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The Mortgage Debt Relief Act of 2007 is set to expire!!

The window is closing rapidly on one of the most important tax-relief provisions enacted by Congress during the housing crisis to help financially strapped homeowners. Time is running out to Short Sale your house. Although the 2007 law that allows taxpayers to exclude from income the amount of debt that is forgiven or canceled by their lenders doesn’t expire until Dec. 31, it’s likely to take every bit of the coming months to persuade your bank to either foreclose or allow you to sell your house for less than it’s worth (Short Sale).

While owners who are struggling to hold onto their homes shouldn’t throw in the towel solely because of the pending tax bite, it is certainly something to consider.

Under the tax code, borrowed money need not be reported as income because you have an obligation to repay. But if the lender subsequently cancels what you owe, the IRS requires that you report that debt as income because the duty to repay it no longer exists. So, if you owe $250,000 and your lender forgives $50,000 of that debt in a $200,000 refinancing, that $50,000 is considered income. If your combined federal and state marginal tax rate is 36 percent, you would owe $18,000 in taxes.

Under the Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Act of 2007, though, taxpayers are allowed to exclude from income the discharge of debt on their principal residence when they do a short sale— at least until 2013.

So when your lender agrees to a short sale, there is no tax on the difference between the selling price and the amount you owe. When your lender forecloses, there is no tax on the canceled debt. Even when you refinance at a lower loan balance, there is no tax on the difference between what you owed on the old loan and what you now owe on the new one.

But unless Congress extends the law — and there is no indication lawmakers are even thinking about that — all residential mortgage debt relief that takes place on or after Jan. 1, 2013, will once again be considered taxable income.

Why worry about this now, Because the timelines on debt forgiveness decisions by lenders are absolutely horrendous.

Of course, each state has a different timeline. But the shortest is 463 days in Minnesota, according to Lender Processing Services. So the tax absolution window may already be closed for foreclosures.

There are no hard-and-fast numbers when it comes to short sales or loan modifications. But they also can be long, drawn-out transactions.

According to a nearly year-old survey by Equi-Trax Asset Solutions, a Santa Barbara, Calif., analytics company, it can take anywhere from four to nine months for underwater borrowers to persuade their lenders to sign off on a deal in which the lender will net less than what the borrower owes (Short Sale).

Eighteen percent of the 600 agents polled said short sales can be closed in less than three months if the stars line up just right. But almost 10 percent said these transactions require more than 10 months to complete.

There are many factors besides a tax break to consider when deciding whether to give up your house. What will a foreclosure or short sale do to your credit score? How long will you be precluded from buying another house? Will the extra income push you into a higher tax bracket? How long will it take before the amount I owe is on par with what is owed? Is it worth being tied down to one property for many years or should I just short sale and be back in the market within 2 years and probably buy more house for way less.

Consequently, as always when it comes to such matters, you should consult a tax professional before making any decisions.

At Trinity Homes & Investments we discuss all available options with our clients before deciding which course of action to take.  Our mission is to find dignified solutions to foreclosure.

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No Deficiency Judgments after Short Sale due to Senate Bill 458?


There is good news for home owners who are considering short sales in California. Governor Brown signed Senate Bill 458 into law today. This new law prohibits servicers, lenders and investors from pursuing deficiency judgments against home owners of 1 to 4 unit residential property.


Deficiency judgments on similar properties were prevented by CCP 580e last year, but only on first mortgage. Senate Bill 458 extends this protection to second mortgages and other mortgages as well.


The protection of Senate Bill 458 shall not apply to home owners who commit fraud or waste or to LLC, corporations, limited partnerships, political subdivision of the state, lien secured by a bond as specified, or public utility lien. There are additional rules for notes that are cross collateralized with more than one property.



Disclaimer: This article is not intended as tax or legal advice. Those considering a short sale are advised to consult an attorney and/or tax professional regarding any potential liability. This article is not intended to solicit listings currently listed with another broker.



About the author: Christine Donovan is a California Residential Real Estate Broker with experience in assisting clients buy and sell residential real estate.

Are you upside down in your home? Is it worth less than you owe? Are you concerned about making your mortgage payment? For more information see Options to Foreclosures, understanding short sales or contact me at christine@donovanblatt.com to discuss your options.

If you want to buy a home or to list your property for sale, please click Newport Beach homes, Costa Mesa homes, Huntington Beach homes or Orange County homes.  Click the link if you are interested in buying a home at a courthouse auction sale.

Contact me at christine@donovanblatt.com or 714-319-9751 to learn about her system which will make your buying and selling experience easier.

Disclaimer: All information in this blog is deemed reliable but is subject to change at any time and is not guaranteed to be accurate nor are there any warantees either express or implied. This blog is not intended to offer any legal, tax or other advice.

Federal Government Disclaimer (MARS) 

  1. You may stop doing business with us at any time. You may accept or reject the offer of mortgage assistance we obtain from your lender [or servicer]. If you reject or accept the offer, you do not have to pay us.  
  2. Christine Donovan, DonovanBlatt and Donovan Group are not associated with the government, and our service is not approved by the government or your lender; and 
  3. Even if you accept this offer and use our service, your lender may not agree to change your loan.

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Originally posted at No Deficiency Judgments After Short Sale?
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