Glendale Short Sale Help

Glendale, California – Is your loan with a large Bank/Lender, for instance Chase, Well Fargo, Bank of America or Citibank? In contrast, these Banks/Lenders usually do not make the FINAL decision on your Glendale Short Sale.

Here are the reasons why:


The vast majority of the time, the banks/lenders are working as a just the servicing company. They’re handling the loan for an “Investor” or third party.


Click here to discover how other sellers successfully did a short sale and avoided foreclosure.


The third party owner will most likely be a corporation, a pension fund, a Wall Street firm, or split up amongst sometimes thousands of individuals in what’s called MBS (Mortgaged Backed Securities)


The owner, or Investor, can also be a government backed or sponsored entities…for instance, Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac. These entities are called GSEs (Government Sponsored Entities).  This is essential, in most cases, because you can contact these entities if your servicer refuses your short sale.


What to find out if Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac own your mortgage loan? Click here! We have ways to find out who the Investor is on your mortgage loan if your home is NOT owned by Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac. Click Here, and fill out the short form to the right of the page and one of my team members will give you a call…we have multiple ways of figuring out who the investors are and how to get a hold of them. Usually, they will reassess your short sale…all you have to do is present your case and make sure that they are aware of your concerns and let them know absolutely why they should accept the short sale offer.


I’ve noticed that the Investor will generally do a much better job of assessing the short sale offer…especially, because it’s their money. Once their review is complete, they will usually approve the short sale offer and make sure that the servicing company is well aware of the acceptance. This has been especially helpful when the servicing company has asked for a contribution from the buyer and/or seller, when they want to issue the seller a promissory note or a deficiency judgment.


There has been many times where the negotiator at the servicing company will just reject the short sale for no good reason. There have been other times where the negotiator has asked for irrational demands…like an offer on the home for above fair market value.


You may ask why in the world someone would do this. Well? It could be multiple reasons…for instance; they may get compensated with a bonus for obtaining an offer and successfully closing the short sale for a higher price than what the property is worth.


Do to this, they might turn down a short sale offer that otherwise might have been approved. When this happens and the property forecloses, the Investor usually nets a much lower amount back, once the home is sold as a REO.  It becomes a lose, lose situation for all parties involved including the investor. The servicing company is the only one that usually wins regardless of the property foreclosing or closing through a short sale. Their servicing agreement allows them to collect everything that’s owed to them by the investor on the property; which puts a lot less money into the investor’s pockets.


This might be a surprise to many of you, but this does happen quite often. If you feel like this is happening to you, find out who the investor is and make sure they are aware of what’s happening with the servicing company. I’ve personally been able to get multiple short sales approved by bypassing the servicing company and going directly to the investor when the servicing company does not cooperate.


I can help you short sale your property and never pay the bank another penny. Send me an e-mail at will contact you for a free consultation.


When we talk, I will explain how the process works in detail and answer any questions you may have. Or, if you prefer, you can call me at (818) 335-7078


Discover how other sellers successfully completed a short sale and request a free consultation by clicking here.


Want more information about a California Free Loan Modification? Our FREE Loan Modification Services will help you get a loan modification approved with your lender.


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Thanks for reading my blog post, Jennifer Escobar.


The Jennifer Escobar Team @ Qwest Real Estate

Phone: 818-335-7078              Email:



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Jennifer Escobar Specializes in FREE California Loan Modification Help to Southern California distressed homeowner’s who are seeking FREE CA Loan Modification assistance in their pursuit of a Loan Modification in Southern California. Furthermore, Jennifer Escobar also Specializes in Short Sales and has successfully listed, marketed and successfully negotiated hundreds of short sales in Southern California. Jennifer Escobar is a Short Sale Specialist successfully negotiating short sales in Glendale, Burbank, Granada Hills, North Hollywood, Sunland, Tujunga, Sylmar, Van Nuys, Valley Village and Lake Balboa. Glendale Loan Modification Help, Glendale Short Sales, Glendale Short Sale Realtor, Short Sale Realtor. Glendale CA Short Sales. Glendale Realtor. North Hollywood Loan Modification Help, North Hollywood Short Sales, North Hollywood Short Sale Realtor, North Hollywood Realtor. Granada Hills Loan Modification Help, Granada Hills Short Sales, Granada Hills Short Sale Realtor, Granada Hills Realtor. Burbank Loan Modification Help, Burbank Short Sales, Burbank Short Sale Realtor, Burbank Realtor. Van Nuys Loan Modification Help, Van Nuys Short Sales, Van Nuys Short Sale Realtor, Van Nuys Realtor.

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