We've developed a unique new process to flip an auction purchase to the short sale "C" buyer.  The first lender for the short sale must be BofA, the property must be in CA, and the "C" buyer needs to be conventional financing.


Contact me if you have a deal that fits this profile.


[email protected]

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Not sure what you are referring to.  Why don't you explain the process in a post on here so that we can all see it?

On another post you said you were a buyer?  Which is it, are you a short sale agent, investor, buyer , what?


Yes I am a buyer.  I buy at auction for my investors then flip to the next buyer.  I spent the last couple years negotiating short sales for distressed sellers.  Well with all the bs that comes with short sales, I got tired of losing good quality buyers because the monkeys at the lender couldn't get their act together fast enough.


To be clear we are not trying to trick or convince anyone to go to auction over short sale.  Most agents exercise this back up option to fulfill their fiduciary duty to the highest standard while preserving their commission and their seller’s credit.  This is not an alternative program, this is a contingency program should the short sale not work out.


I call it the Short Sale Commission Resuscitation Program :)

This post smells sooooo spammy!!!  Um...we deal with short sales.  We don't WANT our properties to go to auction. 

Neither do we!  But as we all know, some of them do. 

I have to say, this forum is for Short Sale Professionals who want to get better at their craft, learn as much as possible and save sellers from foreclosure through the art of short sale.

I don't know if announcing "Well with all the bs that comes with short sales, I got tired of losing good quality buyers because the monkeys at the lender couldn't get their act together fast enough"

Is the best way to connect and network with short sale professionals.

Nicely said Eric!

Lol.  My apologies.  I was under the impression this forum was anything short sale related. 


Either way you look at it, some short sales don't get accepted.  The best thing you can do for yourself and your clients is have options.

Lets keep this short sale related, please.  I don't see how your post is short sale related and really don't see how if can be of any assitance to our clients because by the time you get there the short sale is already dead.

Sandro, please believe I'm all for someone who believes in there product or service and wants to get the word out. However I want to stress, my experience has been that social media, networking online, social communitites and online platforms are really all similar to networking in person.

Who likes the guy who walks into a party, jumps into a circle and says "Hey everyone I got this great product/service that will do this and that". There was no into, handshake, brief discovery or anything.

It's all very similar. Maybe if you would have blogged about it, did a Q+A, answered some questions first you might have had a better response. Just some tips partner and if you're sincere about the work you do people will notice.

Your post is cryptic which always invites confusion and suspicion likely warranted.  Sounds like you are an investor trying to get the buyer/investor side of a failed short sale. We all know the short sale agent loses the sale when it goes to auction.  So forgive me but it sounds like you are asking agents to scrub for you?  Or are you just going to give the selling agent benefit of your secret?  You could do that on the site by disclosing your unique new process.  I'm just sayin.

Sandro - you said.....


"Yes I am a buyer.  I buy at auction for my investors then flip to the next buyer.  I spent the last couple years negotiating short sales for distressed sellers."


Are you also a DRE licensed salesperson or Broker in CA or an attorney?  In order to negotiate short sales for distressed sellers, you must be licensed in the State of CA.


As others have said, your post sounds like advertizing to me and my understanding is, that's not allowed on this site.



Thom Colby


Newport Beach CA



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