When listing a Short Sale one of the most important things during the process is the BPO (Broker Price Opinion). For those of you not familiar with these it is somewhat of a mini appraisal done by a Realtor to help advise the bank of the market value during a loan modification or short sale. It is important for the listing agent to meet the BPO agent to assist in providing detailed info about the property and it's value. You never know what the experience level of the BPO agent is. They might not even be the actual BPO agent and merely a licensed assistant. I do tons of BPOs for both loan modifications and other agent's Short Sales. What amazes me is how many times the listing agent doesn't show up when I have an interior BPO.Today, after driving all the way down to Temecula from Riverside, I found that the home was in a gated community. I tried calling the agent to no avail. I searched the MLS from my phone trying to find gate codes. There were none and the property I was headed to wasn't listed. I finally was able to follow someone else in and I was met by the homeowner. The homeowner didn't speak English. I don't speak Spanish. When she answered the door, she looked puzzeled at who I was and why I was there. The best I could do was wave my camera in the air to show her I wanted to take pictures. She reluctantly let me in but I'm not sure if she even knew why. The next issue was that 4 of her 6 bedroom doors were locked and I couldn't get in to take pics. Apparently the rooms belonged to her kids and they locked them before going to school. She didn't have keys.Well, I took pics of what I could and left, leaving another message for the agent to reschedule me driving all the way back down to Temecula AGAIN! I let the asset manager know I needed an extension and why. he thought it was funny.Foreclosures are a bad thing for homeowners. No one wants to be foreclosed on. Realizing this, the Government (along with cooperation from the banks) is making it far easier and appealing for homeowners to conduct Short Sales to save themselves and their credit from the terrible stigma and long term affects of the dreaded foreclosure. Short Sales are a great avenue to help homewoners and the banks are getting better at getting them pushed thru. But without agents out there that are willing to do their job and do it well, the homeowner is left...well, pretty much just left!So, agents...PLEASE! Help me help you! And homeowners, make sure you have copies of your kid's bedroom keys.By the way, if you or someone you know is at risk of losing a home to foreclosure, please know that there are new options available to avoid this devastating occurance. And know that there is someone here you can trust to help. As a Certified Pre-Foreclosure Specialist, I understand the ins and outs of Short Sales and Loan Modifications. I am also a Wachovia and World Bank trained Pre-Foreclosure expert and well educated in the Government’s new H.A.F.A. and H.A.M.P. programs for helping homeowners facing foreclosure.Click on the link below to find out more about Preforeclosure alternatives:http://www.partnerfirst.org/raywright/Click on the link below to search the MLS:http://raywrightsellshomes.com/f-properties.html
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