Pardon my "newness". I have been trying to avoid short sales and now have given in to the reality that they aren't going away. So, I have been researching short sale agents in my area and have run across this statement on a couple of websites:


Most banks will not stop the foreclosure process and start the short sale process until you have an offer on your home. We start the process by making an offer on your home. The key to a successful short sale is the BPO or Appraisal. The bank will determine what it will accept based on this number. Our team includes an appraiser and an experienced BPO agent that will provide the bank with this information and get the deal done.

IS THIS SOMETHING THAT IS NORMAL? Have I completely missed the boat here?

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  • Sticks and Stones and a Ph.D. thanks Art, but that is my opinion.
  • Brigitte Obviously you do not know what a mitigator is. I do not know who you are referring to that is screwing around
    It sounds like you have some anger at somebody.
  • When you read the above statement it says "we start the process by making an offer on your home" If you are not the buyer occupant or buyer investor making a bonified offer you are screwing around and that is WRONG anyway you slice it.
  • In really do not understand your comments. Who are you afraid of.
    I use a mitigator for all my short sales and we have no conflicts or problems
    We get good settlements in short order
  • As if there wasn't enough fraud on the first go round getting into this mess, now we are going to try fraud as a means out of it! People never learn!
  • too funny!! That is exactly why BoA does a credit check on the buyer. Stay away from these people (Not a lawyer, don't play one on TV and wouldn't want to be one) Call your attorney.
  • To get the best settlement from the bank need a person who is experienced in mitigation to fill out your team.
  • Vanessa, I agree. These sellers are looking for a quick solution to a big, bad problem and there is no shortage of schmucks willing to capitalize on that. Such a shame!
  • You really have to be leary with some of these short sale "negotiators" who are really investors w/ straw buyers. I'd rather handle my own deals myself of have an attorney handle the negotiations for me whenever I become swamped.
  • Bryant,
    I am of the same opinion. I think it is tantamount to mortgage fraud and is certainly unethical. Thanks for the input and I am also not a lawyer, but I WOULD LOVE TO PLAY ONE ON TV!
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