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2010 Oakland County Michigan Short Sale, Bank Owned and Traditional Sale Market Share by Mike Sher, (248) 644-4700x242, Max Broock


So, what is the break down of the Oakland County Michigan housing market anyways? We have all read the articles, watched our CNBC and local media outlets. We have heard speeches from Bush and Obama, Granholm and John/Jayne Q Taxpayer; now here are the numbers.ar129493727412196.jpg As the chart shows, the distress Market is a major part of the Oakland County housing market. Distressed sales made up 54% of sales in 2010, (of that 39% Bank Owed and 15% Short Sale.) The traditional sales market is now only 45%.


So what does that mean to the consumer; if you are buying or selling a home in Oakland County, you NEED a Realtor with distressed property experience. The traditional realtor is a dieing breed. The new Realtor knows about Foreclosures and Short Sales. He or She is well read and up to date on how this new real estate market works, acts and looks like. Even if you are selling or buying a NON-distressed home, your agent must understand the fundamentals of the distressed market. No home owner is an island and when 54% of the market is distressed, today's agent needs to be well equipped to get you the results you deserve.


To find out more on how the Mike Sher Team can help you, please contact me today.


 Mike Sher (248) 496-1572, Max Broock Realtors 2010 Results, 65 Units Sold, $10,000,000 in volume and 26 Short Sales Sold

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The First Step To Consider Taking To Avoid A Foreclosure of Your Kansas City Realty.  My first post of "What To Do Right Now If You Are Facing Foreclosure of Your Kansas City Home" outlined that there are possible options to foreclosure of your Kansas City realty. This is the second post in a series of posts that I want to share.

Before deciding that there is nothing that you can do to avoid foreclosure of your home, STOP and consider all options available. The first being to "talk to your lender" about the alternatives available to avoid foreclosure of your Kansas City realty. You may be very surprised to learn that there are several newer programs being offered that are more realistic than those that were previously offered. The Home Affordable Modification Program is one example. Other programs that I will be blogging about require following certain guidelines be met prior to making application.

The bottom line is DON"T believe that there is nothing that you can do. There are possible options to avoid a foreclosure of your Kansas City realty. But, you have to take the first step. Contact your lender and if that does not offer an answer, then there are other possible options.

I really want to help educate the public and those in need of gathering as much information as possible to better understand what you may be able to do to either avoid a foreclosure of your Kansas City realty, Kansas or Missouri. I have really learned, while working with foreclosures of Kansas and Missouri homes and while assisting home sellers with their Kansas short sale and Missouri short sale that knowledge can be power in your making the right decisions for your current and future well-being.

I will continue to provide updates to this subject over a short period of time. If you are facing foreclosure of your Kansas City home, Kansas or Missouri, please continue to read the upcoming posts.

Request a Free Confidential, no obligation, short sale or pre foreclosure analysis of your home and options that may be available to you.

It has been my pleasure to help a number of Sellers with their Kansas short sale or Missouri short sale. Consider me an available resource to help you determine what the best direction is for you to attempt to avoid foreclosure of your Kansas City realty.


Related Articles:

About the Author:

Homes for sale in Kansas City MetroWhat’s My Home Worth In this Market

Suzanne Hinton
Hinton Homes-Affiliated with ReMax Premier Realty
Voted 5 Star Best in Customer Satisfaction Real Estate Agent
Phone: 816-520-0917





©2011 Suzanne Hinton-Hinton Homes-Kansas City Short Sale Realtor
Kansas City Short Sales

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Short Sale Solds Report for Las Vegas Short Sales Sold in December 2010




A rise in closings for this month over last several months shows the push by everyone involved in processing Las Vegas Short Sales to get them closed faster!







Now, this does not cover condos or townhouses, this is just for homes.


Short Sale Solds Report for Las Vegas Short Sales Sold in December 2010 *Las Vegas Real Estate Report* Short Sale Agent in Vegas  Dawn Barrier

Stats are on Resale Single Family homes only per the GLVAR MLS as of this writing, covers the Las Vegas Valley, North Las Vegas, Henderson area.

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Is anyone having trouble getting Wells to approve final HUDS?  Apparently South Carolina is closed due to weather but they have no back up to approve HUDs for closing unless you yell and scream and demand that they transfer the file to another location (Milwaukee in our case)


Does anyone have someone to escalate this to?  Our final HUD has been sitting around since last Thursday.


Thanks for any input you may have!

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We handle short Sales for the state of Ohio

We are a title agency that made handling short sales in the state of Ohio over 3 years ago.  We have a 90% success ratio and have closed over 300 short sales.  My theroy on short sales if you are a agent why would you want to hancle your own short sales when there is a company that will handle them for you so you can go out and work on getting the next deal. 

   We have contacts in many of the banks that we have built relationships with over the past 3 years that we can go to get a deal done.  We have a on staff abstractor to let you know immediatly what you are facing before you even list a property.  The lien search that we do will let you know what liens are against the property so we know exactly what we will be dealing with in the short sale.  There are no up front fees for this intial search it will be paid for in the short sale.  If you would like to give us a try, send me a email, again we only handle the state of Ohio .



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Re-blogged 0 timesMichigan Short sale tip 51, the unguided trail through Abyss, Mike Sher (248) 644-4700x242 servicing Oakland, Macomb and Wayne Counties. Just got a call from short sale seller in the Detroit area, whose Realtors has given up. He is negotiating a sar129475762156481.jpghort sale with SunTrust.  1st lien is Freddie and the 2nd held by SunTrust with the EVIL MORTGAGE INSURANCE  (boo, hsss, boo).  Well his realtor seems to be on sabbatical, now our poor seller stands alone, calling other Realtors for help, with the same desperate look as the guy who holds the "work for food sign" of the expressway.  This is a sad development that I have noticed.  Many of my fellow Realtors have developed a "when going gets tough, the Realtors gets gone", until closing day when they are first in line to get paid.

Now I am a Realtor, so please understand that we are not all the same.  Just like any profession, there are those who do an adequate job, a great job and a lousy job.  80/20 rule prevails, 20% of the production is handled by 80% of the Realtors while the other 20% of the superior Realtors are able to handle the remaining 80%.  1strule of thumb is making sure your agent is in the top 20%.   Don't get me wrong, the other 80% of agents are good folks but they have 2nd jobs, are part timers or have to many other commitments to keep them affective in today's market.

The calls I get are often way too late to change Realtors and they are always with agents who don't know what they are doing.  I know this is negative but it is sadly true.

Back to the story, the caller has an offer in for about 40% of the amount owed between the two loans.  The bank is willing to release the 60% if the seller brings about $5000 to close.  $3600 of it before closing to settle the 2nd loan and $1400 at closing to settle the 1stloan, his Realtor has been pushing the seller to close no matter what from the start so now the seller does not know if this is a good deal or if the Realtor is just saying sign to get paid. 

After talking to the seller for 20 minutes on the phone for NO CHARGE!!  He now knows that it is a good ar129475828197673.jpgdeal.  He also knows why.  Often the missing piece of this crazy Short Sale jigsaw we are in is WHY.  The homeowners want to know why and many Realtors are either unable or unwilling to explain why!  They need to explain; What is pool insurance, Why do I need to sign a promissory note, Who is the investor, What is a deficiency, What is the forgiveness of debt act, Will I get 1099C, Will I owe money after closing, What is a unsecured debt, What is the difference between an investor and servicer, What is HAFA, What is Deed-in-lieu, What is Cash For Keys, What is Redemption, What is 90 day Michigan Pre-foreclosure mediation law, Why is a Short Sale better the a Foreclosure, and etc.

In closing, if you, or  someone you know is buying or selling a home.  No matter if it is a Foreclosure, Short Sale or Traditional Sale.   Experience counts.  Contact me or another Realtor who is selling at least 40 homes a year that are short sales, foreclosures and traditional sales. Ask for references and testimonials.  You want the Realtor who knows this market and will be with you from the beginning to the end.  No one wants to be on an unguided trail though the abyss.   

Mike Sher, Max Broock Realtors, 2010 Stats: 25 Short Sales, 70 sales and $8,500.000.00 in sales  Cell: 248-496-1572 to 

**Please be advised that Mike Sher, Katherine Green and Max Broock Realtors are not attorneys nor tax professionals. Our correspondence should NOT BE  interpreted as that of the advice of legal counsel or tax professionals. We recommend seeking the advice of a tax and or legal professional with matters pertaining to Short Sales and other related questions.   ***

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Aurora short sale

Do I need a buyer to be approved for a HAFA short sale approval? I lost the buyer because Aurora is taking so long. Now they tell me that if I don't have a buyer I start the process over again.
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Rochester hills mi short sale " Freeze On Foreclosures", Mike Sher (248) 644-4700 x242. Max Broock Oakland County 

As you can probably imagine, I have been busy helping distressed homeowners, and I wanted to take this opportunity to get in touch and offer my assistance to anyone you know who might be in a similar situation.ar129469958808346.jpg

You've probably read or heard in the news that politicians across the nation are asking for a federal foreclosure moratorium. This may seem like a gift, especially during the holidays, but the reality is that a foreclosure freeze is not the answer to the problem of foreclosure.

You may know by now that I've earned my Certified Distressed Property Expert designation, and I am extensively trained to help homeowners who feel like they have no control over their situation take back this part of their lives.  I can provide important information, like the Five Steps to Avoid Foreclosure.

I've put together the five steps in a report that can be downloaded on a website I've set up:

Please send this link to anyone who might find it helpful today.  The first step for any distressed homeowner to avoid foreclosure is to take action now!

I hope you and yours have a wonderful holiday season and I look forward to hearing from you.

Sincerely yours,

Mike Sher
248 496-1572


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Church Beats Foreclosure

Ministerio El Shaddai, the North Phoenix church which faced foreclosure last August, will be able to stay in their current facility as a result of an American Homeowner Preservation short sale leaseback. The church’s lease payment of $759 is 50% less than their prior $1,500 mortgage payment with One West Bank(formerly Indy Mac). In addition, the church received an option to repurchase at $48,300, a 74% discount off their prior $184,500 mortgage. One West made an exception to their arm’s length short sale policy to allow the seller, Pastor Edgar Vanenzuela, to have an interest in the entity receiving the lease and option, Ministerio Mi Familia Corporation.


“We stayed strong in faith while waiting for the outcome  and God will bless AHP and One West for their works. This is truly a miracle,” said Pastor Valenzuela. “They can’t believe that AHP was able to save the church. This is unheard of according to many church members. All they see is banks stealing homes from them, and they saw Indy Mac(now One West) no differently and assumed the worse,” added Gilbert Bivens of Aztec Financial Resources.


Media coverage of the church’s August foreclosure scare attracted many new congregants to the church. “90% of the seats are full every Sunday,” said Pastor Valenzuela. As a result, church finances have improved significantly.

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Specialized Loan Servicing

Does anyone know what is happening over at Specialized Loan Servicing?  I have been trying to get a hold of someone for quite sometime and have not been able to.  None of there numbers seem to be working....any suggestions?

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HAFA with Chase?

So far, Chase has been on the ball with asking me for information.  I just submitted the last of the paperwork to Chase for HAFA approval. 


They have the first and second.  Does anyone have suggestions for me?  Sorry.  I have NO experience with HAFA at all. 

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Ocwen Forecloses on Policeman

On Friday, Ocwen refused last-minute pleas from American Homeowner Preservation and others to allow an Akron policeman and his family to stay in their home of 14 years. At 10AM, the Summit County Sheriff’s Department conducted their sale with a starting bid of $52,000. As there were no bidders, Ocwen will take ownership of the home, evict the policeman and his family, scarring this modest Akron, Ohio neighborhood with yet another vacant bank-owned home.

Tragically, this foreclosure could have been prevented. Ocwen had approved a $43,000 short sale through American Homeowner Preservation, but insisted that “neither the Buyers and Sellers nor their Agents have any agreements written or implied that will allow the Seller to remain in the property as renters or regain ownership of said property at any time after the execution of this short sale transaction”. This provision did not allow AHP to proceed with the purchase, as AHP’s program provides a lease and option to the family to allow them to stay in their home and eventually repurchase. In an email to AHP today, an unidentified Ombudsman at Ocwen wrote “Ocwen will not waive this requirement.  The foreclosure sale of the property is scheduled for today, January 7, 2011, and Ocwen will not postpone the sale for a potential short sale.”

The U.S. Treasury has committed $1,143,252,740 of Mortgage Servicer bailout funds to Ocwen as incentive payments to complete mortgage modifications. “Many families are unable to qualify for modifications and look to solutions such as AHP to stay in their homes. The $43,000 AHP short sale would have assuredly netted more to Ocwen and their investors than they will ultimately net by foreclosing and evicting this family,” said AHP’s John Wills. “Our hope now is that Ocwen will sell this REO to AHP. There is still a small chance that this family can stay.”

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ING Negotiator Threatens Agents!

I notified the selling agent that the offer his client has presented on my listing  and submitted to ING, will not be considered per ING and that the property is going to auction 1/7/2011. The offer was substantial considering ING valued the property at $337,716 and the offer was $325,000 + $10,000 BUYER  paid repairs to be completed prior to closing to obtain financing on the property.....basically $335,000. The selling agent called ING, not because he didn't believe me, but because he takes his responsibility to his client seriously and wanted a clear explination, as I could not expand on ING's decision, because they REFUSED my call AND the calls of the homeowner. Negotiator Nancy Larson then called me and threatened me........that if..... I DIDN'T CALL THE SELLING AGENT AND TELL HIM TO QUIT CALLING AND CEASE TRYING TO CONTACT HER SUPERIOR.........SHE WOULD PUT ME ON THE LIST OF AGENTS ING WON'T DO BUSINESS WITH.  Without a doubt the most outrageous attempt of intimidation,  I've ever encounter in 19 years of real estate practice. Who do these people think they are? Instead of allowing Real Estate Professionals to move homes, unprofessional, ill-mannered hacks blow off legitimate offers and continue to inflate the local inventory with REO Garbage! When you have to ask for your next price reduction..........this is why!


AND PUT ME ON THE LIST..................I'll bet it's good company!

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Glendale Short Sales | Burbank Short Sales | Granada Hills Short Sales | North Hollywood Short Sales | Van Nuys Short Sales | North Hills Short Sales


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On November 9, 2010 my in-house short sale negotiator, Patrick Aladadyan, submitted a short sale offer to Chase! The offer was for ALL CASH for $210,000. On December 3rd, I received a call from the assigned negotiator that the "investor" did NOT want to entertain the short sale offer and would proceed to foreclose on the property. I politely said thank you to the negotiator and stated that we would be contacting Freddie Mac to see what they had to say about the file. My negotiator, Patrick Aladadyan, has a handful of contacts @ Freddie Mac that have been helpful in the past and decided to send them an email along w/ the complete short sale offer.

Here's the email that was sent to the contacts @ Freddie Mac on Dec 2, 2010:



I'm currently working on a short sale with Chase; which is a Freddie Mac owned loan, and was notified today that the "Investor" has declined to extend the sale date of 12/13/2010. I currently have a ALL CASH offer to purchase this property for $210,000. This offer will net Freddie Mac, $179,185.44. I've attached a Foreclosure vs. Short Sale Calcutions showing the the benefit of a short sale; which is currently @ 0.74 on the dollar as apposed to 0.68 on the dollor on a Foreclosure. I've also attached the offer of purchase and proof of funds showing the buyer has the funds to purchase the property ALL CASH. Furthermore, I've also attached the online printout verifiying that this note is owned by Freddie Mac along with the HUD reflecting the net to Chase/Freddie Mac. Please let me know if you can assist in this matter…it's a mutually beneficial transaction for everyone involved.

Thank you in advance…!"


Received an email back from our contacts on Dec 3, 2010:


"Thank you. We will reach out to you today to better understand these issues. Let me know what time is good for you. Someone from my team, who works directly with Chase on a daily basis will work with you on this issue."


Received another email correspondence back from our contact on Dec 14, 2010:


"We met with Chase today and your short sale issue is being researched...T., will you be on point to keep Patrick posted this week since our teams work through this issue behind the scenes"


Received Short Sale Approval from Chase on Dec 23, 2010:


Please see attached approval letter w/ the initial fax cover sheet verifying the date of short sale submission to Chase!


Fax Cover Sheet: Di4701101061459.PDF

Chase Short Sale Approval Letter: Di4701101061458.PDF


The point here is that you should "NEVER" give up and think of ways outside the box to get these short sale transaction successfully negotiated and closed!


Thank you...Jennifer Escobar @ Qwest Real Estate



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The Great Real Estate Debate

The Great Real Estate Debate

Every day I am asked by clients what my market predictions are for 2011.  I tell them. . The Great Debate.There is a great debate about what is to come and it is hard to know (short of a crystal ball).  We hear news about millions of foreclosures in the pipeline. We also hear that the delinquency rate on home loans is improving. In the debate regarding the recovery of the economy, certainly real estate is front and center. We can’t have a strong recovery unless real estate contributes positively to economic growth. CNN/Money posted an interesting article during the Holidays. On one side, Bill Ackman, founder and CEO of hedge fund Pershing Square Capital Management and Warren Buffett both stand on the side of the bulls who say it is time to start investing in real estate. Meanwhile, Rick Sharga, a senior vice president at RealtyTrac which is an online marketplace for foreclosure properties, highlighted the impending foreclosures to predict lower home prices in 2011. Who is right? In reality, the news will probably be somewhere in-between. In the next two weeks, we will list the reasons for and against a real estate rebound in 2011. Meanwhile, market watchers will be looking at the employment report this Friday for evidence of how the economy was doing as we ended last year. Certainly, the news that initial claims for unemployment dropped below 400,000 last week is good news although readings over the Holidays can volatile. Overall, the direction has been positive in the past two months with regard to lessening unemployment claims.

The reasons for the real estate market to get stronger in 2011:

  • Homes are more affordable than they have been in a generation due to low rates and lower housing prices.
  • The economy is improving and jobs are being created, unlike the previous three years. As the economy improves, household formulation will rise as well.
  • While credit standards are tight, we have probably reached the height of the credit cycle and as real estate recovers banks will be more anxious to lend. Along the same lines, as rates have crept up, refinances are down and that means banks will be competing for a smaller market share of home loans.
  • The population is growing at a rapid rate. We are now over 300 million. These people need to somewhere to live. Even those who are foreclosed upon will need to live somewhere–and not necessarily in an apartment.


 ~Trisha Bush, Principal Broker

Cell: 509.301.0975

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Short sale - West Bloomfield MI Tip #58, don't realize to late that your agent is not a Short Sale realtor,. Mike Sher (248) 644-4700 x 242 (edit/delete)

Wow, I just got a call from one of our soldiers overseas who was to closing on a Bank Of America Short Sale today.  He started off with "I know you are not my Realtor but I need your help."  He proceeded with the story of how he was suppose to close on a home today but both Realtors were unable to reach Bank Of  America (BOA) to get the final ok on the short sale.  Their BOA contact was out of the office and was unreachable. His wife flew in to Detroit from Washington State for the day and needed to fly home.  If they could not close today, they most likely will not be able to buy the house since his wife is needed back home and he was ½ way around the world.ar129434062922593.jpg 

Side note: The first mistake was made when the closing was set without the BOA's contact knowledge.  We must remember that these negotiators do get sick and have vacation time and they are not available as needed.   The listing agent most likely made the amateur mistake of not keeping the BOA negotiator in the loop.

Back to the story:  I proceed to let him know what I would do.  I would have the 3rdparty authorized person call 866-880-1232 BOA's short sale hot line and find out who is covering for the negotiator in his/her absences.  RULE number one of getting unstuck in a short sale is going back to the beginning.   Many Realtors just end up filling the voice mail of the negotiator they have in hand and wait for a call back.  You must look at short sales like chess, just because a queen is considered the most revered piece, often the pawn is what gives you the check mate.  These Pawns/customer service/ Short Sale support people often wield more power and know how then the King, queen, or knights all put together.

After the agent calls the main short sale dept, then they should shoot an email to the negotiator that is out and see what the auto reply says.  Often the auto reply will give you the name of the person you should talk to in their absence.  Next, call and email all of the parties that the agent spoke to in the process getting the short sale approved.  This again is "the going back to the beginning approach", remember, the agent spoke to a lot of people before she/he got the approval.  Any of those people might be able to get you back on track.  When one gets lost in the woods, they go back to the last wrong turn they made and then make the right turn.  Same thing in short sales, better to take 3 steps back then 10 steps further in the wrong direction.  The next thing the agent should do is go back on to equator to email all of the parties available explaining that our negotiator is gone for the day and we have to close.  I would add that the buyer is a soldier serving over seas and this situation is really causing him a lot of stress.  Every one appreciates what our solders are doing so adding that detail should help.   After that email is sent, the Realtor should get some action soon. 

The real issue at hand is that neither the listing agent nor the buyer's agent really know what they are doing.  The fact that this soldier/buyer had to contact me off of a blog that I wrote from across the world because his agent did not know what do and was unwilling to call for help herself is VERY sad. That is why it is so important to get a realtor who knows short sales.  Whether you are buying or seller a short sale home, an experienced agent makes all the difference.

Mike Sher, Max Broock Realtors, Bloomfield Hills MI, and (248) 644-4700 x242

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Need advice.

Short sale was approved, but buyer walked. A week later, I submitted a new offer which met all terms as required by lender. Aurora said it takes 2 months to review it.  Why didn’t they make an exception and jump at this GOOD offer?  What can I do now?  


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5 Reasons Why A Loan Modification May Not Be the Answer for You

ar12935227842705.jpgWhen considering whether you should pursue a short sale or a loan modification, homeowners should consider and discuss the following issues with their legal counsel and tax advisor.  


•1)      Not every loan modification solves an equity problem.  If your house is worth half of what you paid for it, a loan modification may not solve your problem, unless it includes principal reduction as a part of it.  Bank of America rolled out a principal reduction program in June of 2010, and recently, Wells Fargo Bank announced that principal reduction will be a part of its "pick a payment" settlement with the California Attorney General's office.   (This list, of course, is not exhaustive)  Also encouragingly, the HAMP program has rolled out the Principal Reduction Alternative.  However, if your bank will not offer principal reduction as a part of its loan modification options, or you do not qualify for principal reduction, (and you have an equity problem), a loan modification may not solve your real problem. 


•2)      You haven't made a payment in a REALLY long time.  Ever wonder how your bank will handle the fact that you haven't made a payment in such a long time?  Unless they offer the aforementioned principal reduction or payment forgiveness, they will more than likely take the amount of your back payments (along with the penalties for late payments) and stack it right on top of your loan balance, creating an equity problem, or making an existing equity problem worse.  If you haven't made a payment in a year or more, this amount can easily amount to tens of thousands of dollars.  You and/or your legal advisor should inquire with your bank about how they will deal with the fact that you are not making payments.


•3)      Your market is still declining.   Here is where consultation with a real estate professional or appraiser can help.  Is your market still declining?  Even if your bank offers you a principal reduction with your loan modification based on what the home is worth today, if the market is still rapidly declining you could still end up in a negative equity position again soon.  So then even if your payments are now affordable, you may still face the inability to sell in a few years if your equity position is in the negative. 


•4)      You've already been served with a Notice of Default.  The foreclosure process should be halted during consideration of a HAMP loan modification.  And, if a HAMP loan modification is denied, the servicer should then consider the homeowner for any of their other loan modification options available and/or a short sale (if the homeowner requests it).  However, homeowners should be aware that the filing of a Notice of Default in California is definitely a reservation of the lender's right to foreclose.  You should be mindful of any deadline in place regardless of your loan modification application.  If all your other options have run their course and you are relying on 30 day extensions of an auction date, you could easily run into problems.  Will you be able to switch the file into the short sale department if the loan modification is denied 7 days before auction?  That could be tremendously difficult, as some banks (as a practical matter) take weeks to even acknowledge receipt of correspondence.  Further, if you must submit a complete short sale package (including an offer) in order to be considered, you could then be in the position of obtaining an offer (that your bank will accept) in a very short time period.   I have seen a number of homes fall in to foreclosure for this reason.


•5)      You really want a clean slate.  If what you truly desire is a clean slate, a loan modification may not solve your problem.  A successful short sale can help you to avoid foreclosure or even in some cases bankruptcy.    If you short sell your property, you may be able to get a new loan in 2 - 3 years under current FHA and Fannie Mae guidelines.  Also, under the Federal Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Act of 2007, sellers have a limited window of opportunity (until the end of 2012) for potential tax forgiveness on the short sale of their principal residence.  Also, California state tax relief is limited as well until January 1, 2013.   These favorable tax laws could be extended, but they also could not be extended.  If what you truly desire is a clean slate, a loan modification may not be the answer for you; you could need a short sale to truly wipe the slate clean and move forward with your life.


Unfortunately, loan modifications have not turned out to be a long term answer for some people.  It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out what is needed to keep most people in their homes; however, time and time again, the banks refuse and it does not happen.  Homeowners and their legal and tax advisors should make an honest assessment at the outset and also during the application process as to whether a loan modification will truly be the answer for the homeowner's financial difficulty.  I am a Certified Distressed Property Expert and a Certified HAFA Specialist and I can provide you with a short sale consultation that will include an analysis of current market conditions.


Tni LeBlancMint Properties
Broker/Attorney, Short Sale Agent
CA DRE License # 01871795
(805) 878-9879


Serving  Santa Maria, Orcutt, Nipomo, Los Alamos, Santa Ynez, Los Olivos, Solvang, Buellton, Lompoc, Arroyo Grande, Grover Beach, Pismo Beach, and Avila Beach.

*Nothing in this article is intended to solicit listings currently under contract with another broker. Those considering a short sale are advised to consult with their own attorney for legal advice, and their tax professional for tax advice prior to entering into a short sale listing agreement - this article does not offer legal and tax advice.


Copyright © Tni LeBlanc 2010 *5 Reasons Why A Loan Modification May Not Be the Answer for You*

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This lightning speed short sale approval for a Fort Walton Beach Florida townhouse in Shangra Woods was a great way to start 2011. How long did it take? 15 days!

December 20: Short Sale package faxed to Citi Mortgage

December 29: Negotiator assigned (who says people don’t work over the holidays?)

January 4: Approved!

This Fort Walton Beach short sale seller had one mortgage, which helped the process.  This was not all “slam-dunk”, but close.

Citi slightly countered the purchase price with a minimum net requirement.  I questioned the settlement statement, asking if all fees would be approved if the net were met.  The buyer had asked for 6% closing cost credit.   Citi limited the amount to 3%.  (Many short sale lenders will not pay more than 3% if they even agree to extra closing costs for the buyer.)

The thorough package and excellent communications with the negotiator were the keys to success.  Result?  Happy New Year!

If you are facing foreclosure in Fort Walton Beach Florida, be sure to consult an attorney and an experienced Fort Walton Beach short sale agent.

It's Wendy!

Wendy Rulnick, Broker, Rulnick Realty, Inc.

Call toll-free 1-877-ITS-WNDY (1-877-487-9639) or local 850-650-7883 ext 204

Email Wendy:


Fort Walton Beach Home Search

Fort Walton Beach Short Sales & Pre Foreclosure Help.


Wendy is a short sale and pre-foreclosure specialist and has been featured in "Kiplinger Personal Finance Magazine" and "Florida Realtor Magazine". Call Wendy Rulnick, Broker/Owner,to list and sell your home or condo on the Emerald Coast of Florida in Walton, Okaloosa and Santa Rosa County-  Destin, Santa Rosa Beach, Fort Walton Beach, Niceville, Bluewater Bay, Navarre, Seagrove Beach, Watercolor, Sandestin, Seaside, Crestview, Rosemary Beach, Mary Esther, Shalimar, Eglin AFB, Hurlburt Field. 

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Deficiency Waiver Help

OK fellow short sale experts, I need some NEW suggestions...


Been working on a deal for quite some time (with Chase) and now with approval in hand the sellers are refusing to sign due to the deficiency verbiage in the approval letter. 


What's working right now??  Any suggestions other than starting over or walking?  Much appreciated!  Thanks.

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