Anyone have any luck getting in touch with a live person from this loan company???
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  • We have 4 packages in to LBPS, (BofA paper)three submitted within a day or two of August 3, 2010. The fourth was submitted 8-19. We were very impressed at first; we were on hold between 1 and 2 hours (no wait time if I called between 5-6 am), but when we finally got a live person, the info was good and the attitude professional and pleasant. Valuations were ordered in a timely manner. We received an approval letter on one of the first 3 pkgs September 1! However, we have hit a brick wall on the other 3 pkgs since. Negotiators voicemail boxes are full. Emails and faxes are not being answered. I am patient, and know how slammed negotiators are, but I am a squeaky wheel when it comes to representing clients. Just sent out an escalation email. Will let you know what happens. I'm hoping this is just a bump in the road for LBPS.
  • I had a file transfer from Chase to Service Link and then to LBPS. They got the file on 8/01 and I had the approval on 9/3. Ask for Group 7 Liquidations: 866-570-5277 fax 877-649-0743

    Good luck!
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