valued (1)

I have a property in Oakdale that only 170,000 was owed. The servicer  added attorney fees and processing fees that took it way up.. it was a short sale with squatters in it. It took me 4 months to get them out, of which I paid. the bank said they would take 159,000.. but when we got an offer for 159,000.. they countered with 184,000.. then when we got an offer for 184,000.. they countered at 201,000.. This house is not  livable, flooring all gone, stove damaged, dishwasher damaged, master bathroom damaged. roof leak.. all landscaping destroyed by unwanted tenants animals. They have for the past year made verbal promises on speaker phone in front of seller and another agent of what it would take to close, then when we finally get that offer they raise it. They finally contacted the seller ask him to sign a deed in lieu.. They informed him that a deed in lieu does not appear on his credit. He decided not to accept the deed in lieu, so it is going to foreclosure. Ocwen is the servicing bank.. This is the only short sale I have not closed.


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