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The suit was filed on behalf of homeowners facing foreclosure in NEVADA who say there has been no progress made with regard to negotiations with their lender."And that's why what we're calling for in this lawsuit," explains attorney Matthew Q. Callister. "(It) is an automatic stay of any further Bank of America foreclosures until such time as every Southern Nevadan avails himself of his right under federal law to have that fundamental 'good faith' negotiation."The class-action suit against Bank of America represents about 30 people so far; it alleges that the bank has failed to act in accordance with a section of the government's Making Home Affordable program, saying the lender has "refused to evaluate loans" and "failed to suspend foreclosure proceedings."Many of the customers' stories are similar; they attempt to negotiate with their lenders but are passed around to different representatives. In some cases they think the negotiations are going well yet come home to find a foreclosure notice on their home.This is an open class-action complaint in NEVADA only.Read the whole article at:Channel 3 News...Local attorney files suit against Bank of AmericaIt will be interesting to see what happens with this.Blog Disclaimer-This is a personal blog. All information is provided for informational purposes only and is Not legal advice, consult an attorney or financial expert for legal advice
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