I just like to share with you this article about What the House bill is doing to force Banks to speed up the process of Short Sales. It's a great idea but are they able to pass this so that the process won't take so long for Homeowners and for Buyers. I sure do hope so. Someone has to do something..... http://House Bill Would Force Lenders to Decide on Short Sales in 45 Days

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  • Hi Donna, I checked just now right here for the status of that bill: http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bill.xpd?bill=h111-6133, so it seems that the bill is stuck in committee and whether or not it ever makes it to the house floor for a vote is anyone's guess. Even if they pass it into law, I can't see anything our dear Congress Critters do pass into law commanding to the powers that be we answer to ever helps anything, ie., see HAFA
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