done (2)

Currently working on a Fannie Mae pre-approved short sale with BOA as a servicer.


1.  Seller took the time to get a pre-approved price for the short sale

2. I listed the home at the pre-approved short sale

3.  Got an offer at the pre-approved shortsale - Cash

4.  Got a message through equator that they agreed to th eoffer but they needed a couple of the changes on the HUD

5.  Made the changes and submitted them all through equator immediately

6.  This was 7 weeks ago of constant follow up with no response

7.  Escalated through Fannie Mae - got some action and an extension of the approval -

8.  No answer yet and the same run around to call tomorrow.


We have the banks claiming they want to work with Realtors and get the short sales done I am not seeing this.


We have people in selling CDPE certs that to me they sound like just more scheme to get money out of us and encouranging us to work with banks.

Is anyone experiencing the same  levels of pain.

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Banks should hire seasoned agents as consultants to train bank personnel from the ground up. Cross train to ensure everyone is on board, especially when people go on vacation or change departments or move on to other banks. Out-of-state banks need to stop thinking properties are worth much more than they are by holding out for that ‘perfect offer’ that will never come. A universal short sale form packet should be designed for all banks to use – no more than 5 pages. Give a deadline of no more than 60 days from the time a complete file is turned in to wrap it up and to be held accountable and charged a per diem if they do not perform.
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