Thanks to Tim & Julie Harris for getting the information on this this program Bank of America is hopefully going to implement soon. It is in the "testing" phase now.

This is what we all have been hounding the banks to do for a few years now. This will be AWESOME!!

This program is being quietly introduced, using only a hand-selected group of top short sale agents across the country.

* Every short sale seller and agent will be assigned a personal advocate who will shepherd the short sale through, using the new, simple process. Think of this as your own ‘short sale personal representative'.

* No pre-qualifying, no hardship required. Being upside down in the house IS the hardship.

* No documentation.

* No bank statements.

* No tax returns.

* No financial worksheets.

* No deficiency judgement.

* No financial contribution from the seller of any kind will be requested.

* Only requirements? -A listing contract -A purchase contract -An appraisal, though we've been told the appraisal will not have an adverse bearing on the final acceptance.

* 2 WEEK approvals.

Lets hope this becomes mainstream soon!!

Go to Bank of America 'Secret' Short Sale Program BoA HPO Short Sale Program to read more.

Blog Disclaimer-This is a personal blog. All information is provided for informational purposes only and is Not legal advice, consult an attorney or financial expert for legal advice. This is general information and is not intended to provide advice on any specific question or transaction. Parties to any real estate transaction should seek competent legal and/or tax counsel to determine the legal, credit and tax consequences of buying or selling a home. Copyright © 2010, Dawn Barrier. All Rights Reserved. Any Stats are per the GLVAR MLS as of this writing.

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  • I have listened to the webinar just now and jumped over here to see if other short sale superstar had any experience yet with BOA HPO program
  • Yep, me too, I just got around to posting it.

    Sounds great and wouldn't even really need HAFA for BOFA then
  • Thanks for sharing this. I listened to the webinar last Friday where Tim was talking about this.

    Here's the link
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