Happy Anniversary to the Stimulus?

Today marks the 1 year anniversary of President Barack Obama signing the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. For the past 365 days, thepurpose of this stimulus package was to take our hard earned taxdollars to stimulate the American economy. Part of the package wenttowards items such as a 2.6 million dollar solar panel system for theDenver Museum of Nature & Science, which by the way, has over 90million dollars in their bank account. Another $25,000 went to thelittle town of Sykesville, Maryland. This well to do community of over4,400 residents don't know where to use the money but they promised toput it to good use. 9.3 million went to Harvard to create a colony oftiny little robots called"robo-bees". Another $500,000 went to DukeUniversity so they can send 6 students each year to Costa Rica to studythe rain forest. Kinda reminds me of summer camp. Or there's the$400,000 that went to New York State university for their study of theaffects of drinking malt liquor and smoking pot. I wonder how manystudents volunteered for that study. That's just a small portion ofthe long, long list of outrageous expenditures from the 856 BILLIONdollars of the stimulus. However, I believe the MOST egregious of theamounts spent was the 700+ million dollars used just to "administer"the program.

President Obama stated today that, "This program has run cleanly, smoothly and transparently". However, a recent poll shows that 71% ofthe American people do not believe it is working despite Vice PresidentJoe Biden commenting that the "...taxpayers have gotten their money'sworth".

Now, don't get me wrong. I am currently taking advantage of all the consequences of the past and current administration's efforts tostimulate the economy. I am pushing the $8,000 first time homebuyercredit to help get buyers off the fence and into the market. I lovethat the decline in home prices has allowed many buyers to enter themarket when just a few years ago, they thought they'd never be able toafford a house. I love that we now have the lowest interest rates inmy lifetime. I am busy helping numerous homeowners escape the tragedyof foreclosure by helping them with loan modifications and shortsales. And I REALLY enjoy that much of my "competition" (Realtors that recently entered the business when things were easy and good) are now jumping ship to go back to their old jobs because they don't know how to handle this type of shift in the market.

Our national debt is out of control, our unemployment rates are skyrocketing with no real recovery in sight. So where are we today?Are we better off? Have things improved? What do you say? Are youcelebrating along with the current administration or are you feelingthe hurt? I'd really like to hear your comments and find out whereeveryone is in their thinking. So please let me know.


Are you a buyer looking for a home?


By the way, if you or someone you know is at risk of losing a home to foreclosure, please know that there are new options available toavoid this devastating occurrence. And know that there is someone hereyou can trust to help. As a Certified Pre-Foreclosure Specialist, Iunderstand the ins and outs of Short Sales and Loan Modifications. I amalso a Wachovia and World Bank trained Pre-Foreclosure expert and welleducated in the Government’s new H.A.F.A. and H.A.M.P. programs forhelping homeowners facing foreclosure.



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