Bank of America being purchased by Chase...?

Los Angeles, CA - Chase to buy Bank of America!!!!


After some digging in I've been told by an Attorney who's one of several attorney's working on the buy out/merger of Bank of America with Chase! What I've been told is that out Federal Government has been strategically planning on having Chase buy Bank of America for years now! It's finally coming to life..! I've been waiting off on putting this out there, but when I received an email from Mike Linkenauger, stating that he just received a letter from Bank of America stating that the seller qualifies to receive up to $20,000, I knew it was time to make it public! Chase has been offering relocation assistance to destressed homeowner's for for several months now!


Jennifer is a Real Estate Agent at Qwest Real Estate.


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  • I think federal regulators would have a big fit about BofA and Chase merging....

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