

Glendale, CA Real Estate – I see a lot of agents making mistakes on short sales property valuation. Lenders hire a supposedly impartial third party to value the property.


Many of these people are evaluating 10 properties a day. There is very little quality control and usually no one checks their work.


Because of that, I always try to meet them at the home when they are doing their inspection. I explain the history of the property and why it is selling for that price.


The lender will take as gospel whatever value that person tells the bank the property is worth. If that value is more than the property is selling for, then the lender won’t accept the short sale.


Here are some common mistakes that you need to make sure that your short sale agent avoids.


One common mistake is to use comps outside the neighborhood when the bank is ordering an appraisal instead of an agent. Agents understand that buyers don’t buy only in a specific neighborhood.


Buyers look for the best deal they can find within a specific are. Because of this, an agent is more willing to use comps outside of the neighborhood.


But, when the bank is using an appraiser you must use the closest geographical comps, not the lowest priced comps


The second mistake is not controlling the access to the property. The person evaluating the property should not be able to get access to the house without the agent knowing about it.


Your agent must have all showings go thru their office. A third mistake I see is not treating the people valuing the property with respect.


Short sale agents will be meeting the same people over and over. So, they must be punctual when they meet them.


They shouldn’t be forceful on the value. I recommend that they be convincing but not overbearing. Don’t argue over the value.


Most of the time, the agent or appraiser is going to determine the value on their own. They will look at the comps, and if it all makes sense, then they will use your agent’s comps.


However, if they think that those comps are inaccurate, then they will get their own. I always show up 15 minutes early to familiarize myself with any potential repairs.


I look around and notice nicked drywall, peeled up flooring, cracked tiles, and other issues. When I go thru the house with the agent I note those items and write them on my clipboard.


Once I’ve prepped your Comparable Market Analysis, then I go ahead and send a copy to the short sale negotiator. I tell them that I put my own property valuation together for them to review.


Following these tips can mean the difference between failure and success on your short sale. Thinking about a short sale?


I can help you short sale your property and never pay the bank another penny. Send me an e-mail at I will contact you for a free consultation.


When we talk, I will explain how the process works in detail and answer any questions you may have. Or, if you prefer, you can call me at 818-649-4950


Thinking about a loan modification? Our FREE Los Angeles Loan Modification Services will help you get a loan modification approved with your lender. Click here to for more information regarding my FREE LOAN MODIFICATION SERVICES!



Thanks for reading this, Jennifer Escobar.


Jennifer is a Real Estate Agent at Qwest Real Estate.




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Important Notice

Jennifer Escobar, Qwest Real Estate, and the Stop Foreclosure Institute are not affiliated in any way, shape, or form with the government. Our services have not been reviewed or endorse by the government or your lender. Most lenders willingly work with agents on short sales. Why?

Because most short sales are beneficial to a lender. If you accept our offer to help you on a short sale, your lender may not agree to a short sale or to modify your loan. We do offer FREE California Loan Modification Assistance.

However, the likelihood of negotiating a modification is like everything else in life. It takes work and persistence to convince your lender to modify your loan. No matter what you or we do, your lender may not approve a loan modification.

We do not recommend that you stop paying your mortgage, because this will cause damage to your credit and could cause you to lose your home. Because we know avoiding foreclosure is so important to any homeowner, we recommend that you speak with the appropriate legal or tax advisor before making any decision.

This is not intended as legal, technical, or tax advice. Please speak with a licensed professional before making any decision. Information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed as of the date of writing.

You have the option to reject a short sale or loan modification from your lender if it does not meet your approval. If you decide not to go thru with the short sale, then you do not have to pay us our fee. We normally make a real estate sales commission for helping you on a short sale.

The views expressed here are Escobar’s personal views and do not reflect the views of Qwest Real Estate.

This information on Glendale, CA Real Estate | Los Angeles Short Sales | Los Angeles Short Sale Specialist | Short Sale Specialist | Short Sales | CA Free Loan Modification: A Common Short Sale Mistake Being Made On Glendale Short Sales is provided as a courtesy to our viewers to help them make informed decisions.

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