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Once upon a time, you cliants could handle your mortgage payments. But then... Life happened! Or, maybe there payments adjusted way up. Somewhere along the way, they found there self suddenly and deeply in between a rock and a hard place, from where they can only pay a portion of the mortgage. Perhaps it began with a divorce or something unforeseeable such as an injury on the job.There is no rest for the weary, as they say, and the banks demand that they keep up, regardless of the situation. Sadly, it is all or nothing with the banks - partial payments just will not do. If you are reading this message you are taking smart steps toward resolving this issue. I am sure you understand that not taking action at this point would be catastrophic to their financial life.Time is running out. You have made every effort and have not been successful in working out a solution to stop the pending foreclosure.What you need now is our experience in your corner. For a long time now, we have been helping families get back on track with their mortgages.Our goal is to slow this foreclosure epidemic by helping one family at a time. We are dedicated to helping the people of our community and the Realtors that work with them.Contact us today to learn how we can help with your
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Bank Of America Short Sales

Lets face it, most agents cringe when they find out at a listing appointment that the 3rd party is lender is Bank Of America/Countrywide. In many ways, their reputation is well deserved. I was frustrated for many months trying to get 2 separate short sales in Daytona Beach approved with them. Each started in December, and just got approved in September.Along the way, I dealt with the usual delays, lack of communication, and changes of negotiators. There were so many times that it would have been easy to pack it in. My determination to help these 2 families out of terrible situations kept me focused when all seemed quite hopeless. There are so many homes in Florida where the homeowners are under water with their mortgage.I finally began to receive some cooperation when I asked for a supervisor...and got some contact information. It was a tedious process to get a response, but once I did, things started moving along. Its a fine line between getting their attention and getting your file buried.My advice is to keep a running log of all attempted contacts with the bank and follow up on a very consistent basis. Mention prior dates of calls/emails and be friendly when you begin each conversation. You can make your point with putting the negotiator on the defensive. When I reached a supervisor, I was equally calm, and merely forwarded a long email string of my attempted communication. Once they were able to see my professional approach to documenting the file, they began to work with me. It wasn't long after that to receive the demand letter I had worked so hard for.I learn something from each short sale, and use it to be more efficient with the next one.
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Hi fellow short sale superstars!I'm not sure if you checked out Google after all you included a profile when you signed up on this terrific page by Wendy Rulnick and Bryant Tutas. If you signed up on this site and have not updated your profile you could miss out on some top google ranking, just for Short Sale Superstars - I'm on page one - for "Lakeland Short Sales" see here:

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