angeles (7)

(818)276-6882  Lupe Soto  Short Sale Negotiator (hablo espanol)  "NO commission"  por favor sirvase comunicar con Lupe Soto para explicarle como evitar embargo de su casa, condo o de su segunda inversion o renta hipoteca. Gracias.

AREAS de servicio en San Fernando Valley, Los Angeles County, Ca

Arleta, Burbank, Canoga Park, Calabasas, Chatsworth, Encino, Glendale, Granada Hills, Hidden Hills, Lake Balboa, Lake View Terrace, Mission Hills, North Hollywood, North Hills, Northridge, Panorama City, Pacoima, Porter Ranch, San Fernando, Reseda, Sherman Oaks, Studio City, Sylmar, Sun Valley, Sunland, Shadow Hills, Toluca Lake, Topanga Canyon, Tujunga, Valley Village, Valley Glen, Van Nuys, Universal City, West Hills, Winnetka, Woodland Hills, Hollywood, Hollywood Hills and nearby areas of San Fernando Valley,

Nearby areas in Los Angeles:  Santa Clarita Valley, Palmdale, Lancaster in North Los Angeles California, USA.

Counties:  Los Angeles, San Bernardino County, Ventura County, Orange County, Riverside County.
Casas, Condos , Townhouses, Duplex, 2 casas en un lote, Unidades en Venta.

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Unfortunately, not all Short Sale properties that are listed for sale in the Los Angeles area will close escrow. First, what is a Short Sale? If a home's current market value is less than the mortgage balance owed and the homeowner (borrower) cannot afford to make the mortgage payments, they will ask their lender(s) to take an offer from a buyer and approve a Short Sale. This a very different type of sale compared to the traditional real estate transaction. Not all real estate agents will have the training, knowledge and experience that is required with a Short Sale. So, choosing a professional Short Sale Realtor is important. The homeowner is already having a difficult time and does not need to become the agent's first short sale experience. 

If a trustee sale date has been set or the foreclosure date is soon approaching, that could put the Short Sale at risk. The Short Sale Agent and seller would have to work on getting the short sale package to the lender quickly and then, the agent must insist that the lender postpone the foreclosure sale so that there is time for a Short Sale. So, it is better not to wait if you are planning on a Short Sale. 

Sometimes, a lien or judgment will show up that affects the title of the property besides the mortgage loans. These liens or judgments must be cleared before a sale can close. Liens may include past due homeowner association (HOA) fees and state or income taxes. Judgments may be as a result of unpaid credit card bills, for example. 

Other reasons that a Short Sale might not be successful: 

All Short Sale lenders will require an appraisal on their behalf to obtain an estimate of the fair market value of the property before they approve an offer. Sometimes, the appraiser's value will come in "high" and the lender might want more than a buyer is willing to pay for the home. The Short Sale Realtor should be able to work with the lender to dispute the value (if that's the situation). 

If there is more than one mortgage loan involved, then a second lender will need to approve a certain amount of money for their settlement as part of the Short Sale. The first mortgage company dictates how much of the Short Sale proceeds they are willing to allow to the junior loans. If the junior liens want more money, there are ways that it can be satisfied. 

It is also important that the buyer that is purchasing the home be serious and qualified. The buyer should be able to obtain financing (unless they are paying cash) to complete the purchase of the short sale home. If the buyer cancels, another buyer has to be ready to go.

However, there is good news-- my Short Sales have been successful. So, Short Sales do close!

Note: While I was in the process of writing this article, I received a phone call from a short seller that had a trustee sale date within a couple of days. The homeowner was upset because they had hired a real estate agent to work with their lender on a Short Sale and the realtor did not properly communicate with the lender so the bank was not postponing the foreclosure sale. Seller was NOT happy. 


Google+ Sara Mehrpouyan CDPE is an Experienced, Knowledgable, & Trusted Short Sale Realtor Agent in Los Angeles area

los angeles short sale realtor agent


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Too often, many homeowners doing a short sale read up on the internet and speak to friends, coworkers, relatives and anyone else whose done a short sale, about how they received $3000 relocation assistance by doing a HAFA short sale.

Sadly...this is NOT always the case. Simply going into the HAFA short sale program here in CA does NOT guarantee you will walk away with money.

Case in point.....First your realtor needs to determine if your servicer(the one you normally make or made your mortgage payments to for your 1st lien)participates in the HAFA program. Many servicers DO NOT!.

Also, even if your servicer(1st mortgage lienholder) participates in HAFA, the INVESTOR who is above your servicer and has final say so...may NOT be a HAFA participant.

Many 1st mortgage liens are SOLD to a private investor or group of investors that DO NOT belong to HAFA, nor do they have to abide by HAFA's guidelines and rules. 

OK, so let's say your 1st lien holder and their investor DO participate in HAFA and allow you to do a HAFA short sale.

If you have a 2nd lien, you need to also find out if THEY participate in HAFA...for if they DON'T...then guess what may happen when you go to close? Your 2nd lien holder could see the $3000 monies awarded to the seller(YOU) by the 1st lienholder and decide to GRAB or TAKE any monies on the table. Thereby preventing YOU, the homeowner from getting ANY MONIES awarded to you. Don't say NO...because I've seen it done.'s the kicker....and even better than the above. Let's say..Mr and Mrs Seller had a 1st and a 2nd on their home, and the 1st even agrees to a HAFA short sale, and so does their investor.And let's say your 2nd lien servicer WAS a participant in HAFA and agreed to participate. *  If your 2nd in this process gets SOLD OFF or CHARGED OFF during this process to a collection co. for x amount of months of NON PAYMENT on your part, then that COLLECTION co is NOT HELD to HAFA's rules and can collect the relocation monies at funding. The collection companies ARE NOT SERVICERS...and therefore they DO NOT belong or partipate in HAFA's rules or  since they are a collection company..they can TAKE the monies left on the table. Remember people...they are a COLLECTION company...they don't call them a collection company for nothing!!!!

Remember the 2nd lien holder, whether it be a servicer or now a collection co...has begrudgingly accepted what the 1st will give them, and they are NOT happy.

Please make sure when doing a short sale that you interview an agent who has done them extensively and has much experience in negotiating short sales. Please don't assume EVER that because an agent has these CDPE or SFR designations...that they KNOW or are VERSED in NEGOTIATING short sales. These companies handing out designations are PRIVATE COMPANIES charging realtors a $500 or more fee to take a 1 day or sometimes just a several hour course in short sales. THIS DOES NOT mean your realtor knows in the slightest how to navigate and negotiate the slippery slope of short sales. Many of these realtors who have gotten their licenses not that long ago or get these designations because they know that 50% of the market is upside down and if they want ANY business, they better get with the program and start handling short sales.

I am not knocking these designations....there are agents who have them and legally have experience and know how to handle short sales... the main thing is to check for experience in how many short sales they have done...and if they have DONE it themselves. Farming it out to 3rd party negotiators or attorneys, does NOT guarantee success.

Please ask many questions about the short sale process and scenarios. There is no magic wand that anyone can wave to make sure your short sale goes smoothly, for many things occur as roadblocks to navigate along the way. But with a strong negotiating agent who is familiar with all the ins and outs and possible scenarios that the banks, lenders, servicers, investors,and collection agencies throw our way....hopefully having this extensive knowledge and experience can help you obtain a successful outcome.


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Alternatives to Foreclosure in the Los Angeles Area

If you or someone you know in the Los Angeles area is having a difficult time with their home mortgage payments, it is especially important to know what the alternatives to foreclosure might be. Two of the most talked about alternatives are Loan Modification and Short Sale.



Loan Modification: The borrower works with their lender to change the terms of their mortgage loan. This is usually a change in the interest rate and your monthly mortgage payment for a period of time. Unfortunately, not everyone will qualify for a loan modification. Most homeowners will begin to make trial payments (temporary lowered monthly payments) to their lender while they are under review for a modification. Those who are fortunate may be offered a permanent loan modification. However, I have spoken to some people who have been on trial payments for a long while and unfortunately, the mortgage company will reject the loan modification. 


Short Sale: If the homeowner has tried for a loan modification and does not qualify, their lender will suggest a short sale of the home. Note, a short sale may still be attempted even if the homeowner does not try the loan modification first. You do not have to apply for a loan modification before a short sale. What is a short sale? When the owner of the home is having difficulty or may be in trouble with their mortgage payments in the near future and the balance is higher than the current market value of the property, the lender will be asked to take less than the amount that they are owed when the house sells. It is important that you work with someone that has experience with short sales because it is a different process than the tradtional real estate transaction. 


Feel free to contact me directly at 818-903-2040 to discuss alternatives to foreclosure in the Los Angeles area. 


Other areas served:

Agoura Hills, Arleta, Beverly Hills, Box Canyon, Burbank, Calabasas, , Canoga park, Canyon Country, Castaic, Chatsworth, Encino, Glendale, Granada Hills, Hidden Hills, Lake Balboa, Lakeview Terrace, Mission Hills, Newhall, North Hills, North Hollywood, Northridge, Pacoima, Panorama City, Pasadena, Porter Ranch, Reseda, San Fernando, Santa Clarita, Saugus, Sepulveda, Sherman Oaks, South Pasadena, Stevenson Ranch, Studio City, Sun Valley, Sylmar, Tarzana, Toluca Lake, Topanga, Universal City, Valencia, Valley Glen, Valley Village, Van Nuys, West Hills, West Hollywood, West Los Angeles, Westlake Village, Woodland Hills, Winnetka

Bell Canyon, Camarillo, Moorpark, Newbury Park, Oak Park, Oxnard, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, Ventura, Westlake Village


Experience with Lenders: Bank of America, Chase, Wells Fargo, GMAC, Citimortgage, Citibank, Litton, Aurora Loan, SPS, SLS, etc

Sara Mehrpouyan, CDPE



Rodeo Realty

Los Angeles Real Estate - Los Angeles, Ca Foreclosure & Short Sale Realtor Specialist



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WHY Short Sale ~ by Los Angeles Short Sale Agent


Why Short Sale ? These are 3 words that may be on the minds of many people in such difficult times.


What is a Short Sale ? A Short Sale occurs when the homeowner receives an offer from a buyer which is lower than the balance owed on the home mortgage. House values have declined so this may be the situation for many homeowners.


Why Short Sale ? People are feeling a burden of debt. Some are finding that they may be able to rent a home for less than they are paying for their mortgage payment, property taxes, insurance and maintenance on the current property.


Why Not Let the House Go to Foreclosure ? There is always tomorrow. In other words, we need to be concerned with our credit in the future. Foreclosure may reduce your credit score more than a Short Sale would.


Future Home Purchase could happen sooner after Short Sale vs after Foreclosure. Qualifying for a home loan after Short Sale of a house takes a shorter time period. Foreclosure will have you waiting for a long while.


If you are in California, there are 2 bills that are giving homeowners that Short Sale some protection.


Senate Bill SB 931 went into effect January 1, 2011 and prohibits a deficiency judgment after a Short Sale for First Trust Deeds (First Loan/Mortgages).


Senate Bill SB 458 now prohibits a deficiency judgment after a Short Sale for 1st AND 2nd Mortgages.


The Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Act and Debt Cancellation - Mortgage Debt Relief Act of 2007

In certain circumstances, a homeowner does not have to pay federal income tax on debt forgiven on a loan secured by a qualified principal residence via a Short Sale. For tax advice, speak with your tax professional.


Feel free to contact me with any Questions. If you are not in Los Angeles area, I can still help. I belong to a network of Short Sale Agents across the United States. For more FREE information, visit my website


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Bank of America Short Sale in Los Angeles

Are you thinking of a Bank of America Short Sale in Los Angeles? Many homeowners in the Los Angeles area have their 1st mortgage, 2nd mortgage or both 1st & 2nd mortgages with Bank of America. You might not be able to pay your monthly mortgage payments anymore or are in danger of falling behind on your loan. If so, a Bank of America Short Sale may be an option. Many of my clients have also tried to get a loan modification with B of A and have been unable to. Bank of America may suggest the short sale of their home. Bank of America uses a special online platform known as Equator to process their short sales.

The number of Bank of America Short Sales in the Los Angeles area has increased. Some homeowners bought their homes when the values were high and are not able to refinance due to the decrease in home values. Others took advantage of the previous market and refinanced. If you live in your home or have lived in the house in the last 12 months, you may qualify for the Bank of America HAFA Short Sale. Otherwise, you can attempt the traditional short sale.

Feel free to contact me directly at 818-903-2040 with any questions regarding a Bank of America Short Sale in Los Angeles and the surrounding areas. I also provide a FREE estimate of value of your property.


Areas Serviced:

Agoura Hills, Arleta, Beverly Hills, Box Canyon, Burbank, Calabasas, , Canoga park, Canyon Country, Castaic, Chatsworth, Encino, Glendale, Granada Hills, Hidden Hills, Lake Balboa, Lakeview Terrace, Los Angeles, Mission Hills, Newhall, North Hills, North Hollywood, Northridge, Pacoima, Panorama City, Pasadena, Porter Ranch, Reseda, San Fernando, Santa Clarita, Saugus, Sepulveda, Sherman Oaks, South Pasadena, Stevenson Ranch, Studio City, Sun Valley, Sylmar, Tarzana, Toluca Lake, Topanga, Universal City, Valencia, Valley Glen, Valley Village, Van Nuys, West Hills, West Hollywood, West Los Angeles, Westlake Village, Woodland Hills, Winnetka

Bell Canyon, Camarillo, Moorpark, Newbury Park, Oak Park, Oxnard, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, Ventura, Westlake Village


Sara Mehrpouyan, CDPE



Rodeo Realty

Los Angeles Real Estate - Los Angeles, Ca Foreclosure & Short Sale Realtor Specialist




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US Bank Short Sale Approved ~ Los Angeles Short Sale Agent


US Bank is approving Short Sales. US Bank has listed a Short Sale as an option on their website under Mortgage Help. Many homeowners in the Los Angeles & surrounding areas are finding themselves in a situation where they can no longer afford to pay the monthly mortgage payment, insurance, property taxes & property maintenance. If the mortgage balance is more than the home is currently worth, then a Short Sale would be an option. With any Short Sale, if you would like to attempt a US Bank Short Sale, it is best that you work with a Short Sale Agent that is trained and experienced.


Below is a sample of the approval letter obtained on a US Bank Short Sale. This was actually on my client's investment property. The US Bank Short Sale approval letter also states that they will not pursue the remaining balance (deficiency). So, if you are considering a Short Sale with US Bank, feel free to contact me. I am a Short Sale Agent in Los Angeles & surrounding areas. If you are located in another area, I can still help because I am part of a network of Short Sale Agents nationwide.






Los Angeles Short Sale Agent

US Bank Short Sale


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