stats (8)

Welcome-to-Wisconsin.jpg?width=300The Wisconsin housing statistics are in for July of 2013. Here is an excerpt from what the Wisconsin Realtors® Association (WRA) had to say:

Wisconsin home sales and prices both grew in July, outpacing the solid rate established for the first half of 2013. Sales of existing homes for July increased 17.3 percent over July of 2012, which is stronger than the 11.4 percent rate of growth established in the first six months of this year over the first half of last year. Home prices also continued their strong rate of appreciation, increasing 9.0 percent in July over last July, to a statewide median of $155,299. Prices for the first six months of the year were up 7.7 percent.

It’s clear that 2013 is shaping up to be a very strong year for Wisconsin housing and the indications are that these trends will continue,” said Renny Diedrich, chairman of the WRA board of directors. "We’re at the peak of the Wisconsin home selling season, with nearly 43 percent of all sales taking place between May and August in a typical year,” Diedrich said.

This is very strong median price appreciation and it’s consistent with national trends,” said WRA President and CEO Michael Theo. Theo said statistics from the National Association of REALTORS® show that the median sales price of single-family homes nationally increased 12.2 percent in the second quarter compared to the second quarter of 2012, which represents the strongest year-over-year increase since the fourth quarter of 2005.

Below are the number of Home Sales and Median House Prices for the state of Wisconsin, Rock County, and Dane County. These stats include Janesville and Madison. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions pertaining to these figures. As you probably have heard, home sales & prices have been increasing over the past few years. Both Dane and Rock counties are showing marked improvements in the number of homes sold and the price at which they are being sold at. This summer has been really hot for the properties that are priced right! There's been a large increase in sale prices, as you can see below.

I'd be happy to show you any homes currently listed for sale. Feel free to visit: WISCONSIN HOMES FOR SALE to search for current properties listed on the MLS.

If you would like some insight into how much your home is currently worth, I would be happy to provide you with a free comparative market analysis. This is a report that gives a close estimate to what your home might sell for in your current local Wisconsin real estate market. Has your home value fallen below what you currently owe? A short sale may be right for your situation. Visit the following page on Wisconsin Short Sales.

Housing Statistics for the State of Wisconsin:

July 2013
Home Sales: 7,320
Median Home Price: $155,000

July 2012
Home Sales: 6,196
Median Home Price: $142,250

Housing Statistics for Dane County, WI:

July 2013
Home Sales: 940
Median Home Price: $214,950

July 2012
Home Sales: 731
Median Home Price: $195,000

Housing Statistics for Rock County, WI:

July 2013
Home Sales: 172
Median Home Price: $108,000

July 2012
Home Sales: 165
Median Home Price: $107,500

View my report from last month. Wisconsin June 2013 Housing Statistics

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Welcome-to-Wisconsin.jpg?width=300The Wisconsin housing statistics are in for May of 2013. Here is an excerpt from what the Wisconsin Realtors® Association (WRA) had to say:

Strong home sales in Wisconsin for May helped boost prices up, according to the most recent statistical report released by the Wisconsin REALTORS® Association (WRA). The sale of existing homes in May increased 18.2 percent over last May, now the 23rd straight month of positive sales growth in Wisconsin, which helped push the median price up 4.3 percent to a statewide median of $144,000.

These are very positive signals and represent an uptick from the pace of sales established in the first four months of the year,” said Renny Diedrich, chairman of the WRA board of directors. Existing home sales rose 10.3 percent from January through April this year compared to that same four-month period in 2012. “There’s no doubt consumer demand has been strong over the last couple of years, but now we’re also seeing sellers jump back in the market as well,” Diedrich said.

Prices showed solid but sustainable growth,” said Michael Theo, WRA President and CEO. "We saw some large increases in median prices in March and April, so it’s good to see more modest increases in May."

Below are the number of Home Sales and Median House Prices for the state of Wisconsin, Rock County, and Dane County. These stats include Janesville and Madison. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions pertaining to these figures. As you probably have heard, home sales & prices have been increasing over the past few years. Both Dane and Rock counties are showing marked improvements in the number of homes sold and the price at which they are being sold at. This spring has been really hot for the properties that are priced right! There's been a large increase in the number of home sold, as you can see below.

If you would like some insight into how much your home is currently worth, I would be happy to provide you with a free comparative market analysis. This is a report that gives a close estimate to what your home might sell for in your current local Wisconsin real estate market. Has your home value fallen below what you currently owe? A short sale may be right for your situation. Visit the following page on Wisconsin Short Sales.

Housing Statistics for the State of Wisconsin:

May 2013
Home Sales: 7,403
Median Home Price: $144,000

May 2012
Home Sales: 6,181
Median Home Price: $138,000

Housing Statistics for Dane County, WI:

May 2013
Home Sales: 925
Median Home Price: $207,000

May 2012
Home Sales: 623
Median Home Price: $211,000

Housing Statistics for Rock County, WI:

May 2013
Home Sales: 205
Median Home Price: $114,000

May 2012
Home Sales: 173
Median Home Price: $100,000

View my report from last month. Wisconsin April 2013 Housing Statistics

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Welcome-to-Wisconsin.jpg?width=300The Wisconsin housing statistics are in for June of 2013. Here is an excerpt from what the Wisconsin Realtors® Association (WRA) had to say:

Wisconsin home sales rose an impressive 11.4 percent in the first six months of 2013 compared to last year, according to recent statistics compiled by the Wisconsin REALTORS® Association (WRA). In June alone, Wisconsin home sales were up 3.1 percent relative to last June, posting the 24th straight month of positive sales growth in the state. Median prices also continued to increase year-to-date, rising 7.7 percent to $140,000 compared to the first half of 2012. In June, prices were up 12.3 percent to $159,500 compared to June 2012.

The pace of sales in the first half of this year is well ahead of last year,” said Renny Diedrich, chairman of the WRA board of directors. "which is especially noteworthy since 2012 was an exceptional post-recession year for housing sales.” Diedrich said.

Adding to the good news was a significant drop in foreclosures during the first half of 2013. Unique foreclosures in the state are down 37.2 in the first half of 2013 compared to that same period in 2012, and down 44.5 in the second quarter this year compared to quarter two of 2012. “All in all, this paints a very healthy picture of the Wisconsin residential home market at the midyear point,” Diedrich said.

We’ve seen very strong growth in housing prices since they started improving 16 months ago,” said WRA President and CEO Michael Theo. And while higher prices impact housing affordability, homes in Wisconsin remain a good value.

Below are the number of Home Sales and Median House Prices for the state of Wisconsin, Rock County, and Dane County. These stats include Janesville and Madison. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions pertaining to these figures. As you probably have heard, home sales & prices have been increasing over the past few years. Both Dane and Rock counties are showing marked improvements in the number of homes sold and the price at which they are being sold at. This summer has been really hot for the properties that are priced right! There's been a large increase in sale prices, as you can see below.

If you would like some insight into how much your home is currently worth, I would be happy to provide you with a free comparative market analysis. This is a report that gives a close estimate to what your home might sell for in your current local Wisconsin real estate market. Has your home value fallen below what you currently owe? A short sale may be right for your situation. Visit the following page on Wisconsin Short Sales.

Housing Statistics for the State of Wisconsin:

June 2013
Home Sales: 7,265
Median Home Price: $159,000

June 2012
Home Sales: 7,012
Median Home Price: $142,000

Housing Statistics for Dane County, WI:

June 2013
Home Sales: 963
Median Home Price: $222,500

June 2012
Home Sales: 852
Median Home Price: $207,500

Housing Statistics for Rock County, WI:

June 2013
Home Sales: 181
Median Home Price: $120,000

June 2012
Home Sales: 202
Median Home Price: $110,000

View my report from last month. Wisconsin May 2013 Housing Statistics

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Counties of WI

The Wisconsin housing statistics are in for March of 2013. Here is an excerpt from what the Wisconsin Realtors® Association (WRA) had to say:
March marked the 20th straight month of double-digit growth in sales of existing homes in Wisconsin, with sales up 11.7 percent compared to March 2012. Median home prices also grew to $122,000 in March, which represents a solid 6.1 percent rate of growth compared to March last year.
This is the highest sales volume we’ve seen in March since 2007, before the Great Recession began,”  said Renny Diedrich, chairman of the WRA board of directors. Noting that sales moderated somewhat from the double-digit growth rates of the past year and a half. “It’s inevitable that the torrid pace of sales will moderate since the base we’re comparing to is a much improved market. Our markets remain strong and growing.
“Very low mortgage rates have certainly stimulated sales activity, and this combined with a decline in new listings has brought our unsold inventory levels down to just nine months of supply,” said WRA President and CEO, Michael Theo.  Inventory levels are down from 12.1 months a year ago, and from approximately 18 months of unsold homes in July 2011.
Below are the number of Home Sales and Median House Prices for the state of Wisconsin, Rock County, and Dane County. These stats include Janesville and Madison. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions pertaining to these figures. As you probably have heard, home sales & prices have been increasing over the past couple of years. Both Dane and Rock counties are showing marked improvements in the number of homes sold and the price at which they are being sold at. Dane County really showed an improvement in both home sales numbers and median home price this month over last year.
If you would like some insight into how much your home is currently worth, I would be happy to provide you with a free comparative market analysis. This is a report that gives a close estimate to what your home might sell for in your current local Wisconsin real estate market. Has your home value fallen below what you currently owe? A short sale may be right for your situation. Visit the following page on Wisconsin Short Sales.
Housing Statistics for the State of Wisconsin:
March 2013
Home Sales: 4,910
Median Home Price: $123,000
March 2012
Home Sales: 5,102
Median Home Price: $134,900
Housing Statistics for Dane County, WI:
March 2013
Home Sales: 466
Median Home Price: $186,500
March 2012
Home Sales: 533
Median Home Price: $193,900
Housing Statistics for Rock County, WI:
March 2013
Home Sales: 155
Median Home Price: $86,000
March 2012
Home Sales: 132
Median Home Price: $103,500
View my report from last month. Wisconsin February 2013 Housing Statistics
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Counties of WIThe Wisconsin housing statistics are now in for December of 2012. Here is an excerpt from what the Wisconsin Realtors Association (WRA) had to say:

Wisconsin’s housing market rebounded in 2012, with sales of existing home sales up substantially and median prices up modestly, according to the latest figures released by the Wisconsin REALTORS® Association (WRA). Sales of existing homes for 2012 were 20.7 percent above the levels of 2011, and the statewide median price increased 1.1 percent to $133,500 over that same period. “We’ve seen very strong growth in home sales for the last year and a half, which is an indication that buyers perceive the value of investing in housing again,”  said Renny Diedrich, chairman of the WRA board of directors. She noted that robust growth in home sales was seen throughout the state, with every region growing by double digits.
“Median prices have increased in eight of the last nine months, ending the year up 1.1 percent, which is a welcomed sign,” said WRA President and CEO, Michael Theo.
Below are the number of Home Sales and Median House Prices for the state of Wisconsin, Rock County, and Dane County. These stats include Janesville and Madison. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions pertaining to these figures. As you probably have heard, home sales have been increasing substantially all year. Both Dane and Rock counties are showing marked improvements in the number of homes sold. Prices have bounced in Rock County, while in Dane County WI they appear to now be slowly stabilizing.
If you would like some insight into how much your home is currently worth, I would be happy to provide you with a free comparative market analysis. This is a report that gives a close estimate to what your home might sell for in your current local Wisconsin real estate market. Has your home value fallen below what you currently owe? A short sale may be right for your situation. Visit the following page on Wisconsin Short Sales.
Housing Statistics for the State of Wisconsin:
December 2012
Home Sales: 4,291
Median Home Price: $132,500
December 2011
Home Sales: 3,850
Median Home Price: $120,000
Housing Statistics for Dane County, WI:
December 2012
Home Sales: 404
Median Home Price: $200,000
December 2011
Home Sales: 318
Median Home Price: $206,000
Housing Statistics for Rock County, WI:
December 2012
Home Sales: 116
Median Home Price: $95,000
December 2011
Home Sales: 119
Median Home Price: $90,000
View my report from last month. Wisconsin November Housing Statistics
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Counties of WIThe Wisconsin housing statistics are now in for November of 2012. Here is an excerpt from what the Wisconsin Realtors Association (WRA) had to say:

“With 17 straight months of healthy growth in statewide home sales, there’s no doubt that the state housing market has seen a real bounce this year,"  said Renny Diedrich, chairman of the WRA board of directors. She pointed out that the year-to-date sales are up 21.2 percent, which is by far the highest levels seen since 2007, just before the recession officially began.

“The decline in the median price in November follows a relatively strong uptick in October, so it’s difficult to say precisely what caused this volatility, but year-to-date, median prices are still up,” said WRA President and CEO, Michael Theo.

Below are the number of Home Sales and Median House Prices for the state of Wisconsin, Rock County, and Dane County. These stats include Janesville and Madison. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions pertaining to these figures. As you probably have heard, home sales have been increasing substantially all year. That was still the case in November 2012. Although statewide, home prices have increased, in Dane & Rock counties, they are still decreasing in price.

If you would like some insight into how much your home is currently worth, I would be happy to provide you with a free comparative market analysis. This is a report that gives a close estimate to what your home might sell for in your current local Wisconsin real estate market. Has your home value fallen below what you currently owe? A short sale may be right for your situation. Visit the following page on Wisconsin Short Sales.

Housing Statistics for the State of Wisconsin:

November 2012
Home Sales: 5,030
Median Home Price: $129,000

November 2011
Home Sales: 3,956
Median Home Price: $133,000

Housing Statistics for Dane County, WI:

November 2012
Home Sales: 412
Median Home Price: $195,000

November 2011
Home Sales: 342
Median Home Price: $210,405

Housing Statistics for Rock County, WI:

November 2012
Home Sales: 143
Median Home Price: $86,000

November 2011
Home Sales: 117
Median Home Price: $95,000

View my report from last month. Wisconsin October Housing Statistics
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Counties of WIThe Wisconsin housing statistics are now in for August of 2012. Here is an excerpt from what the Wisconsin Realtors Association (WRA) had to say:

The home sale recovery began last summer, and sales have grown 20.7 percent year-to-date. “It’s great to see these sales so strong during the peak sales period in the state.”  said Renny Diedrich, chairman of the WRA board of directors. He noted that in a typical year, about a third of Wisconsin closings take place between June and August.

The median price rose at an annual pace of 2.9 percent in August 2012, and this continues the pattern of modest price appreciation statewide for each of the last six months. “It’s clear that in spite of slight upticks in the state unemployment rate over the last two months, the housing market continues to grow, and it’s growing at a brisk pace” said WRA President and CEO, Michael Theo.

Below are the number of Home Sales and Median House Prices for the state of Wisconsin, Rock County, and Dane County. These stats include Janesville and Madison. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions pertaining to these figures. As you probably have heard, home sales have been increasing substantially all year. Both Dane and Rock counties are showing marked improvements in the number of homes sold. Prices have bounced in Rock County, while in Dane County WI they appear to now be stabilizing.

If you would like some insight into how much your home is currently worth, I would be happy to provide you with a free comparative market analysis. This is a report that gives a close estimate to what your home might sell for in your current local Wisconsin real estate market. Has your home value fallen below what you currently owe? A short sale may be right for your situation. Visit the following page on Wisconsin Short Sales.

Housing Statistics for the State of Wisconsin:

August 2012
Home Sales: 6,496
Median Home Price: $143,000

August 2011
Home Sales: 5,335
Median Home Price: $140,000

Housing Statistics for Dane County, WI:

August 2012
Home Sales: 669
Median Home Price: $212,500

August 2011
Home Sales: 523
Median Home Price: $214,000

Housing Statistics for Rock County, WI:

August 2012
Home Sales: 186
Median Home Price: $109,750

August 2011
Home Sales: 159
Median Home Price: $97,000

View my report from last month. Wisconsin July Housing Statistics

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Palm Springs, California had some interesting sales statistics for June, 2011.  What intrigued me is that my own Sales number almost directly reflect what the CDAR report own business is running almost equal between Equity Sales and Distressed Sales.  The Equity Sales seem to be in the higher end, which means that median number they always throw around should be going up..if other Agents are seeing the same thing I am...


Market recovery has to include rising fair market (equity) transactions as well as sales in ALL price ranges to appear more stable, and that is wehat's happening here in the desert.


714 Existing family homes sold in June from Palm Springs to Coachella, including unincorporated Bermuda Dunes..this would be for Palm Springs, Cat City, Rancho Mirage, La Quinta, Indian Wells, Desert Hot Springs, Palm Desert, Indio and Coachella.  That's only a slight dip from June of 2010 when 747 units sold.  Of the total sales, only 48% were Short Sales or Distressed properties..meaning that 52% were NOT! 


Condos saw a slight decrease in sales in June at 227 over 229 last year, but the median went up meaning the more expensive units are selling.  Of total sales, only 37% were Short Sales or bank-owned..a large 63% were Equity Sales.


It just feels much, much better here in the resort desert that I live and work in...and that's a good thing!

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