our home is your safe haven and considered as the most important place for you and your family, that's why, as much as possible you want to keep your home.  But what if the time comes when foreclosure appears to be inevitable?  Perhaps, one of the most traumatic experiences a homeowner can ever encounter is leaving the house due to foreclosure.  You've been barely struggling with your mortgage payments and definitely when you reach the point wherein you already used your resources, you don't have any choice but to face the foreclosure.  That's pretty sad. :(

But of course, just like most of the things in this world, foreclosure has its own alternative too.  Short Sale.  Yes, short sale is absolutely the viable substitute if you are not qualified to refinance or amend your mortgage.  Another reason is if you are facing a long term adversity.  Moreover, short sale can also be an option if you are behind your mortgage payments and you are indebted more on your home than it's actual worth.

To learn more about this Short sale Solutions, read this full article here.

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Just Escalate! Escalate to the right person!!

I am new to ShortSaleSuperstars. I have used it as a reference a few times and known about the site for over 6 months, but just decided last week that I need to get involved more with internet blogging for my real estate business. Since I specialize in negotiatiing short sales, I thought it important that I join networks online that pertain to short sales. It looks like this is the best there is, so I am diving in :) - I will do my best to comment on as many questions and forum posts as I can, and I would hope that people would reach out to me with their short sale issues. I love helping other agents get their deals approved, at great terms, and with full commissions. Lately, I have been getting 8% on most of my short sales. While most agents would probably tell you that this cannot be done, or isn't legal, it simply requires some knowledge and information. Anyways, on to the topic of my first post....


While attending a short sale seminar in Las Vegas last week(shoutout to ShortSaleGenius and Trent Chapman), I observed that many agent's/negotiator's questions all sounded very similar:


"I have this weird short sale...."


"I know but the bank told me....."



The solution to almost every single question is the same, ESCALATE! More specifically, get the RIGHT message to the RIGHT person at the bank.


It is always about the numbers. Getting the right message to the right person will mean you are going to very "high-up management." When you get to this level at any bank, the mind-set of the person who are communicating with is solely about the numbers. They want to know what the value is and what is their net. If you have run the comps and you know that your value is in line, then you simply need to get the message to the right person, and explain to them that they will lose a lot more money if they foreclose on the property instead of accepting your short sale offer.


Remember, it's not personal, and it's not emotional. The bank wants as much money as they can, that is the name of the game. Your job as a Realtor/Negotiator is to make sure the numbers get communicated to someone at the bank who has the authority to make the right decision.





Joshua Gayman

Scottsdale, AZ

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