milwaukee (1)

What's up in Milwaukee for Short Sales and Reo

Current market stats in Milwaukee September 2011

Single family home currently listed as a short sale    534

Reo single family homes in the Milwaukee area 322


Sold in the past 6 months Short Sales 640

Sold in the past 6 months REO single family homes 526


Some lenders have given the city homes that are not bring in enough money.

Where is this going? May people are wondering if this will end. People are looking for help and understanding during this time.

First you want to understand how a short sale works. Understand all your options. What lenders are looking for when they are willing to do a short sale.

Here are a few short sales that are being offered:

2252 S 65th St
West Allis, WI 53219-2060                       7000 W Acacia St 7002 
                                                                  Milwaukee, WI 53223-5748


2066 S 31st Street                                     7934 W Denver Ave
Milwaukee, WI 53223-4940                       Milwaukee, WI 53215    Debby Thompson Homestead Realty Visit me on the web at   or

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