order to promptly return the homes back to service. “A vacant home can blight a neighborhood.  Every time we break the gridlock and get a vacant home back into service, that is a big step forward for a neighborhood. Many times, some of these homes have been vacant for years,” Newbery said

AHP is currently crowdfunding to acquire an additional 249 assets for $5,660,000. Interested investors can review the offering at  Investors can earn 9% for one year investments, 10.2% for two years and 12% for five years.  “We look forward to keeping more and more struggling families in their homes with realistic long-term solutions, while providing our investors the ability to earn favorable returns in a socially responsible manner,” AHP Chief Operating Officer Verria Kelly added.

American Homeowner Preservation can be contacted at (800) 555-1055 or

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I Need Help!

Nations is the 1st, PNC is the 2nd - prior to that BoA was first - was under contract for $585k - BoA would have received a full pay-off if not for the added $117k fees but BoA accepted the offer but would only allow $8k to PNC (UPB was $226k) - PNC wanted $68k & said realtors, buyers or sellers could make up the difference!  Could not get PNC to budge & BoA would not pay more - deal was dead, taken off market. Now Nations acquired the note from BoA and wants seller to list the house. Nations is willing to pay 6% of PNC's UPB. Talked to PNC and was told they do not have a set amount and could not give a definitive answer until they have a contract.  The other point is, if the IRS pursues the sellers for the "earned income" then sellers could not afford to pay that either - also, there is a tax lien of approx $48k. So, would I be wasting my time again or should I refer this out to a company that has better coneections than I do or simply tell the seller to let it go to foreclosure? Today, the house is actually worth about $625k so I do think we can get more than we did last year. Thanks!

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Fannie Mae Countering above their own values

If you are in a real estate market that is going strong and values are increasing then this applies to you. My reliable sources have informed me that Fannie Mae will counter your offer above what their BPO or appraisal came in at.

As of November 1, 2013 they are instructing servicers to submit  all offers to them where the net proceeds are less than what they have required They are stating that they want the sales price to be inline with how their REO's are handled.

They are also instructing BPO agents to give them a 6 month "projected" value and that's what they will counter. So, for example, if a property will appraise today for $250,000.00 and the current market is growing at 2% per month, FM will counter at $300,000.  And then you have to go through the value dispute battle through the Homepath website  and that could take 3-4 weeks.. Totally ridiculous

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Welcome-to-Wisconsin.jpg?width=300The Wisconsin housing statistics are in for September of 2013. Here is an excerpt from what the Wisconsin Realtors® Association (WRA) had to say:

Wisconsin home sales were very strong in September, continuing the robust pace that has characterized the year. Sales of existing homes were up 15.8 percent in September compared to that same month in 2012 — representing a 13.6 percent increase through the first nine months of the year. Median prices posted similar gains, increasing a very solid 6.7 percent in September relative to September 2012 — an increase of 7.8 percent year to date compared to the first nine months of 2012. Home sales have now been up for 27 straight months and median prices have consistently grown in all but one of the past 19 months.

As we move out of the summer selling season, this growth in home sales is remarkably strong and shows signs of growing even stronger,” said Steve Lane, chairman of the WRA board of directors. “We need to remember that this growth in home sales is occurring even as mortgage rates are up by almost a full percent compared to where they were this time last year, and state job growth has been modest at best,” he said.

All regions saw their existing home sales grow by double-digit margins in September, compared to September 2012, with three regions increasing more than 19 percent, and the remaining three in the range of 11 to 15 percent. The areas with the strongest growth in September were the Central region, which was up 21.7 percent relative to last September, followed closely by the North and South central regions, which grew just over 19 percent for the period. The West region increased 14.9 percent; the Southeast grew at 14 percent, and the Northeast region increased 11.5 percent over the period.

Below are the number of Home Sales and Median House Prices for the state of Wisconsin, Rock County, and Dane County. These stats include Janesville and Madison. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions pertaining to these figures. As you probably have heard, home sales & prices have been increasing over the past few years. Both Dane and Rock counties are showing marked improvements in the number of homes sold and the price at which they are being sold at. September was no exception.

I'd be happy to show you any homes currently listed for sale. Feel free to visit Janesville, WI Home Listings for Sale to search for current properties listed in the Janesville area or visit Madison, WI Homes for Sale for MLS Listings in the Madison area.

If you would like some insight into how much your home is currently worth, I would be happy to provide you with a free comparative market analysis. This is a report that gives a close estimate to what your home might sell for in your current local Wisconsin real estate market. Click below:

What's My Wisconsin Home Worth?

Has your home value fallen below what you currently owe? A short sale may be right for your situation. Visit the following page on Wisconsin Short Sales.

Housing Statistics for the State of Wisconsin:

September 2013
Home Sales: 6,026
Median Home Price: $144,000

September 2012
Home Sales: 5,202
Median Home Price: $135,000

Housing Statistics for Dane County, WI:

September 2013
Home Sales: 562
Median Home Price: $215,000

September 2012
Home Sales: 450
Median Home Price: $203,600

Housing Statistics for Rock County, WI:

September 2013
Home Sales: 174
Median Home Price: $114,500

September 2012
Home Sales: 166
Median Home Price: $101,000

View my report from last month. Wisconsin August 2013 Housing Statistics

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The Global Impact Investing Network defines Impact Investing as

 ”Investments that aim to solve social or environmental challenges while generating financial profit. Impact investing includes investments that range from producing a return of principal capital (capital preservation) to offering market-rate or even market-beating financial returns. Although impact investing could be categorized as a type of “socially responsible investing,” it contrasts with negative screening, which focuses primarily on avoiding investments in “bad” or “harmful” companies – impact investors actively seek to place capital in businesses and funds that can harness the positive power of enterprise.”

What does this all mean when talking about American Homeowner Preservation?

Jorge Newbery, AHP, Chicago Office

CEO Jorge Newbery looks at homeowner documents in the Chicago office

When AHP first started five years ago in Cincinnati, Founder and CEO Jorge Newbery wanted to find a solution to the foreclosure crisis working one-on-one with homeowners and their lenders.  Today, headquartered in Chicago, AHP is working with investors to purchase pools of discounted mortgages to help keep families in their homes while also generating strong returns.

The process begins with investors investing with AHP to purchase pools of discounted mortgages from banks. Once the full amount of the pool is raised investors begin to receive returns on their investment based on the Class they chose. Then AHP works with homeowners to find a viable solution for them. Solutions may include loan modifications, short sales, or a Deed in Lieu.

Although there are many working parts, AHP is able to provide an investment opportunity to investors that generate above-market returns and also a measurable social impact. The AHP solution to the foreclosure crisis offers an innovative and multifaceted approach to decision-making on investments, which can offer investors robust and inclusive financial gains as well as social benefits. AHP is able to offer measurable social and financial returns to investors aligning it with Global’s definition of Impact Investing.

AHP’s efforts thus far has helped more than 400 families stay in their homes and extinguished more than $40 million in negative equity. The current offering of 249 assets is being acquired for $5,660,000 and has an estimated value of Real Estate Collateral at $14,772,615.

To learn more about our process and investment opportunities visit

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How to properly evaluate a potential investment property

photo credit: Håkan Dahlström via photopin cc
photo credit: Håkan Dahlström via photopin cc

Life is full of sayings that seem contradictory at first.  Expressions like “a chain is only as strong as its weakest link” and a “team is only as good as its worst player” seem to make no sense until they have been analyzed and understood.  In flipping homes, you make your money when you buy.  Quite simply, if you buy a home at the proper discount then you have a much better chance of selling at a profit.  Here is a general outline to help you evaluate a potential home for investment.

First, Take a Casual Drive

It is a good idea to only consider homes that you can actually inspect.  Being able to drive by the home gives you a firsthand perspective. On your way to the home pay attention to the little details such as

  • condition of the roads; are there large potholes, pavement patches, adequate street signs?
  • local area; are there any schools, shopping, offices, or factories nearby?
  • Appearance of the actual street; how do the other homes on the block look?
  • The prospective home; what is your first impression when you see the place?

Second, take a Casual Stroll

Now that you have had the time to look at the home and surrounding area from the road, it is time to actually look at the property up close.  When you are in the home ignore things like carpeting and paint.  Take time to look over the roof, the foundation, the electrical box, the HVAC unit and any plumbing pipe that is easy to access.   Walk outside and see if the septic tank or well has any problem.  These are the areas that can cost major money to fix.  If there are any noticeable problems with these primary parts of the home you can use that to negotiate with the seller.

Third, crunch some numbers

Now that you have looked over the home and determined that it is a possible investment, it is time to do the math.  You need to have an idea of what the total repairs will cost along with how much the home should be worth after the repairs are completed.  Once you have these numbers you can make an offer to the seller.

When putting together your repair estimates it is always better to over price.  Trying to cut corners and dream that the kitchen can be remodeled for $2,000, or some other wishful hope, will cause you tremendous grief later on.

After you have looked at a few homes and talked with the same contractor a number of times you can start to get a feel for how much repairs will cost.  This one skill takes some time to master for those that are new to real estate investment.   Once you are comfortable estimating repair costs you will be much better at spotting a deal when it pops up.

Search for: Madison, WI Foreclosures for Sale

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Unfortunately there's no website for Umpqua shortsales. After the First agreed to a HAFA shortsale; they said to ask the 2nd lienholder if they participate in HAFA shortsales.  They said they "HAD TO."  Now 2 months later after accepting paperwork, then NOT accepting the same paperwork, they agree to the shortsale AND with the payoff but will NOT release my seller of the liability. I asked them to rereview the file with his new updated financial statement and hardship letters, HAFA Affidavits, Arms-lengths signed by all parties and NOW ten days in rereview with Umpua Bank.

The Ocwen Servicer said to send them a link regarding the HAFA guidelines through the USgov site and then to escalate the file.  I've contacted Fannie Mae helpdesk since the first is a Fannie Mae product, can they help with getting the 2nd to comply?  Or WHERE else can I and how do I escalate the file?

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Hello- I need some info from anyone able to help- I am at my end of the rope with Chase , Chase is requiring the first who is SPS loan servicing to give them a HAFA letter of approval before they will give there letter of approval- well the 1st per HAFA guidelines can not do this-they need the 2nd approval before submitting it for approval from there investors- I have been going round and round with these 2 banks for 6 weeks and getting absolutely no where- Has anyone gotten one approved with SPS being the 1st and Chase being the second ? I need a high up contact at Chase and SPS to get this done-

any info anyone has I would greatly appreciate.

Laura Mitchell

ECO properties

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American Homeowner Preservation (“AHP”) today launches a crowdfunding solution to the foreclosure crisis, offering accredited investors annual returns of up to 12%. AHP purchases pools of distressed mortgages at significant discounts from banks and other lenders. The strong returns are a result of the discounts negotiated with lenders which sell their loans coupled with AHP’s formula to achieve prompt, consensual solutions with borrowers.

The first offering on features over 200 assets being purchased for less than 40% of the current value of the homes. “If a borrower owes $100,000 and the home value is now $50,000, we can buy that loan for $20,000. This big discount enables AHP to deliver borrower-friendly solutions for families, while concurrently generating attractive returns for investors,” said Jorge Newbery, AHP’s Founder and Chief Executive Officer. AHP offers a 9% annual return for investments of up to one year, 10.2% for two years and 12% for five years.

Crowdfunding and the recently-enacted JOBS Act enable AHP to connect directly with private investors and bypass the fee-generating bureaucracies of Wall Street. “Now, we can offer attractive returns directly to investors, who can share in the positive impact these investments have on families and communities,” added Newbery. American Homeowner Preservation makes impact investing easy and convenient utilizing a secure online investing community. “The AHP model is scalable, repeatable and provides strong returns to investors and life-changing financial transformations for families,” says Newbery.

4.4 Million families have lost their homes since the foreclosure crisis began in 2008 and over 12 Million families owe more than their homes are worth. “All these underwater mortgages will remain a drag on families, communities and the nation until they are resolved. AHP and our investors are a component of the solution,” said AHP’s Business Development Director Alison Lundberg.

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Stoughton Wisconsin Home Listings

Just Sold! 409 East Street, Stoughton WI 53589

We are happy to announce a recent home closing in Stoughton, Wisconsin. This was a home closing where Rock Realty represented both the buyers and the sellers. The sellers had moved out of state and left it to Michael Collins at Rock Realty to guide the transaction to a successful close. I know the buyers are excited to start their planned renovation to make the home just right for them! Congratulations to everyone involved!

If you are thinking of selling or buying a home in Wisconsin, our home buyer specialists would be happy to assist you. Give Rock Realty a call at 877-774-7625. We are a full service real estate brokerage.

 Stoughton Wisconsin MLS Listings

Stoughton, WI Homes for Sale


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I am a buyer on a shortsale property in los Angeles.

The file was transfered to NationStar and property going to be Auctioned by

My offer is already signed by seller and I was waiting for shortsale approval from BOA that BOA informed the listing agent that they transfered the file to NationStar and shortsale process must start all over with them.


I need to know since I have a signed contract do I have a any right.

I feel that  I am being pushed and forced to accept the highest bid that will be on a auction date and my right of doing appraisal and inspection which was in my contract is no good anymore.


Please help me to find an attorney to fight.


Thank you

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Nationstar forcing the use of

I have read a lot of posts regarding this over the last few days since I found out that they are going to "require" my client go through the process.  First of all is a licensed Real Estate firm out of California licensed to do business in the Commonwealth of Virginia where I am located.  Which means that they are in violation of no less than Article 16, Standard of Practice 16-3 and 16-4.  We have a valid Ratified contract in place along with a signed listing agreement through January 31, 2014 so they are in violation by interfering in that transaction and contacting my client.  To top it off, they called me last night on my home phone.  How in the world did they get my home phone number?  Nationstar is not the owner of the property and as such has not right to auction off the property.  They have two BPO's and they can get an appraisal if they want.  The offer we have on the table is an excellent offer which falls in line with both BPO's they have received.  Their excuse of using to make sure they are getting the best offer is totally wrong.  

I want to recommend to everyone who is going through this to do exactly what I have done over the last few days.  I have contacted the following:  Senator Mark Warner of Virginia, The Attorney General of the Commonwealth of Virginia, DPOR - our Licensing board, NAR's Government Affairs office in Washington DC, the Virginia Association of Realtors, and will be calling HUD today. My client has filed a complaint with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and if you go on their website you will see thousands of complaints against Nationstar.  My client has also contacted an attorney.  I will be filing a complaint with our licensing board as soon as my client physically receives their letter.  

We need to put a stop to this!   

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$60,000 opening bid!    Previously valued at $210,600!


Property Highlights

  • Large Wooded Lot
  • 2 Car Garage
  • Walk Out Basement
  • Five Bedrooms
  • Three & 1/2 Baths
  • 2 Fireplaces
  • Basement Bar
  • Deck
  • House Vacuum


  • Bedrooms: 5
  • Bathrooms: 3.5
  • Home Size: 2,708 sq.ft.
  • Garage: 2+
  • Lot Size: .55 Acres
  • County: Rock
  • Property Type: Single Family Home
  • Year Built: 1984
  • MLS Number: 1687806

Click here for additional information: 3141 W Danbury Dr, Janesville WI 53546

Call Michael Collins at 608-921-8536 for additional information.

Madison Wisconsin Area Homes for Sale

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Just Sold! 1817 Anhalt Dr, Madison Wisconsin 53704

We are happy to announce a sale for another Madison Wisconsin Rock Realty home seller!

This home was the perfect little tri-level on Madison's East Side. The buyers got a great price on this bank accepted short sale. Congratulations to the buyers and our sellers on this successful Madison short sale transaction!

If you are thinking of selling or buying a home in Wisconsin, our home buyer specialists would be happy to assist you. Give Rock Realty a call at 877-774-7625. We are a full service real estate brokerage.

 Search Madison Wisconsin MLS Listings


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