The Myth Regarding "The Market"

For the past few years, any time someone asks me what I "do" and I respond that I'm a Real Estate Broker...I get that same look and tone of voice preceeding the question "Is the market getting any better" with sympathy written all across their face.  While I certainly appreciate compassion, the truth is, as I respond..."It's been steady all along".  "The only thing constant is change"   François de la Rochefoucauld.  That's true in all aspects of life.  In a once booming and over inflated market where "business was easy", agents grew lazy, sellers expected their property to be an easy sale, and buyers expected to get the loan they wanted regardless of conditions...because it was EASY.  Times have changed, loan regulations are tighter, homes have to be priced right to sell (or possibly the necessary short sale), and agents have to be creative in their sales process and work harder.  All this being true, the market isn't bad!

For those who have decent credit and employment, loans are available!  If you don't have what the lenders need, then a lease purchase, seller financing or rent-to-own are alternate options (in which there are many available). With both rates and property prices LOW (however starting to rise in some areas), buyers can get a great deal and many times buy into instant equity!  That's like a bank account without depositing more money!   Additionally, if you have extra CASH, why waste it with a very minimal interest rate in the bank???  Buy a piece of rental or investment property and reap the benefits!

SELLERS...don't get discouraged. I know you see houses and condos siting on the market.  If you bought prior to 2004, bought in at the right price, or purchased after 2008, you probably have room to sell your home at a price THAT WILL SELL.  If you purchased at the peak, have negative equity, "can't" sell because you can't afford to, BUT can't afford to keep the property either...don't foreclose. You have other options.  Shortsale, deed in lieu of foreclosure, modification, etc.  If you're in that situation and want to discuss your options with a seasoned professional regarding a shortsale, feel free to call me at 843-321-9841 or email  Your information is confidential and I'd be glad to give you information regarding "what happens next".  Houses and condos are selling and I see more and more properties selling faster and faster.  When you list your property with an agent, ask questions like "Where will my property be advertised both in print and online?", "Where does your website syndicate to?", "Will my property be posed on social media?", "How are you different from anyone else I call?".  Make sure you choose a Realtor who's ready to not only LIST, but also SELL your property.

Buyers, sellers, investors....THE MARKET IS GOOD.  MAKE IT A GREAT DAY.

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