redwood (8)

I finally closed a Redwood City short sale that started in Sept of 2011. Yes, one year for a short sale. What was the problem? Let me count down just the top 10.

10. The sellers asked another agent in my office to sell this home as a short sale but this wonderful agent had never listed a short sale before. She asked me to help her, but by the time she did they were 2 weeks from the trustee sale date and the sellers were sitting on a perfectly good offer they thought was too low.

9. There was a first and second loan with Chase as well as a large 3rd loan which was a carry back from the previous owner. The seller wanted me to negotiate with Chase but have her lawyer negotiate with the 3rd lender.

8. The seller refused to give me any of her financial documents and said she would provide them to Chase herself.

7. The first approval came in Dec of 2011 at purchase price with 5K going to the second and 11K going to the 3rd. The seller said the 3rd lender was going to take that offer, but then the lawyer for the seller said the 3rd lender rejected the offer.

6. The buyer offered to give the 3rd lender another 10K. No response from 3rd lender. Chase said the buyer could not pay off third.

5. The approval from Chase expired, the negotiator at Chase left the country, the house was put back on the market asking for a large contribution to the 3rd. Chase said buyer could not pay off 3rd.

4. New buyer came in and offered 30K to the third on top of the old price (515K)

3. New BPO said house is worth 540-560K so Chase said offer is not high enough. Lawyer for seller and seller told me I should start negotiating with the 3rd. He said he wanted 80K from the buyer and 7K from Chase. I get him down to 50K, Chase said submit again.

2.Buyer, Chase, 3rd lender, seller all agreed to purchase price of 562K with 50K going to 3rd from the buyer and no contribution from Chase. Chase inexplicably changed their policy and will now allow the buyer to contribute to the 3rd payoff. Chase said close by Aug 31.

1. Lots of delays getting the loan funded. Aug 29th still no loan docs. Chase said after 10 trustee sale postponements they were done. Close on Aug 31 or they take the house back. Seller was in Europe but managed to come to back last week of Aug to get her things and sign off. Buyers agent got lender to fund without loan docs and we somehow managed to get buyers signed and closed on Aug 31. 

This was a tough one. Most short sales are not this hard, but the secret here was believing that no does not mean no. Not a lesson I would want to teach to my children, but in the short sale world it is a great one.

Marcy Moyer

Keller Williams Realty``


D.R.E. 01191194

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In Redwood City from Jan 1, 2012 until June 30, 2012 there were:

46 closed short sales

22 closed bank owned homes

Total sales during this time period were 363

Total % Short Sales: 12.6%

Total % REO Sales: 6%

Total Percentage  Redwood City Distressed Properties: 18.6%

18.6% of all Redwood City sales being distressed is enough to still haves some effect on the overall market. However, as inventory is still so low unless these homes are truly physically distressed, which is more common with bank owned homes at this level it probably will not have a long lived effect. It is interesting to see there are twice as many short sales as bank owned sales.

If you have any questions about short sales or foreclosures in San Mateo Clara County please feel free to contact me.

Marcy Moyer

Keller Williams Realty


DRE  01191194

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I have been working on a Redwood City short sale with Chase since last September. Now if this were 2009 this would be more like dog bites man rather than man bites dog. But it is 2012 and most short sales do not take so long. However, this one has a 3rd loan for a lot of money and it slowed the process down.

Selling the property at market value was not that hard, despite being on a fairly busy street. We got an offer for $510,000 and a BPO for $510,000 so it started out ok. By December I had approval on the first and second with a payoff of 6K to the third who had previously owned the home and had a $120K note on the property.

Third lender said no way. He wanted 65K as a note from the seller or cash from the buyer.

Buyer and seller said no. Buyer walked.

House went back on the market and we got another offer right away. This was February.

Chase did a new BPO and said the value had increased to $560,000. New buyer agreed to pay the 3rd loan 50K plus $560,000 to chase. After several months Chase said no, they were not going to allow the third lender to get so much money. That was May.

We were then told to try submitting a new offer to see if we could get a different answer. Well that sounded like the definition of insanity to me, but we tried. So we submitted a new offer of $562K plus $50K going to the third lender. Keep in mind that every month during all of this we had to get Chase to postpone the trustee sale.

So several weeks ago the new offer for the Redwood City Short Sale got to the new negotiator who ordered a new BPO. She said the BPO's value had not changed again and the offer was fine as it was. I asked about the issue of the third lender getting so much money and she said she thought it would be fine.

I was doubtful, but she was right. Today we got a Short Sale Approval Letter!!!!!  I never believed this would happen but I persisted anyway and it was worth it.

So now my Redwood City Short Sale has Chase Approval, my sellers can get on with their life, the buyer has the home of his dreams, the third lender who is a human, not a big bank has at least a good portion of his money back, and Chase can get a bad performing asset of their books as well as market value for the home. We all won on this one.

If you have any questions about buying or selling a short sale in San Mateo or Santa Clara County please feel free to contact me.

Marcy Moyer

Keller Williams Realty


D.R.E. 01191194

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The landscape for short sales is changing. As the inventory of homes for sale stays at historically low levels all over Silicon Valley, short sales are gaining in popularity for buyers. Added to that is the fact that short sales, while not a sure thing, are getting approved at increasingly higher rates.

Short sales can still be time consuming and frustrating, but when there are so few choices for buyers they begin to look better. So if you are thinking of selling your home as a short sale here are some tips to make things smoother.


2. Price your home realistically, not at a rock bottom price. The market is already hot and and appreciating. Banks are not stupid. If the home is worth $600,000 and you list it for $400,000 and get an offer for $500,000 it is unlikely to get approved.

3. Have the buyer put the deposit in escrow upon acceptance by you, not at acceptance by the bank. 

4. If possible get inspections before you put the home on the market. It will make the transaction go much smoother.

5. Talk to your lender before putting the house on the market. find out what they need for the short sale and get it ready to send as soon as you get the accepted offer.

6. Enjoy your short burst of popularity. In this market everyone loves a seller, even a seller of a short sale, so enjoy.

7. Hopefully in 2-4 months you will hear the words from your agent, "Congratulations, you are off the hook."

If you have any questions about buying or selling a short sale in San Mateo or Santa Clara county please feel free to contact me.

Marcy Moyer

Keller Williams Realty


D.R.E. 01191194


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I am helping out on a short sale in Redwood City where Chase is servicing the first and second loan. What this means is that the owner has first and second mortgages that were originally gotten from Chase. These loans were then sold to investors and Chase maintained the servicing. This means that ultimately Chase no longer makes the decision about whether or not to approve a short sale. The problem is there is also a third lender, and the third lender wants a lot of money to approve the short sale. The buyer agreed to pay the third what he wants, but the investor for Chase's first loan said no way. I guess from that investor's perspective if they foreclose they do not have to pay off the second or third and they get to keep all the money. Maybe they will make more if they foreclose. 

But maybe they won't. And in any case foreclosures are complicated and costly, and we have a ready willing and able buyer. Chase seems to have tried to convince the investor to take the offer. The Short Sale Department at Chase has even told us to submit another offer in an attempt to change the investor's mind.

I do not know if the new offer will make any difference, but I am immensely impressed with Chase's efforts on our behalf. I obviously am not privy to all of the number crunching as to who gets what if there is a short sale vs a foreclosure, but I do know at least Chase is really trying to help the borrower avoid foreclosure. That makes me feel pretty warm and fuzzy about them today.

If you have any questions about short sales in San Mateo or Santa Clara County please feel free to contact me.

Marcy Moyer

Keller Williams Realty


D.R.E. 01191194

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Sad story. A client told me last February that she was not able to make the payments on her $750,000 home loan. The house is now worth about $400,000 and this person wanted to get a loan modification and get the principle reduced. I can not tell you how many times I hear this story and how few times I have heard that there actually was a principle reduction. Actually I can tell you how many times I have heard of a principle reduction, once.

Ok, so it is bad enough that banks have been unwilling to reduce principle but things can get worse. My client received a Notice of Default last February and at that point she decided to try to to get the loan modification. In November she was finally offered the loan mod, which she turned down because not only did she not get the pricnciple reduced, but all the missed payments and late payments were added on to the back end of the mortgage.

So on Dec 20th she got a Notice of Trustee Sale and on Dec 26th signed a listing agreement to short sale the Redwood City  home. Here's the problem. While getting an offer before the sale date of Jan. 12th would be hard, but possible, the Mortgage Servicer, Carrington Mortgage said no deal. THEY DO NOT POSTPONE TRUSTEE SALES FOR SHORT SALES.  That is harsh. Not only that but in order to do a HAFA Short Sale and get the auto postponement you need to initialte it 60 days before the Trustee Sale Date.

So now, this person is going to have her home foreclosed. I am very sorry for her, but maybe someone can learn a lesson from this.  

Do not put your head in the sand!!!!! If you can not make your payments do something the first month it happens, not a year later. If you have a change of circumstances, lose your job, get divorced, your loan resets, have a health problem, do something right away. If you want to keep your home and can make payments if they are lowered then apply for a loan mod. Don't do it after you get the notice of default, because by then it may be too late. Some banks will allow you to postpone a sale up to 3 days before the sale, but not all. If you can not make payments and need to short sell, do it right away, not at the last minute. Don't take chances with your financial future.

If you have any questions about buying or selling short sales in San Mateo or Santa Clara County please feel free to contact me.

Marcy Moyer

Keller Williams Realty


D.R.E. 01191194

Marcy Moyer Keller Williams Realty Palo Alto, Ca. Specialist in Short Sales and Trust and Probate Sales

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I know a lot of you are going to think I am crazy but I really love short sales. I am sorry that the market is such that there are many people who need to sell their homes short, but that is the current reality. Given that reality there are many things about the short sale process that I enjoy, fewer things that I just tolerate, and even fewer I hate. 

I HATE PRIVATE THIRD LIENS ON SHORT SALES!!!! I can not emphasize this enough. 3rd liens are always tough, but private ones are the worst, because very often there is an emotional component to the person holding the private third, and also because it is often not a large, impersonal bank losing the money, it is a real person, who probably was depending on that income.

But feelings aside, I learned something very interesting today from Chase. I was told it is their policy to only give $1000 to a third lien, period. This is good information to have, because while they made an exception for me on a Redwood City short sale, I do not expect to get it again. 

So next time I take a short sale listing with Chase as the first lender and a private 3rd lender, I will be able to negotiate upfront with a solid number. If the third is unwilling to take $1000 then I can hopefully find out what they will take, and get that worked out up front.

If you have any questions about buying or selling short sales in Santa clara or San Mateo County please feel free to contact me.

Marcy Moyer

Keller Williams Realty


D.R.E. 01191194

Marcy Moyer Keller Williams Realty Palo Alto, Ca. Specialist in Short Sales and Trust and Probate Sales

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Redwood City Distressed Property Watch 2011

It's the end of the year so time for the round-up of distressed property sales in Redwood City. So here's what happened:


Single family and condo townhomes 2011:

Total sales:  553

Short Sales: 91

REO:           49

Distressed sales as a percentage of total sales: 25.3

Compare to 2010

Total sales:   600

Short Sales:   93

REO:            78

Distressed sales as a percentage of total sales:  28.5


My conclusion:

The percentage of distressed properties in Redwood City is a little lower in 2011, 25.3% as compared to 2010, 28,5%. This is dues to a 40% decrease in REO sales in 2011. It will be interesting to see if the rumored release of REO inventory actually happens, and increases the percentage in 2012, or if the econmy picks up and helps people afford their homes.

If you have any questions about short sales or bank owned homes please feel free to contact me.

Marcy Moyer

Keller Williams Realty


D.R.E.  01191194

Marcy Moyer Keller Williams Realty Palo Alto, Ca. Specialist in Short Sales and Trust and Probate Sales

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