Beaumont (2)

Beaumont Short Sale and Pre-Foreclosure Homes

Are you facing foreclosure on your Beaumont CA Home?12433931075?profile=original

To best navigate your situation, you must know all your options:

  • Are you behind on your mortgage payments, or about to be?
  • Do you owe more than your Beaumont home is worth?
  • Do you have an adjustable rate that is about to adjust?
  • Are you worried about the affects of foreclosure on your credit?

Our short sale services are free - we will NEVER charge you a dime!

So call us today and let's talk:

Call Now: (888) 9-List-It.

That's (888) 954-7848.

Click here to search Beaumont homes for sale

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(Read this article first, then click on the link above)

Do I Qualify for a Real Estate Short Sale in Beaumont CA?

So you're considering a real estate short sale for your Beaumont, California Home…..

Either you are near default or have already missed mortgage payments, and you are undoubtedly under-water on what you owe on the Beaumont home compared to what it is currently worth.

We see this every day from people of all aspects of life and economic backgrounds. We know it's a difficult and daunting position to be in. We know there is so much information out there that its difficult to decipher what is correct, and what isn't.... and who to trust.

We also know its embarrassing. We've been in similar situations ourselves, and we'd like to discreetly help you avoid foreclosure and get out from that upside-down Beaumont CA house now, at no charge to you. In fact, if your circumstances are right, we may be able to get you up to $30,000 in the process.

Who Are We and Are We For Real?

We ARE for real, and we are licensed, legal and ligitimate. Our real estate license numbers are 01844441, and 01844442. Take these numbers and go to the California Department of Real Estate's website here, click on Verify a License, and check our license numbers for validity. We work for Coldwell Banker Kivett-Teeters, a highly respected real estate brokerage that's been in business for decades. We handle 20 to 30 Short Sale Listings and Sales per month, and yes we successfully close 95% plus of our short sales! We are for real, and we work hard for our clients... Let us work hard for you...

So let's talk...

Call Us Now: (888) 9-List-It.

That's (888) 954-7848.

Or Check out our website here ---> California Short Sale Agents


How to Qualify For a Real Estate Short Sale - Beaumont CA

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