Our BofA negotiator has told us the file won't move forward until we get a Fannie Mae appraisal. We've already had a BPO done but they now need another appraisal done by a Fannie Mae appraiser. When asked when that will be scheduled they told us they don't know when but they will get to it when they can. In the meantime, the file sits. Anyone have a contact for us to help get these Fannie Mae appraisals scheduled?
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  • Thank you for responding to my FNMA appraisal question. I did reach someone at FNMA who stated he escalated the file to request an appraisal. Seems B of A never sent in the offer to request appraisal. I asked how long it would take before someone contacted me to schedule. He said "it shouldn't take that long." I kept prying for an answer. He suggested I call back in 5 days to follow-up . We'll see. I'm bracing myself for a lonnnggg wait based on comments of others.
  • These brothers and sisters loans are very verrrrryy slow. :( I'm working on one right now where they have done 2 appraisals and still waiting. The file is now transfered to Titanium and so far the communication with them is less than desirable. Still hanging in and hopefully get an answer from them shortly. It's all you can do. There is so much we can do so no point in stressing out. I'm just chilling at this point and let it takes it course as BB suggests below. :)
  • Diane,
    True what Bryant wrote, it does not matter what you do or how complete the package goes, if it is fannie mae or freddie mac usually take forever !
  • Diane just call back and try to speak to someone else. Fannie Mae loans take along time to get through the process. They will need to 2 maybe even 3 BPOs/Appraisals before they make a decision. How long has it been?

    My BofA/Fannie Mae deals are taking 7-9 months. They have ALL been approved. So I just write them, submit them and let them run the course. No matter what tactics I try they still take 7-9 months so I quit stressing over it. My sellers and buyers know it will take a very long time to get an approval.
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