We have all been waiting for this news and now it official!Lets hope they can handle it and we can be sent the REO listings!Titanium Solutions- Titanium Holdings Enters the REO market with its Launch of Excellen REOIt is all over the news here is one place at the DSNews to read about itor just Google Excellen REO. I'm sure there will be many posts on this topic.Titanium Holdings, Inc., the parent company of loss mitigation specialist Titanium Solutions, Inc., is jumping into the property disposition arena with the official launch of a new business unit, Excellen REO.Excellen REO is headquartered in Fort Mills, South Carolina, along with its sister company Titanium Solutions and parent Titanium Holdings.Cary Sternberg is the president of Excellen REO a few of his former titles were, he was formerly with American Home Loan Servicing, VP of Loan services for Indy Mac and REO manager for Ocwen.For another company to launch into the REO market indicates to me that the "shadow inventory" we have all been hearing about, is real and it is just a matter of time as to when it will hit the market and if it will be in drips or not.
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  • ok, everyone including me is blogging and talking about this, but,,,,,,,

    This is so new and fresh that my source tells me we all need to slow down and be patient that all the systems are not in place yet to start calling or sending in resumes or anything like that.

    If you are an HRC, don't bug them about it yet as they are getting swamped and it is interfering with the HRC side.

    The plan along has been to initially deal with HRCs first when it comes to the REO side, but again, they apparently are not ready to start handing out REO assignments yet.

    So, this is still GOOD news and exciting,,,but I guess we all still have to cool our jets and get in standby mode!
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