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It really doesn't matter how experienced you are as a Short Sale List Agent. It doesn't matter how many CLOSED references you have..again as a Short Sale List Agent.  When it comes to approval, it is a complete crap shoot with the Negotiator holding all the dice.

I can tell from the first e-mail exchange, and often phone conversation if they won't e-mail, whether or not I am dealing with a sane Negotiator. 

The WORST negotiator I have ever had in the past 5 years was a Chase guy..I can still hear his plaintive voice telling me, "I'm sorry, but your Seller has too much money.  She can pull out of her IRA and make that mortgage payment"

"No, she can't.  She's retired, this home was a retirement hopeful, and she will let it go to Foreclosure as she has another mortgage for her primary res.  However, she will definately make a cash contribution of the $10,000 you are requesting."


"Hmm..well, I understand what you're saying, BUT.  I also see here that she charged $500 to Victoria Secret over the past few months.  If she's so broke, why did she do that?"


I was cleaning my horses pens right then, and literally had to sit down on the wheelbarrow and put my head between my knees to keep from cursing like a wild woman.


He turned down the file. BAM!  Here's the kicker.  Chase called me two more times on this same file, requested that I re-open it because their guidlines had changed.  I did, they rejected it again..generic rejection.  "Your Seller has too much money."  She chose to send them a letter telling them they could keep it as she was letting it go to Foreclosure.  Almost 2 years later and it's still sitting empty, the landscape is shot and the pool is boarded over.  Good decision!

That first guy still holds first position as far as insane negotiators. 

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