I am the potential buyer on a B of A short sale.   Submitted our offer on August 13th.   B of A just countered and they want $3k more from us and $12k from seller (cash and note).    


The seller has no cash and we don't yet know if she will sign a note, and we can't increase our offer due to financing limitations (we are just about at max for what we are pre-approved for).    So we are countering back with our original offer.


Has anyone ever countered back with an original offer and gotten the sale approved?   I'm concerned that they might decline and a few success stories of the same instance would make me feel better.  We have waited 2 months and i'm getting anxious.


Thanks for your input!


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Replies to This Discussion

Yes, we frequently get them to accept the original offer. If your offer represents fair market value, yes they will accept it. I sure hope that you and the seller have adequate representation by a competent real estate agent that understands the short sale process and that the sellers agent has explained to them what the possibilities are of being asked to sign a prommisory note. You really don't have anything to do with BofA asking the seller to contribute, it has nothing to do with your offer. If you do not want or can not pay the extra $3000, then base your counter offer from that.
I've had multiple short sales where we've countered the bank's counter with the original offer and they've approved it. Doesn't mean it will work for you but it might if your offer is going to net them near about 85% of the BPO value! Good luck!
First, don't over extend yourself. In this market, there are plenty of other options so be prepared to walk.
What did the BofA Broker Price Opinion come in at? When was it done?
Second, did you have an appraisal done yet at today's price. That can effect their willingness to adjust the price. A price established back in August may no longer be valid. Talk to your agent about their recommended strategies and market value assessment . If the agent does not have the experience or you want a second opinion, get their broker involved to find an expert to help you.

Thank you all for you replies! BOA had an appraisal done about 2 weeks ago and they won't tell us what that came in at and I have no idea if the BPO was done or not. We countered yesterday with our original offer and will just keep our fingers crossed that we get good news.

makes me a little more hopeful knowing that others have countered with their original offer and gotten approval. Thank you again for taking the time to reply!
Do you mind I ask how many loan do seller have ? It took 2 months for BOA to respond your shortsale, is pretty good.
The sellers have two mortgages both with B of A.
Wondering if you heard anything yet. We have the same situation going on.
They listing agent and our agent both had to cut their commissions in half and the negotiator also cut her fees. Now B of A says that we are within investor guidelines and we have to get investor approval. It was sent to the investor last friday so we are still is wait mode and hoping to close on November 22nd which all parties said was totally possible. We'll see.



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