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VA Mortgage Program Has Good News for Veterans and Their Families

Veterans-Administration-VA-Mortgage-300x241.jpg?width=300Photo credit: Tony Fischer Photography via photopin cc

Many years ago the United States decided it was a good idea to offer housing benefits for our veterans that were not attainable to other classes of people. The men and women who sacrificed time away from their families and risked their lives in defense of our country deserved the chance to buy a home with attractive features. As time has marched on and the needs of veterans have changed, the VA Mortgage program has made some changes to appeal to even more qualified borrowers.

Spouses of Deceased Veterans

Before the new law, spouses of deceased veterans could only apply for a VA mortgage if the veteran passed away during active duty defending our country or if the veteran passed away due to a disability sustained during duty. However, if the spouse can show that the veteran suffered from a disability sustained during duty for a minimum of 10 years prior to their death, the spouse can now apply for the VA mortgage.

Funding Fee for Certain VA Loans Waived

People in the military are no stranger to paper work. With every VA loan that is approved there is a fee associated with the loan. This funding fee provides money for the new crop of loans, avoiding the use of taxpayer's money.

If a veteran learns that they are eligible for disability pay due to their physical exam prior to discharge then they are allowed to waive the funding fee from the VA mortgage. Previously, a veteran had to receive actual disability pay on a regular basis before the fee could be removed.

Beyond Fixed Rate Loans

Fixed rate mortgages are great for people who are reasonably confident that they will stay in a certain home for many years. Having the mortgage payment set in stone offers stability for the homeowner. However, there are some people, such as veterans and active duty personnel, which may be on the move in a few years. For these people, getting an Adjustable Rate Mortgage (ARM) can make sense. They save money by getting a slightly lower interest rate that is fixed for 3 or 5 years. The new law makes it possible for eligible borrowers to apply for an ARM through the VA mortgage plan.

More Flexibility for Military Families and Individual Parents

For as long as the VA mortgage program has been around, one of the main requirements to the loan has been the veteran's occupancy. A VA loan states that the veteran must live in the home as their primary residence after the loan is completed. The veteran is given some time to move in to the new home, but the requirement is there. For military families in which both spouses are active duty, this can be impossible. Even harder for families that have only one parent who is serving in the military.

The Camp Lejeune act makes it possible for the children of the veteran to meet the requirement of occupancy. This means that dependents can live in the home purchased by their parent or parents through the VA mortgage while the parents sacrifice their time away from loved ones serving our country.

This communication is provided to you for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon by you. Rock Realty is not a mortgage lender and so you should contact a lender directly to learn more about its mortgage products and your eligibility for such products.
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Great news for our military members!!

June 21, 2012

Washington, DC – Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) Acting Director Edward J. DeMarco today announced changes to short sale policies that will make it easier for military homeowners with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac loans to honor their financial commitments when they are required to move as part of their duty.

Under the new policy Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will not pursue a deficiency judgment or any cash contribution or promissory note from members of the military with a change in duty station for any property purchased on or before June 30, 2012. Service members must have a Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac loan to be eligible.


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Are you feeling overwhelmed in your home and mortgage? You are not alone. Many are feeling the same problem and it is growing in numbers.

Both the Military and Fannie Mae have set up web pages to help you through the maze and give you the options that may be available to you to either save your home or complete a short sale.

The short sale does allow you to sell your home for less than what you owe so that the home is not foreclosed. While this is a good option for many, it does have it drawbacks and you need to understand what it entails. Therefore you need to discuss this with an attorney, a CPA, and most important of all a SHORT SALE Specialist such as the SHORT SALE SUPERSTARS.

We have even managed to help our clients save their homes, avoid foreclosure and sale with a small amount of cash out of pocket avoiding a short sale and another actually walk away with cash on a sale that the bank wanted as a short sale.

Please get advice from a TRAINED SHORT SALE SPECIALIST in your area. If you decide to complete a SHORT SALE, your success is determined by how well the listing agent can present to the bank. The banks are overwhelmed and need to have a good trained expert present the packet.


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