We've been negotiating with BofA on a 1st and a $80,000 Chase on a 2nd. BofA offered $3,000 to Chase. Chase said, we need $15,500. BofA came up to $6,000. Chase is now saying, "we'll look at it if total commission is 4%." We've been calling Chase almost daily for a month, and negotiator hung up on us this week after saying we were wasting our time if we didn't do 4%. Any suggestions?

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Jared, Try to get to the negotiators supervisor and see if you can work it out that way. Also I have had this happen several times and I just ignored them. I placed my full commission on the HUD and got paid.

Now if this is a one broker deal it may be more difficult to get the full commission through. If there's another broker involved remember he can get paid by his buyer. Just put the additional percentage on the buyer side of the HUD as a Buyer closing cost.
Same thing happened with me my negotiator told me all chase ie jpmorgan would do is 4%.
Hi Jared, Yes, I've gone through this 2nds and I simply went back to what the 1st authorized to pay them and I indicated that any reduction in commission would go to the 1st as the 1st only authorized a set amount for them. Therefore, by reducing the commission will not get the 2nd a penny more and they've accepted the 1st's agreement for payment of commission.
Missy I just closed on another Chase today and received 6%. And I was the only agent.

Bryant Tutas said:
Missy I just closed on another Chase today and received 6%. And I was the only agent.
That is great Bryant! I think many of the negotiators are counting on the agents to dry up and run with their tails between their legs.
Probably because they have intimidated many to do so........
This is a perfect example of standing up and proceeding and ignoring their request.

Bryant Tutas said:
Missy I just closed on another Chase today and received 6%. And I was the only agent.

Why not put the other 2% on the Buyer's side? Did they say "no" to that? You could take the amount they're discounting, put it on the last line of the 2nd page of the HUD as a referral instead if you wanted to. Just an idea.
Wells Fargo allowed a brokers 'contribution' to the second to make the deal happen. It was shown as a reduction in the amount due seller (500 section of hud), and still showed in the commission paid column for broker. Also addended with notation. Just be careful, and know that you are paying taxes on the full commission, and be prepared for it.



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