Has anyone used the Fannie Mae Homepath website to obtain a pre-approved price? I've submittted four property and had BPO's done on three of them. I never hear back from Fannie Mae. If you've done this, how long did it take to get a price? Share your experience.

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I have and received a positive response within 3 days. I've used them 3 times and have succeeded twice in getting the price reduced. Chase and BofA.

Have you received a "list" price before contract? That is what I am trying to do. They've had the requests for four weeks. On another case, five days after request for escalation during a contract, they emailed back they don't have the loan  and closed the file. Hysterical. I know that's not true because I was working with the lender who was working with them :) 

Did you use the standard dispute items to obtain the price reduction?

I've only used it to dispute something that was overvalued.  I'm curious Wendy how it will play out to get a preapproved price.  very interesting.  Post back and let us know.

WEEKS have now gone by. Nothing more from them. I was scolded by email for accidentally uploading a request for price twice.  

So far I'm NOT impressed with Homepath.  Oh well.  I guess only time will tell.



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