teaching (1)

Don't beat me up because I'm dumb

I'm new to this forum, but not to real estate. I've had an interesting 18 year career and have learned a whole pile of great stuff along the way. I've attended tons of seminars, webinars, real estate related classes at local colleges and universities. But, given the nature of our business, we all have to be ready to evolve, learn and change at all times. Of course, I THINK I know a thing or two about handling the details of a short sale but maybe someone else has had more opportunites to learn other, or more things about this particular subject. That IS the purpose of this and other similar websites(RIGHT??). To learn, to teach, to share. We must be comfortable enough with the format to express openly our questions and concerns without fear of being belittled or shamed by our lack of knowledge. I have read many blog posts on other real estate member-type sites that belittle and shame real estate agents for their lack of knowledge of a subject, implying that the writer of the post has been inconvenienced by the other agent in the natural course of business because the "dumb" agent doesn't have the same level of knowledge as the blog writer. It seems the writer is insinuating that if you're not as up to speed as the writer, you should not venture into that area of business - you should leave it to the agents who know what they're doing. (how does one learn in that environment?) So I hope if I ask a question on this site, or in real life in the natural course of a business transaction that I won't find myself to be the subject of a belittling and shaming blog post here or on any other real estate agent site.
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