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American Homeowner Preservation (“AHP”)  announced today the acquisition of 128 non-performing mortgage and REO assets on October 31, 2013. The assets are located nationwide in over 20 states, from California to Florida.AHP utilizes private investors to fund acquisitions of distressed assets from both banks and hedge funds. By taking control of the mortgages or  REOs, AHP can craft viable solutions to keep families in their homes with reduced payments and discounted principal options.  Thus far, AHP has cut monthly payments by an average of almost 40% and provided discounted settlement options to families at amounts averaging less than their half of prior mortgage balances.”We buy these assets at significant discounts. By passing on a good chunk of these discounts to the homeowners, we are able to provide transformative solutions,” said AHP’s Founder and CEO Jorge Newbery. Alternately, if the home is vacant or the family does not want to stay, AHP offers incentives to homeowners to cooperate with deeds in lieu of foreclosure or short sales in order to promptly return the homes back to service. “A vacant home can blight a neighborhood.  Every time we break the gridlock and get a vacant home back into service, that is a big step forward for a neighborhood. Many times, some of these homes have been vacant for years,” Newbery said

AHP is currently crowdfunding to acquire an additional 249 assets for $5,660,000. Interested investors can review the offering at  Investors can earn 9% for one year investments, 10.2% for two years and 12% for five years.  “We look forward to keeping more and more struggling families in their homes with realistic long-term solutions, while providing our investors the ability to earn favorable returns in a socially responsible manner,” AHP Chief Operating Officer Verria Kelly added.

American Homeowner Preservation can be contacted at (800) 555-1055 or

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