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Bailouts? Voice Your Opinion!

So you've probably heard that Freddie Mac is once again asking for federal aid. They showed a $4.1 billion loss in the third quarter and are now requesting another $100 million in aid. All told, it's estimated that the bailouts will cost taxpayers $259 billion.

As an agent that focuses largely on short sales, I continually see the ways that Freddie Mac gets in their own way. They are asking for this aid, but they have put themselves into the situation that requires aid. I have had several files where we sent in a short sale offer that was rejected because Freddie Mac felt it was too low. I felt it was a very good offer, but Freddie's rejection sent the file into foreclosure. Don't they understand that foreclosing on a home is exponentially more expensive than a short sale? They are putting themselves in a situation that results in an even greater loss, therefore resulting in their need for a bailout. Their own greed is their downfall, and that of us the taxpayers. These bailouts need to stop because they are only hurting the people paying the bills.

I sent a letter to both my local representative and Barney Frank, who is a member of the House Committee of Financial Services, asking them to deny Freddie's bailout. They've had enough chances and are only in their situation because of their own making. Send letters to your representatives as well and voice your opinion!

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