Fannie and Freddie Refi Program-HARP-thoughts???

I've lately been having many friends and clients receiving certified mail from their "lender" (but it actually seems to be from the govt) saying they are qualified to get a lower rate through the HARP program.....that it will be easy and all they have to do is fill out a few papers. These are owners that have never had a late or missed payment as well. So far, I havent heard of ANY of my clients getting this lower rate very easily-and when it has come back from Freddie or Fannie, it is declined saying no real hardship. (They arent supossed to even have a hardship, just looking to refi an underwater mortgage.) Then, they have been advised to actually MISS one payment and then they will get the lower rate. And this is NOT the case....then it has snowballed into back and late payments, and leaving these poor borrowers (who never were in distress in the first place) struggling to negotiate to get any type of refi program qualification from Freddie or Fannie!!!! And to keep their home! Anyone else out there hearing similar stories? Am I correct in thinking this is terribly wrong?? Cassie

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