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Q: What goes into a successful home or property sale in Highland, California?HIGHLAND CA REAL ESTATE

A home sale can be simple, difficult or unsuccessful depending on the property, seller or agent. Careful consideration must be given when venturing into the competitive Highland CA real estate market.

A successful sale consists of a compelling listing, effective exposure and competent negotiations and completion.

When a Highland home is listed, it should first be analyzed and objectively compared to recent comparable sales and other competitive listings in the area, also known as a CMA (Comparative Market Analysis).

Then the seller, under the advice of their savvy Realtor, should carefully digest and consider the CMA. Every detail must be exhausted. Does the seller’s Highland California property have the same features and amenities? Is the property worth more, less or equal to other comparable sales? Is the location, lot position or structure more, or less appealing? A seller must also consider the terms, conditions, inclusions and exclusions of the sale.

But a potent market value and list price is just the beginning. When the Highland CA property listing is ready to go public, exposure is everything.


Q: What is effective exposure for a Highland real estate listing?

How can anyone buy your Highland California house if no one knows it’s for sale?

A home will only realize it full market value in a sale if multiple potential buyers have been reached.

How is that accomplished? Real estate marketing has changed dramatically with the advent of the Internet. Gone are the days of yard signs, newspaper listings and open houses. Today more than 85% of homebuyers begin their property search online.

But where online are they looking? The short answer is ‘Everywhere’. From major sites like Zillow, Trulia and Redfin, website search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing, email listing sources from agents, brokers and other real estate services, to Craigslist and even direct online MLS (Multiple Listing Services).

So where is the best place to list your Highland CA property online? Again, the only right answer is ‘Everywhere’.

But does online marketing mean traditional marketing should be ignored? Of course not. But the evolution of real estate marketing should dictate the appropriate allocation of time and resources.


Q: Then What?

Once your Highland home has been effectively marketed, buyers will view the property and determine, along with their agents, what their best offer is. Choosing the right buyer is key: Have they offered a fair price and reasonable conditions? Are they capable of executing the purchase and do they have the means, money and/or credit? Are they truly interested in the property? These and other questions must be asked and answered.

After all of this, the sale of your Highland California property is still not complete. Escrow must be opened. Disclosures must be addressed and signed. Contingencies must be met and waived. And finally, funds must be deposited and dispersed.


Q: So what is the first step to a successful sale of your home or Highland CA property?

Choose the right Highland real estate agent.


So call us now and let’s talk.

Call Now: (888) 9 LIST-IT. Or just dial 888-954-7848.

You can also email us at:



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Bank  of America has entered into an $11.6 billion settlement to end Fannie Mae's  claims that the bank improperly sold it mortgages that later soured, and to  resolve problems with foreclosures,  the companies said.

The settlement is a major step for Bank of America toward resolving claims  from investors who want the bank to buy back loans that its Countrywide  Financial subsidiary sold to them during the housing boom, many of which later  went bad.

The agreement largely covers the $11.2 billion of claims that  government-owned finance company Fannie Mae had against the bank, which  represented about 44 percent of the bank's total pending claims at the end of  the third quarter.

Bank of America, which bought Countrywide in 2008, still needs court approval  for an $8.5 billion settlement with private investors and is locked in  litigation with insurer MBIA Inc over mortgage-related claims.

The settlements, other charges, and a series of asset sales the bank also  announced Monday will result in Bank of America posting only a small profit for  2012's fourth quarter. Bank of America is paying $3.6 billion to Fannie Mae and  buying back $6.75 billion of bad loans from the mortgage company to clear up all  claims that government-owned Fannie Mae had made against the bank. Bank of  America is buying the loans for the value of their outstanding principle, and  will immediately record a loss on them.

Fannie Mae and its sibling, Freddie Mac, essentially buy mortgages from banks  and package them into bonds for investors. But in the mortgage boom, banks sold  loans to the two companies that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac say should never have  been sold, because for example, borrowers had misstated their income. The two  mortgage finance companies are pushing banks to buy back the loans.

Bank of America said most of the repurchasing settlement would be covered by  reserves, and another $2.5 billion, before taxes, that it set aside in the  fourth quarter.

A separate settlement over foreclosure delays will result in Bank of America paying $1.3 billion to Fannie Mae, the  mortgage company said. Bank of America had already set aside money to cover most  of that, but took another $260 million charge in the fourth quarter to cover the  balance.

Bank of America also sold the rights to collect payments on about $306  billion of loans to Nationstar Mortgage Holdings and Walter Investment  Management Corp. Nationstar is paying $1.3 billion for the right to service some  $215 billion of loans, while Walter Investment is paying $519 million for the  right to service about $93 billion of mortgages.

Reuters first reported on Friday that Bank of America was talking to  Nationstar and Walter Investment.

Bank of America is eager to reduce expenses in its mortgage servicing unit,  where costs have ballooned as the bank has hired staff to work with customers  behind on payments and those seeking alternatives to foreclosure such as Bank  of America loan modifications and short sales. The unit now has nearly  42,000 employees, about 15 percent of the bank's total workforce.

At the end of December, Bank of America had 775,000 home loans that were  delinquent by 60 days or more, down from 936,000 loans at the end of September.  After the latest sale, the bank said this number will decline substantially.

The No. 2 U.S. bank by assets has lagged peers in recovering from the  financial crisis largely due to losses from its disastrous Countrywide  acquisition. The bank has paid more than $40 billion to settle lawsuits and to  buy back soured loans.

Two years ago, Bank of America reached settlements with Fannie Mae and  Freddie Mac over loan repurchase requests. The pact with Freddie Mac covered all  outstanding claims, but the agreement with Fannie Mae covered only claims that  were already in the works. Fannie Mae later began sending new claims to the bank  over loans originated during the housing boom, spurring the dispute between the  two companies.

Bank of America said Monday it will take an additional $2.5 billion expense  in the fourth quarter for a settlement with federal regulators over improper  foreclosures as well as other mortgage-related matters. The results will also  include a $700 million charge related to the value of the bank's debt and a $1.3  billion tax benefit.
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READ THE ORIGINAL ARTICLE HERE (Reporting By Rick Rothacker; Editing by Dan Wilchins, Maureen Bavdek and David Gregorio)

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Don't make the biggest mistake ever... Do not let the bank foreclose on your Upland home!

Loan modification is a temporary fix and can still leave you with negative equity.






  • A short sale can let your deficiency be forgiven
  • In most cases a short sale can leave you with no tax liability
  • Our short sale real estate services are at no cost to you
  • And we can help you get out of your bad situation


Don't be fooled! The bank will come after you and foreclose your Upland house. They may even be able to get a judgment against you AFTER the foreclosure for the negative deficiency, which could be tens of thousands of dollars! But what is the difference between a foreclosure and a short sale? Here are your options of foreclosure vs. short sale:


  • A foreclosure will slash your credit score as much as 250 points or more, and can affect your credit for a minimum of 5 years or more!!!
  • But a short sale only affects your credit score with the late or missed mortgage payments. The credit bureaus will report PAID or NEGOTIATED if you short sale.Your credit score will not be lowered as much with a short sale.


  • A foreclosure will remain as public recorded on your credit report for 10 years or more.
  • A short sale is not reported on a person's credit history. There is no specific SHORT SALE term and is most cases is reported as PAID, SETTLED or NEGOTIATED.


  • If your credit report contains a foreclosure, most home mortgage lending institutions will consider you ineligible to purchase for 5 years or more.
  • If you successfully negotiate a short sale of your Upland property you may be eligible for a mortgage loan and purchase a new home in as little as 2 years.


  • Banks have the right to pursue a deficiency balance if your foreclosed loan was not a purchase money loan (If you received any money for anything other than the purchase of your house, also called a hard money loan).
  • In a successful short sale it may be possible to negotiate with the bank to release you of any deficiency balance and avoid any future judgments against you.


Need more information?


1 (888) 9 LIST-IT

or (951) 490-3683

or click here: Listing Agents in Upland CA

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our home is your safe haven and considered as the most important place for you and your family, that's why, as much as possible you want to keep your home.  But what if the time comes when foreclosure appears to be inevitable?  Perhaps, one of the most traumatic experiences a homeowner can ever encounter is leaving the house due to foreclosure.  You've been barely struggling with your mortgage payments and definitely when you reach the point wherein you already used your resources, you don't have any choice but to face the foreclosure.  That's pretty sad. :(

But of course, just like most of the things in this world, foreclosure has its own alternative too.  Short Sale.  Yes, short sale is absolutely the viable substitute if you are not qualified to refinance or amend your mortgage.  Another reason is if you are facing a long term adversity.  Moreover, short sale can also be an option if you are behind your mortgage payments and you are indebted more on your home than it's actual worth.

To learn more about this Short sale Solutions, read this full article here.

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Whether you're planning on buying or selling a Norco CA home, choosing the right Real Estate Agent is one of the most important decisions you'll make.

When selling Your Norco CA home:

When selling your Norco CA home, a professional real estate agent can be an indispensable resource. We can give you up-to-date information regarding prices, financing, terms and conditions of competing properties, and information about the Norco CA housing market in general. We will market your property to other real estate agents via the MLS (Multiple Listing Service), as well as to the public, including extensive on-line exposure. As professional and successful Norco CA real estate agents/REALTORS®, we can also help you objectively evaluate buyer proposals, and then, finally, help you close the sale.

When buying a Norco CA home:

When buying a Norco CA home, having the assistance of a real estate agent/REALTOR® can be equally as important. Real estate agents have access to resources for assisting you in your home search not available elsewhere. A real estate agent can also provide you with objective information about each property, and give you advice based on years of experience. Our Norco CA real estate agents/REALTORS® will help you negotiate - and also steer you through - the closing process to make sure everything goes smoothly.

About Us:

We understand how difficult it can be to buy a home for your family or to sell your home on today's real estate market. We list and sell real estate standard sales, short sales and foreclosure sales. We also assist buyers in finding their next home or property.

Call Us Now: (888) 9-List-It.

That's (888) 954-7848.

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I have to say that I am EXTREMELY pleased that the Mortgage Debt Forgiveness Relief Act has been extended for another year. If you are a homeowner in distress this is not the time to sit back and relax because there is not guarantee that this will be ar135749210826744.jpg?width=250extended after the end of this year. This is the time for YOU to take ACTION...AND it is the BEST time for YOU to take action. 

In November, I had given numbers of homeowners in default throughout the countryThese, of course, were statistics up to the month of November 2012. I was especially shocked by the last statistic of close to 2 million homeowners were in Foreclosure status. That is a great concern and can be avoided by the homeowners taking action, Real Estate Agents getting the word out to the homeowners. 

There are many programs in place to help homeowners either stay in their home (if the numbers make sense) through a loan modification or to exit gracefully with a Short Sale. If a homeowner chooses the latter they are sure to reap the some of the following benefits of selling their home: 

  • MORTGAGE DEBT RELIEF ACT: This act will allow homeowners to exclude the forgiven debt on the principal residence from income. 
  • THERE IS NO COST TO THE HOMEOWNER: The commission for the sale of the home is paid through the lender. 
  • YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE BEHIND IN YOUR PAYMENTS: Depending on your lender, you may be able to move forward with a short sale if you are not behind on your payments! This is long as you can show a hardship, you may be able to complete a short sale, save your credit, and move on to something better and more affordable.
  • CALIFORNIA HOMEOWNER BILL OF RIGHTSSellers will benefit from the Single Point of Contact (SPOC) and th end of Dual Tracking. So, the lender/investor can not foreclosure on homeowner in the midst of them performing a short sale (this also applies for a loan modification).
  • RELOCATION FEE: Some lenders are offering up to $35,000 for homeowners and tenants to exit the home gracefully and keeping the home is saleable condition. 
  • COMMUNITY GROWTH: Although, property values have dropped considerably. Completing a short sale keeps the home from being vacant and/or abandoned. Abandoned homes will continue to bring down the value of the home and the community. 
  • GRACEFUL EXIT: The beauty of a short sale is that, although sellers may take a hit on the credit (If they are late on their payments), they will still have the opportunity to purchase again in 2-3 years (as long as they are continue to save and  work on their credit). Not to mention that they have helped the community, agent, lender, and investor.

The bottom line is that homeowners need to open their communication to receive the benefits from the help that is available. 

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Good morning Superstars,


Here are some of this week's top discussions.

FANNIE MAE Valuation issue

Members - I need you help quickly!! I have been in contact the past few months with NAR and Treasury Dept. regarding this issue. Please see…

Started by Ken Ryan

Reply by Wendy Rulnick

Mortgage Debt Relief Act and Abandoned Homes

Hi, Stars - First off, I understand that it's likely that none of us are CPAs or are qualified to give tax advice; that said, I have a pote…

Started by Alex Krumm

Reply by Wayne Brooks

Short Sale Lien Holder wants our escrow refund to be applied to our principle

We closed on our short sale house this last Friday, December 28th and moved in that day. Yesterday we received a notice from the title comp…

Started by Joseph Russell

10on Thursday
Reply by Joseph Russell

Mortgage Debt Relief Act extended as part of fiscal cliff package‘cliff’-bill-retains-mortgage-cancellation-relief/ This is a great way to…

Started by Joseph Alfe

7on Wednesday
Reply by Tabitha

Ridiculous counters from BofA

Happy New Year everyone, make a great one! I've had two issues lately with BofA short sales. 1. Seller is not delinquent, traditional sho…

Started by Ellen Kirwan

2on Thursday
Reply by Tara Semtner

2013 Short Sale Symposium at Sea Cruise Conference April 20th-25th!

Are you coming to see me and join many of the best minds in the industry at the 2013 Short Sale Symposium at Sea Conference? You des…

Started by Mike Linkenauger

3on Wednesday
Reply by Mike Linkenauger

Buyer/Ouccupant loses 3 full price CASH offers to Games Investors Play!

I'm only posting this discussion because we really LOVED 3 properties so much we made full price cash offers, and included a nice handwrit…

Started by Susan Highland

12on Thursday
Reply by Tara Semtner

Short Sale Hell

I have been trying to buy a short sale in Flordia for ten months now. I have no more idea today where we are in this process than I did in…

Started by Pam Mingo

10on Wednesday
Reply by Gab

Short Sale offer in for two weeks. Listing still shows Active!

This is the 4th short sale we have tried to get, and the only one who accepted our offer. Two weeks ago we placed a full price cash offer o…

Started by Susan Highland

Serious About Short Sales? Get Training!

12433916279?profile=original Need Short Sale training? Learn marketing, listing, negotiating, escalation tricks, HUDs, junior liens, FHA and VA tips from Bryant and Wendy. Make your New Year a success with our Advanced Short Sale Training. Current $50 off coupon below.

***Each session is 60-90 minutes of audio (MP3) with PDF materials.

Are your short sales declined? Are you losing closings? Are you losing buyers? Losing sellers to foreclosure? Do you have to re-start your short sales dozens of times? Are your short sales taking forever? Are you stressed out over your short sale success or...worse, your short sale failure? And no one seems to be able to show you how to do it quickly, with no stress? UNTIL NOW. WE can HELP YOU Succeed with Short Sales! Broker Bryant and Wendy Rulnick... Real Answers from REAL PRACTICING SUCCESSFUL SHORT SALE BROKERS.

Get More Info

Order Now

***Use coupon code sss10000 for an instant $50 discount

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If you need a Palm Desert Real Estate Agent / Palm Desert REALTOR to handle selling or buying your home remember these considerations when choosing us as your Palm Desert Real Estate professional:

  • We have extensive experience handling listings in this difficult market
  • We handle all aspects of Palm Desert listings and Palm Desert real estate sales
  • We handle Palm Desert Short Sales, Palm Desert Foreclosures and Palm Desert Land Sales
  • We have an unfair advantage in our marketing and advertising experience, enabling us to effective advertise your Palm Desert home for sale to as many buyers as possible, maximizing the total sales price.


So contact us and let's get started!

Call us now: (888) 9-List-It.

That's (888) 954-7848.

Or click here to vist our website:


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Short Sale BPO

I am the lister on a short sale on which we have received an accepted contract. We are way into the process; Nationstar had a BPO done on it and yesterday they sent me a BPO two-page form to fill out.  I have no idea where to get all the information they are requiring.  I've never had this happen before.  Please help.



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Short Sale Agents in Norco

Short Sale Agents in Norco CA arrange with mortgage lenders to agree to accept a mortgage payoff that falls short of the balance that is owed by a borrower. In other words, a bank agrees to accept less than what is owed on a borrower's mortgage. Foreclosure is avoided through the Norco CA short sale process, which is the primary goal so that the borrower's credit is not severely damaged as it would be through a foreclosure. If a foreclosure is imminent, a Norco CA short sale can help soften the blow.

A foreclosure can seriously affect an individual's credit and financial future. As a result, and because of the stress that the foreclosure process can cause, most Norco homeowners are willing to consider just about any alternative. When facing foreclosure, the worst thing that a Norco CA homeowner can do is nothing at all. By being proactive, a borrower can often find viable alternatives to foreclosure and a Norco CA short sale is one of the most popular and realistic options. For those who are facing the prospect of a foreclosure, a short sale might be the right option.

Norco California Real estate short sales can be complicated for everyone involved whether you're a seller, buyer, investor, agent or even a bank. Our Free Short Sale Help was designed to clear up the complicated world of Norco CA real estate short sales and make it possible for anyone who owes more on their mortgage than their Norco CA home is worth to find their way.

So call us now to find out more about Norco Short Sale Help:

Call Now: (888) 9-List-It.

That's (888) 954-7848.



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Roseville Short Sale Advice

Short Sale Tax Relief measure extended until January 1st, 2014.  Bill passed Senate and then the House last evening.  President Obama says he will sign the bill, but did not say exactly when...

2007 Mortgage Debt Relief Act Extended in Fiscal Cliff Bill known as American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012...  Click for More Updates and News


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SS with Indymac bank via servicelink

Looking for some feed back on servicelink. i have an SS through indnmax bank out of san Antonio and they farm their SS to servicelink. have a negoiator but BPO came in at 297,000 and is too high. I believe I can supply at least one comp to justify a 280,000 sales price, which is  what i believe the true FMV is but my negoiator is pretty much saying its what the BPO value is and Fanniemae doesn't budge. I am wondering if service link doesn't have an hidden agenda.


are they getting comped based on the final sales price of the home or a % of my future commissionsm. Indymac(Bank west) is still servicing the loan and the HO gets regular communication from them. .

Besides the above just looking for any recent experience anyone may have had with Servicelink. Thanks



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As part of the fiscal cliff deal, Congress extended the cancellation of mortgage debt relief provision, also known as the Mortgage Debt Relief Act for one year, through the end of 2013. President Obama is expected to sign the legislation into law shortly.

The law – which was set to expire at the end of 2012 - is crucial to foreclosure mitigation efforts such as principal forgiveness and short sales. Normally, U.S. law decrees that when a lender forgives all or a portion of a borrower’s debt, the forgiven amount is considered taxable income for the borrower. This is known as Cancellation of Debt (COD) Income and must be included in a taxpayer’s gross income.

This Act, however, created an exception to this rule under the U.S. Tax Code. The Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Act allows homeowners who received principal reductions or other forms of debt forgiveness to not pay taxes on the amount forgiven. The amount extends up to $2 million of debt forgiven on the homeowner’s principal residence.

For homeowner’s to qualify, their debt must have been used to “buy, build, or substantially improve” their principal residence and be secured by that residence. The law, which was passed in 2007 with a five year sunset provision, will now be in effect until January 1, 2014.

If you're facing foreclosure you're facing some very important  decisions. We want you know you're not alone and we are here to help  with any questions you may have to assist you in making the best decisions for  your situation. There is no charge for this service and we are happy to help! We  offer confidential and professional real estate advice.

The Opland Group Specializes in Real Estate Sales, Luxury Home Sales, Short  Sales in; Bexley Columbus Delaware Downtown Dublin Gahanna Grandview Heights Granville Grove City Groveport Hilliard Lewis Center New Albany Pickerington Polaris Powell Upper Arlington Westerville Worthington

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As the year comes to a close you may be wondering what the foreclosure and short sale market looks like in San Mateo Clara County. In a word, things are pretty quiet. The numbers of sales are down. Here is what it looks like:

Santa Clara County Short Sales

Closed sales from June 1,2012 to Dec 26, 2012:  


Bank owned: 259

Short Sales: 509


Compared to the first 6 months of 2012:


Bank owned: 387

Short sales: 462


Current Active Sales:

Bank Owned:  17

Short Sales: 22


Current Pending Sales:

Bank Owned: 44

Short Sales: 310


As you can see there has been a large drop off in REO sales with a slight increase in short sales.

I expect a decrease in both short sales and foreclosures as San Mateo County home values increase, loan modifications increase, and the Homeoner's Bill of Rights takes effect in 2013. As prices increase fewer homeowners are underwater, and the need for short sales and foreclosures decrease. Also, the tax exemption of the debt forgiveness on short sales and foreclosures expires at the end of 2012. This will be a big incentive for homeowners to try to hold on until they are no longer underwater.


If you have any questions about San Mateo County Short Sales or Foreclosures please feel free to contact me.

Marcy Moyer

Keller Williams Realty

D.R.E. 01191194


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As the year comes to a close you may be wondering what the foreclosure and short sale market looks like in Santa Clara County. In a word, things are pretty quiet. The numbers of sales are down. Here is what it looks like:

Closed sales from June 1,2012 to Dec 26, 2012:  


Bank owned: 579

Short Sales: 1743


Compared to the first 6 months of 2012:


Bank owned: 978

Short sales: 1603


Current Active Sales:

Bank Owned:  33

Short Sales: 76


Current Pending Sales:

Bank Owned: 54

Short Sales: 1044


As you can see there has been a large drop off in REO sales with a slight increase in short sales.

I expect a decrease in both short sales and foreclosures as Santa Clara home values increase, loan modifications increase, and the Homeoner's Bill of Rights takes effect in 2013. As prices increase fewer homeowners are underwater, and the need for short sales and foreclosures decrease. Also, the tax exemption of the debt forgiveness on short sales and foreclosures expires at the end of 2012. This will be a big incentive for homeowners to try to hold on until they are no longer underwater.


If you have any questions about Santa Clara County Short Sales or Foreclosures please feel free to contact me.

Marcy Moyer

Keller Williams Realty

D.R.E. 01191194


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Are you looking for a deal in a Short Sale or Bank Owned home in Santa Clara County? If so, don't bother. The inventory of distressed properties in the county is so low it is not worth doing a specific search for either a short sale or foreclosure. If one comes up in your general area search, go for it, but don't expect to get a deal, because there are so few of them.

Total number of single family homes for sale in Santa Clara County

1045 (historically low number)

Total number of short sales SFR For Sales in Santa Clara County:

65 or 6.2%

Total Number of SFR Foreclosures For Sale in Santa Clara County

18 or 1.7%

Total Number of Condos/Townhomes For Sale in Santa Clara County

233 (historically low number)

Total Number of Short Sale Condos For Sale In Santa Clara County

23 or 9.8%

Total Number of Bank Owned Condos For Sale in Santa Clara County

11 or 4%

Combined Single Family Homes and Condos/Townhomes for Sale in Santa Clara County


Total Number of Single Family Homes and Condos/Townhomes for Sale That Are Short Sales or Bank Owned in Santa Clara County


Total Percentage of Short Sales and Bank Owned Homes and Condos/townhomes

In Santa Clara County


As you can see the inventory of Santa Clara County Short Sales and Bank Owned properties that are currently for sale is less than 10%. This is not enough to bring the price of homes down in Santa Clara County, and not enough to allow for these homes to sell for less money than any other home in a similar location and condition. So, if one shows up in your search, be prepared for having to work harder to get through the offer and escrow process, but do not expect to to get a bargain.

If you have any questions about Short Sales or Bank Owned Homes in Santa Clara County please feel free to contact me.

Marcy Moyer

Keller Williams Realty


D.R.E. 01191194

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Great news for people who need to short sell their Blossom Valley

or Silicon Valley home!

If you have a hardship, loss of job, divorce, change in financial circumstance from medical or family issue, etc, you can now be considered for a short sale even if you have not missed a mortgage payment.

Freddie and Fannie will now have the same requirements and procedures, which was not true in the past.

This is great news, especially for people who have a sudden change in their circumstances and can no longer afford their mortgages, but do not want to have their credit ruined in order to be able to sell their home.

So, if you have a change in your circumstances which will change your financial picture, and you want to sell your home without ruining your credit, you may have a way to do this.

Be sure to work with professionals who know what they are doing. In short sales, there is no substitute for experience.

If you have any questions about short sales in Santa Clara or San Mateo County please feel free to contact me.

Marcy Moyer

Keller Williams Realty


D.R.E. 01191194


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Good news for short sellers!!

Lawmakers managed to extend the Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Act as part of their 11th hour deal to avoid the fiscal cliff.

The extension means homeowners now will be excused from paying taxes on forgiven mortgage debt through 2013. The law, established in 2007, was set to expire Dec. 31.

Without an extension, homeowners who completed short sales or mortgage modifications may have faced tax bills in the tens of thousands of dollars. Some industry officials feared that would hurt the housing recovery.


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